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What Is Multi-Level And How Should It Be Worked
Multi-level marketing is really a partnership. You go into business with someone that has the same interests and goals you have. You make a commitment to each other. You work with the same people. Working multi-level marketing correctly not only makes success easier, it eliminates many problems. The hardest thing is to find the person you want to work with (your sponsor). You want someone who is willing to work and assist you when needed. You should join programs under the same person all the time. This makes for a solid downline. If your sponsor isn't interested in a particular program, contact his sponsor. By doing this, you will strengthen you group. Many people complain about others stealing their people. They seem to think that just because they signed someone up once, they should always have them. If someone gives their downline the help and assistance they should, there would be no need for them to worry about someone stealing them away. They should want to continue with you because they know you will help them. Why should someone stick with you if all you do is collected commissions from them? Can you really blame them for not following you into other programs? Take a look at the other side of the "coin". Having the right people in your downline is just as important as having the right sponsor. If someone sponsored you into a program and helped you, don't expect them to sign you in another program if you haven't tried to do anything on you own. Granted, they make money for those they sponsor for you, but why should they make you money if you don't do anything? Mailing out hundreds of brochures may get you several people in your downline. This may look good on a printout, but what about on a commission check? Would you rather have a printout a foot long with a small check - or a small printout with a large check? Be choosy in whom you recruit. Let them know what you expect from them and what they can expect from you. Level with them completely about the program you are trying to get them into. Having 2 or 3 good people will make you more money than having 10 or 12 deadbeats. Don't join every program that comes along. Find one you like and work it. It takes time to build a solid downline. Help your downline and have them do the same. This way everybody will make money. You can't expect to keep your downline if you leave them stranded when you get into profit. You have to help them get in profit too. They will be more apt to follow you in other programs this way. Be careful what you promise people. Remember, nothing is guaranteed. Be as honest as you can. Don't tell someone you'll do something if you can't. Offer your help, but guarantee nothing. No matter how good something might seem, it might not work. If you mislead people, how long do you expect to keep them? Doing things this way may take a little longer, but look at the advantages! You have a solid downline. You don't have to race to the phone or mailbox to be first to contact someone. Because you are working with the same people, you will get to know them. You will have a steady income. You don't have to worry about finding new "schemes" and new "victims" every few months. Actually, four things are needed to be successful in MLM. A good product, a good marketing structure, a good sponsor and a strong downline. The time and money spent to find these four things is well worth it. Don't settle for anything less. To do so will only restrict the goals you can achieve. Once you have found these four things, it's easy. All you have to do is keep in touch with your 5 or 6 people. If everyone does this, no one will fail. Everybody will be a success. If you still look for a good network company, you can visit http://www.best-internet-businesses.com and find a real good one to get you started. ---------------------------------------------------------
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The Fine Art of Relationship Marketing The buzzword these days is "relationship" marketing. Just what is it? And why is it important? Relationship marketing is so much more than "networking. It's gathering support of your friends, peers, and business contacts. It's developing strong, lasting, unique relationships with your most valuable asset, your customer. It's what keeps people "coming back for more." It's an excellent way to shorten the traditional routes of building trust, create opportunities, increase valuable contacts, to achieve success and excel in business. Top Five Tips For Designing Marketing Strategies That Get Results "But this won't work" said Steve. "I've tried it in the past and had no response." Does this sound familiar? My newer clients often resist implementing certain strategies based on past experiences. However, I usually find out that it wasn't the strategy itself ? but how it was implemented that caused the dismal results. Improving Lead Generating and Conversation Rates: Think Like a Farmer John's a freelance photographer in Ohio who called to tell me of his frustration with the advertising and promotional campaigns he has tried in the last couple of years. Each time he does a promotional mailing to his list of 10,000, he is lucky if he gets one or two inquiries. I had a similar call from a corporation that was spending its time and money driving traffic to its web site. With six thousand visitors a day, they were only getting a couple of inquiries per week. Private Practice Marketing: A Soaking Wet Marketing Marvel Last week I took our two boys on an all guy vacation to the Nickelodeon Family Suites Hotel in Orlando. It's the only one of it's kind in the world, with two separate mini-water parks on site, with a mall in the middle. Dramatically Improve Your Marketing Results With These 6 Simple Steps What if there were things you could start doing now that could help you to market more successfully in the future? Even if you didn't have your marketing act together over the past year. Well, there are. Is It Time To Kill Your Marketing Program? Ouch . . . sounds pretty drastic I know, but . . . Your Secret Marketing Weapon As a professional service provider, you're paid for what you know. People come to your firm for the expertise you offer, first and foremost. Did you also realize that this is also your secret marketing weapon? Eight No Cost Ways to Market Your Business Are you trying to promote your business with a tiny marketing budget? Opportunities are plentiful for low or no cost marketing. Here are a few that won't cost you a cent.Publish articles about your specialty. "How-to" articles are always welcome. Ensure you include your contact information.Write letters to the editor of publications your target market reads.Get involved in an organization or community project.Build strategic alliances with non-competing businesses and cross-promote each other.Publish a special report. A "super how to" list for your specialty area. Distribute freely. Ensure that your contact information is included.Speak to groups and organizations. Make sure the audience is your target market.Carefully target relationships with media sources.Write newsworthy press releases and distribute to your special contacts.The more proactive you can be, the better off your business will be. Do Not Consider Running the Same Yellow Page Ad until You Read This Grant Businesses have a love-hate relationship with the Yellow Page directory On the one hand, business owners know they need to be there - even though everyone they compete against is there, too. They rightly fear their ad won't get noticed. That's why questions like, "How big should it be?" become important (along with up-grades that jack up an ad's cost). Are they worth it? Who knows! The whole topic is complicated and a tad intimidating. A lot is riding on the ad's ability to pull in more business. Advertisers don't feel they understand Yellow Page issues well enough to make the "right choice." So they often avoid thinking about it altogether. Even when they realize their ad isn't drawing much business, an advertiser is reluctant to make changes. To what? So, what's the rush? The Yellow Page directory only comes out once a year. Whether an ad performs like a dynamo or a disappointment, the business is stuck with it until the next directory comes around. So there's plenty of time to consider what could make it better. But somehow, people seldom do. But at some point, the ad shifts from back burner to urgent, as the next directory's deadline approaches. Decisions about what it will look like are often made "on the fly." So it never gets the scrutiny it deserves, so it can deliver the most "bang for the buck." Time pressure (coupled with the urging of the Sales Rep) leads many business owners to just "stick with what I have." That decision means hardly having to think about it at all. For another year, anyway. But that's not the best strategy - just the quickest. A business owner should carefully consider the wisdom of each aspect of their directory listing - wording, images, size, options, which directories or headings, etc. Change involves more than the ad's appearance Never change your ad just to make it prettier. Modifications should help you connect even better with directory user's needs. That involves focusing your message and distinctive style (which is communicated in a glance) so it grabs them. Get the advice you need to fine-tune your ad from industry experts at http://www.yellowpagesage.com There's no need to feel stuck with an under-performing ad. Changing your ad can involve increasing or decreasing its size or features (or going in an unrelated direction). But such revisions are simple, compared to more complex and influential issues, like whether it communicates your distinctive personality and benefits. If you're unclear about your message, don't be surprised if readers don't get it. Sharpening your customer-grabbing message should be an ongoing concern, and not just for the Yellow Pages. Directory users are looking for information to make their buying choices easier. Looking and sounding like every other ad doesn't serve their needs - and it doesn't serve you, either. Re-assess the wisdom of your Yellow Page strategy What you spend for your Yellow Page listing is only a portion of your advertising budget. How big a slice should it be? Resist the temptation to over-spend for the value received (as most advertisers do). Costs should bear some relationship to the amount of business coming through them - which involves tracking your calls and sales. Consider directory costs relative to all the ways customers find you. Where does most new business really come from? Are marketing dollars better spent elsewhere? Figure the source of new business before getting caught by secondary questions like: how large, or which headings, or whether options like color make sense. Recognize the changes affecting directory usage. Buyers aren't relying on the print directory like they used to. Many use the Internet Yellow Pages (IYP) and search engines focused with local terms. Think about whether to direct some directory dollars there. Update your information to keep it current Business changes occur all the time. Don't forget to bring your data up to date when placing your next year's advertising. Business changes affecting your ad - Change of business name, or splitting into more than one company or brand - Added or different phone numbers; same with addresses - Add your Web site address (domain URL) or email address - Changed your policies, hours, services (like free delivery) - Additional product lines or services (like classes or supplies) - Update years in service (if in your ad) - New awards, degrees, etc. that can bolster credibility - Adding a partner (especially for professions) - Remove what's no longer true or relevant Think long and hard about what will make you stand out in the directory during the year (not just at renewal time). The success of your business could depend on how well your ad does its job. (c) 2004, Lynella Grant T.E.A.M Profit As you network and meet other business owners,keep this philosophy in mind:"Together Everyone Achieves More Profit" Getting The Big Picture Series: Part 2-Whats Beneath The Surface? When you take a piece of gold to a pawn shop sometimes they will take a small saw-like tool to scrape the jewelry to find out for sure "What's Beneath The Surface". Sometimes they find pure gold, silver, or tarnished metal. 5 Ways To Entice Your Parallel Market to Trade Links Lots of people get confounded when attempting to exchange links, you're not alone. The people who have the spot you want are competitors. The people who don't aren't worth exchanging links with. What to do? The Role of Marketing for Boards of Directors Small and emerging companies often do not put together a board of advisors or board of directors for many reasons. Some entrepreneurs believe that businessmen and women would not be willing to serve on their board of advisors for the little or no compensation that the new company can afford. Another reason small and emerging companies do not have boards of advisors is that often the entrepreneur does not want advice from others. In some extreme cases, entrepreneurs believe they do not need advice from others. GSI knows better. Questioning the Data of Demographic Off The Shelf Marketing Products I have been working on a direct mail campaign for our team in many areas and we are finding that the yellow page listings and business list CDROMS contain so many closed companies that we are spending too much on the mailings which are opened a little less because of the anthrax scare. Even customized lists are of little value. No one is keeping these lists fresh and deleting the ole data. Book of Lists are outdated as soon as they come out, CDROMS rip people off by disallowing lots of search downloads, yellow pages forget it. Phone numbers are wrong, addresses are wrong as a matter of fact most business parks are 30% unoccupied, downtowns about 15% and industrial areas about 28% nationwide, so with all these jobs and companies gone, there is no one keeping track of the data. Yet we are told the recession is over? Whatever. Are we judging by the stock market? Because it is not real either. If My Work is Good Enough "If My Work is Good Enough, I Shouldn't Have to Market, Right?" Low-Cost Marketing With Postcards Here's a simple way you can generate lots of sales leads ...or traffic to your web site. Use postcards. They're highly effective and very low-cost. Plus, postcards provide the following 6 unique advantages over most other types of advertising. Small Business Marketing Tip ? Putting the Customer First. I am a great believer in the keeping to the basics ? the totally obvious things that we all learn in Running Your Business 101, and then promptly forget. I often have people come up to me after a speech and say, "This is all blindingly obvious, just common sense." And they are right, but my immediate response is always the say, "So are you doing it??" Radio Advertising Works With These Tips! Advertising on the radio can be an effective lead generation strategy. But like all marketing tactics, success or failure lies in its implementation. Here are 15 important tips to help make your radio advertising more profitable. Grab Your Audience by Focusing on Benefits Have you ever chosen to pay attention to someone just because they were so self-absorbed they didn't even know you were in the room? Of course not! We pay attention to people who take an interest in us. If we want our readers to pay attention to us, we better pay attention to them! The 3 Unknown Steps of Marketing Success To be your own marketing expert you first need to know where to begin. It's no good learning how to be a good copywriter, if you don't know what medium is best to promote your work through. ![]() |
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