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Gods To Do List - Get Specific!
I know eyebrows are probably raising about now, but let me tell you this works ! How does God know what we want or need if we don't get specific and let Him know ? All you have to do and I do this on a monthly basis and update it accordingly is make a list. I make mine like a grocery list and put the title at the top of the list. My title is always "OK God ... This is what I need now ! and proceed to make the list. I make the list and leave the how this will manifest to God. That's His department. An example of how mine might read for the month: Rent ... fill in the exact amount Electric ... fill in the exact amount I list all my debts owing with the amounts when I know them. Things like groceries, gas, etc... that I don't quite know what the amount might be I still add. I also add other things besides financial. I might need a business contact to help promote my services or information about something. I add it to the list. Whatever I need I add to the list and keep it right beside my computer so it is within reach when I want to add additions. I check off each item as it is fulfilled and always, always say a big Thank You ! . Being grateful is an important part of this. Leave the details to God on how this list is fulfilled and watch miracles happen ! © 2005 Sharae Taylor Sharae Taylor is a well known Intuitive Angel Artist whose paintings are in world wide collections and her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey ,Donna Terody Sheratan,Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. Sharae has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors like Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels". Her Angel paintings are featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD by Llewellyn and New World Music and was featured in the February 2005 issue of Planetlightworker.com. Sharae is a published author in magazines and ezines. To view Sharae's Angelic art and for further information visit her website at:http://www.angelsbysharae.com
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A Crash Course In Tarot For Newbies #1 - All About the Cards The Tarot is not just a divinatory tool, but it can also be utilized in the appropriately trained hands as a tool for providing counsel and advice with which we can navigate life. It is an antique form of divination that predates popular psychology, but has been shown to have archetypal energies that work well from a Jungian perspective. Tarot becomes a book of wisdom offering you a living parable or myth that reflects your life journey in the hands of the right Diviner. It describes a journey that mirrors your path in life. Usually the story is a direct description of what is going to happen in a particular window of time although talented readers can tell you much more than that from looking at the symbols in the cards! One of the main purposes of the use of the cards is to construct a future narrative so that you can make decisions to change your fate. Coming Home I find myself floating on a cloud as heavenly music plays. Why We Choose Our Parents There is a concept in Jewish mystical thought known asgilgul, which can be translated as reincarnation.Gilgul does not necessarily mean that a soul in itsentirety has been reincarnated; it may only be anitzotz, or spark of a soul, that is reincarnated.That is to say that an individual can possess anitzotz from the soul of someone who has livedpreviously. Gilgul occurs when the precedingincarnation of that soul has more to accomplish. Echos Transition Echo was a flea-bitten gray horse, with brown speckles everywhere, and crystal clear hairs in her mane and tail. We met in October, 1976, when she was a broodmare on an Arabian farm in New York State. A beginner at riding doesn't usually start out with a novice horse, but I fell in love at first sight of her. Somehow, over the years, we learned how to have great times and not get in trouble. We enjoyed trail riding and had fun doing dressage, too. Echo loved to be ridden and to gallop across field. She was always as eager for my companionship as I was for hers. Joy Of The Lord The word means different things to different people. Is it simply an emotion or feeling? Do we only feel joy when life seems to be going good, when our circumstances are favorable? Or is there something more? I'd like to explore what the Word of God says about this topic. Reasons to Fast and Pray Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD. --JOEL 1:14 Mankinds Ten Worst Enemies: #3 Jealousy Though closely akin and sometimes used synonymously, John Rawls distinguish between jealousy and envy on the ground that jealousy involves the wish to keep what one has, and envy the wish to get what one does not have. Willing to Walk with Jesus? Can two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? - Amos 3:3 The Psychical Research Foundation Karen was the name of the reception person, who sat behind the desk one Saturday morning around noon when I dropped in. I had never heard about them and was actually planning to find the J.B. Rhine Institute or the Federation for Research on the Nature of Man (FRNM). I had stumbled in to the 'mother lode'. It wasn't necessary to come to these places to look for their literature or research. I could have found more than enough of that at the Association for Research and Enlightenment library in Va. Beach. I wanted to experience these things first hand. The Wisdom of the River: Lessons Learned Over the past few years I have watched the popularity of whitewater rafting grip the vacation market. "Strange", I thought. "Why would floating down a river become such a hotly contested vacation destination?" Today, I understand this phenomena completely. There is a wisdom and lesson that only the river can teach. It is a lesson that I intend to learn as often as possible. Practical Stress Management -- 7 Spiritual Solutions Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get usedto feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has itsplace, unless it is backed up by practical spiritual wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. Astrology What kind of foolishness is astrology? You read about Sun Signs in the paper and you can see almost every sign says something ambiguous or relevant in some general way. Surely no real science or serious people ever believed such foolishness. Yet all your heroes from the past were believers! Even Ronald Reagan and others of today order their lives according to astrological implications. I don't and never have, but that is because I have studied the field in great depth. It isn't just astrology that is at work or through which the forces interact with all life on the planet. The palm, the foot and the head or facial make-up can be read to see what effect may have determined some of how a person will approach life. The hand has all the astrological knowledge available 'right in the palm of your' as they say. The mount of the Moon and the girdle of Venus (should you be so lucky to have one) are there along with Saturnine and Mercurious deflected energy. Angels Amoung US - We Reap What We Sow! John Eldredge writes in his book Waking the Dead,"God what do you have for my heart today?" Hecontinues by saying, "you may be stunned by whathe guides you into. The Terminus of Existence Setting boundaries is a common expression that we hear almost daily. We hear of our need to set personal boundaries; an invisible dividing line drawn between ourselves and others, a line that represents the point where public space ends and our own private space begins, so to speak. The Gratitude Toll I very often see rants, complaints, wishes and dreams that have a similar theme, and that theme goes something like this: Using Psalm 23 as Spiritual Affirmation INTRODUCTION A Scary Thought For Some... What could be a scary thought for some? How bout' this--The thought that as a Christian you can do whatever you want......scary? How to Hear the Voice of God In this series I would like to take you through the Word of God to show you how we can all clearly hear the voice of God. I would also like to show you how to train yourself in hearing and being led by the voice of God. Determine in your heart to allow the Word of God to be your guide and have an open mind as you are reading this book with your Bible. The Holy Spirit will witness with your spirit and reveal the truth, and the truth will set you free. Life is a Continuous Prayer Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus. Prayer actually occurs more often than we think. The Cuddlies I finally went to the dentist today. I had been putting it off for a long time. Most of us are like that. When we know that something is going to be painful, we refuse to act until a stronger pain forces us to act. Unfortunately, that is the case with spiritual things as well. Much that God asks us to do goes against all of our natural instincts, and so we put off doing them. ![]() |
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