Marketing Information
Embracing The Future - Marketing Yourself, Your Business And Your
The 7 Areas of Marketing Waste - Are You Committing These Marketing Sins?
If you want to reduce waste and grow your business it can be useful to know where to look. Marketing waste is usually most apparent in these 7 key areas:
Teaming Up Marketing and Sales
The Pitchers: Sales
Why Do You Need to be in the SERPS?
Why does your business need to be in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS)?
Target Marketing: The Bell Curve
Finally, Something You Learned In Math ClassMakes Sense In Real Life.
Becoming The Obvious Choice In A Sea Of Competition
Differentiation, niche marketing, and positioning. These and other related business buzzwords have no doubt crossed every business owner and marketing director's ears in recent years.
How to Win a Price War
Any economics student can tell you that price is a matter of supply and demand. The market will bear a certain price point and settle into equilibrium. This is not very helpful when trying to determine the price for a new product. Price is a very confusing area of marketing for many people. The reason is probably because price is one of the most misused and abused marketing tools. Traditionally, there are three ways to set the price for a product:
How to Measure the Benefit Your Product or Service Offers
Measuring the benefit of your product or service means putting a specific value on the advantage it offers. For example, it?s ineffective to say your light bulbs are brighter and last longer than the competition?s. You?ve got to let people know that they?re 50% brighter and last two times as long! Your dry cleaning methods aren?t just better, they?re three times more likely to remove stubborn stains than traditional methods. Your chiropractic techniques aren?t just effective, they?re clinically proven to reduce back pain for 95% of patients. And so on.
Corporate Branding and Trade Shows - 8 Tips for Marketing Managers
Trade shows are part of the marketing mix and the appearance by your firm should be a continuum of your entire marketing including advertising, public relations and events.
Translation and Your International E-Commerce Strategy
Most businesses realize that they are simply a click away from any corner of the globe. Well, actually two if you include the Yahoo! search a potential customer does to access your shopping cart. What most businesses, unfortunately, do not realize though, is that their shopping cart is struggling to make it to the checkout counter. Bill Dunlap, managing director of Global Reach, Inc. notes that "for every $2 million a site is doing in domestic sales, they're leaving another $1 million on the table in international sales if they're not making themselves easily available."To paraphrase the above, let me draw on a quote from Willy Brandt. The former West German chancellor is reported to have once said: "If I'm selling to you, I speak your language. If I'm buying, dann muessen Sie Deutsch sprechen (then you must speak German)."In economics this is referred to as opportunity cost -the cost of something in terms of an opportunity foregone. The opportunity cost of not speaking "German" is a whopping 50%! This simple truth is supported by statistics.Donald A. DePalma reported in a study conducted for Forrester Research that "Visitors linger twice as long as they do at English-only URLs; business buyers are three times more likely to buy if addressed in their own language; and customer service costs drop when instructions are displayed in the user?s language." (Donald A. DePalma, Strategies for Global Sites, 1998).Another Forrester Research report, quoted in an article titled "Reasons for Success in International E-Commerce" (webpronews.com) provides statistics that indicate "over 55% of the online world accesses the Internet from countries where English is not the native language."The message is loud and clear: Do not assume that there is no reason to translate your marketing materials or that English is used in other countries! To be sure, English is the lingua franca of the world, and many people do have the ability to read English. But, faced with a choice, would you pull out your wallet for a company that caters to your needs in your non-native language, or your native language?If translation is not part of your international e-commerce strategy, then you may be leaving money on the table!And, if you see the truth in this message, you have a couple of options available: you can develop an in-house translation capability, or you can commission a professional translation service to translate your marketing materials. Developing an in-house translation capability is prohibitively expensive, not to mention that it is a long term effort. An appropriate analogy to illustrate this point is that of an IT department.Buying translation, however, can be overwhelming with all the technical jargon, and frustrating with all the endless marketing hype and "mission statements" that are thrown at you. Fact is, the basics of purchasing translation are easy. Read on. Your starting point should be the clarification of your translation project requirements. Consider:Whether your marketing materials are for internal consumption (including partners) or external consumption? Whether cost is more important or quality is more important?What is the time frame for your project?What are your ongoing (long-term) professional translation service needs?By clarifying project requirements, you are establishing the framework to answer the 2 most important questions that will determine the success of your translation project. Namely, what is the right type of translation, and what is the right professional translation service for your translation project?There are two types of translation: Machine translation (MT) Human translationIn machine translation, a human translator supports the machine. In other words, a computer program translates the source text (i.e. the "from" language), with the resultant target text (i.e. the "to" language) then being edited by a qualified human translator, if it is edited at all. Machine translation (MT) is employed for "gisting" or, to get the general meaning (gist) of a document which can be useful when marketing material is only for internal consumption.Is machine translation right for your marketing materials? "Free online translations, is, well...free-the cost is right, but can you live with the quality?" is a short, informative works on machine translation (MT). Read it before continuing.Consider this recent headline from the Yahoo! Odd News section (2005-07-05)-"The Wurst museum in the world?" You guessed it-it is not a bad museum but one dedicated to...German sausages! If your marketing materials are rich and descriptive, and for external consumption, then machine translation (MT) is not an option.Commission a professional translation service, and put human translators to work on your marketing materials.Selecting the right professional translation service can be just as frustrating as selecting the right type of translation for your project. Do you go with a professional translation service provided by a translation company, a translation agency or a free-lance translator?Review the requirements of your translation project. Now ask yourself "What is the right professional translation service?""Free Online Translations Guide-Professional Translation Service" provides a check list that is helpful in determining what translation service should be entrusted with your marketing materials. While the list is not exhaustive, it will guarantee that you get the most value for your investment in translation in terms of cost and quality. Establishing a criteria list provided the basis for determining what the right type of translation, and what the right professional translation service, is for your translation project. Now, before you hit the search engines, guarantee the success of your translation project by taking a few more minutes to truly prepare (peace of mind; priceless!). Read "Buying Online Translations Tips and Techniques." And that is it-it is that simple! Translating marketing materials will ensure that your international e-commerce strategy speaks "German," will ensure that your shopping cart makes it to the checkout counter, and will ensure that no money is left on the table.
A Guide to Brochure Printing
Brochure printing can be easy if you first identify your needs and have a clear sense of your budget. Whether it is for is a real estate listing, a trade show handout, a data sheet, or another application, brochures are a great promotional tool.
Ten Breakthrough Marketing Ideas
Ten Breakthrough Marketing Ideas
Massage Marketing Made Easy: A Simple Nine Step Marketing Plan for Therapists and Bodyworkers
Marketing is actually very simple. It involves telling people what you do...over and over and over. The key to successfully marketing your massage therapy business is consistency.
Keep Costs Down and Keep the Marketing Strategy Simple
One of the biggest mistakes we could make as business owners is spending too much money on marketing our service or product without knowing how to market it correctly. I?ve seen plenty of money wasted on marketing that did not produce any sales and most home based business don?t have too much money to waste when ramping up. Failed efforts can make businesses run out of money too quick and eventually close shop. The reason for this is there is a learning curve with marketing your product.
Money Making Real Estate Marketing Ideas
Real estate marketing is a lot simpler than most Realtors make it out to be. Some equate expensive products and services with quality.
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Lead Generation: What Is It worth?
Our business environment has changed dramatically. Companies must now be disciplined and market-driven if they want to stay alive. They must do more - much more - than create a buzz, or have a well-known brand. Just read the papers: the stock and balance sheets of brand names have plummeted faster, in some cases, than the unknown companies.
Integrity and Marketing - Finding the Right Balance
When marketing themselves to leads and prospects there are five common mistakes people make, all which can be easily avoided by finding the right balance to maintain your personal and professional integrity in all pursuits.
Small Business Marketing Tip - Get Attention and Be Remembered
We live in a world of noise ? not just auditory noise but total sensory overload. Everywhere we go marketing messages are shouting at us day and night. Hundreds of TV and radio stations, thousands of newspapers, magazines and books, millions of ezines, brochures, and leaflets, billions of emails and web pages. And unfortunately much of it is junk so it's hard to find the important stuff.
Todays Definition of Marketing. Has It Changed?
With the continued proliferation of the Internet, the meaning of the word "marketing" also seems to proliferate. Cyberspace has opened up a whole arena of new marketing technologies, techniques, and twists. Amidst the online exuberance, it seems each online marketer or salesperson changes the definition of marketing to suit his or her preference.
Write It and They Will Come ? 5 Ways that Written Information Products Can Help You Build Your Busin
Whether it's a downloadable report available from your website, a book sold in the bookstore or a brochure that you hand out at a trade show, an information product is just that ? a product that contains information.
Market Research ? How Good is the Data?
"Make money for taking surveys"," Cash for your opinion", "Make easy money at home".
Lessons From a Six Year Old
My 6 year old daughter Emily knows exactly what she wants to be when she grows up. Two weeks ago she knew that she wanted to be a teacher. Last week she knew that she wanted to be an Olympic swimmer. This week she knows that she wants to be a professional singer.
Marketing Success - Marketing Strategy - Brand Identity Guru
Marketing message x Credibility x Visibility = Marketing Success
11 Powerful Marketing Tips
Each of these 11 marketing tips is based on a marketing strategy or tactic proven to boost sales. How many are you using?
Getting Ideas for Your Postcards
If you're going to do postcard marketing on an ongoing basis, it's a good idea to have a collection of cards to inspire you. In advertising and marketing circles, this is called a "swipe file."
Trade Shows Are Not a Waste!
According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (the trade association for trade shows), industry spends more than $60 billion annually on trade show participation, more than the expenditures for magazines, radio and outdoor billboards combined! And, trade shows are more cost-effective than direct selling when it comes to reaching new customers.
Attracting Clients With Incremental Marketing
Do you ask prospective clients to go too far?
Top 7 Tips for New Businesses
The marketing decisions you make for your new business are the most important part of making your business a success. Marketing is about building a strong presence, name recognition and credibility through various methods. Here are 7 things you can do to get a new business off the ground.
Marketing with Special Reports. 5 Ways to Develop Content Your Prospects Cant Wait to Read
So you've decided to start publishing an e-newsletter, or you'd like to develop a Special Report as an added-value for your customers, or maybe you've even decided to teach a teleclass or a seminar as a way to bring prospects into your business.
Ten Breakthrough Marketing Ideas
Ten Breakthrough Marketing Ideas
Marketing Success Defined
How do you personally define success? High income? Substantial net worth? A fine home? Peer recognition?
Sales and Marketing: Can One Exist Without the Other?
Simply put the marketing people and the sales people depend on each other 100%. One cannot say that a marketing department is any more or less important then the guys who are closing the deals in the sales department. Indeed, one would not survive a day without the other which is why in many smaller companies the account manager are responsible for both functions.
Tooting Your Own Horn
"If he who has a thing to sell Goes and whispers in a well, He won't be so apt to make the dollars As he who climbs a tree and hollers!" -- Anonymous
A Tool For Selling New Ideas!
Imagine tossing a pebble into a crystal clear pond on a still day, & watching the ripples make their way to the shore. A tiny cause has a massive effect.
Whats In a Business Card?
Over the years as I have attended trade shows, networking meetings, chamber events and more; I have noticed a few things about the successful and the not so successful. First of all, do you have a business card?If you belong to a large corporation, you were probably issued business cards as a matter of course, almost as if it was a company perk. If you are in a small or home-based business, chances are you, personally, made the effort to get business cards, which entailed design, print and distribution. So if you went to all of the trouble of acquiring them, you should use them to your advantage. Here are a few tried and true rules for marketing with your card.1. Never leave home without the cards. I have stopped for coffee already and had someone ask me for a card because they saw my car sign as I pulled into the local coffee shop lot. If you want people to discredit you as a businessperson, all you have to do is say "Oh sorry I forgot my cards today." I have even been to trade shows and fellow exhibitors were walking around without cards. You have not only lost an immediate opportunity to market your business, but you look like an amateur who doesn't deserve the business.2. Is the information correct? The reality is that sometimes we change our contact information. If you know that there will be changes in the near future, then limit the number of cards you have printed. Do not, scribble out and hand write information on your card. Back to "Can anyone say amateur?" I said that to someone once and his reply was, "yes but business cards are expensive." That says two things to me: 1) he didn't shop around for a good price and 2) AMATEUR! The idea is to attract business not scare it away.3. Does the card say what you want it to say? What message are you trying to get across? When designing a business card, think about the placement of information on the card. Is the key information in a prominent place on the card? Does the design work with the rest of your company image? Your business card should be an extension of your company just like your logo, stationery, checks, signage, website and more. They should all get across the same message and design.4. Can prospective clients contact you easily with the information provided on your card? This is a big one!Is your website up to date?Do you check your email at least once a day? (and respond!)Is your email address professional (not mycompany@genericfreeemail.com)Is your voice mail message clear, concise and professional?In this day of technology everyone assumes you must have email and a website for your business to be successful. This is not necessarily true. If you do not conduct business via email or internet then do not put that information on your card. No matter what you use, the key is to be accessible.5. Are you marketing with your business card? Keeping them in your pocket is a waste of time and money. Be clear about who your target client is. When you see an opportunity slip in your business card. Do not be rude and pushy, but confident that the person could benefit from your services.If you are not sure that your business card is getting you where you want, market test it. Give it to some friends and colleagues and ask them for their opinions. If your friends are not going to be honest with you, then try "strangers." At the next event you attend ask some people what they think of your design.