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The Final Chapter
Several months ago, I read an article about a 22 year old, successful young lady who died a premature death in a plane crash. The more I read this article, the heavier my heart became because she died in the midst of her formative years. Equally tear-jerking was the fact that she died before completing a book that she was writing -- before completing her final chapter. Motivational Speaker, Audrina Jones Bunton was born the seventh of eight children in her household in Pinehurst, North Carolina into a loving and committed Christian home. As she has 2 children, over 40 nieces and nephews and great- nieces and nephews, it is not unusual to find her under the same roof with many of her maternal five-generation family on weekends and on holidays. In her youth, she fondly recalls traveling throughout the U.S. with her family, as her parents ministered from state to state year after year-helping people as they traveled. A graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, Audrina is a Competent Toastmaster of Toastmasters International and serves as the North Carolina District Sergeant At Arms. She is a former counselor of the Durham Pregnancy Support Services, a Christian-oriented crisis pregnancy center in Durham, North Carolina and is currently a Social Research Assistant at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Audrina is currently studying at the Master's Divinity School in Evansville, Indiana with a combined concentration in Biblical Counseling and IABC certification. She also serves as the Youth Director at the Come As You Are Evangelistic Center in Aberdeen, North Carolina where her mother, Lydia Jones is the pastor. Modeling after a song that her mother so often sings, and one that Martin Luther King, Jr. often quoted, her life and speeches are based on the following lyrics, "If I can help somebody as I pass along, If I can cheer somebody with a word or song, If I can show somebody he's traveling wrong, Then my living will not be in vain." Audrina resides with her husband William, and 2 children, Audrina Lorraine and William Woodrow.
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Be Aware of the Supreme Deceiver (Part 1) One cannot read the account of Benhadad and Hazael in God's word not be overcome by a certain sense of sadness. You recall Benhadad was ill and sent Hazael to the prophet Elisha to make inquiries regarding his recovery. Elisha told Hazael that Benhadad would not die from his illness, but that he would nevertheless, die. Elisha then stared with horror at Hazael before suddenly bursting out in tears. Not understanding what was happening to Elisha, Hazael asks him why he was crying. Elisha tells him that he was weeping for the children of Israel. It pained Elisha to foresee the horrendous suffering Hazael was going to inflict upon the people of Israel. He tells Hazael that he "will set fire to their fortified places, kill their young men with the sword, dash their little children to the ground, and rip open their pregnant women." Understanding the Tarot Card Deck - Part 1 One of the first steps toward understanding the Tarot lies in appreciating the meaning of its two Arcana ? the Major and the Minor. But even before that, the novice does well by committing to memory the meaning of "Arcana" ? defined as "mysterious knowledge, language, or information accessible only by the initiate." Forgiveness "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32, NIV Enlightenment, Moving to a New Level of Awareness (Channelled) How Its Always Now How do we feel the fullness of life itself? Resting in the Son "Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure..." Psalm 16:9, NIV A Fine Line between Heaven, Hell and Astrology - Angelic Governors of the Zodiac Have you ever wondered which Angel governs your sign? And did you know that all Angels are not exlusively deriven from Heaven? With regards to your personality, each of these entities play a role in your individuality. Questioning - Is It A Natural Process? One of the first issues people on the spiritual path have to address is a doctrinal one: Is it wrong to question? Is asking questions about the truth we've been taught "sinful?" Your answer may have a dramatic effect on your ability to explore without guilt! The Garden of Agony (Part 2) David understood the aguish only those who have chosen to cross the brook Kedron and experienced the Garden of Agony can ever fully know or comprehend. David was a great warrior. As a young shepherd boy, still a child, still wet behind the ears, barely out of puberty, he stood gallantly and fearlessly against the Philistine giant Goliath. When even the most seasoned soldier, veterans in military combat were afraid to stand up against this 9 foot Herculean giant, David with his slingshot in hand went bravely to what most would have considered certain death. Here To Stay I am disturbed by the tendency of some people to view Christianity as a trend rather than a way of life. Some take it to the next level and try to make it some sort of a secret club. If you doubt me, just look at the reaction to the 2004 election results. It didn't take the media long to start harping on how "Evangelical Christians" turned the tide and were trying to establish their morality through politics. Pretty soon, newspapers and magazines were filled with angry diatribes of how we had no right to push our beliefs on them, and how we are trying to establish a "wacky theocracy." The only thing more disturbing than this are the people that pick and choose popular aspects of the faith that they believe promise a quick, miracle cure for their problems. They will accept good things like peace, grace, and salvation, but ignore the difficult things like patience, obedience, and sacrifice. The first time they have to wait or give up something, they're out of the game. You Must Feel to Heal! In my work with clients who have physical illnesses there is one consistent observation that I keep running up against. That is the inability to feel one's emotions. The Wisdom of the River: Lessons Learned Over the past few years I have watched the popularity of whitewater rafting grip the vacation market. "Strange", I thought. "Why would floating down a river become such a hotly contested vacation destination?" Today, I understand this phenomena completely. There is a wisdom and lesson that only the river can teach. It is a lesson that I intend to learn as often as possible. Talk About Purpose What better example than Jesus' life to explain about having a life's purpose? No other example I can think of, can you? Counsel for Non Church Goers Not going to church has the advantage of having free time on Sunday morning and not having to bother with getting out of bed and traveling to the meeting place of worship service. In America you have the right to attend or not attend. Enlightenment Takes You to Selfishness An act of selflessness is the highest expression of selfishness and unconditional love because it considers the soul first. 10 Ways Your Dreams Can Enhance Your Life The ultimate purpose of dreaming is to provide you with daily guidance in your Life Journey ? to help you find the best way to solve problems and open your eyes to new opportunities so that you can be happy and feel complete. In fact, dreams most often relate to your circumstances of the past 24 to 48 hours and can assist you in the immediate future. Abandon Religion Why Abandon Religion? If I Were Satan: Medicine and Faith From Hell If you were Satan and your goal is to destroy as many lives as you could, what are the two institutions you could attack that would destroy more lives than wars and natural disasters combined? Homeless, Rejected, and Poor Fanny J. Crosby's famous hymn, "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," describes the Savior in terms of Isaiah 53: "He was despised and afflicted," and then adds, "homeless, rejected, and poor." Last week, as we sang this beautiful song, I focused on that word, "homeless," and thought about all of the connotations we give to it these days. Origin of Certain Thoughts (Part II) Continued from "Origin of Certain Thoughts, Part I" ![]() |
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