Marketing Information
Trapped in Your Comfort Zone? Break Out and Send Your Marketing Skyrocketing
A marketer whose advice I generally respect recently published an article about how to find your comfort zone and stick to it in your business in order to create a more harmonious work environment.
Marketing Secrets #101- Your Most Important Sale
Which sale is the most important one you will ever get from a client?
Guerrilla Marketing in Action
Guerrilla Marketing is using time, energy and imagination to market a product, business or person without spending massive amounts of hard earned profit dollars. It also has been defined as non-traditional marketing, something unusual, unexpected and designed to be noticed. Of course all marketing is designed to be notice. Its just that some isn?t, believe it or not.
Marketing Flat? Is It Your Plan or Your Vision?
60+ hour workweeks, cash flows that constantly keep you up at night, stress and more stress again. Payroll due in two days (where the heck is that going to come from?) Does this sound like your business? Is your business a job with the most fickle, disloyal boss of all..... the customer? I know, I?ve been there. I?ve watched first hand as the cash flow I desperately needed walked out the door with no intention of returning, ever again.
8 Instant Ways to Create Consistently Successful Marketing Campaigns
It's almost a given that when I speak to a new client, she tells me how much she's always hated marketing herself. "I'm no good at it" and "No matter what I try, it doesn't work" are common complaints.
Successful Marketing Through Seminars
One of the best ways for potential clients to find out about you and your company is through public speaking. Free seminars attract potential clients. It is a chance for them to get information straight from you. You are the best marketing tool for your business. Speaking to groups is nothing more than a large conversation. It is powerful and efficient marketing.
Overcoming Resistances To Marketing a Practice-Part 2
In Part 1 of this article, "Resistances to Marketing a Practice" the seven most common resistances helping and healing professionals (counsellors, therapists, naturopaths, homeopathetic doctors, massage therapists, body workers, etc.) have to marketing a practice were identified. This article identifies 10 strategies for overcoming these fears and resistances so that you will have a successful private practice.
Advertising Your Private Practice: Beware of the Problems-Part 1
One of the biggest mistakes coaches, counselors and other healing professionals make is to assume that they must advertise their private practice in order to get clients. These professionals often tell me they have spent a lot of money on advertising with minimal, if any, results. Many become discouraged with advertising, and some even give up on the idea of having a private practice assuming they have no other options for marketing their practice.
Advertising Your Private Practice: 6 Tips for Maximizing Your Results-Part 2
As discussed in part 1 of this article, "Your Private Practice: Beware of the Problems," I usually don?t recommend advertising as a main method of marketing a practice for new coaches, counselors and healing professionals. There are often more cost-effective ways to get the word out and attract clients.
The Name Game
Pop quiz! If you have to say goodbye to your hard earned money to purchase something you?ve always wanted, who would you rather trust: an unknown provider or one who has an established name in the industry?
Trigger Button Marketing
Sometimes, experiencing bleak sales is a matter of failing to find your prospective customers? trigger buttons.
Buzz Word
Offline, it?s called word-of-mouth advertising. Online, it?s known as viral marketing. Semantics aside, one fact is perfectly clear: make your customers happy and they?ll do the advertising for you.
Arts Marketing : Suggestions for Students and Beginners
Many artists create art but when it comes to marketing and selling their work, well, that is another story. It may seem daunting at first but artists can do marketing easily if they just think logically and commit time to the effort.
Mortgage Broker Marketing - Sell Problems, Not Solutions
Are your marketing messages to Realtors® guilty of these promises?
Loan Officer Websites: Your Marketing Hub to Magnetize Realtors
Too many loan officer websites look like congested intersections, information running every which way. Fancy gadgets, like calculators, online application submission forms and loan programs filled with jargon that customers don?t understand.
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Three Simple Keys Will Make Your Customers Stick
Do you spend a lot of time and energy courting prospective new customers, hoping to pump up your bottom line? If so, you're probably missing an untapped source of sales that exists right inside your company -- there's truth in the statement that your customer list is your most valuable asset.
Your Marketing Message
Your message is first among your weapons in the battle of perceptions.
The Sweet Aroma of Highly Effective Marketing
Highly effective marketing is accomplished when your marketing materials and marketing strategy work together to reliably move your prospects through your sales process.
How Much Is Your Popcorn Worth? Powerful Lessons In Marketing & The Psychology Of Selling - Part 2
NB: You can read part one here: http://EzineArticles.com/?id=58690
More Marketing Dope
Direct marketing can make you very successful, but you've got to understand the basics. Here are some more gems of the industry that can take you from being a diamond in the rough to the luminous bling-bling.
Roping In Loyal Customers While Making An Extra Profit!
You've probably bought a book or two at one of the major chain bookstores. When you're checking out, you get asked if you have the "discount card."
Attracting Clients With Incremental Marketing
Do you ask prospective clients to go too far?
Why Referral Business Is So Valuable
With so much money invested on innefective advertising, it's time to look at some good old fashioned ways of generating new business. One tried and tested way is by referral.
How to Turn Your Marketing Into a Money-Making Machine - Preparing for Marketing That Yields Results
The usual complaint from companies is that Marketing simply does not yield as expected. So much effort, time, and money goes into campaigns, and yet the frustrations persist: Why aren't sales up? Why are we not growing? And the truth, sadly enough, is that no one can really pinpoint what is working well, and what simply is not producing anything (and costing the company!).
Think Creatively While Reinventing Your Marketing and Selling -- Its For Your Survival!
We live in a world that for many has become technologyadvantaged in business and life. Imagine, for a moment, just how communication, science, art, medicine, automation, supply chain and products have all been reinvented.
Knowing When To Charge More and To Charge Less
More And More
Costly Web Copy Pitfalls
One secret to a site that sells: Look at your site from your customer's perspective. Another secret: Watch out for these common web copy pitfalls.
The Secrets of?
A lot of advertising and mailings promise to reveal the secrets of something. Most of this kind of mailings deal with search engine optimization. They promise to know how to achieve a high ranking at Google. They tell the readers that they have a special access to Google or that they have cracked the algorithm how Google ranks websites.
The Power of because...
"Do it!", "Do it now!", or "Do it because..."
Fundraising Letters Should Raise Donors, Not Donations, When Mailed to Strangers
Are you willing to spend $1.25 to raise $1? To lose money to make money? You should be. Most donor acquisition mailings never pay for themselves. They lose money. And rightly so.
Determining Marketing Effectiveness Even If You Didnt Track
What if you've done a variety of marketing activities over the past year, but you did not establish any way to track the response? Now you don't know what worked and what didn't.
Have You Sold Your Internal Customers?
You can make the sale. You know your core message. You know your target market inside out, right?
Marketing: Can I Trust You?
We live in an unprecedented era of communication. Because of this, your prospects are literally bombarded from all directions with marketing messages. They've heard so many hyped claims, that they automatically distrust them all.
Discover the Winning Marketing Strategy Secrets of Donald Trump Apprentice Wanna-bes
The highly entertaining Donald Trump's search for an apprentice turned into a hit reality TV show captured attention of millions of Americans and week after week delivered great insights into leadership, business and marketing savvy.
Developing a Contact List- Part One
One of the most essential things to successful networking is your Contact List. When you start a business, developing one is the first step in promoting and marketing your company. As you write your business plan, it is helpful to make this list to start to develop an idea of who your customer base will be.