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Keep Costs Down and Keep the Marketing Strategy Simple
One of the biggest mistakes we could make as business owners is spending too much money on marketing our service or product without knowing how to market it correctly. I've seen plenty of money wasted on marketing that did not produce any sales and most home based business don't have too much money to waste when ramping up. Failed efforts can make businesses run out of money too quick and eventually close shop. The reason for this is there is a learning curve with marketing your product. Product knowledge must increase to a point where you know who you must sell that product to and how to sell it. In my opinion you have two choices when it comes to marketing: 1. Hire a marketing firm that can advertise your product for a fee or?. 2. Take the time to learn about your product and try different marketing methods without spending all of your money. If you are on a tight budget then Option 2 may be the choice to make. One lesson I learned when trying to sell my product is actually telling the customer you have what they are looking for in an ad. I realized this when I started marketing my product on the internet. I never knew keywords meant so many different things to so many different people and I really had to put my money management skills to work for me so I can live to market another day and get closer to my target market. In my perfect world a prospect would become a buyer in the following manner: 1. Prospect sees your ad and visits your web site wanting more information. 2. Prospect loves what you are saying and is ready to buy. 3. Prospect purchases your product becomes a customer. In order for a prospective buyer to visit your web site to start the sales process, the shopper must react positively (meaning have interest) to your advertisement. The bottom line is: Your ad must be good enough to attract many prospects because you are paying hard earned money to have that ad presented to the world. So how do you know if your ad is good enough? In my opinion it's trial and error. You need to run different types of ads showing different combinations of features and benefits of your product and choose the best producers. Then you must track that ad and see if they are converting into sales. Taking the approach of creating a smaller advertising budget and try 2 or 3 different advertising methods I found works well when marketing on a shoe string budget. You'll have less pressure on yourself to determine which ad worked best for your business to use again. It takes time to create a meaningful ad to attract many shoppers to visit your site. You will need to budget accordingly to sustain business until you have the right combination of ad's convert to enough sales for you to use the same method again. An approach like this could allow you to sustain your business. The approach works great when advertising with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) sites because you have the option to set your budget in some capacity and some PPC firms have the technology to help you track the ads. One thing I learned is that working hard and smart is required make money on your own and profitability doesn't happen over night. Also, it takes a well funded business to sustain it. Marketing is the only way to get your name out there and sell your product. If you are wearing many hats with your home based business it may be best to keep it simple and most of all don't over spend. Failure with small amount of money can provide success if you keep learning and trying new marketing methods. Topher John is a webmaster for http://beinbusiness.net, http://mybenefitsavings.com, and http://vision-plan.net. He specializes in building internet small businesses. His interests are the healthcare industry, specifically how it relates to the family and physical fitness.
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10 Elements Every Direct Mail Piece Should Have Don't want your direct mail to end up in the trash with the rest of the unread mail? Studies show an effective direct mail campaign should draw a .5 to 1 percent response. These 10 tips will help you get the results you want: Effective Lead Generation How to Gain your Prospective Clients' Attention and Generate the Leads You Need to Make Your Business a Success 5 Print Ad Essentials! Writing an effective print ad, particularly a classified advertisement, requires that you remember five essential points. Failure to implement these points correctly can cost you much in the way of time lost and a sale missed. Getting Paid to Promote Yourself We all know we can pay a magazine or a newspaper to run ads for us. Businesses do it all the time. In many cases, you're obliged to advertise to survive. But wouldn't you rather promote yourself and your company in a number of publications, and get paid for it? Six Ways to Boost Response on Your Surveys and Gain More Useful Information So... you spend time and effort putting together a survey, so you can have real information about what your customers and prospects are actually looking for. And you send the survey to your in-house list--but the flood of responses you're expecting is only a trickle. Why Direct Mail Advertising Works And How To Lower Your Costs I met a lady who said she received a notice in the mail from a company offering plaques of various animals. She knew her daughter would love them as a gift and ordered them. This lady said, "I don't know how they got my name but I sure am pleased to have found out about those beautiful plaques, my daughter just loves them." Website Marketing: 10 Uncommon Bonuses That Will Help Make Your Product Hotly In Demand Giving away free bonuses is an important website marketing secret that can ignite your sales. What Does Marketing Mean? You can have the best little business ever with wonderful potential, but if you can't market it, you don't have a business at all. Viral Marketing with a Powerful Twist What would you do with 500, 1000 or more additional visitors each day? Imagine how your web business will grow with an extra 2000, 5000 or MORE leads each month . . . Understanding Survey Software Features If you take a look at the features that different survey softwares offer, you will quickly realize that understanding all of them is no mean task. But it is very important that you do because only then you can choose the right survey software. It is important for one other reason, it determines your price. More features invariably means more dollars. So if you don't choose the right survey software, you might end up paying more for features you don't need. 20 Power Marketing Tips Use these powerful yet simple tips from the national best-seller, "Secrets of Power Marketing: Promote Brand You" - the first guide to personal marketing for non-marketers. How To Achieve Success With Your Own Money Making Newsletter Writing and publishing a successful newsletter is perhaps the most competitive of all the different areas of mail order and direct marketing. You can still publish newsletter through regular mail. With Internet's help, you can publish your newsletter online. You can reach hundreds of subcribers without costing any postage - it is called eZine publishing. Get FREE Web Tips From Your Competition I knew this one would get your attention. How can you, the savvy business entrepreneur, get FREE ANYTHING from your competition? The answer is simple: Google!Yes, there are many things that Google can solve. As listed above, they are providing their users with endless utilities to help you in your web search. So how can they help you with your site? Watch this: Go to Google (http://www.google.com) and type in the following, exactly as shown, using your business URL in place of the examplelink:www.yourwebsite.comThe results show you a listing of all sites that link to your site. While chances are your competition will not be listed, you can get an overview of the 'type' of websites that link to you. If there are a bunch of similar sites, that can help you with your marketing and target advertising in the future.Now here's where the fun begins. Now that you know who links to you, check out the competition. Put in those guys down the street who provide the same service you do.link:www.theirwebsite.comWho's linking to them? Are there some big names listed that you WISH were linking to you? You may find out that getting your name on that list is easier than you thought. Sometimes a simple email to the webmaster will get you added to the list. The more quality businesses that link to you, the higher your search engine results climb.Are there businesses that link to your competition that you didn't know exist? Maybe you can get a cheaper rate on parts, or better service from a vendor on that list. The possibilities are there, investigate!Want another idea? Go to your competition's website. Are they offering a service ONLINE that you only wish you could? Are they offering a custom login or other special feature that you don't have? Maybe you should consider offering those items to your customers. Give your customers something that keeps them coming back. Whether it's an online newsletter, a simple coupon, or other feature, get it online. Have fun learning from your competition, and good luck on increasing that bottom line! Devious and Deceptive Packaging Have you read anything in the news lately about childhood obesity, Jose Canseco and steroids, or fat free foods? Where is the truth in any of that? 11 Ways to Turnaround a Cash-Strapped Business or Practice This past weekend I received a disturbing message from a dear friend. His business wasn't generating all the income he needed. He's exhausted all savings, started depleting credit card reserves and badly needed money to pay this month's mortgage... Ouch! I wish I knew sooner... Marking Your Territory We all know the familiar adage "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..." it's nearly always a duck. The same is true with image, particularly when it comes to the images we portray of ourselves as writers. What Is Multi-Level And How Should It Be Worked Multi-level marketing is really a partnership. You go into business with someone that has the same interests and goals you have. You make a commitment to each other. You work with the same people. Working multi-level marketing correctly not only makes success easier, it eliminates many problems. The Bare-Bones Basics Of Multi-Level Marketing Multi-level marketing is the biggest growth industry in the 1980's. It is the industry that has made corporate giants of Amway, Shaklee, Mary Kay and Herbalife. It has been termed as the last true rags-to-riches opportunity left in North America, and its ability to bring enormous incomes to almost anyone is legend. In fact, it is expected to make more new millionaires by 1990 than any other industry, and soon after will be the single most popular method of bringing new products to the consumer. Explode Your Sales With Free & Exclusive Content Offering free and exclusive content to ezine publishers and webmasters is one of the best ways you can increase exposure for your products and services. There are several effective methods you can use to employ this marketing tactic and subsequently boost your sales. The 7 Commandments of Marketing Marketing is the key to success with any business, online or traditional. You can have a website or business location. You can have a great product. However, if no one has heard about your business or your product, you have NOTHING! ![]() |
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