Marketing Information
Your Company Need More Marketing? Or Just Better Marketing?
Many sales problems can be solved by improved marketing. Selling harder is often not the solution. More . . . or just better . . . marketing may be what's needed. Marketing presents a special problem for any company that has not yet developed a professionally staffed marketing department. This article looks at the various marketing functions. It describes some successful approaches to determining when to add "more" marketing to your company.
Forget Conventional Marketing - Embrace the Web!
Tactical marketing processes are once again undergoing fundamental shifts from traditional to web-based processes. Many traditional marketing firms/agencies are still touting the tried and true to their clients; i.e. Tradeshow attendance, Print, Traditional PR, TV and Radio. However, these conventional marketing processes work best for broad market awareness and/or branding, especially for a Fortune 1K company with significant resources to spend on demographic analysis, test marketing and more test marketing. It's much more difficult for a smaller company (startup to $50M per annum) to leverage the economies of scale that are typically available for a larger company for the media buy and operational efficiencies.
Fundamental Strategic Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
This is a pretty tough global economy and it is critical for a company to leverage every bit of their marketing resources. So, if this is the case, why are so many companies shooting themselves in the proverbial foot by breaking some of the most fundamental rules of marketing? It's a very simple question with complex answers - here are some of the pitfalls to avoid:
Five New 5 Ps!
NO! When I say "5 P's", I'm not talking about the big 5 P's of marketing everyone's familiar with.
Maximum Marketing - Minimum Budget
Two years ago I started my small Virtual Assistant business with a non-existent marketing budget. I borrowed marketing books from the library, read countless articles on the Internet and joined a professional trade association of my peers. I learned hundreds of marketing techniques and one valuable lesson. The lesson I learned is that the financial ruin of large companies is often achieved by incredibly expensive and glitzy marketing plans that do not take into account the company's ability to earn a profit. Over time, I found that the most effective marketing techniques that allow a company to make a profit are those that are inexpensive or free. What a fantastic discovery for me at that time! This knowledge, combined with hard work and excellent customer service, enabled my small business to expand at a phenomenal rate.
Quick and Instant Marketing Soup
Everything happens Quickly and Instantly on the Internet. In the blink of an eye your easily transported around a whole planet. It's a smorgasbord !! The web site you just visited could be in Singapore, the e-mail your reading now could have come from Alaska. The Internet is just one big Soup Bowl of Information just waiting for you to come and gobble it up.
Ready, Aim, Fire...Oops...Wheres The Target?
Everywhere you go on the Internet you find the words, "target market." What do they mean? What does it have to do with you? Well it has everything to do with your success in sales.
How Nearly Going Broke Taught Me The Value Of Niche Marketing
If you want to learn how effective Niche Marketing can be,I suggest you "don't" take the route I did.
Niche And Grow Rich
Unless you've been living under an Internet rock, you'veprobably heard the buzz about Niche Marketing. Right nowit's the hottest marketing topic online.
Itchin For Some Nichin
The whole idea of Niche Marketing is exciting! The possibilities are endless, as there are literally millions of people surfing the web, the vast majorities of whom are here for two reasons . . .
Stretching Your Marketing Dollars--7 Cheap and Easy Ways to Market on a Budget
Just because you have to stretch your marketing dollars doesn't mean their effectiveness will decrease. The easiest marketing solution is often to simply throw money at a problem. But that is rarely the most effective. When Businesses are forced to use creativity and ingenuity to market on a budget, that is when some of the best results happen.
Logo Facts
What makes one logo better than another?
5 Ways to Market for Immediate Results
Sales are down, and I need more customers now! Sound familiar? Maybe you are the one who said it. I know what you?re thinking, there?s no magic pill for delivering immediate results and no spontaneous marketing effort that will skyrocket sales. You?re right, there isn?t. Sure, you could launch some catchy TV or radio ad that would spike sales. Of course the initial investment is risky when unpredictable results could leave you breaking even or worse, losing money. Some businesses feel that throwing more sales people at the problem will equate to increased sales. Although more sales people may be necessary to grow your business, this is not the right answer either.
The Right Logo
The Logo: a little history
Marketing Strategies to Put Yourself Out of Business
Want to learn how to lose a billion dollars?
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Market Planning -- Getting the Word Out
"There are those who get things done and those who think about getting things done."--Col. Wesley L. Fox, USMC (Ret)
Good News Travels Fast
This newsletter is full of opportunities staring you in the face. If you don't believe me, write and tell me so--and by doing that you'd be proving me right.
5 Steps To Help Fail-Proof Your Growing Service Business
Business startup and failure rates are scary...
Marketing ? Like a Game of Chess
Have you started thinking about your Valentines Day Promotion yet?
Shine a Spotlight on Your Professional Service Firm
As a life-long dancer, I know a bit about the importance of good preparation before performance. Before a dancer is ready for the spotlight, she has to master the basics including alignment, strength, flexibility, balance, choreography, and artistry.
Break Even On Your Next Direct Mail Campaign...And Still Generate Huge Profits
With direct mail, you can break even and still claim success. The reason for this can be understood only when determining the lifetime value of each customer brought in and the likelihood of those customers responding to subsequent offers. Here is a concrete example to illustrate my point.
Big Ticket Marketing in 28 Minutes
I read an article recently about how many mainstream retail companies are using the standard 28 minute infomercial to moreeffectively target customers and sell their products.
Contrarian Marketing at Benettons
Perhaps, with apologies to Dale Carnegie, we should call this article: "How to make enemies AND influence people."
Marketing Strategy - Spell Out Your Unique Value
I attended a "Sales Focus" seminar a few years back in which the speaker asked this key question. "Why, based on all the competitive alternatives available to me, would I want to buy from you?" What a great question.
Business to Business Direct Mail Sales Letters Need an Offer (and Heres Why)
In direct mail, the offer is the incentive or reward that you dangle in front of your prospects to motivate them to respond to your mailing. In business-to-consumer direct mail, for example, a magazine publisher will offer a yearly subscription to its magazine at 60% off the newsstand price. The discount is the offer. It motivates prospects to subscribe now and save 60%.
Marketing Secrets #101- Your Most Important Sale
Which sale is the most important one you will ever get from a client?
Marketing Strategy and Template for Independent Professionals
Having a marketing strategy and marketing approach is very important. Thus, instead of recreating the wheel, here is a short, sweet, easy-to-understand marketing strategy template to help you place your ducks are in a row in designing your marketing strategy.
Marketing is More Than a Token Process
"Necessity is the mother of invention!" The first time I heard this was nearly twenty years ago when I was introduced to Tony Robbins' material. I was listening to, and applying, information from his thirty day series. I have to admit, the first time I heard this it didn't quite register.
How To Turn $100,000 Into $1,191,817 In Just One Year Part II
Turning a modest $100,000 annual turnover into $1,191,817 may sound outrageous but if you really understand the fundamentals of marketing this becomes quite achievable.
First to Market Theory
Take My Commitment (to Your Biz) Quiz!
Starting and managing a successful small business takes time, energy, money and a HUGE commitment. But the payoff can also be HUGE, in terms of personal accomplishment, satisfaction, happiness, and M0NEY! So just how committed are you?
The Use of Bar Code SMS in Mobile Marketing, Advertising, CRM
Anybody that frequents shopping malls are familiar with the bar coding systems used by retailers to ease the line at the pay points. No more long lines at the till as the operator just pulls the product past the scanner and voila ? the buyer pays and are on their way.
Marketers VS Consumers Predators VS Prey
The distance between marketing consultants and the real world can truly be mind boggling. When a marketing consultant tells someone to send out 10,000 postcards in order to get a 3% response rate and that the actual sales will be something less than that ...and then asks the client to pay him for that golden nugget... there has to be a problem!
50 Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing
What Is A Joint Venture?
51 Ways to Say Thank-you in a Fundraising Letter for a Non-for-Profit (Includes Examples & Samples)
One of the hardest jobs in fundraising is crafting original thank-you letters. You want to be thankful. But you also want to be fiscally responsible. You cannot afford to write a unique thank-you letter for each of the thousands of donations you receive each year. Here are some ideas for keeping your appreciation original.