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Weight Loss Information

The Science of Obesity: Fats & Cholesterol

For years we heard that a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet would keep us healthy and help us lose weight. And many of us jumped on the bandwagon, eliminating fat and high-cholesterol foods from our diets. Well, unfortunately, we were doing it all wrong.

Top 5 Reasons Why Women Over 30 Dont Lose Weight And Keep It Off

Have you heard about it lately? Everywhere you look, women over 30 can find one hundred excuses for not being able to lose weight and keep it off.

How To Avoid Post Workout Binges And Lose Those Last 10 Pounds In 3 Easy Steps

I was so embarrassed for her. After a grueling 45 minutes on the Stairmaster, Kathy rewarded herself with a bag of Ruffles and a Diet Coke. Yet still insatiable, she drank two breakfast drinks and finished off little Emily?s last five Oreos.

Exposed: The 95% Dieting Lie Thats Keeping You Fat

Repeat a lie often enough and people take it as truth. This describes the plight of the hackneyed statistic that 95% of all diets fail.

The Truth About Weight Loss Marketing

Weight loss, diets and ?carbs? are common household topics. There is always a new pill or product that really is supposed to work. Whether it?s for burning fat or removing cellulite. The truth is, manufacturers are feeding on the false hopes of so many people who would do anything to lose weight and in the quickest amount of time.

Lose Weight - Think You Cant?

You step on the scale and groan at the number peeking between your toes. ?Oh, No!?

Low Carbohydrate Diet Revolution -- A History

Most people think of the Atkins diet when they hear the phrase low-carb. Indeed, Dr. Robert C. Atkins is the author of a number of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet books. The first one was published in 1972, and his pioneering efforts revolutionized the dieting world we see today. For everything that you hear; however, Dr. Atkins did not create low-carb dieting.

If You Dont Track Your Diet? You Are Wasting Your Time

Frankly, I?m puzzled whenever I hear this from somebody who?s frustrated with their lack of gains:

How Slimming Down Can Add More Cash in Your Wallets

Are you unhappy with your current weight but aren't "motivated" enough to do something about it?

Diet Scams : How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off

Have you ever received those tempting ads that seem to arrive regularly in the post - seductive brochures describing diet pills, patches and potions promising miracles? They show you "proof". They have the endorsements by medical and scientific "experts". They have the pictures before and after. And they have no end of guarantees, free gifts and other offers.

Fat, Fat Go Away

I am Dr Patrick Flanagan, and this is the latest edition of my Dr Health Secrets newsletter.

Gastric Bypass Surgery ? Get Your Vitamins!

Gastric bypass patients face a great task in the following months and years after surgery, most of which includes monumental lifestyle changes in comparison to their old habits and methods. The most important of all, given that gastric bypass patients have a new, tiny stomach to fill is diet. Similar to how those on a diet of any kind, the body will be taking in less food then usual and so it?s crucial to ensure that the food and nutrients you?re feeding your body are packed with goodness.

Gastric Bypass Surgery ? How Fast Will I Lose The Weight?

The gastric bypass procedure isn?t for everyone, but those who?ve had it ? an you will of heard of the success stories tooted by the marketing wizards and infomercials, the gastric bypass achieves maximum results and starts ?working? right away after surgery. Well it would, since patients are unable to eat more then a few spoon fulls of food per serving!

Gastric Bypass Surgery ? A Mortality Rate to Be Scared Of?

Success stories on the gastric bypass are everywhere, but how about the fatalities from the procedure? Barely mentioned in the magazines and newspapers, there is a serious risk carried by the gastric bypass and that risk is a 1 in 50 chance of you dieing within 1 month of the surgery ? that certainly puts the frights up me. The study by Washington University is shocking to say the least. The figure is apparently four times as many fatalities when patients are in the hands of inexperienced surgeons.

Get Started Exercising Now, But Take It Easy!

So you're overweight, "fat"--to be honest--and you want to start exercising. Before you take off like an overlarge airplane and start preparing for the Olympics trials, stop right there. You may have it all figured out by now, after checking with your friends, the media and finally that fickle fiend known as the bathroom mirror, that a regular exercise program is the only way to fly when it comes to permanent weight loss. That entails working out or otherwise flexing your physical and psychological muscles on a regular basis, perhaps three times a week, or maybe even once per day.

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