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Equal In the Eyes of God
There was a time in my life when I seriously wondered whether there was intelligent life on other planets. As a child, I believed that we human beings here on the planet Earth were God's only children. I learned early on how special we were: we were made in God's image, to look after His planet. There was no other force in the universe (which I envisioned as a big, black void with our planet in the center) that could compare to us. Our planet was here for our convenience; it was home to everything that we thinking, feeling human beings needed to survive. The survival of Man, I thought, was the only purpose for anything else being alive. I can't lay the blame for those self-centered beliefs on anyone or anything in particular, but I'm sure it had a lot to do with bits and pieces I'd heard in church and Sunday school, where they never, ever discussed the possibility that other beings, living on other planets, were just as favored in God's eyes as we were. I definitely grew up thinking of Man as an only child. When I was fourteen, I was fortunate enough to meet the neighborhood cynics, a lovely couple who thought and felt differently than anyone else I knew. My inquisitive self loved them the minute I met them, since they were willing to talk about all kinds of things and didn't feel the need to draw any conclusions from talking, which, to their opinion, was sometimes just 'thinking out loud.' When I asked if they thought there was life on other planets, they laughed. "I certainly hope so," Jim said. "If we're the best that God can do, the Universe is in a lot of trouble." That simple sentence, said with soft laughter so many years ago, set a new direction in my thinking about life on other planets. I understood his point, even as a teen-ager; we thinking, feeling human beings don't always think straight, and very often let our feelings get in the way of good choices. I had a tendency to agree that somewhere in the universe there had to be life forms that were more on top of life than we are. As years went by, and the concept of life as a learning experience for souls became a part of my belief system, my ideas about whether there was life on other planets, and whether they were equal to, above, or below Man fluctuated a lot, depending on what I was reading and who I was talking to. It never occurred to me, then, that life wasn't as much about 'being on top of things' as it was about 'being in the midst of it all.' Sometimes I just don't see the forest for the trees; it took me a long time to figure out that the 'other levels of life experience' and 'other levels of consciousness' I was always talking about was probably one and the same with 'life on other planets.' Since then, I've done my homework and put the pieces together in a way that is comfortable for me and fits in well with what I believe about God and the universe He created. In high school, we don't study music in the same room where we study auto repair. Our environment (which is really our classroom) is always specially designed to support the lessons we're there to learn. It makes sense that each planet would offer the perfect environment for a different set of soul lessons; it also makes sense that the physical form (or lack thereof) that a soul enters at birth would be one that can thrive in that particular environment. I'm sure, now, that there are more planets in God's universe than we could ever hope to count, with more forms of life than we have the conscious ability to comprehend. If life is as infinite as God himself, then so are the ways in which we, as souls in process, can experience it. It took me a long time to appreciate the fact that every living thing on this planet is equal in the eyes of God; it took me even longer to appreciate that every living think in this Universe is on the same spiritual path we are, learning the same basic spiritual lessons in their own unique way. Sometimes I still have a hard time truly comprehending that all life on this planet is inter-connected, and that what we do to one we do to all. It makes perfect sense that every life form on every planet in God's universe is connected as well, and that what we do to one we do to all. All of this soul-level spiritual understanding being gained through this experience we call life binds us all together in our shared efforts to get back to where we started from: being one with God. It adds a whole new dimension to 'being a part of The Whole.' Lois Grant-Holland is a Life Path Focus Counselor offering Life Path Focus Sessions, Karmic Astrology Charts, Channeled Guidance, Intuitive Readings and Classes and Workshops to spiritual seekers on all positive paths, and is the site facilitator at The A.N.S.W.E.R. - (The Seeker's Resource Guide to Alternative, New Thought, Spiritual Growth, Wellness and Enlightenment Resources.) You can visit her website at http://www.loisgrantholland.com
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Moksha - Salvation Hinduism... Highlights Concept and the Path Is it not true that only after gaining Enlightenment (Self-Realization) that one can reach the stage of Moksha (Salvation). Everything is Happening for the Good When we feel that something has gone wrong and are very much disappointed then people will console us saying "Probably, there is some good in whatever is happening to you". Here I would like to comment on this saying. Firstly, don't think that people console this way. It is the truth that there is some good in our present situation. The reason behind this is that how can God, our Creator, put us in trouble? It is lack of our faith that we are feeling that wrong has happened to us. Secondly, its NOT PROBABLY but DEFINITELY there is some good in our present situation. At this time, we may be feeling bad but sooner or later we will discover that whatever has happened to us was good infact. Drifting Like a Summer Breeze He knew it was going to happen. He wasn't really surprised.Yeah, if he had to be honest with himself, it hit him kind of hard because he had been with them for so long. But to be honest, they never really showed any real interest in him or his work. KABBALAH OF LOVE: The Secret Power of Ego The Key to True Love... How To Make Your Dreams Come True You will become as great as your dominant aspiration...If you cherish a vision, a lofty ideal in your heart, you will realize it.~James Allen, As You Think The Big Choice "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you, and you will eat with me."REVELATION 3:20, NCV The Power of Gods Love Can Change Your Life Do you want victory in your life? Do you have problems with addiction, relationships, depression? Do you sometimes doubt that you will ever overcome? Anam Cara - Discovering Your Being The more that "little me" allows surrender the more is done. What is done is "good." This, I know, seems a value judgement. It might be better to say that "what is done is joy." No resistance. No getting in the way. No concern for results. Simply trusting what will be will be. This free flow of feeling energy is the experience of joy. Coming Home I find myself floating on a cloud as heavenly music plays. The Importance and Necessity of Special Revelation - Part Two Part Two Continued Fear Base Society In today's world we worry about everything, food, jobs, clothing, shelter, children, husbands, etc. But what does the Bible say about fear and what shall I fear. First lets look at Psalms 111:10 it says; The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. All who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. I would like to think that all people want a good understanding of things. So I guess the first step is fear the Lord and follow his precepts for understanding. Some might ask, well how do we fear the Lord. Acknowledging the Existence of Your Soul Talking about your "soul" and the deeper things in life is so frequently considered as spun out or weird in modern, take-away-eating, order-it-on-the-internet life, but if you are one of these people, you'll find that letting go of socialistic trends like these will free you in a way that you simply cannot be freed in a materialists world. What Is The Universal Subconscious? There are many different and interchangeable terms that are used to describe the Universal Subconscious mind. But whatever term you use, metaphysicians and scientists agree that our Universe is a field of vibrating energy. Things that are denser operate at a lower frequency, and then there are also finer forms, such as thoughts and emotions, which operate at a much higher frequency. All of these things make up a collective Universal consciousness that we all share. A Mothers Journey to Spiritual Surrender I have studied many of the great Religions, Quantum Physics, Mystical Awareness and many forms of Spirituality over the past 17 years. I consider myself a Seeker and a Lightworker. I am also the mother of two children. This is what has defined me for the past 20 or more years. It is a role that I love and a role that has brought deep meaning to my life. As a single mother, my two children are my world. Ultimate Truth:The Beginning You decide! We are often asked to make decisions. Decision is described as, the passing of judgment on an issue under consideration, the act of reaching a conclusion or making up one's mind, a conclusion or judgment reached or pronounced, hence a verdict. Serenity Listen to the sound of silence. Enjoy the peaceand quiet.Listen to the wind, minimize the clutterin your mind. Feel the deafening sound of silence. Quick Reference Guide for Tarot Card Meanings Obviously, if you really want to learn about the meanings of the tarot cards and use them well, you'll spend time studying them and understanding the nuances of each card's interpretation. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a cool party game and want to impress your friends, this "cheat sheet" should provide you enough of a clue about each card's meaning that you can fake your way through a reading. And who knows -- once you loosen up and relax, you may surprise yourself! Geralds Story - A Tribute to Valor John 15:13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You Can Influence Your Fortunes In Life Natural laws exist that serve to maintain order in the universe. These laws are usually manifested as regularity in nature (as in the seasons) or as a relationship between cause and effect. In the physical realm natural laws exist which govern the behaviour of matter. Examples of such laws are Newton’s Laws of Motion. In the social aspect of life, natural laws also exist that regulate human activity. The Law of Demand and Supply is an example of such a law. This phenomenon is also manifested in the spiritual aspect of life. Universal and immutable spiritual laws exist which govern human creative activity. Echos Transition Echo was a flea-bitten gray horse, with brown speckles everywhere, and crystal clear hairs in her mane and tail. We met in October, 1976, when she was a broodmare on an Arabian farm in New York State. A beginner at riding doesn't usually start out with a novice horse, but I fell in love at first sight of her. Somehow, over the years, we learned how to have great times and not get in trouble. We enjoyed trail riding and had fun doing dressage, too. Echo loved to be ridden and to gallop across field. She was always as eager for my companionship as I was for hers. ![]() |
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