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Getting Beyond Imperfect Examples & Resistance, to Receiving Loving Guidance & Help from the Father
As soon as he saw me I saw him. It was freaky. I must have looked like the anti-son. Long hair hanging out from a bandanna, dark sunglasses, rolling with a couple of older guys I hardly knew. I was even embarrassed that he sighted me. I think he tried to make a gesture of reconciliation. He made a motion towards me and yelled out, "Ronnie!"...I was just gripped when I heard his voice...saw his frame. Then I just slow mo-ed like before a car crash "Nooooo!" It was like a soul Brown-Out. I fazed. It was too much for me. No chance would I go towards him, instead I just ran away...I just bailed. I bolted. There might have been some love there, I just couldn't cop to it. It was gritty. (recalling an unexpected encounter with my father while I was a 17 year old runaway) I remember that day with angst in my heart, the helplessness I saw on my father's face and my own sadness with fear I felt. If this was supposed to be "father knows best," I wouldn't know it. So inept, so completely incapable of seeing my father as safe, as any kind of refuge I had hoped, at least sometime would be with him and I. How did it get this way? I felt deeply that the soul of my father was in a great pain. Even then as a seventeen year old with a history of a relationship with my father which produced anything but closeness, I too had long, held out hope. In a very strange way I connected with him in that instant, we were both so much alike and so far apart. Nothing in either of us could close the gap, not age, not being apart, not adulthood, even not death. We'll at least in death I approached some sense of finality; an uneasy and surreal truth that laid aside the combativeness between us that denied any alliance. It may have been in tragedy that I could begin to approach an absolution I could not earn with him as a living father. Daddy o' Daddy I mumbled, why have you left? It brought a cold psalm that I would sing, an ode to my father I would have to privately love across oceans of consciousness. I wonder if he would ever find pride in me, find appreciation in thy son. Why would it matter to me? He was gone. I would wonder would I ever know the gifts of my father. Who art thee, o' father? Hardly could I leave off... for I knew it so, that if I could not know and love the lesser (my human father) who, I could see, how can I love, He (greater) that I cannot see? Terrible...terrible, is my plight. There is a Spiritual and practical lesson here. Here is the Mystery of the soul, of both the father and the son becoming. How it is that the father too commands the soul to come home. How it is that the son needs the father to find his way and yet he must enter in. Somewhere in this, it seems that we can make no greater resolution with the greater flame of Father in Spirit, than by how high we can lift up the image of our own human father. Maybe, it is that we meet our image of father on the bridge of life itself. Everything we do or become is impacted by our association and integration of the father Principle. If the Mother can be more accessible and comforting, the Father does not so easily make himself known, such as Spirit. To endure from a sense of separation from Father can lead to a waywardness of the soul. Inconsistency, vacillation, veering from one's purpose and moorings. Where, there is present the interplay of the trusting, desiring part of the soul of the son to know and seek the gifts and assistance of the flame of the father, there is cooperation and advancement. As could be the cause with sons and or daughters, where there is the interruption or even defiance, the offspring can take on a pattern of determining; "I will set out and make it on my own," I will find my way In this, "going forth" can be established a predestination to often ignore or displace those who may come to teach, guide or even correct. It may come in the form of one's parents or authority or the Ascended Master, teacher or guru. The son or daughter can easily and unconsciously undervalue the purpose or role of the "Father," in human form or as the inviolate Spirit that is an inavoidable part of our wholeness. When the soul becomes overly sensitive to pronouncements, fearing criticism or even abject unacceptance to direction, one simply, "blows off " or "waves on" the one sent to help. Equally complexing becomes the scenario where the one holding the office of father, is themselves, a mixed bag. The soul of the son or the daughter evaluates the imperfections of the vessel, then thinking one's action to be correct and disbelieving simply dismisses or ignores, inwardly speaking to themselves,"well, consider the source." Many a soul, have endured the foible, of believing themselves to be, "self correcting," suffered. Here, we arrive at the importance of transcending the imperfect, absent, unloving and undeserving manifestations of, what has fallen before the father consciousness. "Lay it aside, for in usual hopes, I would seek thee, but alas, I consider I would know thee not" Thus, it is both Son and Father that must traverse and overcome that cumbersome road of experience and erect instead the image complete, even while becoming, that union and integration. Did this just come about, or what precedent has occurred? Later on in life, it had been suggested to me by a Spiritual teacher, that often we draw to ourselves the embodiment of the imperfect father because; perhaps in previous lives we may have "rejected" the person and office of those who came as the example of true loving father. Does it make sense that we "get" a less inclined, "Father figure," not as developed in principle and example? Or perhaps these roles revisits us, where we may have in previous opportunities, ourselves, neglected the responsibilities of being Father to another, so cycles return? Always assume you have some accountability I was taught. It does take on our part a certain willingness to examine the possible circumstances and outplaying of events, occurring. Here, it is the Father energy that can help us. To know the Father knows the boundaries and even where injury or insult may come upon us, it is the father that in its impersonal Nature guides us. We must be able to summon this place inside of us, whether we are a man or woman that can view dispassionately, that can create space when necessary. The Father energy can provide temperance. It does not endear itself too greatly by either exaltation or loss. The Buddha was also a great progenitor of the Father principle, in that he taught the middle way. To rear oneself only towards favorableness in an age of Karma is madness. Surely a circumstance meets one to test the soul. It is the Father Principle that gave to the Christ the power to preach and receive devotion and to know that betrayal and sacrifice would come. In this, with an impersonal love for man he could none the less move forward with his mission and work. Here is the faithfulness in the trust of the Supreme Father Principle, imploring the energies of Spirit, "Father into thy hands I commend my spirit," nevertheless not my will but thine be done. Sometimes life compels that we learn to move our attention from that which is not serving the higher self or purpose that we may then grow. It has also been suggested or inclined that we as evolving souls and beings with self-enlightened interests in overcoming, take on the example of, one that personifies greater mastery. One that can reflect that integration of wholeness back to us. Often, before we can accept and appropriate in our consciousness the greater bearer of divine love to us, we must unchain, the captive one's we have kept in the dungeon of undeserving ness. Who we might ask has carried our crosses? Whom have we allowed to be the "boogey man?" Learning to let that one off the hook and yourself also, where the pattern of experience shouts to be washed of forgiveness' flame, also frees us to become disentangled of binding energy. Violet Fire Penetrate Into the flame I leave One could even adopt as the "Father Principal" the example of an Ascended Master, like Saint Germain, El Morya or Lanello (Mark Prophet). WHO IS MARK PROPHET? Mark Prophet's face summons up prototypal Alpha imagery. Cast him with an Airman's cap and bomber coat and he's an easy fighter pilot. Not ostensibly swashbuckling, he's got that polite and disarming persona needed to be a door-to-door salesman. Add his booming and colorful inflections and folksy manner and you've got an itinerant preacher. The soul of Mark Prophet was especially helpful to the causes of a 1950's boom in the emerging metaphysical landscape in New Thought and Eastern Mysticism, Americana Style. Born, in heartland reared, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, Prophet himself as a boy had been devotedly favored in Orthodoxy, until interrupted by a Spiritually transcending encounter with an Eastern Adept called El Morya. Ever the devoted pursuer of Inner truth, Mark would eventually reconcile his prominently Western inclinations of religion and begin tutelage with the Master M. In 1958, Mark Prophet would establish the founding of the Summit Lighthouse as an activity to assist emissaries of light known as the Ascended Masters. Able to benefit from some of the successes of an earlier movement called the IAM Activity and also through the migration of the Theosophical Society even before in the late 1800's, the Summit Lighthouse helped increase the awareness of Cosmic truths and Universal understandings put forth by the Ascended Master teachings. Mark Prophet accelerated in both his training, and integration in a path of self-mastery, the Ascended Masters taught, that all beings who had achieved their liberation in the light had accomplished. Prophet's advancement and surrender to the law of divine love, enabled him to become a "messenger" for the Ascended Masters releases and discourses intended to restore mankind with a one on one relationship with their God ward identity called the "IAM Presence." Mark spent his years teaching receptive souls that this Union of the Soul with the Real or Permanent self was not exclusive to only the Christ or special sons or daughters like Buddha or a privileged few. Part of Mark Prophet's most cherished attributes was that he really loved to impart to people the hope and understanding of their Universal Destiny and freedom. Even when concepts that were being presented might seem lofty or beyond reach, Mark knew the fires in the heart would always be expanded by helpfulness and charity. He loved to be among people and his radiance extended out to to simple and learned alike. Mark Prophet passed from the screen of life in 1973. He was able to by the close of this lifetime achieve his immortal freedom and victory and today, he continues to serve unascended mankind known as the Ascended Master Lanello. Many of Mark Prophet's books and experiences with the Ascended Masters are available through the Summit Lighthouse and Summit University Press. It also helps to resurrect the image and pattern of all Fathers, by learning to express and imitate the "principles" of the Father, both within ourselves and towards all that hold that office. Surely, our daily encounters will give us opportunity to tend to some part of life that can benefit from loving father energies. No less is the reminder that resides right within ourselves that greatest yet, we must Father also our own soul. We can choose to embrace the one sent to be the personification of teacher, especially the nuances of becoming a loving example to the soul. The higher role of the father is intended to the preparer of the way and the path for the soul to meet the "initiator," or those that occupies the office of the Christ or the Buddha, while we, (the soul) are yet becoming. That is why the Father Flame at Higher Levels understands and is in his right place as protector and Guardian of the Soul. Saint Joseph, which was an embodiment of Saint Germain, knew and fulfilled this role as Father to Jesus and Husband to Mary. The Son or Daughter can assist the Victory of the Father by bringing in with right measure and love their interest and awakening of their own soul potential that it may be nurtured and helped in the presence of the Father. There is immeasurable Joy in the heart of the Father that sees the progression and enfoldment of the Soul that seeks its maturity and expression in its true God Flame. The Father's purpose is then exalted and expanded that there is the lawful and full outpouring of gifts and divine love that the soul of the son or daughter may succor on. All becomes then, made aright. Made a new. Some years ago, I had a great dream of reconciliation that opened my heart even more to my human father who died 14 years ago. This dream showed me what I knew already that life has a transcendental quality. That we are never really separated in time and space and it is never too late to find love and forgive, to give love and hope. In this dream I came upon the image of my father I mostly knew as a boy, one who was in my image ever strong and fearful, who I had know to not express himself through love and gentleness, but by force and intimidation. He was at it again, and he was yelling at me, for me, I thought yet again finding something to disagree about. Except, I was no longer slight as a boy, but more fuller in stature and countenance. Though his voice still, would seem to instill apprehension I was really no longer threatened by him. He appeared to be infirmed in a bed and my heart in spite of our history had softened for him, I had compassion for his soul. As I got closer to his bed, his upper body was still strong, his face and expression was forceful, somehow in his movements, his covering fell off his legs as he sat up. As I looked upon him I saw his lower form was emaciated as how the muscle and tone withers from one who has become paralyzed. I saw his skinny, unmovable legs and it deflated any sense that this man could be an opponent for me any more. I felt again a great stream of compassion for his soul and desired that, whatever burdened his heart had carried for life, be dissolved by my tears. I saw my father so deserved to go home, to be in the comfort of the great loving Father that is Spirit. I so desired for his soul, he'd be taken to a place of healing. I knew from my own inner experiences and metaphysical studies these temples of light existed. I felt the plight and burden of his soul, but I also believed he would be prepared for another incarnation and I would pray for his victory. In a way, I hoped even in this dream he would know at our level I never desired to withhold love from him. I felt the comfort flame come upon me and towards my father; I wanted to extend that to him. I even felt that I had become father to my own human father in that moment. It was in me and I could give it to him, what I had. Maybe my life lesson with my father was so that I could learn this about this "fathering flame" though even he may not have been able to offer it to me as a boy or as a son. I was grateful to God to be able to give it to him. In the dream I bent over to pick up the sheet that had fallen and then re-covered my father. In my eyes and heart he was redeemed. He then seemed to become quieted and could then lay back in the bed. I was able to leave him there, but I have realized for years after I am still discovering and solving this mystery of the gifts of the father. As years went by I was able to realize many helpful lessons about life were transferred to me by my father's example. It was no longer just a period of my life I tried to ignore. There were merits in our relationship and they became a basis for love. In a way, I felt my own growth and understanding for my human father only left me on the "porch" of comprehending the greater more mysterious portion of Father as Spirit. There is the Spiritual axiom as above so below, what principles work on this plane, work as above. Fruitful and hopeful I remain as things suggest I may come to sup with Him as above. Know me I am a consuming Fire! Abba (Father) copyright@2005RonHenry Please feel free to contact me, at sirronald@earthlink.net if you have any questions or comments. If you would like to see the pictures and illustrations that go with this article," click the following link http://www.missionsaintgermain.com/id31.html Ron Henry writes a range of personal, down to earth articles focusing on a more insightful sometimes Spiritual, Mystical purposes and discovery. Hopefully these articles stand alone as inspiration and even sometimes, whimsy and wit to a contemplative side of Life. Most of these and others have been posted in the navigation bar of http://www.missionsaintgermain.com that explores Ron's research and experiences with Saint Germain, Ron has perceived since childhood. http://www.missionstgermain.com
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6 Little Prayers That Bring Healing - Every Time You Pray Ok, let's start with the amazing story ofRobbie and how a little-known scripture in the bookof Galatians got him healed of cancer - after the doctors had given him only 6 months to live!! God?s Eyes- If These Four Walls Could Talk? Can you imagine being sent out into the wildernessfor forty years like Moses? If Moses would havelived his life up until then differently would Godhave spared him the discomfort? Was God trying toprove some point to Moses by making an example ofhim? What can we learn about this story? Esoteric & Occult Secrets To understand the nature of esoteric and occult secrets it is worthwhile looking at origin of the words esoteric and occult. Esoteric derives from the Greek word esoterikos, from the root word eso, 'within' . The word occult derives from the Latin words occulere, 'conceal' and occultus, 'secret' . Both of these words, esoteric and occult, are used to describe the study of arcane wisdom, the spiritual mysteries, and magical and hermetic philosophies. It Took a Banker to Show Me What Jesus Was Talking About On January 13th 1982 an Air Florida flight crashed off the 14th Street Bridge in Washington DC. It was a bridge I had traveled across many times before during the year I lived in DC. The entire event was being broadcast live and I sat glued to the TV as the big Boeing 737 slid ever so slowly into the swirling ice cold waters of the Potomac River. Only five people out of the 79 that were onboard that flight survived the crash. Spiritual Surrender: Let Nature Be Your Teacher Although spring is just around the corner, there have been days lately where it feels as though it will never be here. I am not a cold weather person and I never have been. I often kid with people that when it came my time to come to Earth I had requested to live someplace like Tahiti, somehow my request was confused with someone else's who had asked for cold weather and I ended up in the hills of Connecticut. Not funny! As I sit here in this cold, April weather waiting for spring, the one thing I am sure of is that spring will come. Before I know it the snow will have melted and the grass will be green. The daffodils and tulips will be blooming in all of their colorful glory and I will feel the warmth of the spring sun on my face. Trust is Prosperity A while back the Lord had given me this message which has prompted me to study it further and find out just what He meant. He told me, "Trust is Prosperity". Somehow I felt His love surround me and I wasn't quite sure what He meant, but I knew that my trust in Him would prosper me in ways I had not even thought about, not just financial. Prosperity engulfs many things, both physical and spiritual. It could be our health, our attitudes, the condition of our spiritual life, and somehow I think the financial end of it is on the far end of this prosperity. I realize that first we must be spiritualy whole before the material prosperity ever enters in to the picture. Carelessness "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisors make a victory sure." --Proverbs 11:14, NIV Undercover Investigation It is important and necessary that we regularly spend time in purposeful self-examination. We need to take the time to examine our rationales, our pretenses, our masquerades, our motives, our justifications, and our reasoning. Jesus The Great Comforter! When Life is not fair! We see it all the time in people's lives someunwanted circumstance enters and life is turnedupside down. A loss of a job, an unexpected bill,sickness you name it. I think we have all said atone time or another, "gosh, life just doesn't seemto be fair. It does not suppose to be this way; itwasn't what I had planned." Gods To Do List - Get Specific! I know eyebrows are probably raising about now, but let me tell you this works ! How does God know what we want or need if we don't get specific and let Him know ? Mankinds Ten Worst Enemies: #2 Arrogance According to H. G. Bosch, the newspaper cartoonist H. T. Webster once amused himself by sending telegrams to 20 of his acquaintances whom he selected at random. Each message contained just one word: "Congratulations." As far as Webster knew, not one of his friends had done anything special for which to be complimented. Yet, each person was so flattered that he immediately wrote Webster a letter of thanks. All 20 of his friends assumed they had done something worthy of a congratulatory telegram! Healing For Your Soul Can God really heal your pain? Does every trial come to make you stronger? Is it better to 'go through' willingly, or put off dealing with your pain as long as possible? Read on to discover the secrets that will help you heal your soul. Anamchara - Meeting With The Master His name sounds as Finn. He has beautiful blue eyes and the blondest of blond hair. He shares his name with Fionn Mac Cumhail. This is frequently anglicised as Finn Mac Cool. Finn Mac Cool is one of the most celebrated heroes in Irish myth. De-Materialization #2 My lady Lydia was a Hawkins of the ancestry of the great privateer 'Black Jack' just as thousands of miles away in Ottawa (We met in Las Vegas.) a cousin of my sister-in-law who was about to come work for my family's company was living. They looked like twins and that was a powerful co-incidence of synchronous energy in itself. When I saw him I asked him if he was related to the privateer and he was amazed that I knew this. Our meeting was a 'trip' of grandiose proportions that makes another book I have written seem so weird it would only be regarded as fiction (that book is called 'The Nos Feratu'). In this meeting with Lydia, I was able to exhibit some control that later was almost non-existent and nearly rendered my soul. Rendered has many meanings and when applied to the butcher and his trade, it is close to what kind of lard or jelly (fish) my heart was 'feeling' after a few months that were wild beyond my own vivid dreams. The setting of the story began at the 'Shark Club' in Las Vegas one night just before I turned forty, about eleven years ago. I was in the process of buying a home in Las Vegas after moving from Los Angeles where I had been involved with a basic and ordinary woman (totally honest, and without my having even talked about an 'US') who had another amazing 'gift'. Her special talent was total sensory recall of the physical body. Yes, my life has been a myriad maze of the paranormal and sexual interplay of what most people would call 'fantasy'. In the relationship with Lydia she was honest and totally in control with no reason for me to even grasp at the smallest of straws to think there could ever be an 'US'. From Spiritual Cry Baby to Bold Seeker of Truth Ever notice how people dread discussing the truth about life? Their fear usually comes out as, "I never talk about that" or "Some things we're not supposed to know." They quickly cut off any probing of who they are and why they're here. How strange that people who are brave in everyday affairs tend to cringe and cower when asked to think about the reasons and powers behind their existence! Yet, what could be more urgent than to face your own reality? Humanity's spiritual jitters often stem from centuries of reliance on designated spokesmen who are said to be anointed or divinely appointed, or inspired, or trained in theology and who we are not allowed to question. Adding to our plight are society's cruel traditions of rewarding mass conformity and mocking original thinkers. This is a new day. Everyone has the right to know the secrets of the universe. Best of all is the stunning news that every person is capable of knowing the most awesome truths and the most loving principles. That includes you. To make the leap from spiritual cry baby to bold seeker of truth requires self examination. In quiet moments you must ask yourself what you really believe. Be willing to tolerate question marks in your search till you find answers that are perfect for you even if it takes years and years. Plunge your mind into the finest ideas ever put on paper. Or spoken to you directly or through various communication media .Or overheard in conversations among strangers. Make it your business to become familiar with the noblest thoughts of any age, any writer or speaker and any culture. No finer hobby could be found than to gather the wisdom of the world around you. There are tons of literature just waiting to be tapped-philosophy, religion, psychology, self-growth, self-realization, higher awareness, to name just a few. Wisdom comes in many flavors, so to speak-poetry, essays, scriptures, drama, comedy, satire. Start with short sayings and work your way up if you can't tackle the big stuff yet. Test all spiritual concepts to see if they work for you. Let's say you've heard of something called the Inner Kingdom. Find out all you can about it, but more importantly make up your mind that if such a glorious kingdom exists, you intend to find it and claim it as your own. Sure, this is scary. Of course, you'll be tempted to give up along the way. You may have to keep on crying to get through it all. Be a tough critic of all you find no matter the glowing reputation or fame of the speaker. Be prepared to discover that popular ideas are wrong more often than right. Teach yourself to know the difference between myth and proof. Inch along, with tiny tasks and timid steps. Finally, turn your search into success. You don't want to be a self-help junkie reading your life away and never lifting your own heart and soul. After investigation comes a time of grace, when you rise above books and arguments. You respect all worthy ideas, learned or lowly, and see how uneducated words of insight ascend to the same literary heaven with equal standing as the thoughts and teachings of spiritual celebrities. You make peace with conflicting scholars, scientists and saviors. Standing atop the knowledge of the ages you add your own voice to the crowd with new words that are your contribution to the eternal quest. What's the payoff? Is it worth all the trouble? After all to succeed means you probably have to spend long periods of time alone to ponder the great issues of life. You have to deal with destiny one-on-one with nobody to hold your hand or go in your place. Truth is the payoff and that may or may not pay the bills or eliminate your worries. Truth is its own fantastic reward. You will know that when you find it. Don't be surprised if you shout, "Hallelujah." The Mystery of Purpose Some men see things as they are and say, "Why?" I dream of things that never were and say, "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw Forgiveness "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32, NIV What Does Jesus Expect? While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. --ROMANS 5:8 Heaven Bound: Win The Race! Billy Graham once said, "Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion; it is like a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ." Formula for Spiritual Growth The formula for spiritual growth is given briefly in 2 Peter 1:5-7. Make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance; and perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. ![]() |
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