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Spiritual Intelligence: How It Benefits A Person
In one forum, one participant posted this query: I think quite a few of us believe in the inadequacy of traditional science being unable to explain our universe, being unable to explain how to have a positive attitude, and how to live. We believe that possibly, there are no accidents, and the life we are living in is our choice. I want to learn from you on how to put this spirituality into a typical skill building training program....I believe that the key to helping people is not to develop their skills, but to build that little voice they hear inside their head every now and then. The voice that is bereaving them from within, and is having a conversation with them? Is there anyone here who has attempted to do this wants to share the experience? After Emotional Intelligence, analysts are now looking at Spiritual Intelligence (SI) as another means of addressing personal, business and career related quandary. While IQ and EQ are not new, SI is still in the infancy stage. This book will discuss SI and its connection to personal effectiveness and career development. Different authors attempted to define SI in a general perspective so as not to offend the sensibilities of different cultures. But this is what SI is not, religion. Because of this, some professionals are hesitant to explore the fullness of SI. Furthermore, it is assumed that SI is primarily based on intuition and emotion, discouraging the intellectuals in the process. But what is Spiritual Intelligence? Spiritual Intelligence (SI) is all about man's connection to his Creator. It is his ability to (1) recognize life principles (natural and spiritual laws) and (2) build his life in accordance with these laws. In layman's term, SI is also called 'wisdom' or the application of knowledge Contrary to the general perception, Spiritual Intelligence invokes the use of reason and will. The process involves analysis and a decision. To illustrate my point is to use the law of "gravity" as example. We don't have to feel the presence of gravity to believe, this principle is in place whether we are a believer of this law or not. And in application of this knowledge (wisdom), man made decisions (technological advancement) in respect to this principle to protect lives and properties. Since this book is about the governing laws and principles of life, let us discuss SI 101 or the foundation of Spiritual Intelligence. The ancient proverb says: Treasure wisdom (spiritual intelligence) and it will make you great; hold on to it and it will bring you honor. Prov. 4:8 (NCV) Below are the fundamentals of Spiritual Intelligence. 1) Man has to recognize his spirituality. Unless a person recognize he is a spirit being temporarily dwelling in a physical body, SI will not be of help. 2) Man has to recognize a higher spiritual being, the Supreme Designer who created both the seen and unseen, also the Great Author who set the "principles" in place to uphold the creation.Removing God from the picture is like removing "intelligence" from SI, leaving you with spirituality without "content". 3) If there is a Creator and we are created, there must be a "guidebook" about "life and creation" that we can all refer to.Whenever we aquire a new gadget, we refer to the handbook to understand its features and safety use. Definitely, we have to refer to something to understand the creation and the principles that hold it together. 4) Man has to understand his purpose in life, his calling.We can be good at a skill because of a training intervention but it does not mean the use of that skill is our destiny.There are those who are "genetically encoded" into a career- those who were "anointed" or "enabled", as others have called it, to accomplish a job, meet a need or address a problem. 5) Man has to understand his place in God's heart. The personality of each individual is partly a reflection of his understanding (or lack of it) of GOD. 6) The road to a successful life depends on a person's ability to recognize "life principles", and to synchronize his life in accordance with these laws. While it is true that our world is dynamic, and businesses and human capital, in order to survive must adopt to the changes. We must, however, recognize that there are things in life that are "permanent". US President Jimmy Carter once said "We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles". Spiritual Intelligence is recognizing time honored rules and applying the same to our modern situation. Unless an individual observed this prescription, Spiritual Intelligence will not benefit a person. Severo Santos, also known as "Sonnie", is a Human Resource Manager, Trainer, Volunteer Worker and Forum Moderator. He has authored several articles and in the process of completing a book on Spiritual Intelligence. Visit his blog at http://skopun.blogspot.com/
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Here he stands in the dark by the river Jabbok; the river that runs in the darkness between the life he has lived up to this point and the new life that could lie on the other side in the land of Canaan ? the Promised Land. All he has to do is cross it. Questioning - Is It A Natural Process? One of the first issues people on the spiritual path have to address is a doctrinal one: Is it wrong to question? Is asking questions about the truth we've been taught "sinful?" Your answer may have a dramatic effect on your ability to explore without guilt! Using Your Spiritual Path Against Yourself In looking back at my process over the years I have noticed an interesting phenomenon that I refer to as "using my path to go against myself." This behavior may be a surprise to many of you?.but as programmed ego minds we have been trained to use our life situations to go against ourselves since we were small. We have learned from those around us to use other people to raise our blood pressure, prove that we are not good enough, affirm that we will never be loved or that life is unfair. Unfortunately, the list of way we use others to hurt ourselves is endless. Trust Jesus (and Stress and Fear will Disappear) Everything was going wrong. Sure! Ill be a Millionaire! Discover Wealth and Prosperity with the Angels of Abundance I was in the bank's vault. The Brink's armored truck had just delivered several million dollars in small bills. Bags of money waited, stacked in a pile on the small counter. Methodically, I opened each and proofed the total it contained by counting the wads. I then took each wad, removed the wrapper and put the bills through the counting machine. When the machine finished, I hand counted it. The air was filled with the stuffy, musty smell of money. My hands were brown and oily from the invisible coat of dirt each bill carried. Addiction and Confession ADDICTION: - There are numerous obsessions and addictions which prevent the soul from healing or achieving its potential. Father Leo Booth and John Bradshaw have written a book on religion as an addiction that I have quoted in many other books so I will present another side to the issue here. Special Washes Attract and hold your family at home with some unique spiritual & New Age special washes inherited from the Hoodoo practice which combines elements of African and European magical, religious, and witchcraft traditions and a little bit of the Native American use of herbal and botanical wisdom. The Success of Servanthood "Who being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant." Philippians 2: 6-7, NIV Beware of the Lobby Lizards Our church is infested with lobby lizards. They crawl around the lobby of the church while other activities are going on as if they already have mastered the topic the pastor is discussing. Maybe they have memorized the Bible so studying it in a small group isn't necessary. Whatever the case, the lobby lizards are multiplying! Why The Fulfillment Of Your Vision Delays When God first unveils a business or ministry vision that He wants you to fulfill, it is often the case that there is a long delay or wait until the vision comes to pass. The reason the Lord has given you the revelation now is so that He can gain your attention and to equip you for the work ahead. The Lord is patient and well organized and will not move you into your appointment until your disposition matches the revelation. In other words, there is a work ahead of you that requires your character, understanding, knowledge, skills and experience to be prepared for the task. What is Kundalini? The Kundalini is a pool of energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine and which can be and often is, accessed, allowing the student/victim to use the energy for health, spirituality and creating their life as they were meant to live it. Making the Impossible Possible "I learned I was not, as most Africans believed, the victim of my circumstances but the master of them." - Legson Kayira Is the Church a Friend to Survivors of Abuse? After 6 years, I left an abusive relationship with an X partner (we were NOT married) in October 2004. He had verbally, emotionally, psychologically, and sexually abused me since the birth of my daughter in October 2001. He also had abused my daughter physically, as well as in many of the same ways that he'd abused me, since she began crawling. He also neglected her. Immaterial Gain Among some of us who deem ourselves spiritual, the use of the word "spiritual" causes blushing and anxiety. What a pale word it is in the face of what earned spirituality actually provides. No single word, however potent, can tap the pure light and color of a cosmic mindset. The green vistas and pinkish sun rays of such a mind lie beyond the reach of labels and terms. What is Enlightenment - Meaning Definition and Its relation to Self-Realization What is Enlightenment? ![]() |
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