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You Must Feel to Heal!
In my work with clients who have physical illnesses there is one consistent observation that I keep running up against. That is the inability to feel one's emotions. Emotions such as sadness, hurt, disappointment, loss, and abandonment which result from ongoing trauma in one's life remains stored in memory fragments that live in one's consciousness or bio-field. These feelings act as a reminder that there is something toxic in the bio-field, and therefore in that individual (i.e. the traumatic memory) that needs to be released. Unfortunately, too many individuals develop a fear of feeling such feelings and thereby repress them. Well what is the consequence of such repression? Let me give you a metaphor here to make it clearer. Recall the smoke detectors that some of you may have in your homes. The purpose of these detectors is to sense smoke from a fire and to alert you, correct? Well the siren from these detectors is equivalent to the feelings I mentioned above. They too, alert you that there is something wrong. Now suppose that you can't stand the sound of the siren from these smoke detectors and decide to remove their batteries. The next time there is smoke, and presumably a fire; you won't be alerted will you? The result of course is a raging fire that will burn down the house. Well in the same way the feelings I mentioned above, if repressed (i.e. they are turned off by trying not to feel them) the trauma that lives in the biofield and therefore body (see "The Divine Holographic Energy Field") will continue to deplete you and your body or life giving energy and thereby leave it compromised. The result is illness and potentially death. If you would like to know more then you may wish to visit the web site below in my bio. Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called "Spirituality And Science" (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being. Business URL #1: http://www.telecoaching4u.com Business URL #2: http://www.telecoaching4u.com/ebook.htm Personal URL: http://www.telecoaching4u.com/Spirituality_And_Science.htm
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The Hand of God There I was living in a tiny bedroom in my parent's not-so-large, five room apartment. I had, as they say, "run out of options." My life was out of control, way out. Had it not been for mom and dad's willingness to let me stay with them, I would have been homeless living in Central Park or another one of New York City's fine parks. Years of rampant excess had brought me to my knees. The Jabbok Experience Jacob had sent his family on across the river Jabbok. Now he's alone in the night with the river; this smooth talking, manipulating, deceiving Jacob. Here he stands in the dark by the river Jabbok; the river that runs in the darkness between the life he has lived up to this point and the new life that could lie on the other side in the land of Canaan ? the Promised Land. All he has to do is cross it. Spiritual Healing - The Hidden Truth and Misconception Throughout history, what is portrayed in all religions as being the manifestation of prayer or miracles is in fact manifestation of our connection with the essence of our Soul and the manifestation of the power of spiritual healing. We have heard throughout the centuries about such miracles that have happened to people, and how they changed their lives. This has carried on until now when we still hear of these 'miracles' in our time today. What would be the difference between a miracle that has been approved by a religion and one that has been manifested by a healer? Life After Life - Death Is Merely a Changing Room Since I awoke from my three month coma in August of 2004, I have been asked many times about what I remembered and experienced. After looking over my notes and speaking with my wife and some of the medical professionals involved, I decided that it might be a good idea to write a short overview of these experiences. They were both wonderful and frightening, but the lessons I learned and the "gift" I was given are worth more than anything I could ever experience again. Remote Viewing - Making Light of the Dark Even Pandora and her box come in two versions. In one, the hideous woes of the world are let loose while locking hope inside. In another, life's joys are allowed to overflow their container, leaving the dark behind. In both versions, the light and dark of all metaphor clearly exists in perpetuity. Halloween Rites For some of us, EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN!!! If you want to be unusual dress up as a nurse, secretary, grocery clerk or bank teller this year. Gypsy, vampires and shaman wanna-bes are everywhere already! Lucky Charms and Talismans Many of you already own several lucky charms or talismans. You just may not be aware of the object's symbolism or meaning. Below I have compiled a list of some of the more popular and common good luck symbols that can be purchased in the form of jewellery, paintings or statues. Youre Standing Between Two Clouds On one side there is a dark cloud. It is full of pain, sickness, disease, poverty, and death. All of the curses talked about in Deuteronomy 28 are swarming in circles. The CAB Approach to Spiritual Growth I have been thinking a lot about the spiritual growth process and I thought I would share. I think that what enlightenment really involves is accepting the light that already exists within each of us and in every one and every thing. Of course we have created many layers and blockages to prevent us from seeing the light and we have gotten attached to these layers which is why clearing can be so painful. Anyway the approach I am taking to spiritual growth boils down to three things: Commitment, attitude and balance. Communion - The Key to Experiencing the Abundant Life of God Now, we all know that we shouldn't be lead by our emotions, right? Simple It was my intention to explain the word "simple," and by the time I put the thoughts into words it became more difficult. I am sometimes at odds with others when I say that something is simple, and I must remind them that I did not say easy, there is a big distinction between the two terms. A Medical Intuitive Look at Past Life Wounding In my work as a Medical Intuitive, I come across many instances where a client's past lives are impacting their current physical and emotional health. 5 Paper Management Tips for Christians My favorite scripture is Roman's 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Salvation: The Divine Imperative Of the many individuals who were touched through the ministry of Paul while on his second missionary journey, three are specifically mentioned. His first convert was Lydia, a businesswoman; the second was a young lady who had been used and manipulated by her masters so that they could profit financially. But, when she was saved, her masters were offended because their bank account had closed and so they had Paul and Silas taken before the magistrates on false allegations and they were subsequently, beaten and thrown into prison. 6 Little Prayers That Bring Healing - Every Time You Pray Ok, let's start with the amazing story ofRobbie and how a little-known scripture in the bookof Galatians got him healed of cancer - after the doctors had given him only 6 months to live!! Seven Soul-Nurturing Suggestions for Busy Women Looking for some ways to feed your soul in the midst of all you do? Try one or more of these great ideas! Your Artistic Talent as a Weapon Your creative gift has power. I Am Not An Island or What Does God Have to Do With Animals? "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14, NIV Tarot Spreads: The Planetary Spread, for Insights into a Personality The Planetary Spread is an excellent layout to use when you want insight into a personality. Law and Order of the Spiritual Kind There is no such thing as a coincidence. Albert Einstein reasoned that, "God simply does not play dice." While we may not fully understand the reasons behind certain events, there are laws and order in the universe specifically designed to facilitate harmony and prosperity for all living things. Yet, as humans, we violate not only man's laws, but also the laws of the universe. It's as if an "insanity" bug has plagued the world community, which has now reached epidemic proportions. Perhaps that's because knowingly, or unknowingly, we choose not to live in harmony with the laws of the universe and as a result of our actions we experience failure, powerlessness and discord. Take for example one law ? the law of cause and effect. ![]() |
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