Marketing Information
Bedroom Marketing
Hopefully we are all adults here, so let's talk about sex for just a minute. No, I'm not talking about porn sites, I'm talking about taking a look at what I call 'Bedroom Marketing' and applying the same principles to Internet marketing.
Lead Generation: What Is It worth?
Our business environment has changed dramatically. Companies must now be disciplined and market-driven if they want to stay alive. They must do more - much more - than create a buzz, or have a well-known brand. Just read the papers: the stock and balance sheets of brand names have plummeted faster, in some cases, than the unknown companies.
Are Your Prospects Walking Out on You?
After 11 years in sales, I?ve put together and delivered more sales presentations, briefings, and demos than I care to remember. But the nice thing about repetition is that after a few dozen presentations you get very good at reading body language.
Where Are Your Leads Coming From?
Most B2B marketers spend a great deal of time analyzing the performance of their programs and initiatives. The reason is obvious: With the growing pressure on marketing to produce measurable results, it?s critical that every marketing dollar is invested wisely.
Marketers VS Consumers Predators VS Prey
The distance between marketing consultants and the real world can truly be mind boggling. When a marketing consultant tells someone to send out 10,000 postcards in order to get a 3% response rate and that the actual sales will be something less than that ...and then asks the client to pay him for that golden nugget... there has to be a problem!
How Toyota Captured the #1 Market Share . . . Through Solid Decision-Making!
How Toyota Captured the #1 Market Share . . . Through Solid Decision-Making!
Growing Your Business With Your Marketing Priorities
None of us have enough time in the day to get everything done, but small business owners and entrepreneurs like you are particularly pressed. You wear so many hats; there is a seemingly infinite list of tasks to accomplish each day, from providing services to clients, managing product distribution and delivery, to keeping accounting in order.
Incentives For Customers? Whats New?
Lost & Found for the 21st Century
Marketing Tips - Ten Quick Marketing Actions
It is often difficult to manage to do marketing tasks when you have a busy business or professional practice. Here are 10 ideas each of which take 5 or 10 minutes and can be done between appointments or when you take a break from working on a large project.
What Does Your Business Card Say About You? - Making A Great First Impression!
Interesting article in USA Today that I read this week that I've also read about on Scott Ginsberg's blog. Think about this: What does your business card say about you? If you work in a company that requires you to conform to the corporate standard, obviously you don't have much choice. For the rest, what are you doing to stand out in a crowd of many?
Non-Profit Success Requires Ongoing Marketing
In a crowded marketplace of ideas, it is important for non-profit organizations to establish a well-defined niche. While most non-profits are not selling products, they are selling their organization's mission, their ideas, their programs, and their services. In a world where everyone is inundated with information, a strong image is the key to community awareness. Developing and maintaining a visible and credible identity through marketing will increase local support for your organization.
Do You Know Where Your Marketing Dollars Are Going?
We all know the importance of marketing to increasesales and bring in new business.
Questioning the Data of Demographic Off The Shelf Marketing Products
I have been working on a direct mail campaign for our team in many areas and we are finding that the yellow page listings and business list CDROMS contain so many closed companies that we are spending too much on the mailings which are opened a little less because of the anthrax scare. Even customized lists are of little value. No one is keeping these lists fresh and deleting the ole data. Book of Lists are outdated as soon as they come out, CDROMS rip people off by disallowing lots of search downloads, yellow pages forget it. Phone numbers are wrong, addresses are wrong as a matter of fact most business parks are 30% unoccupied, downtowns about 15% and industrial areas about 28% nationwide, so with all these jobs and companies gone, there is no one keeping track of the data. Yet we are told the recession is over? Whatever. Are we judging by the stock market? Because it is not real either.
E-commerce : The Bottom of Pyramid Approach
For centuries and most of the decades in the 20th century (i.e when computer was invented) access and communication was the tool of rich and ultra rich people, prohibitively expansive to ?not so rich? and ?not at all rich? people. All marketing research and development was focused on the 20% of the market based on the management principle 80:20, ignoring the vast 4 billion people who are at the bottom of the pyramid( read Fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid by C.K. Prahalad, Wharton Publishing).
Feature Your Benefits
Sales Copy? eventually every small business owner must consider what needs to be included in order to produce a successful advertisement or piece of marketing material.
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How to Get a 100% Return on Your Marketing Investment Guaranteed!
One of the most effective ways to market your products/servicesis to create strategic alliances. Strategic alliances arepartnerships with companies who sell to a client base similarto yours but they sell different products/services. The ideais to find partners whose clients may also be interested in your products/services.
Sales Resistance on the Rise
Have you noticed it? More and more marketing campaigns are going over the top. They're trying bolder, more in-your-face tactics. And consumers DON'T like it.
Where to Look for New Donors for Your Fundraising Letter Appeals
Have you ever studied your best donors and wished you could clone them all? Maybe you can, with a bit of creative thinking.
10 Beer Budget Event Marketing Tips
Are you planning an event or participating in a trade show any time soon? If so, consider the following 10 low-cost marketing tactics before mailing your payment.
8 Secrets to Marketing Success
The profits of a business are totally dependent on marketing. Otherwise few, if any, sales will be generated. But what is marketing anyway?
Renting Your Mailing Lists to Others
Telemarketers Dont Like Them? Heres An Idea For Ya!
Telemarketers... ooohhh... I'll bet we've all got a nice story to tell about these guys & gals don't we?
Free Marketing Tips
Dumb Excuse #1
Incestuous Relationship Between Football and Marketing
Thousands eyes were fixed. Hearts were beating hard against the chests. Emotions was high, expectations was weighting on warrior on football field. This was a article moment for David Bekham. He has to take a direct free kick. Human wall was erected in front of football a few yards away. Opponent and helping hands were scattered around in the D-area hustling and bustling. And whistle went off.
How to Turn Your Marketing Into a Money-Making Machine - Setting The Stage For Successful Marketing
Powerful Marketing has become elusive to many companies seeking strong sales results and overall growth. The sad truth is that Marketing comes across as a rather frustrating process. After all, how do you guarantee the outcome of a campaign when it is unclear what will work and what will not? As someone once said, 90% of Advertising doesn't work-the question is, which 90%!
Another Commercial? Dont Touch That Dial! Watch & Learn
When commercials come on the television do you get up and head for the kitchen to get a snack? Do you tune out the radio when commercials start? Do you skip over advertisements in newspapers and magazines?
Tricks of the Trade: Design your Booth for Maximum Impact
The fight for your customer's attention at a tradeshow has never been so intense. Budget cutbacks in the travel sector means that buyers spend less time than ever at shows. To make the most of their time, they pre-plan their agendas and do their best to stick to them. The rules of the game are forever changed.
Trade Show Events ? Do?s and Don?ts
You can love it or you can hate it but there is no escaping trade shows in a business environment. If you happen to be in the Sales and Marketing division in an industry where trade shows are a part of the marketing plan, it is more than likely than not that you will be involved in them sooner or later.
Newsletters - A Great Way to Build Business Relationships
This is an excellent way to grow your business using yourmailing list (which I trust you are constantly building).However, you have to accept that there are people who'llread your newsletter and there are those who won't.
7 Marketing Lessons I Learned From the Muscleheads at Golds Gym
Can I share a secret with you?
How Your List Affects Postage Costs
Advertising Your Private Practice: Beware of the Problems-Part 1
One of the biggest mistakes coaches, counselors and other healing professionals make is to assume that they must advertise their private practice in order to get clients. These professionals often tell me they have spent a lot of money on advertising with minimal, if any, results. Many become discouraged with advertising, and some even give up on the idea of having a private practice assuming they have no other options for marketing their practice.
Small Business Marketing Tip - Get Attention and Be Remembered
We live in a world of noise ? not just auditory noise but total sensory overload. Everywhere we go marketing messages are shouting at us day and night. Hundreds of TV and radio stations, thousands of newspapers, magazines and books, millions of ezines, brochures, and leaflets, billions of emails and web pages. And unfortunately much of it is junk so it's hard to find the important stuff.
Top 7 Tips for New Businesses
The marketing decisions you make for your new business are the most important part of making your business a success. Marketing is about building a strong presence, name recognition and credibility through various methods. Here are 7 things you can do to get a new business off the ground.
Ten Amazing Ways To Increase Attraction at a Trade Show
These ideas are for anyone that has a small budget to work with or is just starting to expand into exhibiting at trade shows.