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Spiritual Marketing
Let me say that marketing can be a corrupting experience. In the wrong hands, marketing can create more frustration, more dishonesty and more greed than any occupation. As technology advances, more and more people are able to make serious money. The internet is a trump card to nearly any business but it also allows more crooks and uneducated individuals to take YOUR money. All these individuals want to do is make money no matter what it takes. If they have to lie to you or remain ambiguous, they will. They will play on your desires and emotions to gain your cash and then leave you high and dry once they do. For the naive individual this can be a very sobering event but still a wasteful one. Making real money is only half the potential of marketing. In the right hands, marketing can create more passionate, powerful, confident, successful, influential, inspiring and caring leaders than any occupation. A regular, ordinary man/woman who feels trapped by the social structure of their country can break free of the monotonous and unfulfilling chore they call a job. Are they working for themselves? NO. Are they bettering themselves? NO. Are they bettering others? Considering the many fast food restaurants and mass slaughtering houses, NO. In fact, it is the reason why health and wellness is a huge industry. Twenty years ago only 10% of the food we were eating was processed. Now over 90% of food is processed! Now the regular Joe can use marketing to open his own business and work for himself. They can work as hard or as little as they like and they constantly meet new situations. Despite all the automated internet marketing ops, the most successful people are those who better themselves personally. One can gain power through the money they generate, confidence from succeeding on their own, influence through extensive social interaction, and a passion to share their success with others. One can use his/her experience to inspire others to live the dream life and to empower those willing to better themselves. Spiritual marketers can empathize with peoples emotions and desires and use them to push others to the limit, to get them finally started on a path they WANT to follow rather than to just con others for their money. Marketing can be a humbling experience as well. Almost every marketer has come across a rude prospect in need of a rant. Rejection is just part of the game but once a person learns to deal with it, they can do what most people cannot; move on! Let go of the past and past failures. It is no surprise how marketing can be one of the most liberating opportunities on earth. Even those who become successful financially will find that a fulfilling life cannot be bought! Self growth is vital to live a great life so don't waste the marketing opportunity by only focusing on the money! Be open and take the spiritual approach to unlock the true potential of marketing even if it requires you to face your fears. It's worth it!You can change peoples lives and inspire them rather than become a monotonous, irritating salesperson reading off a script. Lets recap some benefits of the spiritual marketer: -Make money and feel good about it Spirituality is not some religious dogma or cult. It is what YOU MAKE IT and when you make it well others will want to too. Why spread the scammers mentality just to make a few bucks? Spirit is contagious so spread the good kind with your marketing opportunity! Find a great team! Copyright 2005 Mark McCormack After taking the plunge into Direct Marketing, Mark McCormack is sharing what he has learned to watch for. He provides a legitament Direct Marketing Opportunity + E-course for Newbies and veterans at http://www.MM2prodigy.com; MM2_23@hotmail.com
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Real Spirituality My fiancee' and I frequent a restaurant in L.A. called Real Food Daily. The concept behind the name is that their food -- which is unprocessed, abundantly nutritious, and lovingly prepared -- is more authentic, more "real," than most other food. This claim is at once silly and wise. Silly because philosophers have argued about the true nature of "reality" for centuries. Wise because it's an admissible philosophy that the closer something is to its source, the more "real" it is. The Power of Ritual As humans, we are the species that operate with symbols. Other animals use familiar signs, landmarks and gestures given by us, or act purely on instinct. Like humans, they too have rituals of gathering food, procreation and even death rituals. Our normal day-to-day rituals include a shower, combing our hair, brushing teeth and preparing for work. 5 Steps to Passing Life Exams An exam is a test that is given at the end of a class to assess what knowledge was obtained by the student during the duration of the class. Depending on whether or not adequate knowledge was gained the student will pass or fail the test. If the student passes the test he moves on to the next level. If he fails, he must take the class and the exam again, yet he still has the opportunity to pass! The Truth of Reactions In my life, I have tried to be Good and Pure and True. In these qualities, I have failed miserably. Why is it so hard to be good? Why is it so difficult to act in harmony with our mental ideals? Getting to Spiritual Enlightenment The expression "Spiritual Enlightenment" has been used often in reference to personal spiritual development. What exactly is meant by this term however has been vaguely defined. My research on the topic has found it linked to some of the following experiences: Creating Our Own Emotional Chaos It's amazing how - even when we're working from a "higher vision" - we still see the people, the events and the circumstances in our lives with the same perspective: our own! It's "only human" to always be able to see how right we are in any given situation, and it's always difficult - and sometimes impossible! - to look at ourselves and our actions through the other person's eyes. But if we really want to grow - if we really want to know who we are - then we have to be willing to look at ourselves a little more objectively - a little more realistically - then we're used to doing, and we have to be willing to accept responsibility - both for the way we express ourselves emotionally, and for the effect we have on other people through that expression. Forgiveness: The Other Side If we are honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that the reason we have difficulty forgiving others is because we sincerely believe we are justified in our withholding forgiveness. We become the judge of the offenders and by harboring bitterness and resentment against them; it is our distorted way of meting out punishment. After all, our wounds are deep and our heart severely punctured. Masculine Energy versus Feminine Energy I have been reading a lot lately about the concepts of masculine and feminine energy. It all sort of goes along with the yin and yang definitions of masculine and feminine. I do not think I need to define the differences for you. The ideas I feel called to address today have more to do with the finger pointing and blame going on in the spiritual communities. Some religions believe in a masculine god and others in a feminine goddess. There is this snobbish assumption that only one is correct and that the other belief is foolish and misguided. Each believes that if everyone would subscribe to their particular vision of power, then all would be right with the world. Readjusting Our Eye Focus Peter is a man after my own heart. I feel a certain bond with him. Perhaps, it is because he reminds me of myself at times and my friends and family at other times. Or it could be that I see Peter in all of us as we walk the Christian path and strive to serve Christ obediently, and yet, possessing shortcomings that can become our own stumbling stones. When We See Jesus As He Is You know that the Bible tells us a lot about Jesus, who he was, who he is, what he did and what he said... Anger in Your Energy Field Many consider anger a normal human emotion and continue to allow themselves to be seduced by it. I suppose another way of saying that, although it's not my preference, is that many are "addicted" to anger and "think" that it is of some use in their lives. Be Filled With The Spirit! Be filled with the Spirit.? always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. -EPHESIANS 5:18, 20 An Illuminatus Speaks An Illuminatus Speaks: The Subconscious Mind: A Tool For Success As a Coach and Psychotherapist I have found that the world seems to have lost its way in terms of values. Most individuals are looking for more meaning in their lives, as are businesses looking to capture the spirit of what they do. I found the movie " What The Bleep Do We Know?" refreshingly inspiring and in many ways descriptive of my view of the world. Quantum theory and the profound effects it has on the way we view the world, our world, and therefore the way we create it is an amazing way of saying, "hey you are accountable and you got to where you are because you created it!" Spiritual Growth: Measures for How Youre Doing In my yard are quarter-circles of grass growing taller than the rest. There 's also a 12-foot circle with no grass. What explains these phenomena? Alien laser blasts? A Martian landing site? No. The arcs are where we threw lawn fertilizer, and the circle is where the above-ground pool stood. Whether growth is fast, slow, or non-existent, the difference is easy to discern. Reasons to Fast and Pray Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD. --JOEL 1:14 The Forgotten Secret It's not exactly a news flash that we live in an increasingly complex society. Technology is changing at a pace so rapidly that even the experts are hard pressed to keep up. Our businesses are changing daily and becoming more competitive than ever before. Our children are facing challenges and pressures unheard of a decade ago and our personal lives have become a fast paced, multi tasked assortment of responsibilities and activities requiring the agility of a circus performer to just cope with daily living. We Have An Emotional Jesus Lately In my email newsletters (available for FREE at http://www.ChristThroughMe.com ) I've been talking about how Jesus has experienced everything that we will ever go through here on earth. Spirituality: Living the Whole The words 'new age' and 'spirituality' can have people running for the hills, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say running to their urban sanctuary of material distractions. They conjure up images of tie-dye, tofu, and a lack of deodorant. So I'd like to dispel a few myths. Hold On! Job was a spiritual man who loved and obeyed God at all times. Yet, God allowed some really terrible things to happen in Jobs life. ![]() |
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