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Choosing Peace, One Shift at a Time
It doesn't matter what magazine or newspaper you pick up these days, there it is! the evidence of violence; the killing of innocent people, the terror of aggression and destruction. How do we, as caring, compassionate, conscious people maintain our inner peace in the face of war? Is it responsible to turn from the glaring headlines, close our eyes, go within to connect with that place of inner peace? What if those headlines have stirred up our visceral fear reactions and we are disturbed and angry? When outer circumstances create worry, helplessness and judgment how do we shift our inner attention so that we send peaceful thoughts, rather than more anger and hatred? The Nature of Shifting Have you ever seen a Magic Eye picture? If so, you know what it's like to stare at a page of little dots, blinking and wondering, "When am I ever going to see the hidden picture?" Frustrated, you take a deep breath and draw the page closer, then farther away, but still all you see is dots. Only upon softening your gaze and letting your vision become fuzzy do you catch a glimpse of the picture. Seeing the hidden picture demonstrates the potential we have for glimpsing beyond any issue, belief, feeling or situation about ourselves and the world we live in. Accustomed to believing the worldview we see around us, we fail to realize that another might exist. Or we may know there's another worldview but struggle to create, maintain and live it in the face of the mounting evidence to the contrary. Shifting our 'seeing' involves intention, attention, practice and willingness to see beyond our current POV. Like the hidden picture that comes into view, we may glimpse another way of responding, but we must also choose that alternative to begin showing up in our world differently. The first step is a willingness to shift. My cat, Emma, does not shift easily. Trained, by her, to be fed wet foodat 8am where she then exits the house by the kitchen door is then repeated in the late afternoon with dry food at 4pm and let out the front door. Everything goes as scheduled when I am home. But what about when I travel and someone else is taking care of Emma? Her routine is completely disrupted. She goes hungry if she does not 'shift' into a new routine. In other words, the pain becomes greater than the position. Is your experience similar when you are holding a negative position? The pain of maintaining anger, fear, hatred, self-righteousness or judgment becomes excrutiating. We hunger for the cessation of againstness. We long for our inner sacred sanctuary of well being, where our heart is open, our life force is flowing and we sleep at night. When the sweet nectar of acceptance and compassion reminds us that peace is possible, even in the midst of disruption, then the willingness to shift creates the ability to shift. Intention: Human Nature vs Divine Nature Discovering the differences between my human and divine nature's intention can be liberating. I'll explain: I'm driving along on a busy thoroughfare, courteously minding my own business, when a large SUV cuts me off. I spend the next half hour ranting and raving about ill-mannered drivers. Then I pull into a grocery store parking lot, innocently thinking about food for dinner, and another driver steals the space I'm cruising into. At this point I declare war on the next person I see, which turns out to be young man happily stacking apples in the produce section. I am not a pretty sight. In this example, my human nature's intention is my personal agenda. It also feels right about the appropriate driving etiquette, wants everyone else to follow the same set of rules, is quick to react when things are unfair, and feels justified to vent frustration at whomever. My divine nature's intention is growth, expansion and revelation. For example, my divine nature asks me to focus on how quickly I reacted with negativity and look deeper to see if there's something bigger going on. I might ask myself if fear is present or hurt? Anger can be a mask for both. When I can shift out of the mind's antics that weaves it's web of illusion and put my attention on what will bring me happiness, I move into new territory. Seeing beyond the surface upset, I see with new eyes and give up my right position. My growth is my willingness to shift, my expansion becomes seeing beyond the dots on the page, and my revelation shows where my true peace and happiness reside. Our hearts, the energetic center of compassion and loving kindness, plays a pivotal role in our ability to shift and find peace. Staying impersonal, open and impeccable with our energy and loving all at the same time is self-mastery. Peace is present in every moment if we know where to look. Human nature's intention is concerned with 'me'. Divine nature's intention focuses on 'we'. I take life and myself less personally and focus on the greater good. Holding my greater intention is an act of loving. This level of loving comes from beyond us but resides in us. It is the essence of our divine nature. Small miracles open the heart everyday. Larger miracles ? the kind that change lives, happen with expanded vision. Carrying Peace Because I choose to be a carrier of peace I practice the presence of peace daily. My inner toolbox includes self-acceptance, observation, compassion, self- forgiveness and loving kindness. If I am quick to respond to a phone call with irritability I take a deep breath, step back and observe my reaction. Then I might accept that a part of me is in disturbance. Reminding myself that everything outside is really taking place inside, I begin my investigation with compassion for myself. If my disturbance is a judgment I forgive myself for that judgment knowing that self-forgiveness opens up my heart to see with new eyes. If fear has crept into the background of my day, I choose to loving-kindness to comfort my upset and ask for truth. When I practice liberating myself from the everyday stresses then the global concerns become opportunities for greater and greater mastery. The following is a suggested list for your consideration: 1. When you read the morning paper read with the eyes of your soul. Send light/compassion/loving-kindness/ or a "God bless you, Peace be still" instead of upset, worry or negativity. 2. Place pictures of the world leaders on your altar. During your daily meditation, prayers and spiritual exercises send your light/love/compassion/good thoughts to them. Begin to look for a growth opportunity to accept a disagreement rather than judging it. 3.Visualize places of terror, war, destruction, killing filled with light. Send light frequently when listening to the radio or watching the evening news. Practice seeing through the eyes of the inner Master ? with great compassion and loving for all. 4. Closer to home, take inventory of your own place of inner war, devastation or terror. Make a commitment to weed out those limiting fears and beliefs that create destruction in your everyday relationships and career. If you choose to carry peace then use the daily practice to liberate and strengthen your mastery of your SELF?even waiting in the grocery store checkout line. Peace sharing, no matter how it unfolds, reveals what we have been searching for all along: our magnificence and the ability to improve our life, our neighbors and help build a peaceful world. Turning away, for a moment, from the headlines to reestablish our intention and calm, becomes a sacred responsibility. As the French novelist Marcel Proust so wisely observed, "The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes but in having new eyes." These are eyes that see beyond illusions forged by a limited understanding of who we are, eyes that see beyond the dots, eyes that see as God sees. Rebecca Skeele, MA, MSS is the author of You Can Make It Heaven: How to Enrich Your Life with Abundance and Loving. She holds a Master's in Spiritual Counseling and in Spiritual Science. In private practice in Santa Fe since 1990, Rebecca travels around the country giving seminars and presentations on living a practical spiritual life and cocreating heaven on earth. Visit http://www.makeitheaven.com and learn more about Rebecca, her work and her inspiring talks and workshops.
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Living Powerfully in the Present Moment The time we spend on earth is very short when you consider the scope of the universe. Often, we don't see the big picture and get lost in the details. What is our purpose in the few years we have? It is to become a living embodiment of spirit while we are here. We must learn to express spirit through our actions, emotions, relationships, and in the work we do, which can be anything from loving our children to being a bank teller. We're supposed to nurture each other, love the planet that provides us sustenance, evolve our soul in the process, then go home, perhaps to try another version at some later date. There's no singular instruction manual for this type of big picture thinking ? to a large degree, we make it up as we go along. Remember, being born is like standing at the end of a big river and jumping into an already moving stream of people and events, all colored by the past ? the past others have left behind, but mostly the past we create during our stay. The past is important because we learn from it. It helps us navigate through our current choices in order to evolve our soul. We're in soul school the minute we hit the ground until we cross over, coursework made possible by the enriching, and sometime challenging conditions we have chosen. We chart a learning program well before we get here, a structure that includes our parents, our gender, and circumstances that will provide us with the greatest opportunity for personal and spiritual growth, resulting in true-self-empowerment. Where we get into trouble is giving up our freedom to make new choices within that structure based upon the present, especially when we replay old, outdated messages given to us by others that solidify our belief system about who we are. Negative programming results, or the way we automatically approach present day circumstances, with a "can't do" attitude. Negative programs limit our vision, preventing us from feeling empowered about what we can accomplish in life. Such negative thought patterns from the past deplete our energy reserves ? diminishing our ability to make a difference in the lives of others today. Have any of these ideas become part of your present experiences?You can't do that, girls just don't do that?You have to make me happy, I sacrificed everything for you?This family comes first, not you?You don't deserve to be loved?I'm poor but good?The world is a terrible place?You'll fail/get hurt/be taken advantage of so don't try?I don't have to apologize because I'm the parent?You make enough mistakes and you'll learn how hard life is?I believe we set a mental agenda everyday, and what we see in our world, and our personal lives, is a result of what we think. If you aren't getting what you want out of life, then you must create a mental discipline that replaces a negative belief system with one of hope, appreciation of the past, and a decisive statement of what you see happening in the present. The present is what matters.?Changing a mental outlook takes discipline. In our culture we are taught to plan for disaster, be prepared, and anticipate what might be coming around the bend. It involves releasing outdated ideas and replacing them with ideas of what you want in the present moment, and accept it as already happening. ?How many of you have heard "life is hard, a daily struggle, life is tough." How about "if you don't have your health, you don't have anything?" I am of the opinion that if you don't have excellent health, yes, things might be fairly bleak, but there still is an awful lot of life to be had. Life, in terms of our exchange with others, has many meanings but often we've got the definition backwards. Life isn't all about taking it in. It's mostly about what you give out. ?Write a daily affirmation that encourages you to look inward and unseat old messages. Ask yourself, "What blocks my ability to overcome and mend? Am I fearful of life? Do I always put my needs last because I feel unworthy?" Change your mental outlook into a new assumption for today by saying:?Each day is an opportunity to give more to humanity ?This unlimited universe gives me room to grown in unlimited ways?By being who I am, I give to the world with excitement and love?I become stronger because of the challenges I have faced?I am worthy because I am my Divine Self?I no longer need to hold myself back from success and prosperity?My life is a unique expression of creation?I love the journey I'm on. I construct my puzzle at my own paceRemember, everyday is new, no matter how you slice it. The sun comes up in spite of our mistakes or the despair we must face. We are meant to continually move forward! Getting stuck in the past holds us behind, a prisoner within an incredible universe of opportunity. True empowerment stems from living now, not as a reaction to now from the past, or living with worry about what might happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. Everyday, no matter what has happened to you in the past, is a new opportunity to begin painting your life on a fresh, new canvas. Paint with powerful, present moment strokes. A mental outlook centered in "now" allows you to realize more self-power and confidence you'll need to ride the bumps in life. You can do it! Penthouse or Basement? The Spiritual Realm is Topsy-Turvy Am I dreaming? The sign outside the skyscraper reads: "Spiritual Realm." I hurry straight to the elevator. "Up, please," I tell the operator. Accepting Non-Acceptance It's not always easy to stand in the midst of a group of people (particularly if those people are people that we have known and are attached to emotionally) and be different. To think differently, to believe differently, to respond differently, to live a different life than our friends and our family are living is, in a sense, the "toughest challenge" of manifesting our spiritual self. The threat inherent to this situation is that those we love, those we care about, those we have always depended upon for emotional support and encouragement will turn against us because we no longer follow the same belief system that they do. Getting Beyond Imperfect Examples & Resistance, to Receiving Loving Guidance & Help from the Father As soon as he saw me I saw him. It was freaky. I must have looked like the anti-son. Long hair hanging out from a bandanna, dark sunglasses, rolling with a couple of older guys I hardly knew. I was even embarrassed that he sighted me. I think he tried to make a gesture of reconciliation. He made a motion towards me and yelled out, "Ronnie!"...I was just gripped when I heard his voice...saw his frame. Then I just slow mo-ed like before a car crash "Nooooo!" It was like a soul Brown-Out. I fazed. It was too much for me. No chance would I go towards him, instead I just ran away...I just bailed. I bolted. There might have been some love there, I just couldn't cop to it. It was gritty. (recalling an unexpected encounter with my father while I was a 17 year old runaway) The Science of Enlightenment I would like to share my experience, working with the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP), a new modality to achieving personal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual fulfillment, of the meaning of the term "enlightenment". Stress Strategy: Flex Your Spiritual Muscles In his book, Stress Without Distress, Dr. Selye suggests that a person's interpretation of stress is not dependent solely on an external event, but also depends upon the perception of the event and the meaning he or she assigns it. So, how you look at a situation determines if you will respond to it as threatening or challenging. Theory on PRAYER Oxford dictionary defines PRAYER as "a request for help or expression of thanks made to God". But I strongly believe that prayer is not mere seeking or demanding or requesting. It is a mode of communication with the ALMIGHTY. Prayer is not one in which the individual should seek something for his/herself or for the society. For me prayer is a platform where the soul makes a comfortable understanding God. Ordinary prayer is for those who think God is beyond reachable and something very far from them. For those who think and treat God as one in them or within them,ordinary prayers are mere words piled up. (Here I refer ordinary prayers as ones which involve demanding). With these kind of people one can find mere conversation exists between themselves and God. These relationships are eternal, far beyond materialistic one, there one can find no offerings, desires, expectations etc. There is Light at the End of the Tunnel - Just Get Out of Your Way ! There is light at the end of the tunnel, but some days it seems like it is miles away. You have doneeverything you can think of to do, physically or mentally and don't even get me started on the list of emotions that have been involved in the whole process of creating the dream that you have held within your mind's eye.The delays keep coming. You stop and tell yourself several times a day.. there is light at the end of thetunnel... don't give up now. The list keeps coming and we have heard them all... "Plant a seed and watch it grow"and "Rome wasn't built in a day" and still you wait. Self-Realization How It Can be Achieved Within Ones Life Time Before we dwell on the subject of Self Realization we need to understand the real meaning of gaining self realization. 10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Raphael 1. Raphael means "God heals." Raphael heals physical, emotional and spiritual problems, and is sometimes known as the "divine physician." Raphael is believed to have healed Abraham after his circumcision. Raphael also healed Jacob when he dislocated his hip after wrestling with an angel. The Star of Bethlehem It was said that Caesar Augustus one night consulted his personal sibyl (fortuneteller) and asked her if a prince greater than he would ever be born. As she searched for an answer in her sacred books, the place was lit up by a meteor that flared in the dark sky. She put down her book and told him that he had just received his answer. Seeing the Big Picture Sometimes, in traveling a path, we discover a short-cut, and we reach our destination in less time-and with less effort than we thought, when we began the journey, would be required of us. On the path to self-awareness, however, there are no short-cuts. Personal growth awareness of the person we are in every present moment-is an ongoing lifetime process. The end of one learning cycle is always the beginning of the next. The Reality of Fairies No, I have never seen a fairy, an angel, nor any other type of a spirit guide. But I swear there are times I think that if I spun around fast enough they'd be sitting there snickering at me. Today's one of those days. Quite often, I sit up late at night working too many nights in a row. I also have a two year old bouncing off the walls first thing every morning. The combination means I am pretty much doomed to episodes of sleep deprivation every time my inner workaholic takes over. Not a big deal in and of itself, because all things come into balance and I'll end up spending a day or two lounging around doing a whole lot of nothing. Today was supposed to be one of those days. I went to bed giving myself guiltless permission to sleep in as long as I like. My teenagers had already offered to hang out watching cartoons with the little one for me. But then those wee folk decided that I had something far more important to do today. Bright and early before anyone else was awake, I was woken up by a persistent little voice telling me to write about fairies today. "Okay great, but I'll do it later after I sleep in a couple more hours." No, you're going to do it now! And so the nagging began. Trust in God Ecclesiasts 5:18 Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given him-for this is his lot. 19 Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work-this is a gift of God. 20 He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart. Power of Prayer - The Most Valuable Dialogue of Your Life It's the most powerful weapon on Earth. It can turn the impossible to the possible in a matter of seconds. Yet, few people even Christians seem to take advantage of this free, priceless commodity. The name of this mighty weapon you may ask? Prayer: The act of conversing with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. If it's not the constant bombardment of the media focusing only on negativity, it's the monotony of our daily life which causes many to forget this simple task at our fingertips. When Bad Things Happen (Part 2) The good that Paul writes about is a commitment of life to the sovereign will of God. It is complete trust in God. It is a conviction that cannot be blurred even by the reality of human suffering. Why Jesus? There are many contradictions in life and none more easily seen than when contrasting how God teaches us to live by His Word, the Bible, and how we are taught in the world, the school of hard knocks. Enjoy The Journey, As There Isnt A Destination Do you spend your time working towards that "one day when?."? One day, when I have enough money I will be happy. One day, when I have the house paid off, I will be able to relax and enjoy myself more. One day, when I get a better job???. These may all seem like good destinations and desires. But when we live in this way we are 'future living'. Waiting to live the life we have always wanted sometime in the future. Unfortunately the way our brains are wired can mean that we are as soon as we arrive at one destination it doesn't seem enough, somehow we are just not as satisfied as we thought we would be and we start going after the next goal. Who Am I? Who Are you? A Man Called Jesus (Channelled) ![]() |
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