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Jesus Christ: One Can Reach God Only Through Him - Is this Statement Correct?
Catch the express or the super fast bullet train. If we are able to reach our goal the purpose is served. Talk of Jesus Christ, Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, or Prophet Mohammed... all reached the goal they had established in their life. The goal of all (including Jesus Christ) was the same... only the paths were different. Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed... all wanted to have one-to-one interaction with God the Almighty. All four of them succeeded in their life. If Jesus Christ were to say that God can be reached through him (he is not incorrect) for any enlightened Soul can guide the humanity to its logistical end. Life was made like that by God the Almighty. The Jesus Christ has been considered in Christianity as the son of God the Almighty. The teachings of Jesus Christ can also not be considered wrong but there is all possibility that the interpretation of the teachings of Jesus Christ may have been wrongly monitored by people with vested interests. Such wrong interpretations exist in every religion or Dharma. The society at present thinks and interprets everything in terms of materialistic gains. How can then be the teachings of Jesus Christ remain untouched by impurities? The so called statement by Jesus Christ that one can reach god only through him is a misnomer. No enlightened Soul can utter such words. It is a complete disregard of the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is upon the masses in general to assess whom to trust in the present materialistic trend existing in the society. A blind faith in the Vatican teachings can totally misguide the humanity towards a catastrophic end. Even though the interpretation of the teachings of Jesus Christ by the Vatican carry absolute weight age for most Catholics around the world but it need not be the absolute truth as was administered and monitored by Jesus Christ himself. The Vatican interpretations can be based on absolutely wrong footing. Let me give an example- Sometimes back it was announced in most of the newspapers around the world that John Pope Paul (considered a direct representative of Jesus Christ on Mother Earth) had arranged for a team of renowned astronomers and quite a number of powerful telescopes with the hope that God could be located in the universe perchance. The poor John Pope Paul failed to realize that the basic building block of the whole Cosmos is atoms and molecules. God the Almighty cannot have existence in the form of a human being... it has to be a source of energy... the might of which can not be perceived with the limitations of the senses and the mind. What an awful waste of money and intelligence... none in the Catholic world retaliated. What does this prove...? Does this confirm the blind faith of the masses in the Vatican? Such a blind faith in the Vatican is absolutely wrong for it leads the society towards wrong conclusions! If Jesus Christ had been alive today... he would have outright rejected the actions of the Vatican. We are intelligent human beings and we need to introspect upon everything said or interpreted to us. We have science to support us whenever the need arises. It is a different matter that everything in the field of spirituality cannot be interpreted in terms of science for most things in the spiritual field are taken care of by faith alone (faith in the existence and system of God). I again confirm that it is only the absolute faith in the system of God that can lead us towards the eternal light... nothing else! Whatever Jesus Christ may have said at any stage of life would have been absolutely correct... only the interpretations of his sayings and teachings are likely to be interpreted wrongly based on the vested interests many people possess. Furthermore, to be able to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ one need not become a Christian. Similarly as to follow the dictates of Lord Krishna one need not be a Hindu. All teachings are required to be followed in the right spirit of the sacred scriptures. Every enlightened teacher like Jesus Christ would always want to emphasize that it is in the interest of the masses that their teachings be followed in the right spirit for one (Jesus Christ) who has already covered the journey knows the path! Swami Vivekananda... the famous disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa knew very well that under the guidance of his master he can become enlightened in this very life. It was up to Swami Vivekananda entirely whether or not to follow the teachings of sage Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa in order to realize God in his lifetime. Whether we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ or Gautama Buddha is immaterial. The sole purpose of the journey of life of a human being is always reaching the end of the journey and this goal can only be achieved by following the dictates of an enlightened master alone (like Jesus Christ). It is very important! The fact written in the Bible that "God can only be reached through Jesus Christ" confirms this. Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 on Jesus Christ: one can reach god only through his teachings... Is also correct! For more on Christianity visit - Jesus Christ
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Life According to Green Principles: SoulBest Green Principles: SoulBest Just Learning To Cope I have been thinking about this all night. I am realizing that there are more and more people dealing with anxiety. I have my opinions in regards to anxiety and I have written my own story in dealing with that. I am thinking of starting a support network for individuals and families dealing with this. Anxiety is debilitating. Anxiety begins with a fear that ends up an obsession. I personally think that anxiety is the result of feeling out of control. You are at a point where your life and world has now become out of control. It is to much for a person to handle and that is where your fear begins. I am no doctor but I know from experience if you have not experienced this you will never understand and you could not possibly. That is why I would like to start a support network. If you are dealing with it you need to be able to access someone who has dealt with it and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and I do believe this to be the biggest relief. Anxiety can be a result of feeling alone, a fear that becomes an obsession. I think everyone who has been through this will understand that simple sentence. I am going to give you some examples of anxiety and hopefully some tips. Spiritual Clarity Who is the more spiritual person? The woman out on a Sunday morning excursion for coffee and a newspaper who swerves to avoid hitting a dog, or is it, the man who hits the dog in his haste to get to church on time? Who knows? My point is that going to church has absolutely nothing to do with being a good person. Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected It has long been surmised that emotional trauma can lead to physical illness. It is also conceptualized that such toxic trauma fragments may exist at the level of our energy fields. Treatments such as EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique?), TFT (Thought Field Therapy?), TT (Therapeutic Touch?) and others seek to restore the individual's energy field. Beneficiaries of the Promise We are the beneficiaries of the promise God made to Abraham that all nations would be blessed through him. He is the only Old Testament Character Scripture says was introduced to the gospel in advance (GAL 3:8). If anyone was ever a religious fanatic, it was Abraham. If anyone ever had an excuse to disobey God, it was Abraham. He knew that when God speaks, you had better listen and obey. Selling Spiritual Stuff Spiritual stuff is a hard sell Roy and one of the reasons for that is spirituality was turned into religion a long time ago. Spirit is natural and it is who you are naturally. Religion is man's commercialized idea of spiritualism. Man included within religion his own agenda, which altered the form of spiritualism for ever more. Long ago man felt the connection to his environment and that which created him. He was curious about who and what he was and many explanations came down as he starred up to the sky each night. Anam Cara - Life as a Box of Paints Lonely Song There is Light at the End of the Tunnel - Just Get Out of Your Way ! There is light at the end of the tunnel, but some days it seems like it is miles away. You have doneeverything you can think of to do, physically or mentally and don't even get me started on the list of emotions that have been involved in the whole process of creating the dream that you have held within your mind's eye.The delays keep coming. You stop and tell yourself several times a day.. there is light at the end of thetunnel... don't give up now. The list keeps coming and we have heard them all... "Plant a seed and watch it grow"and "Rome wasn't built in a day" and still you wait. Getting the Feel of Your Faith Whether we admit it or not, we operate by emotion. Our comfort level, attitude, and efficience are largely determined by how we feel. Getting the feel of your faith enables you to be confident and comfortable with your spiritual condition. It determines your influence, where and how often you attend church services, and what you do for the Lord. God Versus the Gods Aristotle referred to happiness as the most we can achieve. Demons and gods were interchangeable in the time of Homer when people had far less institutionalized manipulation of their thoughts and soulful understandings. What is the 'anima' referred to by Aristotle and other sages? What Does It Mean To Hear Gods Voice? Excerpt from The Journey That Never Was: a guide to hearing God's Voice regardless of one's faith, religion, or personal beliefs, by DavidPaul and Candace Doyle 5 Ways To Learn More About The Orisha The Orisha are the Messengers of Oludumare, the God/dess of the Yoruba Traditional Spiritual Tradition known as Ifa. The Yoruba Spiritual Tradition is centered in West Africa in what is now called Nigeria. During the time of the enslavement of African people in the New World, known as the Maafa ( Kiswahilli for Great Disaster), Ifa came to the Americas and the Caribbean. Anyone caught practicing the religion was put to death. How To Walk On The Path Of Peace (Part 3) As you grow in wisdom, you will release, more and more, self-limiting beliefs, which are transient, and become aware of the powerful role you play in bringing change to the whole. Improving Your Spiritual Life (for Christians) 70% of people who send me feedback at http://www.insideoutmusic.net tell me they want to improve their spiritual lives. I'm really excited that they want to do that. In fact if you're reading this, you probably want to do it as well. If you're like many of the people I've talked to you've probably been spoon fed clichés until your ears bleed. "Just pray, let go and let God, spend more time in the Word..." You know the drill. Learning the Secret of Contentment (Part 1) I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV) Choosing Our Parents There's a Native American belief that before we are born, we choose our parents. It actually ties in pretty nicely with the reincarnation idea that we prearrange certain circumstances before each life so as to learn different lessons. Either way, our parents teach us so much more than they ever mean to. Through their choices, circumstances, faults, talents and ability to show their love and support, they mold us. If life is a rat race, then our folks determine what we come out of the starting blocks with. By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Military personnel at a U.S. prison in Guantanamo, Bay, Cuba allegedly desecrated the Quran (Koran) by flushing its pages into a toilet. The news has sparked media interest in the states, and outrage in the Muslim world, especially in the Middle East. Anyone following world news has probably seen a number of articles reporting on the Middle East riots that have occurred as a result. The Quran is the name of the Muslim holy book, and is the guide to the Islam religion. Humility, Not Pride: Keeping Ice Off Your Bow Tony was a professinoal salt-water fisherman. He explained how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. Going Where Youve Never Gone Before One of the first issues people on the spiritual path have to address is a doctrinal one: Is it wrong to ask questions that I've never asked before? Is asking questions about the truth we've been taught "sinful?" Your answer can have a dramatic effect on your ability to explore who you are and what you believe in without guilt! The Psychical Research Foundation Karen was the name of the reception person, who sat behind the desk one Saturday morning around noon when I dropped in. I had never heard about them and was actually planning to find the J.B. Rhine Institute or the Federation for Research on the Nature of Man (FRNM). I had stumbled in to the 'mother lode'. It wasn't necessary to come to these places to look for their literature or research. I could have found more than enough of that at the Association for Research and Enlightenment library in Va. Beach. I wanted to experience these things first hand. ![]() |
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