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Spirituality Information

Accepting Non-Acceptance

It's not always easy to stand in the midst of a group of people (particularly if those people are people that we have known and are attached to emotionally) and be different. To think differently, to believe differently, to respond differently, to live a different life than our friends and our family are living is, in a sense, the "toughest challenge" of manifesting our spiritual self. The threat inherent to this situation is that those we love, those we care about, those we have always depended upon for emotional support and encouragement will turn against us because we no longer follow the same belief system that they do.

Actualizing Personal Truth

Self-actualization comes down to three basic premises: this is who I am, this is what I believe and the foundation on which my life is built, and this is the way I manifest that belief system on a daily basis.

Equal In the Eyes of God

There was a time in my life when I seriously wondered whether there was intelligent life on other planets.

Anam Cara - Making Sense of Life

We make sense of our world via the senses. The senses are gateways. They keep us locked into a certain reality but they can be the medium of freedom from the limitation we call ?our life.? For too long religion has labelled the senses as something ?not quite nice.? For too long we have separated our senses as being something ?not spiritual.? Many of our religions have done the same with the sensational experience we call sex.

Getting Back to the Basics of Truth

Anyone who has invested time, energy and effort into finding their own truth knows that ignorance is NOT bliss. Understanding the religious environment that we grew up in should be the natural first step towards defining our own belief system. All too often, we grow up getting bits and pieces of religion, but never take the time to look at the bigger picture.

Its Not What You Know, Its What You Do

Knowing what is right and what is wrong in your own inner consciousness is insufficient. It is not the knowing of truth that transforms a person; it is the doing of truth that has an impact on you and on the other people that you interact with.

Law to the Nth Degree

Most of us know that the universe - God's universe - operates on an independent structure called Universal Law. The laws of the universe - God's laws - are an invisible influence that gently force the natural order under which the universe operates to be maintained. We can't fully understand 'karma' without understanding how it works, and why it works that way, and how the way it works affects our lives on a daily basis - without first understanding the laws that support it.

Life Dont Work That Way

It would be nice if the planet - like so many other things in modern day life - came with a guarantee. "If, for any reason, this planet fails to yield the resources required for, or the environment conducive to, the continuation of the species commonly referred to as homo sapiens, God agrees to replace this planet at no cost to the inhabitants at any time within one eternity at no cost to the inhabitants themselves."

Look! Its Another New Age!

There's nothing new about "the new age" except the attitude of the souls participating in it. I bet every soul who chose to incarnate into this particular historical era shook their little energy heads and said, "Oh, no! Not again!"

Looking Back With A Pained Expression

Anyone who tells you that the path to self-actualization is an easy one has never walked it. Along the way, we meet - head on! - the skeletons in our personal closets, and the process of coming to terms with our past and al that it brought into our lives is a long and solitary one. It's such a dark and lonely space that many people give up the journey, deciding that the "present moment self" - as imperfect as it may be! - will just have to suffice in this lifetime.

Making Our Self Real

"Self-Actualization" is the process of making our self "actual." Our "real self" is our inner being, and it is only when we have integrated our inner truth into our external personality that we can - actually - express who we are and what we believe in so consistently that it becomes our "visible truth." The growth process through which this integration of inner truth with outer expression takes place is called "self-actualization," and - like every other learning cycle in God's universe - it is governed by Universal Law.

Questioning - Is It A Natural Process?

One of the first issues people on the spiritual path have to address is a doctrinal one: Is it wrong to question? Is asking questions about the truth we've been taught "sinful?" Your answer may have a dramatic effect on your ability to explore without guilt!

Seeing the Big Picture

Sometimes, in traveling a path, we discover a short-cut, and we reach our destination in less time?and with less effort than we thought, when we began the journey, would be required of us. On the path to self-awareness, however, there are no short-cuts. Personal growth awareness of the person we are in every present moment-is an ongoing lifetime process. The end of one learning cycle is always the beginning of the next.


The human race had their beginning, and I had mine ? in this lifetime, anyway.

Stepping Into the Darkness

One of the "loopholes" in my philosophical belief system when I was younger (and at this point in my life, that means "almost middle-aged"! ) was whether or not there was an evil force in the universe equal to God who served as man's adversary. He was the original "bad guy," and the human race seemed to be caught between these two invisible forces - one of good and one of evil. People, as the pawns in this universal power play, followed either Jesus or Satan.

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