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Terminal Diagnosis and Putting Our House in Order
In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover." Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD... 2 Kings 20:1-3a (NIV). The prophet Isaiah approached an ill man by the name of Hezekiah long ago and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover." It was a divine oracle advising Hezekiah to prepare for death. In his blog entitled, Momentary Inspection #1[http://www.stupidchurchpeople.com], the writer asked "What do you wish you would have done before you die?" I wonder, what we would do if we knew we only had 24 hours left to live. Most of us are not in this position (or do not know that we are) so perhaps you couldn't care less to ponder it. We rise in the morning without ever giving a second thought to the possibility of death or the judgment bar of God. We live in a time where we do not seem to regard the things God has so generously given to us as being precious and dear to our hearts. From all appearances, we take everything for granted. Not only do we take God for granted, but from my observations, we also take our husbands, our wives, our children, our homes, our automobiles and so on and so on and so on. We get into our cars confident that it is functioning properly and will perform its duty of getting us to our destination without a hitch. Thus, we do not bother to whisper a prayer of protection to the Father. We go about our daily business and chores fully in control of our lives, or so we think. Having worked in hospice setting for a number of years and being at the bedside of those who only had a few months and then days left to live, I have come to believe that if we knew definitely that our time was limited, we would look at the world with different eyes. We would suddenly begin to see things more clearly. There is something of the ancient priests and Levites in all of us on ordinary days. We look the other way of those who are in need; we direct the Lazarus' who comes begging to us for crumbs to the welfare office ? after all we are providing for them through our taxes. We close our eyes to the sick and elderly, who are confined, ill and lonely in heart. We do not have time for our friends and relatives who may call on us in the wee hours of the night ? just to talk out their problems. We are too busy, too tired, too sleepy, too ungodly and too much in a rush going nowhere. Think along with me, what would you do if one with respected knowledge said to you, "get your house in order, you will not recover." We know that it happens daily when we consider the hundreds of people who are told by medical authorities "your illness is terminal." When Hezekiah heard the news of his impending death, he turned his face to the wall and prayed. And isn't that what we need? Do we not need more praying Christians, more praying clergy, more praying parents, and more praying officials? I still believe that one of the biggest mistakes we Americans ever let happen, was to allow prayer to be taken out of the schools. We must put our house in order. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach which can be reviewed on her site. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, is expected to be available soon. You are welcome to visit AMEN Ministries: Your Soul's Service Station for spiritual refreshing, soul edification, browse our newly expanded mini shopping mall or review our recommended books you may want to add to your personal library. Blessings to all!
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Discipline of Prayer: Always Connected Every workday, five days a week, I take the light rail into downtown Dallas. Only last week, this routine finally taught me a lesson about prayer. Answering a Soul Call Is life challenging you to take a bigger leap? Are you restlesswith the status quo of your daily routine? Do you feel you areflying blind with an invisible co-pilot? Penthouse or Basement? The Spiritual Realm is Topsy-Turvy Am I dreaming? The sign outside the skyscraper reads: "Spiritual Realm." I hurry straight to the elevator. "Up, please," I tell the operator. Relieve Me of Myself "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" Mark 8: 34-36, NIV The Final Chapter Several months ago, I read an article about a 22 year old, successful young lady who died a premature death in a plane crash. The more I read this article, the heavier my heart became because she died in the midst of her formative years. Equally tear-jerking was the fact that she died before completing a book that she was writing -- before completing her final chapter. Right now, your book is being written -- and you are the author. Every moment that passes, every day that appears and vanishes, your pages are being written. Every word you speak, every action you take -- shapes page after page in your book of life. How you live and how you treat others also shape the pages of your book -- from cover to cover. In retrospect, perhaps the beginning of your book may not have been written well, because of mistakes, or unwise decisions -- but you can finish a bestseller. You can finish a bestseller, because you are the starring character and you, by your present and future actions, control how the final chapters of your book will read. You can finish as the winner by doing the things that you love and not taking your life, or others for granted. Start a new chapter today -- a chapter that will give you and others a delight to read. Enjoy who you are and what you do. Keep writing and live life to the fullest. How does your book read thus far -- and -- what will your FINAL chapter say? Copyright 2002 by Audrina Jones Bunton. REPRINTING THIS ARTICLE: Permission is granted to reproduce or distribute this article only in its entirety and provided copyright is acknowledged. You can find other articles to choose from at http://www.purposefully-living.com/mailing%20list.htm Hold On! Job was a spiritual man who loved and obeyed God at all times. Yet, God allowed some really terrible things to happen in Jobs life. 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But the one thing that David wanted to do more than anything else was to establish a permanent Temple on Mount Zion for the present and future use of the Lord God Almighty. He desired building a house for God where He alone might be honored and worshipped. David did not want to go to his final rest until the house of God was built. But, this hope was to be fulfilled by another, his son Solomon. Fatal Distractions There is so much going on in the world around us that it is easy for us to become distracted from keeping our focus on Christ and spiritual things. And our vision slips away from us when we turn to glance at the things of the world. Conquer Your Fears I cringed lower into the seat of my grey metal desk, yearning for the faded yellow floor to swallow me into oblivion. A crimson heat spread from my forehead to my neck; my legs trembled uncontrollably. I struggled to bring my lurching stomach under control - vomiting all over my classmates was about the only thing that could worsen this nightmare. Buddha Never Bowed Before a Statue, and Jesus Never Kneeled Before a Cross, From Divine Source Far to many people have become "followers" rather than BEING and living the messages they hold dear. True spiritual enlightenment comes from one Source; it is the same source that Jesus, Allah, Buddha, and You are connected to. It is Divine Source, and ALL beings of Light are connected to the same Divine Source energy ... Do Good Luck Symbols, Charms, & Talismans Really Work? Symbols and symbolism are popular in almost every civilisation, culture and religion that has evolved on Earth. They are deeply ingrained in the way of our life itself. Symbols impact our subconscious mind and if their influences are strong enough, then they could stimulate confidence, effort and good outcomes. 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That expression did not feel strange to me for one reason, I always felt old, even as a young child since the age of 7. I am probably touching upon many different people who share that same feeling from young age too! Faith - Moves Mountains Faith is the remarkable force that gives us the empowerment to accomplish the ordinary or the seemingly impossible. How many examples of the remarkable empower of faith in action do you know? Mother Theresa, for instance, had faith that God would provide the food, money and the provisions she needed to continue her service to the poorest of the poor. The chronology of her work is filled with miracle stories about how the things she needed showed up exactly when she needed them, often in the most surprising ways. People May Let You Down Is your hope in God? Or, is it in people? The Abundant Life! Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. -ROMANS 6:11 ![]() |
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