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The Jabbok Experience
Jacob had sent his family on across the river Jabbok. Now he's alone in the night with the river; this smooth talking, manipulating, deceiving Jacob. Here he stands in the dark by the river Jabbok; the river that runs in the darkness between the life he has lived up to this point and the new life that could lie on the other side in the land of Canaan ? the Promised Land. All he has to do is cross it. But to cross over into a new life is not an easy thing to do. It is not a simple process because before one can cross, unknown dangers may have to be faced and terrifying battles fought. This is what Jacob discovered. To cross over into Canaan was not just a matter of crossing a stream, because in the darkness a strange and mysterious Presence arises. Ancient tales had it that rivers had spirits which had to be defeated before the river could be crossed. But when we read on in scripture we learn that the antagonist that appeared into the night to seize Jacob for a struggle that would last until daybreak, was not a river spirit, but the God of Righteousness forcing Jacob to his reckoning. There comes a time in our lives when every soul must give a reckoning by the river Jabbok. This Old Testament story is dramatizing the consequence that comes to every soul that has tried too long to evade the truth about itself. The soul must wrestle with the mystery of existence and the reality of God to whom we must give an account. It is a time in our lives when we cannot manipulate anyone or deceive anyone or con our way out of the situation because no one's there but you and God. Jacob is wrestling with the judgment of God flowing through his very core of being. Tomorrow he has a date with destiny; he sees Esau whom he so easily degraded into an object to be used for his own advancement. Jacob saw his world shadowed by his guilt. Old memories awakened; old fears rose up from the past. All his betrayals, deceptions, lies and manipulations converged in on him in fateful battle. Here, by the river Jabbok Jacob had to find the God within. He had to face up to himself and admit deep down that he did not deserve anything. He had to give up the pride that thought he could work out his own peace of mind by his own wits. Jacob had to struggle with himself to break through himself to the divine. Who will win? We too must fight many personal battles with our inner selves by the river Jabbok. We cannot cross over to the new life until we come to terms with ourselves and recognize ourselves for what we really are. Then we must make the decision as to which one of ourselves will win the battle by the river Jabbok.Who will win when we see in one corner dirty, broken, bleeding, unsuccessful people crying out to be loved and in the other corner clean and bright and upward rising stars? Who will win when we hear Jesus' voice calling us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him and Satan's voice offering us power and wealth and prestige? Who will win the struggle when a friend is in trouble or disgrace and to stand by him or her would mean that your own sweet reputation could also be tarnished? Who will win when power and status parade before our eyes and tempt us to betray ourselves and others in exchange for recognition, adulation or a high office? Who will win? Who will win as we and Jacob wrestle with the God within our souls in the night beside the river Jabbok? Our true selves that were made in the image of God or the fragments of our selves that want to make idols of things like sex and power and money and recognition? The Presence at Jabbok is stirring within us, calling us to wrestle with our depths until we find our true selves. Scriptural Reference: Genesis 32:22-32(NIV). Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach which can be reviewed on her site. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, is expected to be available soon. You are welcome to visit AMEN Ministries: Your Soul's Service Station for spiritual refreshing, soul edification, browse our newly expanded mini shopping mall or review our recommended books you may want to add to your personal library. Blessings to all!
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Living by Faith Five verses specify that we are to live by faith. How do you do that? It is like entering a black hole. Those who are in the blackness of night have to feel their way lest they fall into a pit or crash into things. Walking by faith is going through unknown territory. How can you feel comfortable navigating blind? It's like closing your eyes when you are driving at high speed on a congested highway. You Are What You Think One of the first things you will find that God will start to do with you if you have decided to enter into a true sanctification process with Him is to try and put right thinking into your thought process. Getting Beyond Imperfect Examples & Resistance, to Receiving Loving Guidance & Help from the Father As soon as he saw me I saw him. It was freaky. I must have looked like the anti-son. Long hair hanging out from a bandanna, dark sunglasses, rolling with a couple of older guys I hardly knew. I was even embarrassed that he sighted me. I think he tried to make a gesture of reconciliation. He made a motion towards me and yelled out, "Ronnie!"...I was just gripped when I heard his voice...saw his frame. Then I just slow mo-ed like before a car crash "Nooooo!" It was like a soul Brown-Out. I fazed. It was too much for me. No chance would I go towards him, instead I just ran away...I just bailed. I bolted. There might have been some love there, I just couldn't cop to it. It was gritty. (recalling an unexpected encounter with my father while I was a 17 year old runaway) Questioning - Is It A Natural Process? One of the first issues people on the spiritual path have to address is a doctrinal one: Is it wrong to question? Is asking questions about the truth we've been taught "sinful?" Your answer may have a dramatic effect on your ability to explore without guilt! What The Bleep is All This Quantum Physics Stuff About? "Quantum Physics is the science of gods? Newtonian Physics is the science of the small minds of men." Jesus Christ: One Can Reach God Only Through Him - Is this Statement Correct? Catch the express or the super fast bullet train. If we are able to reach our goal the purpose is served. Talk of Jesus Christ, Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, or Prophet Mohammed... all reached the goal they had established in their life. The goal of all (including Jesus Christ) was the same... only the paths were different. True Justice and Freedom The world's idea of justice and freedom fall short of their purpose. Prison bars keep the guilty from repeating their crime while behind them. They cannot change the person. Freedom comes with a price. We have to take responsibility for our actions. We are never free from the tensions of living on the earth. We must pay the price of making a living and existing among people of different temperaments and cultures. Being in Christ is the perfect answer because he has already paid the price for our sins. Dear Lord As I sit here and ponder my existence my heart is burdened by much. See I seek you but feel so unworthy of you, unworthy to be looked on by you. My Lord, I too know the pain of betrayal. I know the feeling of deception. I cry out to you in my need and feel humbled in knowing that You first felt the sting of betrayal, You first knew the look of deception and You first were the one to confront the one whom had betrayed You. My heart grows weak with an ache that only You may know Lord. I have my friends as You had Yours. I know the love of family as You knew Yours. I cry out to You, take my pain away from me, then I stop and reflect on the day Your's was given to You. Am I worthy to know the feeling of this ache? Do I need to suffer my own iniquities to feel closer to my Lord? For to know anyone is to walk a mile in the shoes they wear. For as I long to know You, I also long to be as You were. I carry the burden of my own sins, where You carried that of us all. Am I worthy to ask You to walk along side me? I feel that I am not. How Big is God? WOW ... what a question. But today, while I was walking on the treadmill, it popped into my head. Trying to forget the two mile mark I'm heading toward, I sometimes find myself thinking up 'really deep' subjects. Other times, I'm probably checking the calories burned imagining what I can have for lunch! But ... back to God. How Useful is a Dream Dictionary Really? At the start of your dream journey, one of the most frustrating things is to figure out what the symbolism in your dreams means! Most often people start their dream conversation with me by saying: "I had this weird dream ?" What makes it "weird" is the strange collection of people, objects, places and events that take place in the dream. A Mothers Battle The tongue is such a tiny little organ. Yet, it can be one of the most powerful weapons. James 3 has a lot to say about the tongue?I suggest that you read the entire chapter. (It's very short)?Anyway, verse 6 says; And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is a world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body? Whew, those are some strong words?but, wait, that's not all. Proverbs 18:21 tells us; Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it for death or life. It is scary to think that my mouth has that much power. Gilligan Finds Jesus! One day Gilligan ventures off as usual into thejungle. After a few hours the Skipper knowsGilligan's absent-minded behavior, gets a littleworried and goes trotting off looking for him.After a while the Skipper hears Gilligan's squeakyvoice in the distance yelling, "SKIPPER, SKIPPER,SKIPPER HELP!!!!" Candle Burning to Petition the Female Saints Here they are, our Ladies of Mercy and Divine Benevolence. Petitioning the Saints for Special Favours has been a big subject in the chat rooms lately, so in the spirit of Christmas and the Goddess energies associated with these martyrs and popularized pagan deities, I have compiled a list that tells you how to use candle burning to request favours. Wear the Message of Grace: A Work Weeks Devotions As the artist and designer for Ashbach Designs, I want more than for you to just wear a piece of pretty jewelry, I want you to wear each piece as a symbol of your faith. In keeping with this idea, I have created a work week's devotions to go with your jewelry, or another special faith symbol in your life. Each day, meditate on how you can use your jewelry to connect with others, share the message, and remind yourself where your true passion lies. Monday: Connect Colossians 2:2-3 "My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." The Power of Simplicity in Holistic Living What does it take to live life holistically? Controlling What YOU Hear By Watching What YOU Say If you're going to listen to anyone you're going to hear yourself. It does not matter what anyone in the world says about you, it means nothing until you allow it to get into your spirit and you begin to say what is being said to you. Ego, Duality, and Paradise (Why You Cant Get to Paradise on an Ego Trip) If you've been on a conscious spiritual journey for any time at all, you have likely figured out that there is an aspect of you that is working overtime to keep you out of Nirvana. That pesky entity is none other than your ego. Your ego, however, does not realize it is a problem; instead, it believes itself to be your heroic savior and the only thing standing between you and extinction. Indeed, the ego is correct in this-without your ego, there would be no "you." Your ego is the aspect of your psyche that maintains the idea that you are an individuated, separate, autonomous being. Laboring under this notion, it attempts to steward your life according to this model, and rebels at the notion that you are actually one with all Creation. 10 Commandments I thought I would draw this article up as a reference page in the event any of you would ever need, at a quick glance, exactly what the 10 commandments are. Most Christians do not have all of them memorized. I will actually type out the specific Bible verse the 10 commandments comes off of as God makes some additional statements under some of these commandments that is usually not written down when you see little tablets of the 10 commandments at your local Christian bookstore. Dead Man Walking One of my favorite movies is "The Green Mile". A memorable scene was when the presumably guilty murderer was being brought into the jail and they announced his arrival as "the dead man walking." His sentence was already passed on him even before he was properly accused. As humans, we tend to judge others just by the way they look. Our carnal eyes can only see from the inside out, and are blind to seeing what's on the inside of us! In our own mind's eye, we are blameless, but woe to the other person who doesn't meet our perfect standards. Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance For the last 35 years, I have been working with individuals, couples and families, as well as business relationships. I have 8 published books on relationships and healing, some of them best-sellers. In the first half of my career, I worked as a traditional psychotherapist, and was not happy with the results. In the last 18 years I have worked with a process called Inner Bonding, which is a powerful six step psychological and spiritual healing process. I discovered that there is no real healing without a personal connection with a source of spiritual guidance. ![]() |
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