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A Pass / Fail Test for Any New Market
If you are considering entering a new target market, with anexisting or new product or service, it makes sense to firstsystematically analyze the market in question via somefundamental market evaluation criteria. It is not onlyrational but most cost effective to determine if a new marketpursuit makes sense for your company before any significantresources are further applied to the effort. A "pass or fail" test of your targeted market is recommendedwith your company's core management team collectiveinvolvement. Discussing the attributes of a given market andfurther analyzing the business logic behind your intention toparticipate in a new market will generate some veryenlightening conversation among your key decision makers.Having various management functions present for the discussiongenerates the most effective, broad base perspective,appropriate "next step" for this strategic decision. Besides further justifying or reducing your intentions to entera new market, weighing all the same attributes of any onetargeted market candidate against another target markets ofconsideration can lead to a pivotal decision for the futuredirection of your company. The opportunity cost of choosingthe "wrong" or "least rewarding" target market, given limitedcorporate human and financial resources, can make or breakyour collective ability to meet or exceed your company's shortand long term growth objectives. Again, effectively utilizinga simple, systematic evaluation checklist made up of some ofthe market attributes listed below can be most time efficientand cost effective. Our list of market attributes cover various business sectorsand should not be considered a complete listing. To make thisevaluation exercise most productive for your management team,first evaluate this list for relevancy and then add whatevernumber of additional categories or attributes that correlateto your company's collective business priorities, resources,risk/ reward tolerance levels and growth objectives. MARKET PRODUCT / SERVICE LINE ATTRIBUTES: MARKET CUSTOMER ATTRIBUTES: MARKET SERVICE ATTRIBUTES: MARKET COMPETITION ATTRIBUTES: MARKET GROWTH: If you want to further quantify this analysis you cannumerically weight each market attribute with your ownspecific market attribute priorities and then give numerical"grades" to any or all new market entry candidates tocalculate a weighted value for each new market opportunity. Evaluating new business opportunities should be a well thoughtout, straightforward, iterative process. Beginning theevaluation process with a simple tool to justify furtheranalysis is a prudent procedure. The more effective youranalysis, the greater the probability your strategic decisionswill maximize return on investment. About the Author:
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Boost Your Business With Testimonials When used correctly, testimonials can boost your response dramatically. They help build the prospect's perception of believability, stability, honesty, and value in your product or service. When prospects see all those testimonials, especially from people to whom they can relate, they gain confdence in you. They become less worrried about making an error in buying what you sell. Marketing Worksheet Even the world's best marketing strategy won't work for you if it's not well-planned, and the best way to do that is to develop a customized work sheet for each client. How Your List Affects Postage Costs HOW YOUR LIST AFFECTS POSTAGE COSTS AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Adapting Blog Technologies To Corporate E-Newsletters Every January, trade publications put out a list of predictions for the coming year. They discuss products, services and trends that they think will change the way business is done, labeling these "disruptive technologies." The idea of disruptive technologies comes from Clayton Christensen's 1997 book, The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. A disruptive technology is a method, procedure, skill, device, or material that redefines the competitive standards. Note that the technology doesn't have to be a physical item and that it often forces us to re-examine the way we work. InfoWorld's list of disruptive technologies for 2003 included open source, self-service CRM, digital identity, and my personal favorite, Weblogs. How can a simple, Web-based journal be disruptive? For starters, it's worth describing what a Weblog is. Basically, a Weblog or "blog" is a personally created, online, time-stamped web page that includes the thoughts, ideas, and comments of the "blogger." The musings are usually brief, but they are published frequently and consistently. People can subscribe to receive the blog updates via e-mail. Often, the blogger is an expert on the subject he/she is discussing. At first glance, it doesn't appear that blogs would be at all disruptive. So why all the hype? If we look closely at the structure and intent of blogs as a communications tool, we can see some powerful ideas at work. Blogs are a direct, one-to-many vehicle for communicating ideas. They expand an individual's ability to communicate. They are fresh and timely. The blogger, in order to maintain interest, must communicate often. Blogs enable a single person to share ideas, insights, and useful knowledge with an audience. Thanks to the Web, the audience can be a global one. Whenever a new tool or process-such as e-mail- expands communications, the effects are far-reaching and dramatic. Even though blogs have been around for 3-4 years, they could be the next big thing. Blogs Are The "Real Voice"Two important characteristics of blogs are that they are written by a person who is knowledgeable and passionate about the topic, and that they are written in a "real voice." This is a cosmic shift from the marketing and public relations materials that are the staple of business communications. Often, when information goes through a formal marketing or PR process, the end result is an attractive, expensive, stale, diluted document written in corporate speak. This result is generally due to the processes that evolved to accommodate the costs and standards of print technology, rather than to the incompetence or malevolence of corporate communicators. The edge, the authenticity, and the voice of the professional speaking to his fellow professionals is lost. Blogs offer the human voice that can be loud, controversial, and even wacky. But the realness of the blog inspires trust and piques people's curiosity. A blog can create a community and a dynamic discussion. If you are a product manager working in the chemical products industry, chances are that you would rather hear about the real experiences of other product managers in your industry than read a glossy marketing piece put out by the marcom department. Blogs fit this communications requirement perfectly. Blogs Are SimpleWeblogs are easy for people to publish, read and respond to. They can foster a community of like-minded individuals and be the catalyst for spirited discussions. Blogs are an inherently proactive form of communications. Weblog participants can subscribe to receive scheduled postings to the blog. Weblogs are inexpensive to produce and they can include a variety of multimedia content (audio, video, files, etc.) and hypertext links that add value to the discussion. Blogs Empower The IndividualThere are a host of tools on the Internet that make blogging a snap! Blogs empower a single person to capitalize on the reach and ubiquity of the Web. And they don't require the investment or recurring costs of print technologies. Blogs Empower The EnterpriseBlogs empower the knowledgeable people within a company to share their insights, know-how, and expertise. The value to a corporation is that this knowledge can be organized, distributed, and leveraged to increase the value of different product and service offerings to the customer. If a corporation is going to use a blog, however, it should understand that controlling the content of the discussion is difficult. If you want an authentic exchange, you have to be willing to accept the stone-throwing and critical comments that often occur in a blog. This requires extending trust and giving up some of the control a company would normally have when it publishes a press release or hosts its own online forum, for example. The upside is that people will listen to a real voice. Adapting Blog Concepts To Your Newsletters You can adapt blog technologies to your corporate electronic newsletters by taking advantage of the underlying concepts. You can, for example: * Publish a small amount of well-organized information frequently and regularly * Include content from individuals who are knowledgeable and passionate about their work* Make it easy for your employees to communicate directly in their own, human voice* Respect the reader by making sure your e-newsletter provides value and that he/she wants to receive it. E-newsletters geared towards educating a marketplace, rather than those focused on advertising or marketing, turn out to be particularly effective. E-newsletters offer an affordable, direct way for the experts in a company to communicate with an audience. This means that a product manager or an engineer can enhance the flow of information and make it more accessible to those who want it. Think of your channel and the information needs of your partners. Your company has a wealth of information that would help them sell your products more effectively. There is much insight within your partner community that could be leveraged throughout the channel. And your technical experts and engineers have critical knowledge and understanding that everyone could utilize. What's often missing is an easy way for the "know-how" keepers to capture their knowledge, organize it, and deliver it. The best e-newsletters are written in a real voice, not in corporate speak. Two years ago, the book The Cluetrain Manifesto shook up the business community (see http://www.cluetrain.com/book.html). The revelation? That business is about humans. As Wall Street Journal columnist Thomas Petzinger Jr. writes in the foreword: "I was dumbstruck. There in a few pages, I read a startlingly concise summary of everything I'd seen in twenty-one years as a reporter, editor, bureau chief and columnist for my newspaper. The idea that business, at bottom, is fundamentally human. That engineering remains second-rate without aesthetics. That natural, human conversation is the true language of commerce. That corporations work best when the people on the inside have the fullest contact possible with people on the outside." It turns out that the human "voice" is an underserved or ignored need. In a world of 6+ billion inhabitants, the individual craves to speak and to be heard. References Blogs As Disruptive Tech: How Weblogs Are Flying Under The Radar Of The Content Management Giants, By John Hiler, CEO, Webcrimson, http://www.webcrimson.com/ourstories/blogsdisruptivetech.Htm Making Room For Disruptive And Emergent Technologies, By Hugh Blackmer, Science Librarian, Washington & Lee University, http://home.wlu.edu/~blackmerh/sabb/nitle2.html* Blogs As Disruptive Innovation: What A Brave New World Blogging Is Building!, by Dr. James V. McGee, Professor, The Kellogg School Of Management, http://www.mcgeesmusings.net/2002/05/15.html Weblogs At Harvard Law, Bookmark List For ABCD Weblogs Meeting, By Dave Winer, http://Blogs.Law.Harvard.Edu/Stories/Storyreader$199 8 BIG Benefits To Selling Big Ticket Items How Can I Break Into Cliques? Have you ever gone to a networking function and seen THE person who you feel could help you most there, except that person is surrounded by people ALL the time? Have you ever tried to enter into a conversation with that circle of people, only to have gotten the feeling you were intruding? How do you get an audience with a person who is constantly surrounded by "gatekeepers"? This happens often at gatherings that do not have a structured agenda- in other words in places where open networking is promoted. Here's an effective approach to meeting the person you want to meet. A Creative RIOT Relevant, original and impactful: that's what my friend Creative Director Jim Mountjoy says that effective creative must be. With apologies to Jim, I have my own acronym because I think ROI is only 75 percent of the way there. Effective creative is a RIOT: relevant, impactful, original and true. How Much Is Your Popcorn Worth? Powerful Lessons In Marketing & The Psychology Of Selling - Part 1 In the following 'special report,' I will reveal some very powerful marketing strategies and psychological motivators that can easily help you make more profits from your business, no matter what business you're in. The Importance of a Marketing Plan There aren't many things in life that you would get into with out a plan. Marketing is no different. Your overall marketing plan should cover about a six month period, and should be made up of weekly and monthly marketing schedules. How to Add Warmth, Color & Texture to Your Advertisements "?A powerful agent is the right word?" --Mark Twain Networking Magic YES-- it is true that Networking is an art that must be mastered. However, for those of you that are new to the networking game and the art of mastering it, please READ ON. While you do not want to be in a position at social function of hanging with the same person all night, if you really want to make your network work for you, there are some surefire tactics that you must employ. Networking is much more than simply handing out your business/calling card and moving to the next 'target' in the room. I am always so surprised by the number of people that exchange business cards and do not take advantage of the possibility of creating an instant marketing campaign. The 10 Cornerstone Principles of Marketing There are four parts to a marketing system and they rest on ten cornerstones. To Swag or Not to Swag: Tip to Brand Your Tchotchkes on a Shoestring It's interesting to see how resourceful people become when starting their own business. Especially when budget is tight, creative juices go into high gear. I recall my days in corporate marketing when every event, whether it be a sales conference, partner summit or tradeshow had to have tchotchkes. ("Tchotchke" is Yiddish for those corporate giveaways you see at tradeshows, usually small trinkets branded with the company's logo. If the tchotchkes are really cool, some people even call them "swag" or "schwag.") Marketing Brain Trust Rest assured that no matter how smart you are, you do not know everything about marketing. You don't even know anything about marketing your product! You can't figure everything out yourself, or see all the angles, or provide every bit of critical thinking. Why Trying to Get the Appointment Can be a Recipe for Dis-Appoinment Why Trying to "Get the Appointment" Can be a Recipe for Dis-Appoinment People Pleasing Postcards Why are more businesses turning to full-color postcards as a key form of promotion? The biggest reason is the simplest: You don't have to open a postcard. It won't get lumped in with all the direct mail envelopes that people toss without opening. Unleash the Power of Post Cards Direct mail marketing is essential for a business to survive. Promotional Bags: Your Company Details on Parade The trick to a good promotion is to attach your company details to something useful. Now, there is "private useful" like the promotional toothbrush you use in the privacy of your own bathroom, and there is "public useful" that you use out there where everyone sees you inadvertently parading the promotion. The Art Of Writing Classified Ads The writing of good classified ads truly is an art that needs to be learned and perfected. Depending on the type of business you run, the development of a good classified ad can boost your annual sales by an average of £5,000 to £20,000 or more. Fundraising: How To Avoid Three Common Mistakes I'm a board member of a local nonprofit and we are about to launch our annual campaign. Like other nonprofits in our community, we are facing a very competitive funding environment. There are more agencies seeking more money from more sophisticated donors. ![]() |
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