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Spiritual Clarity
Who is the more spiritual person? The woman out on a Sunday morning excursion for coffee and a newspaper who swerves to avoid hitting a dog, or is it, the man who hits the dog in his haste to get to church on time? Who knows? My point is that going to church has absolutely nothing to do with being a good person. Questions about religion have always troubled me. I decided to do research to find some answers. The book Spiritual Clarity contains my discoveries. Spiritual Clarity is easy to understand and does not attempt to influence its readers. Writing it has empowered me and led me to a conclusion that I feel good about. My hope is that someday everyone will achieve spiritual clarity and we will eventually have a more peaceful world. It may take a while, but that is my wish. The path to peace is religious tolerance, realizing that your neighbors thoughts are just as important as yours. People need to get past the absolute thinkingstate of mind; that they belong to the one true religion and everyone else is wrong. To achieve spiritual clarity the first step is to get a basic but more extensive view of what others believe. We also need to just not passively hope for a more peaceful world but to actually do something. Each little step in the right direction helps. These small steps may be donating blood, becoming an organ donor, becoming a bone marrow donor, volunteering at an animal shelter, volunteering at the local elementary school, buying a goat from Heifer International which gives the donated animal to a family somewhere in the world that needs it, giving a child a home that desperately needs a home, adopting a pet or sending money or goods to those who need it. Sending money to a church, so people as well off as yourself can have a place to go on Sundays, is not the same thing. Churches do a lot of beneficial things for charity, but sometimes that seems to be such a small part of church when it should be the main focus. Kindness does count. Just think about what would happen if all the money collected in collection plates around the country on Sundays was used to buy food for the hungry...starvation could be ended. Or if it was used to buy medication for AIDS patients in Africa. In regard to helping others achieve spiritual clarity, I assume that I am not the only one dissatisfied with the knowledge that I had about spirituality and religion. Almost all of the people I talked to just believed as they were told to believe, so I think it would benefit many to do some reading and discover what is out there. Who wants to be categorized with the attorney in the Scopes trial who said, he does not think about what he does not think about? It is a perfect choice to think differently about some things and it is also a perfect choice to believe what you have been told, providing there is a tolerance for other thought processes. Maybe we, as a whole, can be open to new things and come to the realization that things might not be as they seem. Tolerance, acceptance, and questioning are good thing. Life is wonderful and we need to experience it all, not just our own little corner of the world. Jackie Wellman, author of Spiritual Clarity, http://www.hoppy.bravehost.com, http://spiritualclarity.blogspot.com
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Universal Thought Systems The Mind in an Advanced Thought System: Your Guardian Angel Your guardian angel is your link to the divine. The word "angel" comes from the Greek and means "a messenger." The concept of guardian angels goes back thousands of years to the Assyrian and Babylonian civilisations where they were believed to protect palaces and temples. However, this gradually changed. Many people in the Christian tradition believe that every baby gets assigned a guardian angel at birth. Jesus referred to this when he said that the angels who look after children always face God (Matthew 18:10). Loving People In Spite Of Them, Not Because Of Them! Before the movie "Finding Nemo", came out SteveJobs the founder of the Apple Computer companyspent millions of dollars promoting it. Before amajor push on merchandise Nike will sign a multi-million dollar contract with some sports star.Sometime soon you will see a major player in theclothing industry hire a celebrity to promotetheir product before the holiday rush. Thesecompanies think they have it figured out. How dothey attract you to the product or service theyare selling? The packaging!! A SPIRITUAL SOLUTION - Wisdom From The Fulfillment Forum Books & Study Courses A few men and women are universally successful but such superior seeming geniuses usually lose so much empathy for we lesser souls that their relationships become selfish and self-defeating. Many end up alone and unloved, in a prison of their own making, as Michael Corleone did in The Godfather. As an ancient African-American gospel song laments, life is plagued with sorrows, complications, and defeats for every person. Instructions... Guess Work or Gods Work? 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Is that thinking right or wrong? 5 Ways To Learn More About The Orisha The Orisha are the Messengers of Oludumare, the God/dess of the Yoruba Traditional Spiritual Tradition known as Ifa. The Yoruba Spiritual Tradition is centered in West Africa in what is now called Nigeria. During the time of the enslavement of African people in the New World, known as the Maafa ( Kiswahilli for Great Disaster), Ifa came to the Americas and the Caribbean. Anyone caught practicing the religion was put to death. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 8 Matthew 3:1-3The Preaching of John the Baptist Livin On A Prayer When I was a child, I thought as a child, and I prayed as a child. Every night I closed my eyes tightly and said the words my mother taught me: The Hand of God There I was living in a tiny bedroom in my parent's not-so-large, five room apartment. I had, as they say, "run out of options." My life was out of control, way out. Had it not been for mom and dad's willingness to let me stay with them, I would have been homeless living in Central Park or another one of New York City's fine parks. Years of rampant excess had brought me to my knees. Protector Some may ask why in a disaster some people are save and others are not? Well Jesus said to his sheep that no harm will come to them. He also said that he is our provider. Lets look at what the Bible says about protection. Lets look at the book of Psalm 32:1 it says Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit. Now look at verse 7 it says You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. What a Blessing!!! E.V.P. (A Beginners Guide to Electronic Voice Phenomena) WHAT IS E.V.P.? ?Im Not A Christian, But I Play One On Sunday After more than three decades of church ministry, I have come to one unsettling conclusion. Actually, I've come to more than one conclusion, but this one is the most depressing. Write Your Own Magic Recently, I received a postcard from Ireland. Without reading the message, I knew who had sent it. Several months earlier, I had met a charming woman named Jessica. We discussed the poetry of William Butler Yeats, and Jessica expressed a strong desire to visit the Lake Isle of Innisfree, and other places in Ireland that Yeats had loved. Anam Cara - Life as a Box of Paints Lonely Song Time for Healing We have to go through some unfortunate experiences sometimes in our life. When you speak with other people you will always find out how easy your experience is in comparison to what they have suffered. The impact that experience has brought on your life cannot be identified in your immediate moment but on the contrary will be understood once you step out of the experience itself. Integrating Soul And Science "Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond the void, is not an empty nothingness; it is the womb of creation. -- Nature goes to the same place to create a galaxy of stars, a cluster of nebulas, a rain forest, a human body, or a thought... That place is Spirit." (1) Choosing Peace, One Shift at a Time It doesn't matter what magazine or newspaper you pick up these days, there it is! the evidence of violence; the killing of innocent people, the terror of aggression and destruction. How do we, as caring, compassionate, conscious people maintain our inner peace in the face of war? Is it responsible to turn from the glaring headlines, close our eyes, go within to connect with that place of inner peace? What if those headlines have stirred up our visceral fear reactions and we are disturbed and angry? When outer circumstances create worry, helplessness and judgment how do we shift our inner attention so that we send peaceful thoughts, rather than more anger and hatred? ![]() |
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