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Improving Your Spiritual Life (for Christians)
70% of people who send me feedback at http://www.insideoutmusic.net tell me they want to improve their spiritual lives. I'm really excited that they want to do that. In fact if you're reading this, you probably want to do it as well. If you're like many of the people I've talked to you've probably been spoon fed clichés until your ears bleed. "Just pray, let go and let God, spend more time in the Word..." You know the drill. For some reason the cliché's don't cut it. You're struggling with envy, hurt, anger, pornography, power, or just feel a complete phoney in your Christian life. Maybe you secretly fear you've committed the unforgivable sin, or that you're really going to hell and there's nothing you can do about it. You're afraid to talk to your minister or Christian friends because you fear they will judge you. Maybe you have talked to them and they did condemn you. That will not happen to you here. I want to lay out for you very briefly the sort of things you need to do to improve your walk with the Lord. God loves you, and wants to change your life. If you are reading this now, it is clear evidence that the Spirit is working in your heart, because you want to change, and I know you can. So let's roll. Christian Gratitude It is easy to get depressed over what's wrong with your Christian life. While there's nothing wrong with concern over sin, forgetting God's love is an even greater sin. Before you take inventory of your faults, make sure you start your blessings list. Remembering what God has done in your life, and in Christ is the foundation for real change. Knowledge is the power to change You want to change, and you need to change, but how? Romans 12 says we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. Christianity is a lot more than head knowledge, but real faith involves your head. You need to know : * Yourself - who are you? What has God called you to be? * The Bible - you need to know what He says about your life and how to live it. * Your desires - you need to know your deepest desires, because they will either lead you to, or away from God. * Your thoughts - what's really going on between your ears? * You need honest perspective. You need to know what other Christians think. We find it hard to discuss what's really going on inside, but when we do, we discover we all have deep, dark secrets. Holy Habits The heart of spiritual self development One of the biggest weaknesses in the 21st Century is a fear of discipline. We somehow feel that discipline and habits are the enemy of spontaneity and authenticity. But if you ask any successful person in ANY field, including faith, you will find deeply ingrained habits built from a lifetime of hard work and discipline. Habits of prayer, fasting, planned Bible reading, church, fellowship, time out for retreats and renewal, all form part of a balanced Christian life. If that's all there is, our faith is just an empty shell, but without them we will be weak and vulnerable. Lord knows you've got to change We mentioned above how we are changed by renewing our minds, but what is it about our minds we need to change? We need to understand what forces shape our behaviour and thinking. We are responsive beings. We respond to the environment around us and make choices. Everything we do reflects a choice we make. We may not be consciously aware, but it's true. I might feel powerless to walk away from the chocolate cake, but in between seeing it, and eating it, something happened in my brain. I said things to myself. "It wont hurt to have a little." "It's pointless trying, I've failed so many times before". "I'll start again tomorrow". We need to notice the thoughts that ultimately lead to us making choices we don't want to make. We need to replace those unhelpful thoughts with a new program - one that leads us in the way we want to go. It might be a Bible verse. It might be an affirmation. It may be a quote from Dr Phil! It doesn't matter as long as it's true and it helps. We need a plan to move from where we are now, to where we want to be. We need to ask ourselves: * How important is this change to me? * What will I gain from making the change? * How confident am I that I can make the change? * How will this change improve my Christian life? We are wise to start with changes that we really want, that are important, and that we feel able to change. This works for most people. However there are adrenalin junkie types who find it better to bite of a big challenge first, just to prove they can do it. Changing behaviour, particularly lifelong bad habits is hard, and usually needs expert help. Whether it's a Christian Life Coach, a therapist, a counsellor or pastor. It's not the title that's important, but the skill. If you're thinking about paying someone for professional help, be sure to ask them what sort of experience they've had, and what sort of results they get. Support One of the big myths of modern life is that we can do it alone. Whether it's pride or fear, going it alone is a recipe for disaster. No matter how many self development books you have, you need personal help. Weak as they were, Jesus had his disciples. Aaron was the first Life Coach in the Bible. He advised Moses to get some help. We all need help, such as: * Mentors to guide, teach and encourage us. * Creating a physical and emotional environment that helps rather than gets in the way. * Accountability, whether it's a spouse, a Christian friend, minister or coach. We need someone who will ask us the tough questions, and with whom we can share the deep, dark secrets without fear or favour. * A church that inspires and helps us. * If your church is large, you'll also need a small group of people who you can get to know and share fellowship on a more intimate basis. There is no need to go it alone. Even if you can't find what you need locally, the fact you are reading this on the Internet is proof that there's a whole world out there that can offer support. All you have to do is ask. Three Quality Qualities I have found three qualities that are essential in Christian living. They cannot be separated. They are grace, patience and trust. We need to be absolutely assured that God really does love us, and that his love does not depend on our performance. As Phillip Yancey says "there is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and nothing we can do will male Him love us less". Do you really understand that deep in your heart and mind? We need patience to allow God time to work in us. When we read Bible stories, we often condense time down to a 30 minute TV episode. The reality is that major changes in people and nations took place over years, and sometimes centuries. God slowly, but surely worked His purpose out. We need to be patient with ourselves, and with others. That's what grace is about. Patience leads us to trust. If we know God's grace, and are patient with Him, we can truly trust that all things, including our failures and dark secrets, are part of His plan to make us like Him. This relieves a great burden of guilt. So friend, this is a very brief introduction to what's involved in making a positive change in your spiritual life. You need to start with an attitude of gratitude. You need to be honest with God, yourself and others. You need support, and you need a plan. A free tool If you need a hand, I suggest you use the Spiritual Life Assessment. It will help you to honestly face your dark secrets, and begin the journey to real change that lasts. If you want help from us, you simply have to ask. Till then - God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Ken Davis is a songwriter, Life Coach and music producer who also sings badly. He has been involved in music ministry since 1977 and currently serves in the music ministry at Dapto Anglican Church in Australia. You can get plenty of Christian Living resources at http://www.insideoutmusic.net including free sheet music, MIDI files and training materials.
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Honoring the Sacred in Everyday Life How many of us rush blindly through our days, fall into bed exhausted, and wake up the next morning to do it all over again? For many of us, our lives are composed of millions of meaningless moments, all strung together -- perhaps with a sprinkling of sacred moments mixed in. I'm sure you can think of a few sacred moments in your own life. Maybe your marriage, the birth of your child(ren), or perhaps a heartfelt moment of connection with a good friend. These are the moments when we are consumed with joy and awe. At these moments, we are fully present in the moment. We aren't worrying about tomorrow, or trying to rush through the experience to get to the next. We are in the now, and the now is amazing. Faith and Repentance Basics As I listen with pastors and preachers in the body of Christ, I have become to see that we minister to people many times on a level they have not yet reached. This is a very critical point when we start to look at the Sunday morning service. When we come to bible study or mid-week service we have a totally different group of people that we do on a Sunday morning. In the average Sunday morning worship service, if we can be real for just a moment, much of the terminology and Christian jargon is foreign to the ones that we are called to reach. We are there to save that which is lost, and a sinner is need of Salvation is is not going to know what we are saying if we exchange the simple word "Saved" or salvation for the theological term Soteriology. We are, as the say, not preaching to the choir, people that are there every Sunday and have matured in the faith. What is the Evil Eye? The Evil Eye has been around since the beginning of time. It simply means sending someone a thought that seems intrusive or invasive or has the power to hurt him or her. The bad fortune that results is considered to have been caused by envy. The evil eye is not necessarily considered to be intentional or associated with witchcraft or sorcery. Oddly enough, this thought form could actually be complimentary in nature. The origins of the Evil Eye are Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean. The concept was introduced into the Americas, South Pacific Islands, Asia, Africa and Australia by European explorers. Making the Impossible Possible "I learned I was not, as most Africans believed, the victim of my circumstances but the master of them." - Legson Kayira What Is Your Relationship To Time? Have you ever thought about how your orientation to time profoundly affects the way you are in the world? Each culture has its own unique way of relating to the concept of "time". Some cultures perceive time as a room that is lived in. The "room" of time is a constant that stays the same, as we change during the course of our lives. American culture seems to more and more think of time as a commodity there is never enough of. When time is "wasted" a person misses out on an opportunity that may never present itself again. Still other cultures experience time as being circular, without a beginning or an end, and with no clear markers as to past, present, and future. No matter how we think about it, our relationship to time has a profound impact on what we believe is possible. Here is a story to illustrate what I mean. How do You Know If You Have Psychic Ability? I am sure many of you reading this article have pondered on this subject. Are some people simply born with a special gift or is this an acquired skill all of us can learn. God Drives a Harley, a Bus and a Taxi God rides a Harley, God drives truck, God is a dictator in a small country, God is a doctor and a patient, God is the Saint and the sinner, and yes God is even a lawyer. There is nothing that God is not. God is in and around everything because God is who you truly are, you have simply forgotten. Wanted: Floodlight Of Treasure To Undo The Works Of Darkness! 'Jesus answered, are there not twelve hours in a day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, becaue he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him...'(John 11:9-10) Pray Off Your Debts - in 10 Days or Less It will all be clear in a minute, but first I have to ask you... Create Miracles in Your Life Until recently, miracles were usually credited to a supernatural power. The miracles in the Bible are a good example. Nowadays, miracles can be described as something that is extraordinary, inexplicable and unexplainable by normal circumstances. We all need a miracle, even a small one, every now and again. An example of a small miracle might be finding a parking space downtown on a busy afternoon. A larger miracle could be finding the perfect career opportunity, meeting a new partner, or enjoying an exotic vacation. You Must Feel to Heal! In my work with clients who have physical illnesses there is one consistent observation that I keep running up against. That is the inability to feel one's emotions. A Ministry Of One Each of us has far more potential to serve the Highest Cause, and each other, than we ever tap into. Many of us seeking to commit our lives to such service have, even if only briefly, considered leading or joining an established ministry - at least until the responsibilities associated with our real-world concerns reasserted themselves in our thoughts. How can we even begin to commit to a ministry service with all the work we currently do and all the responsibilities we have? Such a choice seems to be reserved for those with no families, no need to work (or a willingness to live in abject poverty for their cause) and none of the other demands on their time that most people have. I was agonizing over the same problems when the following question popped into my head: Geralds Story - A Tribute to Valor John 15:13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. In the Aftermath of Mankind It is life, time for breathing deep, sighs and touching without fingers. Hummingbirds whizzing by my ears, the striking fear of that buzzing sound, so large and loud. Only they can scare me. Using Psalm 23 as Spiritual Affirmation INTRODUCTION Spirituality at Work Because You Cant Leave Home Without You Several years ago after I presented a workshop entitled "Spirituality at Work: Because You Can't Leave Home Without You?" I got a phone call from someone who saw the program booklet. She was very interested in the topic and wanted to know how to "get it" at her company. She went on to ask, "How can I implement spirituality in our organization?" My response was simple. "You can't. Spirituality isn't something you implement; it's something you are." DREAMS, Does God Still Use Them Today? The bible has many accounts throughout time that He used dreams as a form of communication to His people. A few examples are Daniel, Joseph (old testament), Joseph (Mary's husband) and many others. Connect with Spirit Spirit - All Around Us, All of Us, Every One of Us Humanity Needs Islam The human nature means the soul and the body. A man without a spiritual life is no longer a man. Equally, whoever proclaims that spiritual training can delete the materialistic demands of that body is a devil in the clothes of a saint. Can he give up sleeping? Is he ready to destroy his body and to be a soul flying in the world of ideals? How to Hear the Voice of God In this series I would like to take you through the Word of God to show you how we can all clearly hear the voice of God. I would also like to show you how to train yourself in hearing and being led by the voice of God. Determine in your heart to allow the Word of God to be your guide and have an open mind as you are reading this book with your Bible. The Holy Spirit will witness with your spirit and reveal the truth, and the truth will set you free. ![]() |
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