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"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32, NIV I know, I always use animal photos in my visual aids and use them as examples in my writings but they are my gift and my passion! Besides, they can always show us how forgiveness works, can't they? You can be angry with them and they'll still shower you with love. Our God in heaven is like that. He forgives us if we but ask Him to and are repentant in our hearts. The funny thing is, we often aren't nearly as generous as our Holy and Sovereign God. We struggle with forgiveness. I heard this message about forgiveness ALL week so I know emphatically that God is wanting me to GET this! I remember Corrie Ten Boom telling a story about how she had to forgive the very SS Nazi soldier who tortured her and others in the concentration camp in Germany during WWII. She could not do it on her own forgiveness. She prayed fervently as this man approached her after a speech she'd given, to shake her hand and wonder aloud at the forgiveness of God. Corrie did not want to shake his hand and she did not want to forgive this man that had been so horrible to her during her incarceration and caused the loss of her sister's life. She prayed and asked God to give her HIS forgiveness because she could not forgive this man. When their hands made contact she felt a warm love flooding through her for this man and knew that it was the love of God pouring through her out to the man who had been her tormentor. God was showing her His forgiveness and through it, she was able to forgive this man. I've been struggling with forgiveness and I know it's why it's come up so much lately in the radio shows I've listened to, to the devotionals I read online, etc. It's a recurring theme in my life lately. I also heard John McArthur teach on one of his radio shows last week about forgiveness. It was his words that really struck me in my heart. When we don't forgive, plain and simple, we are saying we are above God. It's our pride that is keeping our hearts from forgiving. When we don't forgive we're saying that God could forgive by sending His only begotten Son to die on a Cross for us -He who was without sin -who took our place, but that we can't. Jesus willingly came down from glory in Heaven, to live a very humble existence as a human, born in the lowliest of forms, to die the most humiliating and agonizing death for us who are not worthy and He's the King of Heaven! He humbled Himself in order that we might be spared eternal separation from God and damnation. He forgave us our sins through His death on the cross and resurrection. How then can we not forgive? I remember John McArthur saying that if we humble ourselves to the point of always putting others first, putting them above us, knowing they are better than us, then we won't be able to NOT forgive. Why? Because when people reject us or hurt us we'll feel they were justified and we won't react in our pride of unforgiveness. By considering them our betters, we won't be offended at things they say or do to us in other words. Wow, that is hard! Now isn't that just so contrary to the world system and what we're told here on earth? We're told to "get ours" to stand up for ourselves, to not get mad get even and so on. That is NOT what God wants for us though. The world system will always be contrary to God's way. Just as God's measurement of success is far different than the world's. Jeremiah being a prime example. He was poor, lowly, abused, rejected, ridiculed but ultimately he was right wasn't he? He didn't have to justify or defend himself, the Lord did that for him. In fact, in God's eyes Jeremiah was very successful because he was obedient and faithful to God. Rather than being angry or even vengeful, Jeremiah wept for his nation and people, no matter what they did to Him. Why? Because he was not only a humble, forgiving man but because He believed God! So, the next time you're thinking you can't forgive someone, just remember what Jesus did for us and then ask yourself, are you better than Jesus that you can't forgive -no matter what it is? Especially when God forgives us all the time. I know I can't do it on my own, but as I've stated before I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength. He also gave me His forgiveness and it's His forgiveness that lives in me through His Holy Spirit. Kim Bloomer is a natural pet care consultant. You can find her at Aspenbloom Pet Care or her dog's blog at Bark 'n' Blog
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Starved Spirits, Sorrowful Souls Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 (NIV) Change Your Outlook on Change Make no mistake about it, change is challenging whether it is conscious or unexpected. Viewing adversity as change, not loss or failure, is part of empowered and positive thinking. Humans develop resiliency through change, both physiologically, and emotionally. It's necessary for all life forms to evolve. Change comes though many vehicles ? some hit us hard, others are rather sneaky. But despite the challenges change brings, we know it is our natural state. It's inevitable ? the world grows and we grow with it fueled by our emotions. We are already designed to cry, express sorrow, frustration, anger, resentment, even give up for awhile ? and most of us choose to explore these feelings. But we are also designed to have hope, recover, be stronger, and inspire others as a result of change. You are never, never alone because emotion gives us plenty in common - as a society, we are not yet Vulcans. What makes one person triumphantly survive loss and turn it into positive energy, while another in similar circumstances resign? It has to do with our underlying assumptions on change. I have two very dear friends; each have had a double mastectomy from breast cancer. Losing body parts is devastating, not to mention living with the daily uncertainty of not knowing whether you continue to remain in remission. Yet one woman has forged ahead as a life-force warrior, focusing on triumphs and wins of today. She doesn't look back. The other has difficulty moving forward ? not engaging in work outside her home, quitting her job, waiting for "something" to happen while in a state of self-imposed limbo. They've processed their information in completely different ways. Why?It's because people want certainty before they decide to accept change. It's a natural reaction. Certainly our culture has become more comfortable with making choices that have predictable outcomes. A current cultural disease we suffer from is predictability, reflected in our inability to accept change at a deeply personal level. It applies across the board to choices we make with our finances, careers, or our relationships. Science, especially when applied to health issues, has given us a false security blanket when it comes to certainty. After all, it seems we've been able to control nature. We like to think we've cornered the market on predictability and good planning, when the truth is we live in a time where prediction is more intuition and common sense than science. To embrace change, we need to release the umbilical cord we think we have to outcomes of certainty. In other words, stepping off of the plateau requires a huge amount of trust. Your fall will be broken somewhere at the right time. Believing that is what allows us to cope. It is the first step, unsupported by any scientific doctrine. And it's a big one. No matter what science pronounces, whether it is in the form of a diagnosis, prognosis, or the state of the environment, there is no sure thing. Science has already given us permission to accept truth with a margin of error in just about anything. There is always the possibility something may exist, or not exist, despite what patterns indicate. Truly, it is a useless endeavor to let science, or proof for that matter, hold you back from moving forward. Whether it is health, or other issues surrounding job loss, divorce, or death, you will successfully navigate through change and elevate the quality of your life by knowing anyone can beat the odds. There is evidence everywhere, not just from Christopher Reeves, Mattie Stepanak, or those whose stories you find in People magazine, but from the dry cleaner, your third cousin, your own child. Almost everyone you know has a story of beating the odds. Let's pay attention to the real evidence instead of looking for ways to prove that we can't make it or the odds are just too great.Adopting a new attitude on adversity requires big picture thinking on the subject of change. View life, and spiritual development for that matter, as an upward spiral where you experience some of the same lessons over and over again. Is it because we just aren't getting what the lesson is telling us? Perhaps, but that's not the only reason. We've deliberately put those circumstances in our chart in frequent doses to allow ourselves an opportunity to see how we've been progressing on the upward part of that growth spiral. Adversity is an inescapable performance indicator ? a frequent reminder of our upcoming 360-degree review in how we handle the bumps. We are meant to be a stronger, more insightful person each time we get walloped. With each business obstacle, make a stronger commitment toward your goal of service to humanity; each time you grieve, become better at comforting others and showing compassion; after each funeral, return home knowing life is a precious gift. With all setbacks, it drives the point home on the one true certainty in life and that is we must use our time wisely to make conscious change in the world. Change is designed to get outside of ourselves and become conscious of our place within a community of souls. Without change, there is no transformation. Change is good, making us stir the self-development pot a little faster! Spiritual Marketing Let me say that marketing can be a corrupting experience. In the wrong hands, marketing can create more frustration, more dishonesty and more greed than any occupation. Discovery of the Soul Imagine yourself marooned on a vast deserted island. You have been there for years, struggling just to survive, living within the most basic surroundings, gathering food, using only your hands and makeshift tools to scratch out an existence. Most of your days are fully taken up with satisfying the basic needs of life. You find some comfort in talking to some of the local creatures and birds that you have befriended. Having proved to yourself that you can survive with just the bare essentials you resign yourself to the fact that you will never be rescued. Anger turns to quiet desperation, then to acceptance as you carry on with your life. Surviving Separation: A Cinderella Story I want to tell you a love story. It's actually about a girl named Cinderella. I'm sure you're familiar with the fairy tale but I'm going to tell you the TRUE story. The Big Choice "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you, and you will eat with me."REVELATION 3:20, NCV Create Miracles in Your Life Until recently, miracles were usually credited to a supernatural power. The miracles in the Bible are a good example. Nowadays, miracles can be described as something that is extraordinary, inexplicable and unexplainable by normal circumstances. We all need a miracle, even a small one, every now and again. An example of a small miracle might be finding a parking space downtown on a busy afternoon. A larger miracle could be finding the perfect career opportunity, meeting a new partner, or enjoying an exotic vacation. 3 Little Prayers That Strengthen Relationships My mentor, a brilliant Ph.D, with a powerful marriage counseling ministry recently shared 2shocking statistics with me: The Power of Simplicity in Holistic Living What does it take to live life holistically? When Bad Things Happen to Good People Why do bad things happen to good people? Surely this is a question all of us ask from time to time. Some of Jesus' listeners asked Him the same question. (Luke 13: 1-9). They brought up the recent news about some Galileans who had been cruelly offered as human sacrifices by Pilate; and about the tower that had fallen in one of the cities in which 18 innocent bystanders had been killed; and they wanted to know if these people's tragic deaths were due to their sins. The Garden of Agony (Part 1) Eden, the garden of ecstasy is no longer available to us. We left it in sin and shame and it cannot be regained. All the privileges it offered have been forfeited. And so every man on this toilsome journey through life, in the midst of much tribulation and much soul searching, enters the Garden of Agony. The Universal Connection I believe in a phenomenon I have been known to call a 'Universal connection'. Yesterday one of these destined occurrences deeply affected the mood I was in and took me from feeling pretty low and depressed to feeling a joyous epiphany. Let me tell you about what happened. You see, I don't believe in random, arbitrary coincidences. My understanding is that life is a combined relationship between humanity's freewill, and the will of a higher power who I call 'The Great Spirit". I believe in a paradoxical type of destiny that is both preordained by this higher power, but also can be altered by our own decisions that we make every moment of everyday. Opportunities and obstacles are presented and then we are to decide whether or not to take any specific action relating to the situation. Building The Body of Christ As a walked across the gym floor with perspiration coming from my brow, my wife, Denise said "honey, you're a bodybuilder". I looked at her with amazement was my wife just getting it. I had been building this body for more than twenty years. Then again she said, "You're a bodybuilder", it was then that I got the revelation she was speaking of the body of Christ. She was saying what Paul was inspired to say in Ephesians 4:12 "to prepare God's people for works of service, so the body of Christ may be built up." Since that day neither of our lives will be the same. Leaving Storyville One of the most difficult barriers to overcome on the path to spiritual growth is extracting yourself from the tenacious grip of the Ego Story. Unsuspectingly, many people are mesmerized and possessed by this mental illusion. Possessed like some demon possesses a poor, hapless soul. They are ignorant of their ignorance. They do not realize they are separate. They believe that they are the Story. Why Worry The possibility of almost 400 Old Testament prophesies coming to fulfillment in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, apart from God's sovereign control of history, staggers the imagination. The certainty that God planned the coming of His son into the world can offer stabilizing support to our faith in our Lord. The Tess Syndrome There's a lot of talk about angels these days. They're getting some pretty good press. Choose Life or Death No one, not even God can make us choose the right things. He gave us the freedom of choice where our own lives are concerned. Life is full of choices. Many of them which we assume will give us life are really only secondary to what our whole purpose is. Authentic Spirituality: Pure and Undefiled Religion Because of the bright lights behind me, the golf balls themselves appeared to be glowing that night as they flew through the air. I couldn't avoid hearing a loud voice over the clicking of clubs hitting golf balls. I'd seen him there before and we'd talked golf. Tonight his balding head reflected the lights of the driving range nearly the same way the golf balls did in flight. But it wasn't his shiny head that was annoying me, it was his foul mouth. How Does God See You? How does God see you? Does He like what He sees? Can I tell you He loves you 100% and loves everything about you? He loves all your annoying habits, He loves those extra pounds you have gained, and He loves you when you falter. Basically, He loves you. As a new creature in Christ when God looks at you He sees you as being redeemed. He sees the work Christ has completed on our behalf. He loves you even if you never change from this very day. Life According to Green Principles: SoulBest Green Principles: SoulBest ![]() |
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