Marketing Information
Whats In a Business Card?
Over the years as I have attended trade shows, networking meetings, chamber events and more; I have noticed a few things about the successful and the not so successful. First of all, do you have a business card?If you belong to a large corporation, you were probably issued business cards as a matter of course, almost as if it was a company perk. If you are in a small or home-based business, chances are you, personally, made the effort to get business cards, which entailed design, print and distribution. So if you went to all of the trouble of acquiring them, you should use them to your advantage. Here are a few tried and true rules for marketing with your card.1. Never leave home without the cards. I have stopped for coffee already and had someone ask me for a card because they saw my car sign as I pulled into the local coffee shop lot. If you want people to discredit you as a businessperson, all you have to do is say "Oh sorry I forgot my cards today." I have even been to trade shows and fellow exhibitors were walking around without cards. You have not only lost an immediate opportunity to market your business, but you look like an amateur who doesn't deserve the business.2. Is the information correct? The reality is that sometimes we change our contact information. If you know that there will be changes in the near future, then limit the number of cards you have printed. Do not, scribble out and hand write information on your card. Back to "Can anyone say amateur?" I said that to someone once and his reply was, "yes but business cards are expensive." That says two things to me: 1) he didn't shop around for a good price and 2) AMATEUR! The idea is to attract business not scare it away.3. Does the card say what you want it to say? What message are you trying to get across? When designing a business card, think about the placement of information on the card. Is the key information in a prominent place on the card? Does the design work with the rest of your company image? Your business card should be an extension of your company just like your logo, stationery, checks, signage, website and more. They should all get across the same message and design.4. Can prospective clients contact you easily with the information provided on your card? This is a big one!Is your website up to date?Do you check your email at least once a day? (and respond!)Is your email address professional (not mycompany@genericfreeemail.com)Is your voice mail message clear, concise and professional?In this day of technology everyone assumes you must have email and a website for your business to be successful. This is not necessarily true. If you do not conduct business via email or internet then do not put that information on your card. No matter what you use, the key is to be accessible.5. Are you marketing with your business card? Keeping them in your pocket is a waste of time and money. Be clear about who your target client is. When you see an opportunity slip in your business card. Do not be rude and pushy, but confident that the person could benefit from your services.If you are not sure that your business card is getting you where you want, market test it. Give it to some friends and colleagues and ask them for their opinions. If your friends are not going to be honest with you, then try "strangers." At the next event you attend ask some people what they think of your design.
Wealth Knowledge & Power ? Lost Secrets From Ancient Masters
Behold! He with the light cometh!
Networking Magic
YES-- it is true that Networking is an art that must be mastered. However, for those of you that are new to the networking game and the art of mastering it, please READ ON. While you do not want to be in a position at social function of hanging with the same person all night, if you really want to make your network work for you, there are some surefire tactics that you must employ. Networking is much more than simply handing out your business/calling card and moving to the next ?target? in the room. I am always so surprised by the number of people that exchange business cards and do not take advantage of the possibility of creating an instant marketing campaign.
A Seven Letter Word That Helped a 3 Month Marketing Newbie to Online Success
Who would have thought that a three month newbie and marketing dummy with no list, no product, no contacts, can actually make money online? Me neither.
The Six-Step Process That Grows Your Business
1. Examine your clientele and define your idealclient. Of all the customers you?ve served in the lastcouple of years, who are the ones you most enjoyedworking with and found most profitable? Create aprofile of the client characteristics that, for you,define heaven on earth. These characteristics mightinclude income, age, lifestyle, attitudes, motivation,profession, geography, etc. Before going on to step 2,make sure that you?ve crystallized a single type ofclient. If you have more than one type, choose one tostart with and simply repeat this process later withthe other(s).
Online Mentorship Programs: Cash in on Your Expertise
Whether you're a former retail store owner known for yourcreativity, a championship bridge player, or apsychotherapist with a long current waiting list foropenings, if you possess expertise that makes colleaguesand aficionados want your pearls of wisdom, you can createa new income stream with an online mentorship program.
Writing Sales Letters That Sell
The most important part of any marketing you do is direct marketing. This includes letters, postcards, brochures, newspaper or magazine coupons, telemarketing, TV or radio direct response commercials, e-mails, and the copy on your web site.
Web Site Marketing Strategy: 8 Ways To Increase The Perceived Value Of Your Freebies
It is a well known web site marketing strategy: To attractnew customers and traffic, give out something for free:e-zine, ebooks, software, services etc.
Attracting Clients With Incremental Marketing
Do you ask prospective clients to go too far?
B2B Marketing - Why it Should be Subtle
Subtle adj. Showing or making, or capable of showing or making, fine distinctions of meaning.
Marketing Strategies: What Choices Do You Have?
Most business people want to see improvements in sales and profits. But how do you get there? What choices do you have?
The Easiest Marketing Plan Youll Ever Find
When it comes to marketing there?s simply too many choices. I often find clients are totally perplexed about which marketing tools they should use and how to use them.
Getting New Clients - When Only a Few is More Than Enough
Many of the business owners I speak with are looking for a relatively small number of new clients. It isn't that they're not ambitious, it's just the size of their businesses doesn't warrant a larger objective. Typically they own service-based businesses with an annual turnover counted in the millions of dollars, not hundreds of millions.
Attract More Clients by Raising Your Profile
One of the most common issues I'm asked about is how to raise the profile of a business to attract more clients.
Marketing is More Important Than Expertise
Being a master of your craft, skill, or talent doesn't ensure the success of your business. You can be the greatest at what you do, and if nobody knows about you, you're quickly out of business. Yes, it's important that you deliver a quality service. But it's even more important that you consistently and appropriately promote your business.
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Why Referral Business Is So Valuable
With so much money invested on innefective advertising, it's time to look at some good old fashioned ways of generating new business. One tried and tested way is by referral.
Four Simple Ways to Cut Your Trade Show Marketing Budget in Half
Many times when a trade show is planned for there isn't someone who watches the budget and tracks where the money goes. But, if you do want to know where your trade show marketing dollar goes and want to do better, this article is for you.
10 Steps to a Great Newsletter
A newsletter can be a wonderful, economical way to communicate with prospects, customers, employees or distributors. Just follow these ten easy steps for newsletter success.
Consistent Marketing Provides Big Rewards
Being inconsistent when it comes to marketing your business can be a recipe for disaster. Nothing is more irritating to a potential customer than inconsistency.
After The Mailing Is Done, What Happens Next?
If you're doing any sort of marketing effort, whether it's getting news coverage or sending a postcard, you must be prepared for what happens next. If you're sending postcards promoting your business, and you have people working for you, tell them that you sent the card. There's nothing worse than having your customers, postcards in hand, coming into your business and being greeted by an employee who says "Huh? What special promotion?" Fortunately, there's any easy way to solve this problem. Here's an idea from one of my postcard marketing workshop participants: Whenever she has a mustn't-be-ignored announcement for her coffee house staff, she puts it in their pay envelopes. So, in a nutshell, chance favors the prepared marketer.
Identifying, Creating and Using Your USP?
What's your USP? Don't know, or worse still, you'venever heard of it.
The Fine Art of Relationship Marketing
The buzzword these days is "relationship" marketing. Just what is it? And why is it important? Relationship marketing is so much more than "networking. It's gathering support of your friends, peers, and business contacts. It's developing strong, lasting, unique relationships with your most valuable asset, your customer. It's what keeps people "coming back for more." It's an excellent way to shorten the traditional routes of building trust, create opportunities, increase valuable contacts, to achieve success and excel in business.
Whats Your Marketing Weak Link?
Your marketing weak link could be undermining the rest of your marketing. It is vital that each link in your marketing system supports and builds upon the previous link. Each link must bring your customer closer to the next sale. Any link that takes the customer further away from the sale, makes your marketing program inefficient and causes you to lose money.
Increase Your Profits Through Customer Loyalty
The job of convincing your existing customers to spend higher and more often can be an extremely tough task. There are many ways of achieving customer loyalty. It can be far more profitable to market existing and new products to an established customer base, than to try and attract new buyers. Offering incentives such as: loyalty discounts, increased order discounts, attractive credit terms, bonuses and dedicated account managers are just a few tried and tested methods for maintaining and increasing customer loyalty.
Use The Neglected Weapons In Your Marketing Arsenal
Business marketers have a lot of weapons in their arsenals but they often overlook some very important ones. So, let's do a quick inventory.
Catalogs are Selling Machines
If you've got a mailbox, you're no doubt aware of the popularity of catalogs. People love to look through catalogs, and more important, they love to buy from catalogs. But mailing catalogs can be expensive. You've got to send a lot of them out, and many of them are going to non-productive destinations-- in other words, most mailings don't just go to sure-fire customers. On the other hand, there are lots of ways to get these powerful sales tools in front of all kinds of motivated, eager customers who want what you've got and are ready to slap some cash in your hand to get it. Catalog Distribution means exactly what it says: getting your catalogs out where they can generate orders. It isn't complicated; in fact, it's incredibly simple.
Lack Of Business Isnt Always The Problem
When you're just starting out in business, it's a safe bet that you need more clients. But what if you have been up and running for a while, and you're still not making as much money as you would like? You may be in the habit of thinking that attracting new clients is the answer, but this isn't always the case.
What?s Next? A Guide to Marketing Your New Business
Coming up with an idea, seizing the opportunity, and setting up a business was the relatively easy part. Now you are ready for the challenge of finding your customers, or at least make it easy for your customers to find you. Here are some tips for marketing your new and growing business.
The Top Ten Ways to Get Beyond Networking And Generate Cash-Building Exposure
Gain the exposure you need to succeed with these ten tips:
What to be Successful? Marketing Makes the Difference
When you hear the word "marketing" what comes to mind? More business or wasted money? If your experience with marketing or advertising has been less than positive your cynicism may be well founded. Yet, have you ever noticed a competitor with a mediocre product and a healthy business? The difference is often marketing.
An Internet Marketing Strategy that Works
You can't put up a beautiful (or any) web site and hope that people will just arrive. You have to let them know, IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY, that your web site is there. This HAS to be part of any Internet marketing strategy you develop. This is actually a basic marketing principle. Customers are not going to look for you, you have to look for them.
Color Part 2: Formats and Systems
There are several color formats and systems available for mixing and specifying colors. Here, we explain three of the most common systems: RGB, CMYK, and Pantone colors.
Small Business Pricing: Setting A Price For Your Product / Service
The importance of pricing can not be underestimated as incorrect pricing can often result in the failure of a business. New businesses often make the mistake of either charging too little or too much for their product or service. So to help you avoid making one of these mistakes, the following section will outline some of the guiding principles of price determination. Price is a key part of marketing. Setting prices is called pricing.
Fail Your Way To Small Business Marketing Success!
Are you willing to fail your way to great marketing Success?
Fax Marketing : Reaching a New Niche of Customers
Traditional marketing and advertising assumes that all of your customers are traditional people. Even newer technologies like email assume that the best way to reach people is when they are at their computers. But think about it ? there are plenty of people who move around and work on the go. Checking email may be a lower priority, and may be a task they only tend to once a day, once a week, or whenever they get around to it. When your target customers aren't checking their email, your email advertisements aren't being seen. Fax marketing can help reach this niche of customers by matching their fast-moving, real-time work style.