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Nine Advance Networking Skills for Seasoned Networkers
A seasoned networker knows the real meaning of networking --being organized, efficient, effective, and, of course, workthe event to its fullest. Attending networking groups afterso many years can tire and drain anyone's excitement.Especially since these situations are not social events. Itis easy to have one foot in the event and the other someplace else. A major challenge for all networkers is to bethere with both feet. What propels someone to advance networker? Is it the numberof events or the number of years they attend? No. Is itthe delicate balance and expertise on how they work theevent? Yes. Here are nine techniques that raise networkers skill level: 1. Business cards. If you are networking for a new job orcareer, there is nothing inappropriate about having abusiness card with a tag line of what type of job or companyyou are seeking. Basic networkers learn that wearing an outfit with twopockets is important for the business card shuffle. Advancenetworkers think of those pockets as their in-box and anout-boxes. Aware networkers hand business card exchanges differently.They don't ask for the card until they know something aboutthe person's functionality and there is a match. No match,no card. When you receive someone's card; receive it gentlywith both hands, stop and read it. This shows respect.Respect to who they are and what they do. Present your card exactly the same way you receive a card.Present with both hands and the card's information facingthe receiver. Extend your card, with eye contact, and waitfor them to receive the card. To present and receive inthis manner, both hands need to be free. Keep a pen handy, in the out-box pocket with your own cards,for writing tidbits on the back. Doing so is also aphysical queue that is your pocket in case you forget. In-box, left pocket, is for other's cards. If you are left-handed, the boxes are opposite. Never apologize for your business card. At the last sixevents I attended, there were at least four people that wereapologizing for either not having a business card, or forsome error on their card. When this occurs you have zappedyour personal power. It sends a signal that you aren'tready to do business. Even quickie inkjet business cardsand better than an excuse. If you don't have any business cards or ran out, I recommendskipping events until you do. Don't say you don't have acard, use this other technique: ask if you can call themand schedule the time then. Advance networkers are ready toschedule an appointment right then. Generally seasonednetworkers toss any business card if presented with anexcuse. 2. Brochures, samples or flyers. If you need to hold anyof these use an appropriate see-through sleeve or small see-through carrier. For flyers use a clear sleeve with an inand out business card holders on the front. This keepshandouts clean and safe. People don't appreciate receivingpaper with bent edges or ragged rims. If you writearticles, bring your latest and appropriate copy forhandouts. One handout per event is appropriate. 3. Eye contact depends on the culture. I'm speaking herefor the American culture. Make eye contact, both eyes, whenpresenting your business card or receiving theirs. Make eyecontact when shaking hands. And look at them, not theirhands. Honor the person by maintaining focused eye contacton them. Seasoned networkers know if you are right handed, the nametag is placed on the right. This allows the name to appearin visual perimeter when shaking hands. If the name tag ison the left, others assume you are left handed and willpresent their other hand accordingly. During your 30 seconds, advanced networkers don't begin orcontinue speaking as they stand or return to their seat.They breathe from their stomach and slowly look around theroom before speaking to gain audience attention and allowpeople to switch to listening mode. 4. It is not important to meet everyone in the room. Usethe time efficiently to meet only those that match yourintention. Seasoned networkers know when and how to break-off the contact to keep moving. They do so smoothly. If you know others in the room, seasoned networkers know howto hand the other person off to the next person. "Jill, letme introduce you to Sandy. Sandy, Jill. Please excuse mewhile you two get to know each other." Another way topolitely move on is by saying, "Thank you, I've enjoyedtalking with you. I know we're both here to meet otherpeople. So, let's do so." 5. Come ready to sell (one of my pet peeves). People bringan event flyer with a call to action to register at awebsite or mail a check. You just lost the sale. Be ready,accept cash, check or credit card payment. Generallypeople don't carry more than $20 and prefer to use theircredit or debit cards. Give people an incentive forregistering at the event. Ask for a commitment. Flyersthat require a visit to a website or to mail a check almostalways get trashed. You can see them piled in the eventstrash can. If you're not ready to get orders, omit it. If you are anauthor, bring your books and sell them. Autograph thebook. Ask if they want to purchase a copy for a client orfriend. When people don't accept credit cards, it tells me they arenew and aren't ready to sell. It can also say that theevent will have little attendance. People hate to show upat events with little attendance. 6. Let go of the multi-tasking ladies. Eat first and thennetwork. People generally don't want to interrupt someonewhen they are eating. Use a purse that doesn't slide offthe should ever few minutes, it's distracting. You may wantnot to take a purse or use it to hold the material inplastic sleeves. 7. Introducing yourself, title vs. functionality. Which ismore important to the person you are talking to -- yourtitle or what functions you can help them with. Yep, thelatter. Instead of saying, "I'm a tax preparer" say, "Ihelp people save money on their taxes". Instead of saying,"I'm a business coach" give a WIIFM. Here's one of mine:"One of my specialties is to help service professionalscreate a short business plan in less than an hour that sayseverything they need to stay focused for the coming year." Be careful of your tone, pace, and breathing when you talk.People don't naturally tune into what you are saying untilthe third or fourth word. The example above, "One of my...doesn't say anything important until "serviceprofessionals". Name presentation is the same. I say,Catherine Franz, slowly and then repeat my first name:"Catherine with a C". Generally, when people are nervous,they forget to breath before speaking. Then the informationerupts like a volcano. Most of it as inaudible. 8. Less than ½ % of 1% of unseasoned networkers follow-up.That is a sad statistic, and loss of opportunity. Recently,after five events and tagging 40 business cards, only fourfollowed up. I called four, said I wanted to place anorder, and still no response. When we met up again, theyapologized for being too busy. Oops, I went somewhere else.Stop the excuses, no wants to hear them. On another similar note, don't promise to follow-up anddon't. It shoots down your credibility. If you are one ofthese, please note, when this occurs, people many times takeit personally. Follow-up within 24 business hours. Your follow-up displaysyour level of commitment to relationships. The way youfollow-up, e-mail or phone, measures how much you want arelationship. 9. Prepare for the event. Bring any promised items. Formorning events, prepare the day before. Arrive early.Early bird gets the worm. Freshen up, walk in relaxed,breathing correctly, standing tall, and ready. Bringsamples, product specials of the month to sell. If its handcream, use it and pass it around the room. Author of a newbook, read a paragraph that gets them curious during your 30seconds, and bring copies for people to purchase. Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing &Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internetwriting and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newslettersand articles available at: http://www.abundancecenter.comblog: http://abundance.blogs.com
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Marketing is More Than Advertising Marketing is a business process about which much is written, however is often not completely understood. Many think that "marketing" and "advertising" are interchange-able words. This is not the case. Marketing is really a complete, integrated approach to doing business. Marketing is More Than a Token Process "Necessity is the mother of invention!" The first time I heard this was nearly twenty years ago when I was introduced to Tony Robbins' material. I was listening to, and applying, information from his thirty day series. I have to admit, the first time I heard this it didn't quite register. Embracing The Future - Marketing Yourself, Your Business And Your Introduction Marketing Hat for Graphic Designers or Wannabe?s Many people think that the quality of any graphic design is determined by how aesthetically pleasing it is: Although making the card look good is important, this couldn't be further from the truth. The only true measure of any design, at least commercially, is "How well does it pull?". By pull we mean what type of response does it elicit? Does it pull in calls, or pull people into the store? In essence, does the design accomplish what it set out to do? 13 Lessons in Marketing, Super Bowl Style Each year, the Super Bowl provides marketers opportunity to study and learn from the games' advertisers, players, and coordinators. Super Bowl XXXVI (February, 2002) was no exception. Foremost, of course, was The Game's appropriately patriotic theme. America's mettle and proud heritage were showcased to the world through this year's red, white, and blue logo; music selection by the performers; and depictions of historic U.S. icons. The Game further supported U.S. patriotism through the presence of the armed services, police department, and fire department at the game as well as interviews with troops in Afghanistan. Finally, as if by design, the unlikely Patriots won the championship. Stop Searching - Joint Ventures are the Solution to Doubling Your Business First, define the end user (or ideal client) of your product. Many times when I ask people who their ideal client is they will tell me "oh everyone can use my product!". Actually the only two things that EVERYONE uses are air and water, SO narrow your focus ? really key into WHO your customers are. What are their age, gender, hobbies, interests, etc. By refining your focus you can better serve your customer and become "THE" supplier of choice in your market. 5 Great Ways to Reach Your Target Market There are many ways to reach out and find the people you are trying to attract for your business. Here are just a handful of ways to get you started: Reinventing The Wheel Revolutionary ideas have always been the mark of mankind. It's what made us superior to animals and prove that we are the dominant species of this planet. Invention and innovation made life easier yet more complicated. Ironic as it may seem technology is making each generation culturally different. Your Marketing Plan - Prerequisite to Success Marketing is a vital aspect of a business' operations. It has been said that, "Nothing happens in business until a sale is made". Marketing is about how sales are made and marketing planning is about being proactive in determining how sales are to be made. Developing a marketing plan is the tool businesses use to overcome weaknesses in competitiveness and to increase sales. Non-Profit Success Requires Ongoing Marketing In a crowded marketplace of ideas, it is important for non-profit organizations to establish a well-defined niche. While most non-profits are not selling products, they are selling their organization's mission, their ideas, their programs, and their services. In a world where everyone is inundated with information, a strong image is the key to community awareness. Developing and maintaining a visible and credible identity through marketing will increase local support for your organization. Strategic Internet Marketing I met Sue at a recent networking event. She is an author and speaker, and promotes her products by speaking at events and selling her products after the talks. Sue has a web site, whose primary purpose is to sell her products and make more people aware of her expertise. She isn't happy with the web site, though. "I have a great product, but I only had 2 sales in the last twelve months from the site. On the other hand, I can't keep enough inventory on hand for event sales! Something isn't right." So the coach in me had to ask a few questions and offer suggestions. "Tell me," I said, "how do you market your web site?" "Market?" she said. "I don't do much marketing. I have a great product, I am an accomplished author and well-known expert. People should be able to find me and buy from my web site." Marketing on a Budget A successful marketing plan doesn't have to include an athletic superstar, prime-time placement, state-of-the-art computer graphics or a massive budget. Being resourceful and smart can be just as effective. Business promotion doesn't have to cost a fortune. Often, it's the personal touch that seals the deal. Here are ideas gathered from marketing experts to help you make the most of a slim marketing budget: Fundraising Letters Should Raise Donors, Not Donations, When Mailed to Strangers Are you willing to spend $1.25 to raise $1? To lose money to make money? You should be. Most donor acquisition mailings never pay for themselves. They lose money. And rightly so. The Secret to Good Writing Skilful business writing involves getting your message across simply and quickly. This often means writing in a style that is easily read and understood by a broad audience. The Greatest Business Tips are FREE The best way for someone to hang on to a tip is on a business card. Beyond Fear And Greed: Emotions That Sell Fear and Greed. The stock-in-trade of sales. Appeal to them, and your success is assured. But isn't there more to life than those two emotions? Marketing with Special Reports. 5 Ways to Develop Content Your Prospects Cant Wait to Read So you've decided to start publishing an e-newsletter, or you'd like to develop a Special Report as an added-value for your customers, or maybe you've even decided to teach a teleclass or a seminar as a way to bring prospects into your business. Professional Marketing Have you looked for marketing advice on the internet recently? There is no shortage of self-proclaimed 'gurus' from which to choose. But what kind of advice are they shilling out? Too often, it's over-the-top hype, blatant commercial ad copy and other tips designed for selling an inexpensive product to the general public. How to Turn Your Promotional Products Expense Into a Profit Center If you use promotional products you probably already know the power of giving away freebies. You may use them to thank current customers, or to give incentives to potential customers. How Would You Handle This? We have been talking about choosing groups to participate in that meet your needs and goals as a business professional. Once the decision is made on which groups to belong to, then a certain level of participation is required in order to achieve the individual goals set by the business professional. ![]() |
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