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Weight Loss Information

Weight Loss Can Be Achieved In As Little As 5 Days By Increasing Your Metabolism

One-size-fits-all diets don?t work....but then you probably know that already. Have you ever tried a diet that your friend raved about, but which brought you little or no results? Why would this happen? People are biochemical individuals and react differently to foods ? this is why one diet may work for your friend, but not for you. You need to determine what is the best combination of foods for your body.

Co-Dependency and Food: Trying to Fill the Void

Nice girls don?t speak up. Nice girls take care of and support others. These are just a few of the messages girls often receive as they are socialized. Often in adulthood, these ingrained messages turn into full-blown co-dependency. Years can go by. Unmet needs build up energy; they demand attention. But without learning skills in setting boundaries, letting others feel their own pain and making oneself a priority, food often becomes the hassle-free, soothing balm to take the edge off and release that pent up energy momentarily, that is until the guilt sets in.

Summer Dieting Tips

Cut the Calories, Bring Out the Bikini

The Hated Cellulite Cure That Works

Cellulite is not a medical condition or an aesthetic mutiny perpetrated by your thighs. It?s just excess fat that we?ve relegated as unsightly. Not all women have cellulite. All women of course have fat, but cellulite is simply excess fat bursting through the connective tissues holding the fat layer in place.

Preventing Overweight and Obesity ? Are You Responsible Enough?

Obesity is now assuming epidemic proportions. Worldwide there are over 1 billion overweight people and out of that more than 300 million in the obese category. With the U.S. weight loss market alone grossing over $46 Billion, and projections of 1 trillion by 2010, obesity, diet control and weight control nutrition is assuming increasing concern among health planners especially the WHO.

Three Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals

We all have aspects of health we want to improve. It could be as simple as increasing your stretching, or as great as starting an exercise program. Regardless of its scope, there is a reason you?re not doing it. Although the focus of this article is on health goals, these steps can also be applied to any aspect of your life, personal or professional. I will walk you through 3 steps that are guaranteed to help you achieve a health goal

Five Ways to Stay Motivated During Your Diet

You have been on diets before. You probably have lost weight. But sometimes, it?s tough to stay focused and on track. What?s been missing from your efforts? It is possible to lose weight in a consistent way and keep the pounds off.

Compulsive Eating Signs

Compulsive eating is characterized mainly by periods of impulsive bingeing or continuous eating. Purging (vomiting or laxatives) are not present, but there may be intervals of repetitive diets or fasts. Body weight can range from normal to severe obesity. Compulsive eating is a behavior driven by desire to reduce anxiety rather than by feelings of hunger. Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors reduce anxiety and distress, but they create a self-perpetuating cycle. The eating activity provides temporary relief, but it is followed by further distress in the form of guilt, shame, and disgust. This often leads to a vicious cycle of binge eating and depression. Compulsive eating can be a behavior used to fill a void, suppress uncomfortable emotions, cope with problems or to create a state of numbness to everything that is going on. Triggers can be anxiety, depression, stress, boredom or loneliness, dieting, and low self-esteem.

Diets - Why Drastic Does Not Work

How was it for you? Did you get through the Christmas Season eating sensibly, taking exercise and avoiding the usual seasonal excesses? Or, are you sitting at your desk reading this and wondering why all of your waistbands are tight?

The Culprit of Obesity in Children - Inactivity

It was bad enough hearing almost daily that obesity in adults is a growing problem, now our children are the focal point. Yes, moms and dads, the research is in. In a study conducted by Weight Watchers International Inc., and the American Health Foundation, 25% of American children are now officially overweight, and the youngest are especially at risk. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) found that 14% of six to 11 year olds weighed more than they should, as did 12% of 12-17 year olds. In addition, another ADA study suggests the half of obese adolescents will become fat adults.

4 Surefire Ways NOT To Lose Weight At Your Health Club

Everyone has their own individual reason for joining a health club, lose a few pounds, tone up, lower your blood pressure, strengthen a bad back or shoulder, perform better in sports, or just keep in shape by playing some basketball or racquetball.

Slowing Down Can Help You Lose Weight Faster

Running For Weight Loss??.Slow Down

How to Shed Pounds Fast!

Very few Americans are satisfied with their current weights. There are too many good tasting, high-calorie foods, and too few hours available to burn the fat. It can be done easily, and here are the best ways to do it. Remember, weight-loss is best approved by a physician, especially if there are any medical concerns such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, etc.

Diet Pills: Tremendous Temptation, Huge Frauds

False campaigns

Im Not Fat, Im Fluffy

A distorted body image is one of the symptoms that define anorexia and related eating disorders. Patients may be painfully thin but still see themselves as fat while they continue to cut calories, over-exercise, purge, or use enemas in an effort to lose more and more weight.

More Articles from Weight Loss Information:
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