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We Have An Emotional Jesus
Lately In my email newsletters (available for FREE at http://www.ChristThroughMe.com ) I've been talking about how Jesus has experienced everything that we will ever go through here on earth. Yes, even in our most trying times we can be sure that our Lord has already triumphed in our particular situation. So we can be comfortable talking to him about our troubles. This is important and a comforting thing to know. For it's comforting to know you can talk to someone who has been through your situation. More important than the comforting feelings is that Jesus showed us the way to deal with these emotions. In the last email Jesus got mad at people disgracing the house of prayer, the temple. So He did the right thing and threw them out and was rightly justified in expressing His anger with them. It's important for me to interject that anger in and of itself is not a sinful emotion, it's a natural one. It will occur, the important thing is to be in control of the emotion, let it out and recover. Remember that after Jesus stopped the selling and misuse of the temple grounds He taught them that what they were doing was wrong (Mark 11:17-18). There is another emotion that I want to focus on in this article though. An emotion so powerful it can hurt worse and cripple more severely than physical pain. That emotion is Sorrow. Sorrow can come in many forms, from many places and can hurt tremendously. So much so that death can seem like a welcomed event..and an acceptable alternative to the present circumstances. Yes, tis true, Sorrow can be the worst emotion. Just look at the suicide rate in this Country (USA) and you'll see that there are a lot of people that suffer from great sorrow. I'd bet dollars to donuts that you can probably think of someone that you've personally known that has given in to sorrow and taken their life. Such a sad fact, but true (I know it's true for me). Jesus has experienced horrible sorrow too! And He has showed us the way to deal with it! The correct manner to deal with situations that are not turning out the way we had hoped, and the future seems so bleak. Jesus taught us to TRUST. To trust in Father's perfect will and trust that He knows what's best for us even when we can't see it , even when it seems like the hardest thing to do in the world, Jesus taught us to trust and submit to the will of Father. On the night that Jesus was to be betrayed He knew what had to happen, the horrible suffering that was going to come. I like the way the NIV version translates what Jesus tells His disciples about his feelings, when He was going off to pray: "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death" (Mark 14:34) Wow! How incredibly troubled He must of been! He was so troubled that He did what most of us would do. He prayed that Father could take the trouble from Him. (Mark 14:35-36): "Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me..." But! Remember what Jesus did next is what we should pay attention to (as we often forget). In an almost inconceivable act of humble submissiveness and amazing trust, amazing faith in His Father's will for Him. He prays: "...Yet not what I will, but what you will." (Mark 14:36) Jesus was in such anguish during this prayer that His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground (Luke 22:44). He even went back from praying to find His disciples asleep where He had left them (talk about feeling alone and uncared for--they were sleeping!) and after waking them, went back and repeated his prayer. He did this again. 3 Times He prayed that if it was possible, that His Father could take this burden from Him because He was in such troublesome spirits. But each time He reaffirmed His father's will for His life to be what He desired most (Mark 14:37-42) So Take Note Christian! Next time Life's troubles have you so unhappy and full of sorrow that you don't think you can stand it. Don't be afraid to ask God first for deliverance but sincerely, honestly and humbly pray that His will be done, no yours. Jesus showed us the way to live, relying on the Father and through faith accepting His will even when it seems horribly painful to do so! -=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Who Else Wants to Experience The Abundant, Care-free Life of Being a Better Christian Day In and Day Out and Experiencing the GuiltlessJoy of Living Life Without Limits or Having to Worry About Following a Bunch of Uptight Rules?"Click Here> http://www.ChristThroughMe.com/CTMbook.html -=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ** Attn Ezine editors / Site owners / everyone **Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above.
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Psychic Angels Are you looking for a way to improve your accuracy as a psychic? Maybe you're just thinking it would be kind of cool if you could 'know' things before they happen. Call on the spirits to help you. It's not important what label you use to wrap your head around the concept - guardian angels, fairies, or spirit guides. You could even call on God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, or whomever it is that you think of when you connect to the spirit world. This isn't the place to debate who or what it is, just call on that force when you want help with tapping into your paranormal gifts. It could be a psychological trick that we're playing on ourselves by turning to a mysterious spiritual third party to help us with these things or it could be that the spirits are really helping us. Doesn't really matter does it? Either way, you'll be amazed at the results. Writing Letters to God Many of you come to this site because you are a Seeker. You are looking for something -- answers to a problem, a relationship, a better career, more money, and/or the return of a lover. Some of you are trying to strengthen your connection to your higher self or to God. Others just need to talk, get an outlet for you feelings or feel that someone else understands you. Many of you feel lost or abandoned by God, or feel that your faith in the future has been shaken because someone has been cruel to you. You are all looking for solutions or answers to a question of some kind. The important thing is to realize that the answer to any question you may have is actually within you. Traveling Out Of Body I can see the cops coming! They're a good thousand feet away. I can clearly make out their uniforms and swinging nightsticks. How can I be seeing this? Addiction and Confession ADDICTION: - There are numerous obsessions and addictions which prevent the soul from healing or achieving its potential. Father Leo Booth and John Bradshaw have written a book on religion as an addiction that I have quoted in many other books so I will present another side to the issue here. The Flow Of Money The more we worry about money, and who's asking for it, and why their asking, and should they be asking, and should I be listening, and judging others, then judging their ideas and their work and their very existence....the more we condemn ourselves to a life of pain, worry and confusion. Most people do not realize they are doing this to themselves. Everyone on the planet, regardless of their calling is perfectly entitled to be paid for their time and expertise. 7 Ways to Stay Spiritually Balanced When we find spirituality, or it finds us, the experience feels surreal. We begin to feel like we're walking on a tightrope between two different worlds. We become ungrounded and loose touch with the physical side of life. When our spiritual mission becomes clear, it is even truer. Learning to breathe and to walk between these two experiences until they merge can be a tough balancing act. It's easy to choose and get lost in the new experience because it feels so good and so right. Regular aspects in the physical world seem less important and get set aside, many times incomplete. Surviving the Tsunami--Animals and Their Connection with the Spiritual World When the Tsunami struck Asia and East Africa on December 26, 2004 more than 220,000 humans died, but amazingly the wild animals escaped without harm. Being a Christian What is a Christian? According to The American HeritageŽ Dictionary of the English Language, the general definition of a Christian is "One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus." I Am Not An Island or What Does God Have to Do With Animals? "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14, NIV The Breath of Life The earth is wrapped in a thin, loose shell of gases - which we call the atmosphere. The mix of gases that make up the atmosphere has changed greatly over the eons. Terrorists Again - 14 Prayers to Protect Your Family In the last 2 weeks or so, I havebeen posting some prayers to deal with specificissues that my readers have mentioned to me. You Are Not Your Stuff We humans are a funny, funny breed. We spend our entire lives working and working and working to acquire 'stuff'. We buy and surround ourselves with the biggest, fanciest this or that when all the while what we really need and want is something you can't buy anywhere. The thing we all spend our time doing is looking to experience a feeling of significance. It seems most of our actions are rooted in and motivated by our desire to either gain significance or maintain the significance we believe we've achieved. I believe that if you take a hard look at what motivates the majority of your actions you'll begin to see that this is true. You want to feel like you count. You want it to matter that you're around. Achieving Spiritual Health Spiritual health is generally an overlooked aspect of healing. However, it is actually the ultimate goal of holistic medicine, and leads to a heightened awareness of the Divine Spirit referred to by all religions. It doesn't matter what name you give it. What matters is that you come to know and attune yourself to its guidance in all areas of your daily life. Doing so will reduce your feelings of fear, and provide you with a greater capacity for loving yourself and others unconditionally. It will also help you reconnect to your special talents and gifts so that you can use them to fulfill your life's purpose." Picture This (Part One) Picture this state of existence in your mind by closing your eyes after you have read the lines below. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 3 The Birth of Jesus Christ Everything is Happening for the Good When we feel that something has gone wrong and are very much disappointed then people will console us saying "Probably, there is some good in whatever is happening to you". Here I would like to comment on this saying. Firstly, don't think that people console this way. It is the truth that there is some good in our present situation. The reason behind this is that how can God, our Creator, put us in trouble? It is lack of our faith that we are feeling that wrong has happened to us. Secondly, its NOT PROBABLY but DEFINITELY there is some good in our present situation. At this time, we may be feeling bad but sooner or later we will discover that whatever has happened to us was good infact. Terminal Diagnosis and Putting Our House in Order In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover." Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD... 2 Kings 20:1-3a (NIV). Chicken Soup with Chopsticks: A Jews Struggle for Truth in an Interfaith Relationship (excerpts) Does God care if I marry a gentile? 6 Little Prayers That Bring Healing - Every Time You Pray Ok, let's start with the amazing story ofRobbie and how a little-known scripture in the bookof Galatians got him healed of cancer - after the doctors had given him only 6 months to live!! Humanity Needs Islam The human nature means the soul and the body. A man without a spiritual life is no longer a man. Equally, whoever proclaims that spiritual training can delete the materialistic demands of that body is a devil in the clothes of a saint. Can he give up sleeping? Is he ready to destroy his body and to be a soul flying in the world of ideals? ![]() |
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