Marketing Information
How to Expand Your Target Markets
Are your products or services geared towards only one target market? You can increase sales and profits by increasing your target markets. Below are some creative ways to increase your target markets by using your existing products and services you're selling right now.
15 Ways to Promote eLearning Programs
Pre-note: In this article, teleclass is an example used toillustrate one type of eLearning market. The tips work thesame for other eLearning programs, including, but notlimited to, teleseminars and ecourses.
Nine Advance Networking Skills for Seasoned Networkers
A seasoned networker knows the real meaning of networking --being organized, efficient, effective, and, of course, workthe event to its fullest. Attending networking groups afterso many years can tire and drain anyone?s excitement.Especially since these situations are not social events. Itis easy to have one foot in the event and the other someplace else. A major challenge for all networkers is to bethere with both feet.
The Anatomy of Hype
On a copywriting board I frequent, someone expressedbafflement that several respected marketers criticized thetone of a sales page he wrote. "Why did they apologize to their subscribers while linking to my pitch? This approachsells," he said.
Business Marketing Strategies
For many small business managers, finding the time and commitment to develop business marketing strategies is difficult. There are so many other obligations vying for our attention it is tempting to push formal strategy development to the back burner. Giving into that temptation, however, means putting your business at a disadvantage. Marketing strategies help point you toward the best marketing programs for your business. Without strategies, you risk becoming unfocused in your marketing efforts, choosing programs that do not support general strategies.
Do I Need an RSS Feed?
RSS has been around for more than 10 years but has only recently become popular. RSS provides headlines and summaries of information in a concise and standardized way.
A Simplified Marketing Plan that Works!
When I started my first business in 1981, I researched business plans and marketing plans. I looked at all of the formats and read a lot about the purpose of creating a business plan. But I never got enthused enough to do it.
The Marketing Funnel: Simple, Effective Marketing Strategy
No matter if you?re publishing your first book or producing your first invention, you need a simple, effective marketing strategy. So, hiring a marketing agency to develop and implement that strategy will bring raving fans flocking to stores or your website to buy your incredible offering, right?
How To Start With Absolutely Nothing And Create Wealth online in 30 days or less.
Without a doubt, if you asked me, Shane if there was only 1 marketing strategy that you could use on the Internet, what would it be? Without hesitation I would say joint Ventures. Joint Ventures are easily the most lucrative Marketing Strategy ever invented and if you learn to do it right, will likely be the ONLY marketing strategy you will ever need to use.
Build your Trade Show - Virtually
Virtual trade shows are gaining momentum as a way to encourage participation in the event - both live and online. Here are a few ideas to help you expand your trade show - virtually.
Behold the Power of the Tip
You are an expert. You have lots of content - even more than you deliver from the presentation platform or in your consulting engagements. But how do you package that content for the web, without giving away the store?
Want To Impress Customers, Win Clients and Influence People?
Remember the baseball cards kids traded while chewing their way through kilos of noxious bubblegum, all for about a nickle a pack? No? Then ask your Dad. Are you familiar with the latest digital CD Cardz that look like traditional sports trading cards and play interactive video, triva, bios, stats, music, as well as desktop goodies? No? Then ask your kid. Seriously, my point is that times are changing and you no longer have to feel that you are either a stereotypical blue collar worker or a red necked Luddite. The truth is, you too can jump on the multimedia gravy train ? (just ask for 1st class compartment Serious) and utilize these cool mediums within your corporate environment. Over a career year, you probably hand out small forests of business cards with merely your contact information printed on them right? So what if you were to hand out a business card-sized CD-Rom instead, that not only had your contact information on it, but held your company website or a pertinent presentation, video, music, a free corporate screen saver etc, all hyperlinking to your on line site too? So we are talking a talking business card and there are two routes to take. If you want professional help in creating the all singing and dancing marketing tool, come to us at http://www.serious.com, where we will hold your hand and do the work for you. However in truth this is only viable for larger orders of cardz and you might well be a small business or a freelancer with no need for huge quantities, but yet still want to make a lasting impression. If this is the case, then you can buy our transparent blank 50 MB CD-R cardz from us and create your own! These come in starter packs of 10, with a label applicator, label and presentation software, including web site templates and there are also refill packs available.
How To Make More Money
The biggest crime in small businesses today goes unnoticed by most outsiders. It is not reported in the media. There are no police reports filed and companies do not even mention it on their websites. People don't talk about it on the street and employees often overlook it. Even though this crime is rampant among small businesses, it's presence is so subtle that many business owners fail to recognize when it is happening! Unfortunately, this crime is the same one that is most likely to kill a small business. It is not stealing by employees, burglaries, trivial lawsuits, or industrial espionage.
Blowing Your Own Horn
Opportunity Assistance Business Resource Center http://www.opportunityassistance.com
Marketing Is A Long-Term Investment
"Dig your well before you're thirsty" is the title of a wonderful book by Harvey Mackay. It is smart advice for investing your money, "Save your money before you need it", or growing your business, "Market today for tomorrow".
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It Takes Two - How to Cultivate Profitable Alliances
"Cross promoting with other businesses can give you a significant advantage over the competition, with many benefits and cost savings." -Heidi Richards-
How to Win a Price War
Any economics student can tell you that price is a matter of supply and demand. The market will bear a certain price point and settle into equilibrium. This is not very helpful when trying to determine the price for a new product. Price is a very confusing area of marketing for many people. The reason is probably because price is one of the most misused and abused marketing tools. Traditionally, there are three ways to set the price for a product:
Marketing in Business and Commerce in the New Consciousness
The point is what you give to another you give to yourself; the reason being that there is only one of us. You are apart part of the Universal life force just the same as your customer is. If you want to have any experience in your life, just course another to have that experience, and you notice it showing up in your life as well.
Find the Goldmine Within Your Business
Doing a current customer breakdown can help you find the goldmine within your business by determining who you should be targeting in your marketing efforts in the future. There is a goldmine right there and you may or may not see it?it's your customer base! But is it all of them? No ? definitely not. Then what the heck am I talking about?
7 Ways a Copywriter Can Help Your Business Succeed
Think you can't afford to hire a copywriter? Think again. Here are seven ways a copywriter can contribute to the success of your business.
Terrific Titles, Happenin Headlines
You've probably heard the slogan, "You never get a second chanceto make a first impression." It may be a sales pitch, but in theworld of advertising and promotion, it's right on the nose.
Direct Mail Leads - Brand Identity Guru
Direct mail can be one of the most effective tactics to reach your target audience. Developing a strategy for direct mail is critical to obtaining the best ROI. If you just roll out any piece without a clear plan you are throwing your good marketing money away.
How To Make More Money
The biggest crime in small businesses today goes unnoticed by most outsiders. It is not reported in the media. There are no police reports filed and companies do not even mention it on their websites. People don't talk about it on the street and employees often overlook it. Even though this crime is rampant among small businesses, it's presence is so subtle that many business owners fail to recognize when it is happening! Unfortunately, this crime is the same one that is most likely to kill a small business. It is not stealing by employees, burglaries, trivial lawsuits, or industrial espionage.
10 Steps to a Great Newsletter
A newsletter can be a wonderful, economical way to communicate with prospects, customers, employees or distributors. Just follow these ten easy steps for newsletter success.
4 Alternative Ways To Gain Lifetime Customers
You will always have more people that turn downyour offer than actually buy. They might not havebought because of your price, payment options,or any other possible reason. You will just end uploosing all these potential lifetime customers.However, there are many ways you can minimizethe loss of these prospects.
Using a Marketing Calendar Template
Owning a small business isn't easy, especially if you are running it alone. Between moving products, taking orders, paying bills, and taking care of family, it is easy to lose track of everything you need to do. Using a calendar template to organize and manage your marketing strategy will ensure you don't drop the ball with one of the most important parts of your business.
Sage Advice from a Marketing Expert!
An international hair-cutting chain opened a new store directly across the street from the small town's only barbershop owned and operated by a man affectionately known to the locals as 'ol'Joe'.
The Exiler
THE EXILER (your search for true brand attributes ends here!)
Be Prepared for Marketing
For most businesses, making a sale is all important. However, despite the amount of effort and attention given to getting sales, there is often no attention given to developing and effectively implementing a systematic marketing process. There are many things that can go wrong between the point of the customer first developing an interest in your product or service and the time of making the sale. Despite knowing this, very few businesses actually take proactive steps to nurture the progress of a sale. In sales and marketing, as in life, preparation makes a world of difference.
Starting Small Business Promotional Campaigns
So you're starting a small business. You figured out what you wanted to sell or do and went out and got it all set up, had your DBA framed and on the wall and now all you need is for someone to buy your product or use your service. Right?
Promote your Business and Products through Submitting Articles to Top Web Sites
Articles submitted to online publishers bring your site new visitors and increase your ezine subscribers. You can also get these benefits by submitting your articles to top Web sites that not only promote your products, but also your services.
Building Skills in Information Marketing will Boost Your Business
Yesterday I was sitting on a train going into London when I thought I'd take a look around the carriage just to see what everyone was doing. I wanted to make a mental note because my five year old son always asks me 'what happened at your work today Daddy?' So I put my newspaper down and took a look around me.
Marketing: Are You Focused?
In early 1992, President George H.W. Bush was riding high. He was sitting on an almost unprecedented 80% approval rating following the first Gulf War. Conventional wisdom pegged him as a shoe-in for a second term.
Lessons Learned at the Harvard Business School
"If God wanted to create a perfect punishment for a high achiever, then He would have that person manage a professional service firm," says Professor John Gabarro of the Harvard Business School.
You Must Get Going If You Want To Get Growing
For many of service-based businesses out there, it's not that you don't know you should be marketing or don't want to get better at it. It's just that you don't.