Marketing Information
Fundraising Letters Are Easier To Write With AIDA
Learn a lesson from professional direct mail copywriters. They follow a time-tested format in their sales letters, a format that you can also follow when writing direct mail fundraising letters for your non-for-profit organization. All you need to remember is AIDA.
2 Little Words That Work Marketing Magic
In his classic best-seller, "How To Win Friends And Influence People," Dale Carnegie's second chapter is entitled The Big Secret of Dealing With People. The secret is summed up in this principle: Give honest and sincere appreciation.
The Testimonial Writing Machine
Almost every small business marketer knows that they should gather testimonials to use in their marketing materials.
Nine Must-Do Positioning Steps
Every professional or consultant knows that clients typically hire people they know, like and trust. But how do you build trust with strangers?
Has the Internet Killed Off the Direct Mail Baron?
Over the past 30 years, direct mail has been responsible for generating vast amounts of money for businesses and individuals alike, but is it still an effective means of marketing?
Lessons Learned at the Harvard Business School
"If God wanted to create a perfect punishment for a high achiever, then He would have that person manage a professional service firm," says Professor John Gabarro of the Harvard Business School.
Provacative Research Works
If you want to double your business, then you need to get inside your client's head through proprietary research and provocative results.
Down To The Wire
When you want to win and woo new clients with national publicity -- and don't have an enormous budget to distribute your message -- turn to the news wires. But first, be sure you're telling a story that's worth printing.
21 Must-Have Web Site Elements
Your Web site should be the cornerstone of your client seduction efforts. The site is your silent salesperson -- the one with whom prospective clients visit before granting you permission to meet with them.
Gift Cards - Is It Time to Use Them for My Business?
You're probably thinking, here we go again somebody is trying to sell me something that I really don't need. I'm sure it will benefit them, but will it benefit me? Firstly let me say that my company, Solutions Ink does sell gift and loyalty cards. The market out there while huge is certainly not for anyone. Who then are these cards good for?
The Mighty Marketing Brochure
"Brochure" is French, and it comes from brocher, meaning to stitch. According to The American Heritage Dictionary, a brochure is "a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information."
A Pass / Fail Test for Any New Market
If you are considering entering a new target market, with anexisting or new product or service, it makes sense to firstsystematically analyze the market in question via somefundamental market evaluation criteria. It is not onlyrational but most cost effective to determine if a new marketpursuit makes sense for your company before any significantresources are further applied to the effort.
Polishing Your Translation Style - Marketing Your Services
You have read part 1 & 2 of this article series (see below for link). And, you are probably asking yourself ?what else is there to say about improving one?s translation style?? The answer to that, my friends, is the most important part of the message.Let?s for a moment consider our profession from the perspective of the client. You have a translation project that needs a translator. You pull out all the stops: you hit the search engines; post on translation directories; you even call in a few favours asking for a reputable professional translation service. In short, you get the ?word out.? Pretty soon you have around a hundred (probably more) potential candidates. Then, based on your translation project criteria, and other priorities and considerations, you cull the list down to 10 candidates. The surviving candidates bring the exact same qualifications and benefits to the table. At this point you do an in-depth analysis on each potential candidate, and the material you have gathered on that candidate. So, here is the question: Who do you commission to take on your translation project?Part 3 of this article series answers that question.Applying the lessons of part 1 & 2 of this article series will put you in the final line up. However, although you may be the most accomplished professional in the business, it does not necessarily ensure that clients will contract your services. It is as simple as that-brutal to be sure, but the truth none the less! Here is where you get to ensure that you are not one of the ?other nine.?Let Your Reputation Precede YouWe are all somebody?s client-no pearl of wisdom there, I am afraid. However, think about the time-and we have all experienced this at one time or another-when you made a major purchase decision for a particular product or service without the usual angst. It just seemed the most obvious thing to drop the ?green?, or money, on the table. You were totally comfortable with your decision. Why was that? Dell (computers) was my experience, and not because Dell produces the best computers, either. For me, it was because their reputation for quality, and quality of service preceded them. What is the lesson that can be applied to translation style?Deliver on the promise. Always deliver client projects on time. Better yet, don?t just beat the deadline-deliver the project with time to spare. If for some reason, an act of God hopefully, you will not be able to deliver on time, let the client know in advance. The response may not be pretty, but it will be appreciated. And, whatever you do, do not come up with a lame excuse! Of course, nobody sets about a project intending to miss the deadline, and yet many do. You can avoid the ?unavoidable? by not accepting projects with unrealistic or impossible deadlines. Negotiate a more reasonable deliver date, or simply refuse the job altogether-your reputation will not suffer. Working within your abilities is important, too. Do not accept material that you have little or no expertise knowledge about because then you will definitely end up making lame excuses. And finally, always make sure that you will be working within your abilities by evaluating the source text before you accept the project. Check it out yourself-do not take somebody's word that it is a business text.Take a page from Dell?s operations manual-make your clients feel comfortable by developing a reputation for delivering more than you promise. You are already standing tall in that line up.Operate like a Professional to be a ProfessionalStart by knowing your client. That is, do some preliminary research on your client before submitting your material. This is important for a couple of reason. First, your research will manifest itself in the proposal submitted, and the client will definitely pick up on it. The message is powerful: this candidate is interested enough in the job to ?go the extra mile!? Second, you are playing at a psychological level-you are appealing to a universal sense of vanity. Everybody likes to feel important enough to be "researched."I recently received an email from a freelance translator. This person had skillfully worked an original phrase from an article that I had written into the resume. Now, you just have to know that I took a closer, longer look at that resume! What can I say, I'm only human.Too much sweat? Apart from the obvious benefits, you may discover some interesting information. For example, your research may turn up a pierce of information that will land you at the head of the line up. Alternatively, you may discover that your client has a history of not making payments in which case you probably want to remove yourself from the list. A word of caution is in order. When working research into your proposal, be subtle and forego the flattery.Professionals know how to listen to the client to understand what is required. Have you ever thought about the difference between ?listen? and ?hear?? And the ?buzz? that comes with a reputation as a good listener-pure gold! One hears it all the time: these guys knew exactly what I wanted, and they got it right! Apply your listening skills and let your reputation precede you as a professional that gets the job done right first time. You will be rewarded many times over with repeated requests for your services.The job does not start until the paper work is complete! You need a contract that is detailed, and you need an agreement on that contract before anything happens. At a bare minimum, your contract should have clauses cover pricing, terms of payment, limitation of liability, delivery of product (service), dispute resolution, termination of arrangement and confidentiality. Now, some may think that a contract at this point will scare a potential client away-quite the contrary. It speaks loud and clear of ?professionalism!? In addition to protecting yourself, you are dealing up front and honestly with an issue that is of obvious importance to the client. And, at the same time you are providing transparency. For example, the clause on pricing will tell the client upfront how much your services will cost and how those figures are arrived at. There is no greater turn-off than a ?black box? pricing structure-lurking sticker price shock at its worst! Records. There are a number of very affordable project management software packages targeted at translators that do a good job of organizing and storing business records. E-mails, faxes, invoices, contracts, purchase orders, receipts, source files and translated files should all be stored. Some would say that this is a good business practice, which it is. I would argue that this is essential to being a professional. Organizing and storing records will ensure that clients get a prompt response to inquiries. In addition to lending an aura of professionalism to your operation, stored records are a great source of information when your business grows to the point where data mining becomes feasible. Plan for the future now!I am a repeat customer of Dell. All our hardware (laptops, desktops, and servers) are Dell machines. As our business growths, there is a continual need to upgrade. How do I know what components to purchase? I simply log into my Dell account and enter the product number of the machine I need to upgrade. Every single information record about that machine is accessible-now that is business record keeping! Of course, not everyone has deep pockets for a state-of-the-art system, but you get the message.How long should you keep records for? In some countries, you are required by law to keep business records for a certain period of time. If you employ a project management software tool you essential have the option to store records forever (recommended). At a minimum, store records for at least one year.Communicate like a professional. This is a vast topic that I could never do justice to, and in an article of this length, I also run the risk of losing the original message. Allow me, instead, to focus on written communication since this is probably the most common form of communication that you will have with clients, and in most cases, it will be the first communication that you have with a client. Your writing abilities either are one of your greatest assets, or one of your greatest liabilities. That?s it. A Japanese friend found herself in the un-enviable position of having to e-mail the entire company alerting them to an error she had made on a project that she was the lead project manager for. This was a critical error on a major project on which everyone had been slaving away for months. Tempers were very short. She asked for my input. I immediately realized that she was so stressed, and in such a hurry to fire off that e-mail that she had not done the best job she could have done on format, grammar or style. I explained to her that normally people would overlook such issues as trivial, but in the current situation, she would probably be put to the stake! We re-worked the e-mail several times, took a lazy dinner, and then re-worked it some. How did her colleagues respond? In her words ?Oh... it was good response!? Written communication is incredibly powerful. Take writing courses if you have to. Definitely re-work everything that clients get to read until it is perfect. And remember this, once it is out there, it becomes a permanent record that you have no control over (i.e. can not edit) for ever.You can dominate the line up by projecting an image of a true professional. Researching the client, listening carefully to identify what the client wants, tying up (legal) issues that are of concern to the client, employing project management tools, and communicating in a clear and concise manner all serve to focus that image and polish your translation style.Do Not Make Clients Look For YouGetting referrals, putting out resumes, working the phones, and pressing the flesh are marketing approaches that I am sure you are employing to stay on the client?s radar. What more can you do?If you maintain visibility by employing any of these approaches, then like the rest of us, occasionally you drop of the client?s radar. How does this happen? Well, physical addresses change, as do phone numbers, when you move. Maybe your e-mail address changed with your new ISP that you got a great deal on. Or, simply, you changed your e-mail provider because you were unhappy with the service. Do you even remember all the places where you have posted your contact details? The point is this: your hard work at staying visible is all for naught because the client will not be able to contact you about a proposal during this transitional phase, if at all. An internet web site offers a permanent solution. Most professionals shy away from a web presence for a number of reasons. They assume that the cost is too prohibitive, that they do not have the technical skill requirements, or that the commitment is too great. This could not be further from the truth. Unfortunately, these misconceptions may be preventing you from harnessing the full potential of the web to grow your freelance business. A web presence is within anybody?s reach!What are the possibilities? Your internet address, or domain name, will never change, which means that you will have a permanent sign pointing to your office door. You will always have the latest version of your material in front of the client that can be accessed from anywhere at any time. In effect, you will be open for business 24/7. A web presence will not only stabilize your income, it will provide the opportunity for growth-planning for the future.Stay accessible to clients, stay in the line up.Who Do You Do Business WithLet?s revisit that major purchase decision that we happily made a while back. Sure, the product (service) came with a good reputation, the operation was professional, and we did not have to look too hard for it. In other words, even before we made the purchasing decision, we were already quite comfortable with the idea of making a purchasing decision. In effect, we were already ?pre-sold." However, pre-sold is not quite the same as ?sold.? That fleeting interval between pre-sold and actually making the purchasing decision-laying out the green-is where it all happens. Sales people refer to this as ?closing the sale." And sales people know that in order to close the sale, the client must not only feel comfortable with the deal, but must also like the person making the sale. Surprised? Do not be, you do it all the time, and so do your clients!All things being equal, we buy from those we like. That bears repeating: 10 candidates offering the exact same qualifications and benefits, and clients will always go with the professional they feel most comfortable with and like.I am afraid that there is not much that can be done about character-we are who we are. But, there definitely are some things that you can do to improve your "likeability? ranking.A good, positive attitude attracts clients. Clients do not want to work with professionals; they want to work with professionals that project a positive attitude. Just as we avoid colleagues that are unpleasant to be around, so do clients avoid contracting professionals that do not project the right attitude. Show appreciation for having the opportunity to work with a client. Send a card, nothing fancy or expensive, with a personal and original thank you message. You should try it-it works wonders.Have a genuine interest in your client?s best interest. Share you insider knowledge of the industry with your client. When you can not take on a job (maybe you have enough work, or are not qualified for that particular subject matter), reach out to your network and forward the job to a colleague. You can also point clients to web sites that can handle their translation project. Clients appreciate these small acts of kindness, and they certainly do not forget about them!After completing under graduate school in Japan, I returned to Zambia briefly to help in the family business. We made it a policy to recommend customers to establishments-even if they were competitors-that most likely carried the product that we could not provide. Did customers ever appreciate it! They ended up coming around more regularly and making more purchases. Not only that, but even our competitors started referring their customers to us during stock outs. Of course, we made sure not to run out of stock too often-clients also have businesses to run?The customary caution is not to introduce the client to a nightmare. A good rule of thumb to follow is to never introduce the client to a product (service) that you yourself would not layout money for. When clients like you, you are the line up. ConclusionUltimately, the success of your translation style can only be measured by the number of your clients, and the number of projects that those client entrust you with. That is very much a function of how successful you are in making your clients feel comfortable with your deal-as defined by reputation, professionalism and visibility-and by climbing in the ?likeability? rankings.
Write Effective Fundraising Letters By Being Conversational (Includes Examples & Samples)
I am doing what you do, sitting at my computer, trying to get my thoughts out of my head and into a written form that will help you make a decision. In this particular case, I am trying to write a few intelligent remarks about sounding conversational on paper. You know, how to write a fundraising letter that sounds like it came from the mind of a person and not an institution.
Basic Brand Building
A brand is the essence of who you are. The more powerful the brand the more memorable you will become. Think about brands that you can identify with. What impresses you about them and what attributes make you remember them? Brand icons didn't get that way over night and many of them have failed because they couldn't "connect" with their audience. Strong brands will stand the test of time.
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10 Packaging Tips That Will Make Consumers Buy Your Product
The customer is king/queen. We have all heard this mantra. It's up to you, the supplier, to prove it so. With these ten tips you will be a lot closer to proving that you are on top of industry trends and technologies for the packaging industry.
Are We There Yet?
Small business marketing is not like taking a family vacation.
Five Tips to Make Your Marketing More Creative
Same old same old just doesn't sell anymore. To make your marketing stand out, you need to get creative. Below are five tips designed to get your creative juices flowing. Some are brainteasers or are what Michael Michalko in "Thinkertoys" calls Linear Thinkertoys. Others fall under intuition or Intuitive Thinkertoys. Some tips may appeal to you more than others. My suggestion is to try them all. Even the ones you're not drawn to may still open some doors that wouldn't have opened any other way. These tips will work whether you sell a product, a service or both. 1. Find the "second right answer." Roger von Oech talks about this in A Whack on the Side of the Head. Don't be content with the first good idea you come up with. Take the time to think of a second, or third or 50th idea. Quantity counts ? the more ideas you have to choose from, the more likely you'll discover an excellent or even a brilliant one. Remember, Thomas Edison discovered thousands of ways a light bulb didn't work. 2. Change the question. If you change the question, you're probably going to get a different answer. You say you want to sell more products? What if you changed the question to how can you make more money? Well, there are other ways to make more money than to sell more products ? maybe you lower the cost of making the product or you raise the price of the product. Now you suddenly have new avenues to explore rather than just going down the same tired path. 3. Ask your product or service how it wants to be sold. Now we move into more intuitive techniques. Start by getting yourself into a relaxed state. Take a few deep breaths or practice some relaxation techniques. Imagine your product or service in front of you. Now ask it questions. Who do you want to be sold to? How do you want to be sold? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Who do you think you can help? Why do you want to help them? You can also do this technique as a journal exercise. Write down the question and answer. See what bubbles up onto the paper. 4. Paint a public relations campaign. What would a press release look like if you painted it? Or sculpted it? How about a dance number? A collage? Take any part of your marketing that troubles you and turn it into a piece of art. By combining two dissimilar acts, you may discover your answer. Or you may not come up with anything at all, but just the act of "playing" and "creating" could jolt something loose. Hours or days later your idea may suddenly end up in your lap. 5. Walk away from it. If nothing is working, then stop. You can literally walk away by taking a walk, or just quit thinking about it. This is especially important if you find yourself getting frustrated or discouraged. Give your subconscious time to mull things over. The idea may just suddenly appear to you. Or, after a few days, try another exercise or two. That may be the catalyst you need. The most important tip of all? Make sure you have a blast. Being creative should be fun. Keep it light and fun, don't struggle too hard with it, and see how many ideas you're rewarded with.
Marketing Your Franchise Online
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Using Business and Greeting Cards Effectively
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Direct Mail Response Rates Mislead if You are Careless
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Take the Logo Litmus Test
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4 Sales Strategies with Your Trade Show Exhibition Booth
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Promotional Freebies
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Youre Halfway There!...Or Not Part 1
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An Easy Start to Mail Order
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How to Measure the Benefit Your Product or Service Offers
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Clever Headlines Usually Flop! Are You Being Too Clever For Your Own Good?
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Increase Your Sales By Following-Up
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