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Listen to the sound of silence. Enjoy the peaceand quiet.Listen to the wind, minimize the clutterin your mind. Feel the deafening sound of silence. You and I need moments of serenity.It is the only way to hear the inner stirrings of the soul.The spirit gets stronger when allowed moments of serenity. Is your energy low, sluggish?Try hard to stay away from hurtful memories.We all have them. These are very draining, it depletes energy.You need that energy to help you live a vibrant life, helps to keep your mind agile and more in tunewith the positive aspects of life. Stress drains energy. Worry drains energy. Guilt drains energy. Anger drains energy.Disorganization drains energy. Negative people with negative attitude drain energy. Keep out of reach of these energy "drainers". Take time each day to quieten your mind.Start your day with a brief meditation.State positive affirmations.The mind is clearer upon waking. Enjoy the beauty of nature that's around you.Let the gentle breeze kiss your cheeks, sweep through your being. Let tranquility embrace you. Yes, feel peace and serenity as you stopto listen and gaze into Nature's beauty.Enjoy the freshness of the morning breeze,or the warmth of the gentle evening wind. Stop thinking of the shortfalls of life. This is all in your mind.Count your blessings. How many trials and pain have you survived? Many, I'm sure.These entered your life in many forms. They came uninvited, unannounced, invasive. attimes disturbing. But you survived. Know that you are a winner!! Yes, you survived a lot- this includes deep pain , self- doubt,insecurity, but you managed to move on.Be thankful.These should be reasons to face lifeand this world with gratitude. Appreciate all the gifts of this life. What is there to complain about?You can move on and get on to the next phase.Take a big step forward. Do you believe in your personal power?Walk with confidence, be clear about who you are. Define and validate yourself. Think of your successes, learn from your mistakes. What are your dreams? Go ahead and pursue your dreams.Bless the day when you will realize your dreams! Acknowledge your accomplishments.Learn to forgive.Let love flow into your life. Count your blessings. E N D > About the writer: http://goldencupcafe.tripod.com
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Belief, Designed For Life! Liam says to Joe; "where is your God now, when life can be made in a laboratory"? Satan... Im Not Impressed! One important factor in how we go through life is our attitudes. The way we think, whether positively or negatively will have a very big affect upon what happens to us during this course of a lifetime. It determines where we will spend eternity. When We See Jesus As He Is You know that the Bible tells us a lot about Jesus, who he was, who he is, what he did and what he said... Spiritual Friendships As we walk along our paths in life, we will encounter several forms of friendships. There will be friends of convenience, friends by association, and friends of the heart. Friends out of convenience are friendships that you might have simply because you both are accessible to one another. These friendships are common in a work or school environment as people are united by place alone. You might even term these friendships as 'associates' instead of friends, because you associate with one another because you feel that you have to. The True Self as the Hidden Man of the Heart The Apocalypse, or unveilling, is the name given to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. The Book of Daniel is an apocalypse. So is Isaiah. The entire bible is an unveiling of the consciousness of man evolving from the human(OT) to the divine(NT). 10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Raphael 1. Raphael means "God heals." Raphael heals physical, emotional and spiritual problems, and is sometimes known as the "divine physician." Raphael is believed to have healed Abraham after his circumcision. Raphael also healed Jacob when he dislocated his hip after wrestling with an angel. Finding Freedom! "You have not handed me over to the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place. " Psalm 31:8, NIV Building the Bridge of LOVE - Dont You Think Its time? One of the saddest times in any child's life iswhen for some reason they think one or both ortheir parents are going to be taken from them. Inthe mid-nineties on one of their tours Naomi Juddannounced to the world that she had hepatitis andwould retire from the country music business.Leaving her daughter Wynonna to sing on her own forthe first time in her life. Ego, Duality, and Paradise (Why You Cant Get to Paradise on an Ego Trip) If you've been on a conscious spiritual journey for any time at all, you have likely figured out that there is an aspect of you that is working overtime to keep you out of Nirvana. That pesky entity is none other than your ego. Your ego, however, does not realize it is a problem; instead, it believes itself to be your heroic savior and the only thing standing between you and extinction. Indeed, the ego is correct in this-without your ego, there would be no "you." Your ego is the aspect of your psyche that maintains the idea that you are an individuated, separate, autonomous being. Laboring under this notion, it attempts to steward your life according to this model, and rebels at the notion that you are actually one with all Creation. The Terminus of Existence Setting boundaries is a common expression that we hear almost daily. We hear of our need to set personal boundaries; an invisible dividing line drawn between ourselves and others, a line that represents the point where public space ends and our own private space begins, so to speak. Four Voices The Bible tells us that we must be led by the Holy Spirit. Since there are always four voices we hear speaking to us at any given time, we must learn to distinguish each one so that we are able to do the right things. Our God of More than Enough There is no shortage in the abundance of blessings we are promised as God's children. We should expect to receive from Him if we believe the promises He's given us in His Word. To believe otherwise is to show that we have no confidence in God's word. This would indicate that we believe that He lied when He gave us these promises and throughout the Bible, we are told over and over again that God cannot lie. New Age Spirituality New Age Spirituality is all about getting back your power. Not that you ever lost it. Sometimes you gave your power away, misplaced it, or forgot you had power in the first place. Practices for Positive Change Connect with Your God Life Dont Work That Way It would be nice if the planet - like so many other things in modern day life - came with a guarantee. "If, for any reason, this planet fails to yield the resources required for, or the environment conducive to, the continuation of the species commonly referred to as homo sapiens, God agrees to replace this planet at no cost to the inhabitants at any time within one eternity at no cost to the inhabitants themselves." Mind, Body, Spirit Healing vs Traditional Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis The word "psychology" is the combination of two terms - study (ology) and soul (psyche), or mind. The derivation of the word from Latin gives it this clear and obvious meaning: Spiritual Intelligence: How It Benefits A Person In one forum, one participant posted this query: Forgiveness "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32, NIV Using Your Spiritual Path Against Yourself In looking back at my process over the years I have noticed an interesting phenomenon that I refer to as "using my path to go against myself." This behavior may be a surprise to many of you?.but as programmed ego minds we have been trained to use our life situations to go against ourselves since we were small. We have learned from those around us to use other people to raise our blood pressure, prove that we are not good enough, affirm that we will never be loved or that life is unfair. Unfortunately, the list of way we use others to hurt ourselves is endless. Do You Experience God? Connor, a man in his late 40's, has achieved everything he ever thought he needed to feel happy and secure. He owns a successful business, has a wonderful wife and two children, and a beautiful home. Yet when you look at him, he doesn't look happy. He looks empty, with no sense of vibrancy about him. ![]() |
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