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Home of God
The first hymn of Isha Upanishad says - whatever living beings inhabit the world here, God resides in all of them; enjoy what is given by Him and don't seek other's wealth. All religious people believe in God, who resides in heaven. It is their common belief that God gives health, happiness and success in life. Only He can rescue them from all trouble. For this they worship God in temples, churches and mosques and pray for mercy. To such religious people, Isha Upanishad tells that God resides only in living beings, who inhabit this world. Where their is life, their is God. Where there is no life, as in a dead body or a material object, there is no God. Both spiritualism and science tells that matter does not exist. According to science, matter is nothing but a form of energy. In the universe the sum total of all energies is zero. According to spiritualism, matter does not exist; if at all it exists, it exists in the consciousness of a being. In the universe only God or life exists. When it is said, God is omnipresent and all pervasive, it means, there is nothing but God exists. The essence of a being is its soul(atman). Body is perishable and momentary; but soul is eternal and ever existent. Soul is the source of life and consciousness of a being. So long as soul resides in a being, a body is alive. The moment soul departs, a being is dead. No external or imaginary God can give life to a dead body. So this soul is God. The hymn further describes that one should accept what is gifted by God residing in oneself and should not seek other's wealth. When one realises that God resides in him, one should accept what is given by Him only. Soul or God has given us life and consciousness. He has given senses to perceive the world; mind to think and decide and hands to work for earning. For this we are able to achieve everything in life. We can take the examples of successful men of the world. So there is no need to seek other's help or wealth. When we depend on others, even on external God, we fail to realise God within. God within is real and existent. The value of freedom and independence is fully realised when we fully depend on ourselves. We are liberated once we realise this fact. This is the simple and logical meaning of the first hymn of Isha Upanishad. However, so far this hymn has not been interpreted this way. This is because, religious leaders always project an external God and create a fear psychosis. By this they rule over their followers and lead a comfortable life without working. Religious leaders have always worked in conievence with rulers in order to propagate their empty message. Rulers have also sought their help in order to subjugate their subjects and to fight with other states. Now religious fundamentalists instigate people to fight for God, so that they may enter into heaven after death. These are nothing but blindness and ignorance. Now time has come to accept the truth that God resides in all beings only. Author Premansu Chand, 40, is an Indian and Govt. servent. He reads scriptures and practices Yoga. He has published a book "quest for truth: the spiritual and yogic way" recently. His aim is to spread true spiritualism and yoga. http://www.bookstobelievein.com/questfortruth.php
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Theory on PRAYER Oxford dictionary defines PRAYER as "a request for help or expression of thanks made to God". But I strongly believe that prayer is not mere seeking or demanding or requesting. It is a mode of communication with the ALMIGHTY. Prayer is not one in which the individual should seek something for his/herself or for the society. For me prayer is a platform where the soul makes a comfortable understanding God. Ordinary prayer is for those who think God is beyond reachable and something very far from them. For those who think and treat God as one in them or within them,ordinary prayers are mere words piled up. (Here I refer ordinary prayers as ones which involve demanding). With these kind of people one can find mere conversation exists between themselves and God. 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What explains these phenomena? Alien laser blasts? A Martian landing site? No. The arcs are where we threw lawn fertilizer, and the circle is where the above-ground pool stood. Whether growth is fast, slow, or non-existent, the difference is easy to discern. The Emptiness That Binds The Universe What is the opportunity here? What is the benefit of this difficulty? What is the gift? ~ Marc Allen Spiritual Inspiration Music and The New Age Spiritual Inspiration Music is about Love, Growth, Spiritual and Personal Development and our relationship to the Divine. It's about opening up, being your Self, expressing that Self by allowing the Great Creator to move through you. Whats Missing from Your Nutritional Plan? IS FAITH - NOT VITAMIN C WHAT'S MISSING FROM YOUR NUTRITIONAL PLAN? How Long, O Lord? A Meditation on Habakkuk In Habakkuk, the prophet cries out in a lament complaint twice, only to hear back from God a very unassuring response: Wait for me to answer. 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It's funny, you're tooling along minding your own business for weeks, maybe months at a time, and then something you haven't thought about for years pops into your noodle. Healing Your Life You have everything you need: a miraculous body, a phenomenal brain, and a vast and powerful subconscious mind. Now it's just a matter of focusing them in the right direction.~Marc Allen Getting Your Feelings Down on Paper Journal Expressions The Divine Throne-Chariot The following fragment was found in Qumran along with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls believed to be from the sect known as the Essenes. J. Strugnell made this particular translation in 1960, under the title The Angelic Liturgy at Qumran. The words in parentheses are assumed to be what was intended, as the manuscript was in very poor condition. Watch Your Language! I have a big mouth. If you have read my testimony, you know that I have struggled with panic attacks and an anxiety disorder that most of the time left my tongue paralyzed when it came to simple things, such as ordering a meal or answering the phone. God delivered me from the solitude I had imprisoned myself in. However, I had a new problem--now I talked too much. Wanted: Floodlight Of Treasure To Undo The Works Of Darkness! 'Jesus answered, are there not twelve hours in a day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, becaue he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him...'(John 11:9-10) Lance Armstrong had it Right-- Every Second Does Counts! I have been counseling people on weight loss, exercise efficiency and nutrition for over twenty years. Every time I go to the gym I observe people, their training tactics and their workout habits. Over the last few years I have noticed something about certain people in the gym that has been interesting. You would think more people would do this but they don't. What I have noticed is certain people have a habit or process they go through when they workout that most do not. What is interesting is, before I even realize that they do it, I can tell by the way their bodies look that they have this habit. They are leaner, healthier looking, and stronger than most. ![]() |
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