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Seeing the Big Picture
Sometimes, in traveling a path, we discover a short-cut, and we reach our destination in less time-and with less effort than we thought, when we began the journey, would be required of us. On the path to self-awareness, however, there are no short-cuts. Personal growth awareness of the person we are in every present moment-is an ongoing lifetime process. The end of one learning cycle is always the beginning of the next. Growth on any level, for any life form, is a continual process. Our soul's growth accumulates from lifetime to lifetime within each level of consciousness, and moves with us from one level to the next. It is never a case of "all or nothing," with our infinite future being permanently defined by the choices we make within a given timespan on a given level of learning; because soul experience for the purpose of growth is the only real objective in life, God poses no limitations - no time limits, no space limits-on our infinite, predestined accomplishment of that objective. Each soul learns-through experience-in it's own time and on it's own terms, as does every human being. When-for our soul growth objectives-we come into a physical existence as a human being, we come in fully capable, on every level, of fulfilling the growth objectives we've planned to accomplish through our life experiences. Each of us has-in each lifetime-one primary lesson we hope to learn. The secondary lessons that we build into our life plan are lessons that support-and point to the primary lesson. Based on our life plan, everything in our lives is geared to exposing us to the people, the events, and the circumstances that will encourage us to learn-through our own experience - what we came here to learn. Sometimes, we choose to look at our lives objectively and see the people, events and circumstances as the learning experiences they were intended to be. Sometimes, we choose to look at life from a more human, more emotional perspective. It often happens that a person goes through an entire lifetime, complete with all of it's experiences, good and bad, without ever realizing, on a conscious level, that there is a higher purpose to those experiences and/or a higher aspect to themselves. In their spiritual blindness, they have missed the opportunities presented as life lessons and are completely unaware, because they fail to see the importance of their interactions with others, of the effect or lack of effect that they've had upon the people who chose, with ultimate faith on a soul level that the interconnected spiritual objectives would be accomplished in that lifetime according to plan-to learn and grow together by agreeing, long before the physical lifetime began, to be a part of each other's life plan. "Ignorance of the law" does not redeem someone who breaks it and ignorance on a conscious level of the karmic Law of Repercussion does not redeem us from the karmic debt that we incur when we wander through life spiritually blinded. Whatever karmic debts we incur in our state of unawareness we must build into future life plans, when we will try, try again to awaken the conscious mind to the soul's plan for growth. Assessing our conscious awareness of our spiritual objectives at any point in our life journey is a vital ingredient in self-awareness, for it is only we recognize, accept and work with the soul as the essence of our current lifetime self that we can begin to see, for ourselves, the order of the universe as it is reflected in our lives and the learning experiences that constitute living. It would be nice if all of us, as souls, could come up with a perfect, infallible life plan. Our life lessons would be accomplished quickly and easily, and we'd never "miss the point" of any relationship or any situation. We'd know why we were here, and like all good students, we'd do our homework, learn what we needed to learn, pass each test of life with flying colors, and graduate to the next level of spiritual learning. Life would be simple. Life would be good. But...life doesn't work that way, and either do life plans. The greatest challenge, at this juncture on our personal path to growth, is coming to recognize and respect the plan at play in our lives, a plan that, in the perfection of it's inception, perfectly accommodates our soul growth objectives. Without conscious recognition of "the big picture" the soul's objective of spiritual growth being accommodated by the learning experiences being offered in the present lifetime-we see our lives as a maze of emotional, physical and mental experiences that seem to have no purpose at all, other than to make us feel that we are victims of circumstance surviving the whims of a cold and uncaring Fate. Lois Grant-Holland is a Life Path Focus Counselor offering Life Path Focus Sessions, Karmic Astrology Charts, Channeled Guidance, Intuitive Readings and Classes and Workshops to spiritual seekers on all positive paths, and is the site facilitator at The A.N.S.W.E.R. - (The Seeker's Resource Guide to Alternative, New Thought, Spiritual Growth, Wellness and Enlightenment Resources.) You can visit her website at http://www.loisgrantholland.com
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As the airliner achieved cruising altitude, perhaps the flight attendants came around. "Would you like a beverage?" one may have asked. No reply. "What about a meal?" The question was ignored. Undoubtedly, the passenger said nothing. She didn't move, didn't look out the window, didn't make a sound. In fact, she didn't even breathe. Vacation Pilgrimage I heard recently on a Christian radio station somebody talking about turning a vacation into a pilgrimage or a sabbath time, an opportunity to get closer to God. The speaker said that there is no word in ancient languages equivalent to the word "vacation". While I don't think that's true (the word has it's origins in the Latin), I would agree if she had said that ancient people probably did not generally have time for vacationing since they were often more preocuppied with daily survival. The closest these people may have ever gotten to a vacation could have been a religious pilgrimage. 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A subject of debate for thousands of years, spirituality will no doubt spark much debate for another thousand years. That is how it should be. Once spirituality becomes 100% defined by 100% of the human population, then uniformity and rigid boundaries take over. Should that ever occur, then there is no spirituality, for spirituality cannot be locked in a box and confined within its walls. How A Grudge Can Affect You As we go through life we all have to deal with feelings of anger, resentment or bitterness when people hurt us. Can you think of someone who has hurt you so badly that you are finding it really hard to let go of the pain or grudge? Confessions of a Limousine Mystic! Observations from the Town Car... "Home James!" The Emptiness That Binds The Universe What is the opportunity here? What is the benefit of this difficulty? What is the gift? ~ Marc Allen The Simple Plan of Asking and Receiving The QuestionReally picture this in your mind.... Someone tellsyou that if you ask them for a hundred dollars they'll give it to you and all you have to do is believeit they will- would you ask for it and believe? Alone in a World Filled With Only Me We come into this world alone, we experience physical life alone and we die alone. Diversity Not Assimilation Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth. (Channelled) Is Your Soul Breathing? God made humans in his image but these days very few of them lead a God fearing life. Environment is the main cause of changes in a human being. People you meet on a day today basis and the surroundings you are in contribute in the making of your mental structure. The general apathy, unreliability, attitude and behavior of each and every human being affects the nation. Every human should strive for self-improvement. This is an exercise of the mind. Love and Light Seems that everyone who writes to me signs their letters "love and light." It has such a bright uplifting sound to it. Lightworkers are being taught to hold the energy of the light and to equate love with a warm white light that heals and protects. After what feels like an age of suppression and darkness, it all sounds like such a refreshing change, much like the first bits of sunlight after a long harsh winter. And so the pendulum swings. Still we do not find balance. A Life That Is Purpose Driven I started reading the book "The Purpose Driven Life" about 45 days ago. This book is written by Rick Warren. It is one of the best books I have ever read and It has changed my life. It is a really good book and I am out there trying to get people to read it and acknowledge the difference it makes in your life. I had been waiting to read it since it first came out but I kept putting it off. It took my approximately 40 days to complete it and that is because he ( Rick Warren) wants you to sign a covenant with him stating that you will take that time to realize your life and path that God has chosen for you. I made the promise and the commitment and I took it to heart. I missed one day in reading that book and the very next day I read two chapters to make up for it. It does take you, going by his directions, approximately 40 days to complete. I started it around the time I wrote the article 40 days and 40 nights. 40 being represented in the bible and a significant number that God has used. I took the time to read this book every morning when I awoke, one chapter a day until I completed it. It has a lot of spiritual information and a lot of information period. I really loved it and I suggest everyone read it. I don't want to part with my book but I plan to buy at least three more for friends and family and have them pass it on. It is encouraging and enlightening. There are many things one will learn by reading what he has written and I feel it was totally God inspired. Seven Soul-Nurturing Suggestions for Busy Women Looking for some ways to feed your soul in the midst of all you do? Try one or more of these great ideas! ![]() |
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