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The Psychical Research Foundation
Karen was the name of the reception person, who sat behind the desk one Saturday morning around noon when I dropped in. I had never heard about them and was actually planning to find the J.B. Rhine Institute or the Federation for Research on the Nature of Man (FRNM). I had stumbled in to the 'mother lode'. It wasn't necessary to come to these places to look for their literature or research. I could have found more than enough of that at the Association for Research and Enlightenment library in Va. Beach. I wanted to experience these things first hand. Karen Getsla turned out to be much more than a receptionist. There was a person in what had been the front living room in this quaint converted house under the magnolias. He was on a bed and there was a cat and recorder in the room. Karen explained it was Blue Harary, the most effective astral or OOBE (Out of Body Experience) researcher. I later ran in to a book of his at an account in Laguna Beach, but that was in another lifetime almost twenty years later. Karen explained that the black cat was helpful in guiding Blue back from his travels. She was a few years older than me and a handsome woman with lots of strength who acted as if I was a bit of a nuisance at first. We talked, and it was clear she needed to impress me. I knew that wouldn't be the act of someone who wasn't interested in me. Still the moment didn't seem right that day to ask her out; and I listened and encouraged her to tell me all about herself. Needless to say I was quite impressed. She told me that she had worked on the FRNM project to communicate with the submarines below radio contact range. I had read about this as one of the better proofs of parapsychology and ESP. Still it wasn't the 100% proof that nay-sayers needed. She talked about taking courses at Duke University towards her degree in psychology and how she had helped a Yogi psychically remove a needle that a failed medical treatment had left in a child's spinal column. This had happened in her home town of Chicago. It was apparent that a man she had been involved with hurt her very badly, and did some kind of sorcery when she was his 'working partner'. A 'working partner' is a spiritual/sexual ritual partner of witchcraft and she told me she had been a High Priestess of Majik. I saw a need for power and a propensity for pettiness or egoistic pursuits. I told her about Dottie and Ed. She had heard of Ed and was impressed but tried not to show it. I told her I would be coming back and didn't press the issue. As our relationship progressed I had the opportunity to learn how to play a more passive role in terms of making decisions. She made it clear she wasn't interested in being dominated or 'head over heels' with any man at that point in her life. Karen told me she could perform PK or light a light up between her hands while being grounded out from all known energy (electric, magnetic etc.). Ambert Dail was someone I was able to talk freely with as I worked out of his office in Hampton/Newport News. He and his sales manager tried to help the sales effort but other than some air time and introductions, our product had to be sold on its own merits. Ambert would talk with me about psychic things despite appearing to be a very straight person. I would often read books like Zolar's Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge at the ARE library. I don't remember when it was that he offered me a radio D.J. job as a talk show host. He thought that a more down-to-earth scientific approach than the psychic fortune tellers would create a great market. It would have been journalistic and involved interviews with interesting people. I often wish I had taken it. I told him my business and family were important and that Karen would be better to do it. This is a little about my time during 1974-5 within the Commonwealth of Virginia. She was involved with a group of lesbians who I think were also into witchcraft. They had designs on her sexually and didn't like my arrival on the scene. When I returned to Toronto I was excited about Karen and how I felt as I learned a new way of relating with women. I had taken Karen to dinner and a movie but was looking forward to a date in a week or two where she was inviting me to be her consort at the Director's house of the Psychical Research Foundation. I had joined their membership and was receiving their newsletter 'Theta' at our offices in Toronto. Swaena had received a poem from Karen that she had responded to and included an arty piece of dried flowers in. I was surprised that Karen had introduced herself to my family. There were many interesting articles from around the world of parapsychological research in this newsletter and I tried to get John and others to see this psychic stuff wasn't so weird. We went to dinner one night while I was in Toronto. John, Swan and I all enjoy talking a lot but Swan has a hard time when John and I talk at the same time. In this matter I still have problems because I can pay attention to a couple of conversations while writing a letter and talking on the phone. There is an element of social graces that I never learned growing up in a male family, to be sure. "So. What does Karen look like Bob?" Swaena talked in her usual enthusiastic manner as she sat beside John with her hand on his arm. They were not living together at this time, if I remember correctly. Swan was separated or divorced and John wasn't dating her sister Peggy anymore. "Her hair is dirty blond and short but full, with bangs, I guess. I like her round face and I guess you could say she is handsome, rather than beautiful. She doesn't try to use make up and other things. Her skin doesn't need any and her lips are full. There is depth in her eyes which are brown but not as dark as some. You know there has to be chemistry and a good vibe, for me. I was a little shocked that she wrote you, and that there was a poem in it. She hasn't indicated that she wants me as a boyfriend or anything." "If she is taking you to her Director's party that means something, doesn't it?" John smiled. "Yes, I guess. But it could just be that she needs a date." "I see you are in a far different position than with most of your ladies. Do you like being the passive one?" Swan joked a little. "Yes, I am exploring the yin aspect or feminine supportive side of my humanity a lot more. Her ego takes up most of the available space I guess you could say." "We share the stage pretty easy don't we John." "I think you are a little more into that." We all chuckled a little, everyone knew Swaena was one of the most vivacious and loquacious people, except perhaps her mother who I loved dearly. "The fact that you are both Cancers makes you a good 'fit'." "Do you think Karen is a good' fit' for you?" Swan asked. "I know there is a lot I can learn from her. It is too early to tell much more than that. She does fill my heart and I am a little infatuated." "Has Myrna still got a lot of your heart?" John wisely asked. "I will always love Myrna! If you ever really loved someone, I don't think it ever ends. But no, Karen is not going to be what Myrna could have been or was, for me. I'm beginning to know how 'special' Myrna was for me." "Are you going to go up to the cottage while you are here? I think it is the best and most beautiful place in the world!" "Swan thinks God is residing there now." John touched Swan's hand on his arm and looked at her with a goofy grin. "No, I think I want to get back to Virginia, as soon as I can. I guess I should check out a couple of other cities on the way, too." "L' amie and I are taking your Mom up this weekend." "Is that Lambie?" "No, it is French for 'the friend'." Swaena smiled a big smile. "That is nice. I think that is the thing that Karen and I might have a hard time getting to be. Myrna was all of that and more." The Director's house in the woods near Chapel Hill was a geodesic dome. I had never been in one of my hero Bucky Fuller's designed homes. I was honored to be there and proud to be Karen's date. She even held my arm on occasion and seemed close to kissing me once. I was standing in the glass covered garden beside the house by myself when a bearded professorial man with a lot of gray under his tweed cap approached me. He was standing on a step when he first began to talk with me, and was still a little shorter than me. His Scottish brogue and pixie smile made me feel comfortable, but I don't remember his name. He liked my name and smiled as he told me about Robert de Bruges which was the original name of the Bruce's. He was from the University of Edinburgh and one of the leading psychic researchers. There were many other such luminaries at this party and I was definitely a little awestruck. I had been introduced to the Director and some others, and I heard that J.B. Rhine might even show up although I don't think he did. I told this gentleman about Ed and the 'wind and rain' as well as Dottie/Esalen and the Baskin-Robbins and bed frame over the next half hour. He told me a lot about Esalen and the people like Joseph Campbell who he knew personally. He had heard of Ed and there was no sense of surprise at any of the stories I told him about. "These things are not easily explained to be sure. I agree with you about the energy and a possible scientific explanation. We have to demonstrate far simpler and more basic details in order to get funding. Rhine has a government 'in' and he can do what he wants pretty much. It is hard to get people like Karen who can perform these feats of psychic ability reliably. She is one of the top six people in the whole world." "Does that include Russia and Nelya Michelova or Barbara Ivanova?" "Yes, and gurus from India, who are pretty good too." "I imagine there are some who are better who don't engage in the science though?!" "Yes. Or at least they say so. We have tested many who can do some amazing things like you spoke about but we don't know how to break these things down into realistic experiments." "In many cases like with the 'wind and rain' it isn't what the performer intends as much as it is the response of nature or the energy." "That is part of the problem to be sure. I wish you well with Karen. She is a strong woman and I think I see some of the necessary strength in you too. I have to go talk with some of my colleagues." "It was quite gracious of you to talk with me. I really am like a fish out of water amongst all the older and experienced people here." "You handle it pretty well... I've got to go." Karen came to talk with me. "You spent a lot of time with him. What were you talking about?" "I think he wants to get you to go to Edinburgh and do research with them. I think they'd be willing to give free school and housing plus whatever spending money you need. He said it was hard to get reliable performers and that the test results don't look statistically good when working with 'hit and miss' people." "I have a good deal here and I really am not into money. This is the top research center in the world for parapsychology. Christchurch New Zealand is interesting too. You know I think you look pretty good tonight." Karen took me by the arm and we left shortly thereafter. I stayed at a motel and left after having lunch with her the next day. It was clear I was going to have to work hard to get her to open up and let love be experienced. Still that wasn't my main concern in getting to know her. I would have been happy to collaborate on writing a book or just keeping a friendship. We still were in the psychological stage some call 'storming' and I wasn't buying that she was as powerful or unique as she wanted me to believe. Powers such as she might be able to demonstrate were what Krishnamurti and those like Ed called 'siddhis' and said it was limiting to get caught up in the pursuit of. I felt that was the kind of limitations these researchers were also forced into engaging in. To use the cultural or methods of reductivist 'linear' science on chaotic reality was fraught with all the wrong insights. I knew this as surely as I knew that Jesus was just another human even if he was also an ascended master. About a month went by and I saw Karen twice during that time for dinner and a movie. I think we danced once around this time and I'm not sure but it might also have been the first time I met one of her 'mousy' lesbian friends. I remember getting bad vibes from her as soon as I saw her. My friendship with Marc was growing and he introduced me to some interesting people. I was getting better at reading palms and did this on occasion with girls in the bars. "You worship women too much Bob. I think you should 'lighten up' and realize they enjoy 'fun' too." "You make a compelling argument and I sure would like to be able to loosen up a lot. I don't know if I can go that far though." "If you could realize that they often feel intoxicated by the feeling of love just like you and that it is a normal human chemistry I think you'd find a lot less heartache." "Marc, you are only a couple of years older than me but I can see you are far more experienced. I had no female role model and that might be part of my problem too. Anyway I really like the intense infatuation and I have found things can grow from there. A lot of my relationships are far more psychic than physical." "I see you like the physical a lot. I think maybe you hold back too much. All this psychic stuff might be a shield or way of pushing some people away." "Why get involved if you don't have that kind of 'connection' that you know can be? I have had something too good to cheapen with just sex." "Whatever! My bro' Richard is coming by in a while and he is into Yogananda and a lot of the same 'shit' you're into. I guess the two of you will groove on the Autobiography of a Yogi and The Science of Religion stuff. I've read enough to know that balance in my life is as good as all those who have the demon to pursue knowledge ever seem to really KNOW!" "You sure are laid back and able to go with the flow. I wish sometimes I was more like you. In the final analysis I have to do what is right for my heart and I can't act like I really care about someone if it isn't as true as I can be." "I never lie to a lady, Bob. They don't always need someone to kiss their feet and grovel about their beauty." John came to visit and meet Marc who wanted to work with us. There was some immigration and custom's concerns but it was more an issue of whether or not Marc was the right person to rely on as a project manager. We had been through a few problem people and 'con artists'. Somehow we found ourselves at the Spectrum in downtown Norfolk where Jose Silva was getting ready for a convention seminar. We actually got to meet him and I discussed the matters of psychometry with John. It was to be Jose's topic that evening. This is the original psychometry and not what those like Dottie and the IQ testers do. Jose was a bald man in his sixties with a friar-like appearance. He started out as a teacher in Laredo, Texas and had witnessed the problems for too many years. The educational bureaucracy is a subject that John and I have always been able to share insights about. We often found agreement about that particular subject. The discipline combined with science and creativity of Silva Mind Control was something John found intriguing. He certainly couldn't accuse Jose of being a 'con' and he remembered Ed Tucker was a teacher in this program. The Harvard studies that show 33% of what we learn comes via linear intellectual means was recently completed and I think I made it clear that I thought ESP was a largely unused educational tool. Silva Mind Control also demonstrates results from psychic things that can't be explained by other means. John was clearly still insisting that intuition or ESP was explainable through intellectual processes. The fact that police forces allover the world were using psychometrists who could hold a piece of clothing and attune themself to the whereabouts and thoughts of their owner was definitely not in John's worldview. We left to join up with Marc at a friend's place. On the way I continued to talk to John about the book Seth Speaks and Jane Roberts's mediumship with a spirit guide who was part of a multi-dimensional personality connected with her husband and herself in previous lives. I told him this fit to a degree with my energy wave coagulation analogy of the cosmic soup that surrounds us. John was becoming stubborn in his defensiveness and it was time for us to meet Marc's friend Steve. He was an accountant by training and had a theory that fit with what I had been telling John. He described reality as being like a journal of ledger sheets. Each one reflecting a point of time and state of growth. The graphs of Descartes and the 'X' and 'Y' co-ordinates or vectors signified the growth potential of the present consideration. The other pages dealt with time and its passage. The 'spiral of education' that moved across the page in one dimension were repeated and developed as growth occurred. I had been with Karen the week before and though I didn't know a lot about witchcraft then, I sure wonder about some of her possible influence in this, now. She took me home to her place and made love to me. Then she told me: "How does it feel to be used just like you do other people. My girlfriends told me you hit on them! You are scum..." "I never hit on them. I don't have the least little interest in them. You are very wrong about this Karen." "I know you in ways that you can't fathom even a little. You will never darken my door again. I will wreck havoc on your life to the best of my magical ability." "Do your best, I know the use of the mirror." I had told her how I had adapted the crossing of the Christian faith to cleanse negative energy and send back the unwanted or bad portion. It involves welcoming what is right and being open to change but not allowing what is wrong to influence me. I use a poem and a little of the reflecting aspect of what Wiccans do with reversing candles or the palm of the hand. It is only now as I re-write this book that I am contemplating that my weight gain of five pounds while going running with John out in Morristown and eating only 1000 calories a day for two weeks might be connected to her work on me. I normally would have lost fifteen pounds doing this. Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest writer at World-Mysteries.com
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Authentic Spirituality: Pure and Undefiled Religion Because of the bright lights behind me, the golf balls themselves appeared to be glowing that night as they flew through the air. I couldn't avoid hearing a loud voice over the clicking of clubs hitting golf balls. I'd seen him there before and we'd talked golf. Tonight his balding head reflected the lights of the driving range nearly the same way the golf balls did in flight. But it wasn't his shiny head that was annoying me, it was his foul mouth. God Loves You With the Love of God Do you ever feel that what you read in some Christian books is not really God's truth at all, but is merely the opinion of the writer, dressed up in the clothing of truth? Such books are merely imposters and are like the fig tree Jesus cursed-they look promising on the outside, but when you get up close, you find that they, like the fig tree, are barren, written for the glory of the writer and his or her ideas, not for the truth of God and his glory. Your Guide to the Archangels An angel can be your best friend. Angels have been known respond to prayers that contain the phrase "Hey, somebody, anybody up there HELP!!!"but they come quickest when addressed politely by their Christian names. The Shamanic Approach to Healing for Animals On Shamans and Shamanism ... Shaman, a Tungus (Siberian) word, meaning "to heat", refers collectively to those indigenous tribal members who responsibility for their tribe centered on healing through spiritual means. These individuals were our first philosophers, prophets, priests, mystics, counselors, psychologists and doctors. Through ceremony and prayer ritual, the shaman explored exalted states of consciousness and their ecstatic spiritual experiences were responsible for bringing forth the information and methods, which ultimately evolved, into our current religions and medical practices. Letting Go of Judgment - Finding Good (God) In Others "I resolve to speak ill of no man?and proper occasions speak all the good I know of everybody."-Benjamin Franklin The Greatest Gift (Channelled) Two Halves Dont Always Make A Whole The Flow Of Money The more we worry about money, and who's asking for it, and why their asking, and should they be asking, and should I be listening, and judging others, then judging their ideas and their work and their very existence....the more we condemn ourselves to a life of pain, worry and confusion. Most people do not realize they are doing this to themselves. Everyone on the planet, regardless of their calling is perfectly entitled to be paid for their time and expertise. Why There Are Four Gospels The first gospel written by Matthew,who is Levi, is the first archtype of Christ in you as the fulness of the Godhead. Kundalini and Going Where Were Supposed To Go In the early 90's I had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening after a near death experience, which I wrote about in a different article. Here's what happened next. Why Angels, Why Now? The Angelic realms have been very active throughout the human experience. They-as brilliant aspects of your Source-have been offered as protectors and teachers for every one of you. And yes, it can seem very difficult to know this when you see it, as we are talking about the Angelic Realms, the Dimensions of Light, both of which are not always visible to the human eye. Questioning - Is It A Natural Process? One of the first issues people on the spiritual path have to address is a doctrinal one: Is it wrong to question? Is asking questions about the truth we've been taught "sinful?" Your answer may have a dramatic effect on your ability to explore without guilt! You May Be A Ghost-Host How Shall We Then Live? Qohelet had grown old with time when he delivered his Ecclesiastes and it has since become part of the wisdom literature of the Bible. And it is because of his many years of experience that he adopted the doctrine that all is meaningless, utterly meaningless. Penthouse or Basement? The Spiritual Realm is Topsy-Turvy Am I dreaming? The sign outside the skyscraper reads: "Spiritual Realm." I hurry straight to the elevator. "Up, please," I tell the operator. Why Is Your Prayer Of Faith Lacking Results? About a month ago I opened up my bible in boredomtrying to see if the lord had a word for me. Well, itjust so happened that I landed in first kings the pagewith chapter three right there just staring me in theface. So I thought, "Alright God lets see what wordyou have for me today." and I began to read firstkings chapter three. It didn't take long until I gotto the part about how God came to King Solomon in adream and said, "Ask what I shall give thee". Living Life Powered By My Own Intention, Knowing the True Essence of Security Since my departure from the traditional "Corporate Life" almost8 months ago at the young age of 42, I have been on a free-birdjourney to "find my bliss". In that time and my travels, I have continually been confronted with and struck by the fact that, although there is much talk about and studying of "the power of intentions", it appears to me as though many people aren't yet really "living it". "It" being their own life, dreams or reality in happiness and in well being. Living Powerfully in the Present Moment The time we spend on earth is very short when you consider the scope of the universe. Often, we don't see the big picture and get lost in the details. What is our purpose in the few years we have? It is to become a living embodiment of spirit while we are here. We must learn to express spirit through our actions, emotions, relationships, and in the work we do, which can be anything from loving our children to being a bank teller. We're supposed to nurture each other, love the planet that provides us sustenance, evolve our soul in the process, then go home, perhaps to try another version at some later date. There's no singular instruction manual for this type of big picture thinking ? to a large degree, we make it up as we go along. Remember, being born is like standing at the end of a big river and jumping into an already moving stream of people and events, all colored by the past ? the past others have left behind, but mostly the past we create during our stay. The past is important because we learn from it. It helps us navigate through our current choices in order to evolve our soul. We're in soul school the minute we hit the ground until we cross over, coursework made possible by the enriching, and sometime challenging conditions we have chosen. We chart a learning program well before we get here, a structure that includes our parents, our gender, and circumstances that will provide us with the greatest opportunity for personal and spiritual growth, resulting in true-self-empowerment. Where we get into trouble is giving up our freedom to make new choices within that structure based upon the present, especially when we replay old, outdated messages given to us by others that solidify our belief system about who we are. Negative programming results, or the way we automatically approach present day circumstances, with a "can't do" attitude. Negative programs limit our vision, preventing us from feeling empowered about what we can accomplish in life. Such negative thought patterns from the past deplete our energy reserves ? diminishing our ability to make a difference in the lives of others today. Have any of these ideas become part of your present experiences?You can't do that, girls just don't do that?You have to make me happy, I sacrificed everything for you?This family comes first, not you?You don't deserve to be loved?I'm poor but good?The world is a terrible place?You'll fail/get hurt/be taken advantage of so don't try?I don't have to apologize because I'm the parent?You make enough mistakes and you'll learn how hard life is?I believe we set a mental agenda everyday, and what we see in our world, and our personal lives, is a result of what we think. If you aren't getting what you want out of life, then you must create a mental discipline that replaces a negative belief system with one of hope, appreciation of the past, and a decisive statement of what you see happening in the present. The present is what matters.?Changing a mental outlook takes discipline. In our culture we are taught to plan for disaster, be prepared, and anticipate what might be coming around the bend. It involves releasing outdated ideas and replacing them with ideas of what you want in the present moment, and accept it as already happening. ?How many of you have heard "life is hard, a daily struggle, life is tough." How about "if you don't have your health, you don't have anything?" I am of the opinion that if you don't have excellent health, yes, things might be fairly bleak, but there still is an awful lot of life to be had. Life, in terms of our exchange with others, has many meanings but often we've got the definition backwards. Life isn't all about taking it in. It's mostly about what you give out. ?Write a daily affirmation that encourages you to look inward and unseat old messages. Ask yourself, "What blocks my ability to overcome and mend? Am I fearful of life? Do I always put my needs last because I feel unworthy?" Change your mental outlook into a new assumption for today by saying:?Each day is an opportunity to give more to humanity ?This unlimited universe gives me room to grown in unlimited ways?By being who I am, I give to the world with excitement and love?I become stronger because of the challenges I have faced?I am worthy because I am my Divine Self?I no longer need to hold myself back from success and prosperity?My life is a unique expression of creation?I love the journey I'm on. I construct my puzzle at my own paceRemember, everyday is new, no matter how you slice it. The sun comes up in spite of our mistakes or the despair we must face. We are meant to continually move forward! Getting stuck in the past holds us behind, a prisoner within an incredible universe of opportunity. True empowerment stems from living now, not as a reaction to now from the past, or living with worry about what might happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. Everyday, no matter what has happened to you in the past, is a new opportunity to begin painting your life on a fresh, new canvas. Paint with powerful, present moment strokes. A mental outlook centered in "now" allows you to realize more self-power and confidence you'll need to ride the bumps in life. You can do it! Geralds Story - A Tribute to Valor John 15:13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. The Spiritually Dead Church The spiritually dead church. Now, I am not talking about every church. There are alot of good churches out there. I am talking about, the churches who have christians, that gather only for the sole purpose to gossip, gather at social meetings, and feel important. ![]() |
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