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Being "You have taken yourself to be something that you are not".- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Each is loved unconditionally, unequivocally, eternally. Because I love each unconditionally there can never be mistakes. I do not care what you have done or what you are about to do. You are loved regardless of any action, any thought or any emotion, no matter how bad you imagine them to be. You cannot escape from my love try though you might. Allow yourself to bathe in the radiant light that is "I" for that is all existence. Hear a bird singing and I am there. See a tree and that is where I live. I am in every part, in all atoms, in each superstring, in every cell and fibre of your being. I am the planets and the stars and everything in between in this universe. I am every universe and much more. There is no need to move anywhere, no need to seek, for I am already here right now in all things and in all places at once. I am the sacred realm, the holy presence. I am beyond all that have come before me and all that will follow. I am that which you have been seeking, the thing you long for, what you have dreamed about since time immemorial. I am the source of all things, the only true thing. Be still, listen without your mind and body, let go of your thinking and know that I am God. If I am that, then that too is what you are. Come to know this and reality is yours for the taking. Not my reality, nor your reality, but reality: the reality that people call the kingdom of God. You are already here in the realm of the sacred, but you have so many dogmas, ideas and feelings that you have hidden what is blessed from yourself. When I walk on earth and I hear a bird singing, the signing is I. I am pure and whole in the experience of singing. It arises within me and around me in perfect harmony with all that there is. The singing of the bird knows no boundaries. It has no rules for how things should be. It does not try to be something that it is not. It is just a singing in perfect harmony with its true nature. Yet, when I see people, I see people hurrying, worrying, and making a drama from the smallest thing. It seems that everyone wants be anywhere but here, right now. There is no resonance with consciousness; instead there is disharmony, which only serves to deaden the essence of you. You walk as if already dead, but pretend to be alive. You have hidden the natural grace that is your birthright. You were not like this once. When you were a young infant you cried without shame or regret. When you laughed it was heartfelt and the world laughed with you. You were just as happy to doodle in a colouring book, as you were to play with a friend. There was never a thought of "I would be happier doing something else". You were happy and content and that was enough. When you showed affectionate to others it did not come from a place of need or wanting something in return. You were affection incarnate. You had no notion of a human being instead you were "being" constantly. As this young child, you did not know fear in being. Now that you are not being, but rather a human being which knows fear all too well, can you honestly say you have moved even an inch closer to eternal peace and joy? Look from your own experience; is anyone that you know abiding constantly in deep harmonic peace? Are they even happy 85% of the time? I in form know of only one being that is happy over 85% of the time. She is my niece aged 21 months. She is the most enlightened person I know. In a few years time she will be indoctrinated to live in fear and enlightenment will be hidden from her. She will no longer live in the loving embrace that is I; instead she will experience doubt, guilt, shame, anxiety, and apprehension. She will become a human being and miss the divinity that is always before her. She, like you will not know that every moment is a divine creation. The wind that blows through your hair, the smell of the ocean that is alive and fresh, the sunset that allows you to weep with joy at its ephemeral beauty are sacred creations. As you writhe in the ecstasy of passion, as you feel deeply the splendour of a child and as you rejoice in being, this too is divine creation unfolding before your eyes. Divinity is in each and every moment. This is where the sacred realm of the God exists. It is not out there or up there, rather it is here before you and within you. It does not await you after death, nor does it occur through the reincarnation of many lifetimes: that is just Maya weaving another layer of illusion. In the world of separateness there are many illusions, layer upon layer of illusion. In being there is no illusion, there is just the experience of the unfolding of a moment. That is all there is. There is no separate object perceiving another separate object. Separatism is the illusion that is at the heart of suffering. Being is the direct presence of divinity appearing as its true nature of oneness in the here and now. There is never any suffering in being; there is just pure abundant acceptance of what is. Being is your salvation and it is available to you right now. Extract from Mindlessness: Spiritual Love in Being. Edward Traversa
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Gods Name... Creation and Undoing! Over the past number of years, while going through my studies and research, information and answers come to the surface that are most astounding. I have come to understand things differently than I was taught in years of Catholic schooling. Although, I still believe in the "bigger picture" and "something greater", it has taken on a different tone and context. It has turned from a fearful system of faith to a confident system of knowledge and thought. Its Always Divine So I met a friend recently and we went to see the movie Garden State, which I had been anxious to see since its release. Written and directed by a young (29-year-old) New Jersey native, I had read that it was about "coming home" to New Jersey. Footprints and Monuments - Slow Down Every month I usually sit down and write an article around the topics of leadership, teamwork, vision, or self-improvement. However, this month I am only passing on something that came across my desk a few days ago. If this means something to you - pass it on, if not simply delete it and be looking for next month's article that will surely help you live your life to your potential. Christian Forums: The Heroic Battle Between the Forces of Good and the Demon of Anti-Access Saturday I was hangin' ten on my Dell when I ran across a Christian Forum. Not just any Christian forum, THE Christian Forum. How did I know? It said so: ChristianForum.com. When Bad Things Happen to Good People Why do bad things happen to good people? Surely this is a question all of us ask from time to time. Some of Jesus' listeners asked Him the same question. (Luke 13: 1-9). They brought up the recent news about some Galileans who had been cruelly offered as human sacrifices by Pilate; and about the tower that had fallen in one of the cities in which 18 innocent bystanders had been killed; and they wanted to know if these people's tragic deaths were due to their sins. A Servants Heart Do you have a servant's heart? Has God blessed you with the insight to see the needs of others and reach out in compassion and understanding even when they, themselves, cannot reach out and ask for help? Christian Religious Addiction in Hawaii? Surveys show that religion and spirituality play a central role in the lives of most of the population in human experience. Gallup (1989) found that 53% of the U.S. population considers religion to be very important in their life, and another 31% considered it fairly important (p. 176). The religious and spiritual dimensions of culture were found to be among the most important factors that structure human experience, beliefs, values, behavior, and illness (Browning et al., 1990; James, 1961; Krippner and Welch, 1992). Animal Spirit Guides & Totems Animal spirit totems can be viewed in different ways according to each of us as individual people. The basic principle of an animal totem is an animal spirit who gives us insight into ourselves, a glimpse of the divine powers at work in our world, and can transcend us to a place of healing for ourselves and other people. Bringing Heaven to Earth: Becoming a Spiritual Scientist Would you like an exciting and wonder-full resolution for the new year?Become a spiritual scientist. Choose to learn the skills of self-mastery,so you can shift out of story-based reality and cocreate your personalheaven on earth. Remote Viewing and the Body-Mind Connection One of the biggest myths to evolve in the growing annals of new age lore is that psychic ability is the sole province of the mind. Our language reflects it in terms like "mental telepathy" and "mind reading". When we think of ESP (extra sensory perception), we generally think "beyond the senses". But what usually passes for extraordinary mental ability to see distant in time and space actually has an important physical component. Communion - The Key to Experiencing the Abundant Life of God Now, we all know that we shouldn't be lead by our emotions, right? Spiritual Marketing Let me say that marketing can be a corrupting experience. In the wrong hands, marketing can create more frustration, more dishonesty and more greed than any occupation. Dimensional Shifts "Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond the void, is not an empty nothingness; it is the womb of creation. -- Nature goes to the same place to create a galaxy of stars, a cluster of nebulas, a rain forest, a human body, or a thought... That place is Spirit." (6) Standing in the Gap I'm weary of saying No to my children. Not just the everyday No's. Don't hit your brother and No, you cannot have 5 pieces of candy. I am weary of the No I am continually saying to our culture. The world is bound and determined to take away my children's innocence. They want my children to grow up way too fast. They want my little girl to dress like an adult. They want my little boy to know things he is way too young to know. I'm weary of saying you can't go to that movie, because it is not appropriate for your age. No, you can't wear what everyone else is wearing, because it is not appropriate. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when my son walked in while I was watching the news. He asked me, "Mommy is it true that men can marry men and women can marry women?" "Mom, if two women marry can they have a baby?" My son is 6. I don't want to be discussing sexuality with him much less homosexuality. So, I told him that no men can't marry men and women can't marry women (for now anyway) and that women with women cannot have a baby. (Don't get me started on explaining how they can). I should not be having these discussions with my children, but I'm being forced too. What happened to childhood innocence? Run Forest Gump Run In the movie "Forest Gump" we see Forest succeedin just about every aspect of his life. What weadmire most about him is his ability to overcomephysical obstacles all throughout his life. Butwhat we didn't see is Forest had much more goingfor him than just being naive and gutsy. We firstsee this in a scene where he is a child withbraces on his legs. His best friend Jennie and himare walking home one day and some boys are pickingon Forest and throwing rocks at him. Jennie yellsout, "RUN FOREST RUN", so what did Forest do? Heran, and ran and ran. He ran so much and so hardthat his braces broke from his legs and he neverhad to wear them again. I Am Not An Island or What Does God Have to Do With Animals? "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14, NIV What is Prayer? Prayer from a child's simple bedtime prayer, to the prayers of the most devoted monks of the eastern religions, is something that is done the world over. Humility, Not Pride: Keeping Ice Off Your Bow Tony was a professinoal salt-water fisherman. He explained how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. What is the Evil Eye? The Evil Eye has been around since the beginning of time. It simply means sending someone a thought that seems intrusive or invasive or has the power to hurt him or her. The bad fortune that results is considered to have been caused by envy. The evil eye is not necessarily considered to be intentional or associated with witchcraft or sorcery. Oddly enough, this thought form could actually be complimentary in nature. The origins of the Evil Eye are Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean. The concept was introduced into the Americas, South Pacific Islands, Asia, Africa and Australia by European explorers. I Saw An Angel At Work Sometimes you have to see something to believe it. Like angels. Unfortunately, angels are adept at not being seen, yet many people believe in them. ![]() |
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