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A Scary Thought For Some...
What could be a scary thought for some? How bout' this--The thought that as a Christian you can do whatever you want......scary? Consider this Bible verse: "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify."1 Corinthians 10:23 All things are lawful for me? That flies in the face of traditional thinking about Christian morals, rights and wrongs--Doesn't it? You see as Christians we are no longer slaves to the law. In amazing mercy, Jesus was the sacrifice that allowed us to be forgiven of our sins by no work of our own. So that we were no longer subject to trying to live up to God's perfect standards (the laws) And we were given the Christ's life in exchange for our own by the grace of God. So we are truly free to do whatever we want, because the law no longer applies to us. Woo hoo! Now that's freedom! It's so sad to see so many people that see the Christian life as a life that is summed up by a comment such as: "If you're a good Christian, everything is a sin" This is the definitely one of the most incorrect yet universally accepted doctrines of the secular, and sadly, Christian world. I guess this verse was skimmed over. Before you get crazy and start to plan your debaucherous plight through every forbidden pleasure imaginable, pay attention to the rest of the verse. When you read the rest you start to get a handle on why this isn't so scary after all. "but not all things are helpful...but not all things edify." You have the freedom to do whatever you want. But what will keep you from doing the things that aren't "helpful" and don't "edify"? Well, remember when I said that you received the life of Christ in exchange for your own at salvation? Christ's life is the key. You won't have to worry about what is right or wrong. You don't need laws to tell you. Your identity is a righteous one, so your natural nature is to glorify God and to do the things that please him! You have a little thing called a conscience that lets you know when you're messing up. And God is able to keep you from stumbling. A personal relationship with God will keep you from sin. Galatians 5:16 says, "Walk in the Spirit and [then] you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Don't get it twisted and try to Not fulfill the lust of the flesh to walk in the spirit. For some reason, probably due to their engrained behavior orientated nature, most people read this verse as "if you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh then you'll be walking in the spirit." or at least that's how most people put it to use. Most Christians see their Christian walk as one where they try to reach the righteousness of God by trying to make their behavior fall in line first. Relying on our power to bring us to the spiritual place we want to be at is a mistake and most often leads to failure. Tis' a shame I say. If this were a math equation you would have an order of operations that must be followed to get to the correct answer. The order of operations isn't behaving like a Christian to walk in the spirit. It is walking in the spirit, then you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Your behavior will fall in line when you are "walking in the spirit." Because the object of your concern will be your righteous father. You are allowing him to express his life through you and he knows no other way than to do it righteously and avoiding "the lusts of the flesh" or sin. That's one of the keys to being successful in most anything in life. Your Focus. Look around for my other article, "your Focus determines your reality", to find out more about how your focus is Crucial to the success of any endeavor. I hope this article has challenged you to look at the object of your faith Jesus and opened up communication with him over this "scary thought", I look forward to hearing from you! -=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Who Else Wants to Experience The Abundant, Care-free Life of Being a Better Christian Day In and Day Out and Experiencing the Guiltless Joy of Living Life Without Limits or Having to Worry About Following a Bunch of Uptight Rules?"Click Here> http://www.ChristThroughMe.com/CTMbook.html -=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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Soulstretch: Raising the Bar on Nobility and Nicety In the make-believe world, too, fiction and films are filled with flawed characters fighting their way to selfish goals. Pick up any book on how to write novels and short stories and you see the word "conflict" in bold. Is America Losing Its Religion? Has America known its finest hour? Are we losing our religion and sanity as well? What is wrong with our society anyway? These are baffling questions that are frequently being asked by more and more people, even the media. Penthouse or Basement? The Spiritual Realm is Topsy-Turvy Am I dreaming? The sign outside the skyscraper reads: "Spiritual Realm." I hurry straight to the elevator. "Up, please," I tell the operator. Readjusting Our Eye Focus Peter is a man after my own heart. I feel a certain bond with him. Perhaps, it is because he reminds me of myself at times and my friends and family at other times. Or it could be that I see Peter in all of us as we walk the Christian path and strive to serve Christ obediently, and yet, possessing shortcomings that can become our own stumbling stones. Petitioning for Your Needs Human beings are blessed with a unique gift: the gift of prayer or petition to the Infinite for our needs. A religious person would call it prayer; others may call it petition or meditation. There is a clear distinction between petition and meditation, however. Meditation is generally a passive process, but in a petition, we actively communicate with the Infinite Source. The word "petition" itself conveys the significance of the process. In human law, once a suit is filed or a legal proceeding is initiated, certain processes are put in motion. Regardless of who we are or our station in life, the legal process takes its course. From Superstition to Clashing Rocks "Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, new insights begin." --Herman Hesse 40 Days and 40 Nights I am beginning a journey starting tomorrow. I have decided that doing some serious soul searching is in order for me. I have been getting messages so to speak that make me realize I am changing into someone I don't particularly like right now. I feel ashamed and unworthy as a spiritual person and I need this chance to prove my worth not only to my self but to the One who created me. I am making some promises on this day, that I intend to take seriously and to heart, not just to heart though. I need to take this into my soul. A Ministry Of One Each of us has far more potential to serve the Highest Cause, and each other, than we ever tap into. Many of us seeking to commit our lives to such service have, even if only briefly, considered leading or joining an established ministry - at least until the responsibilities associated with our real-world concerns reasserted themselves in our thoughts. How can we even begin to commit to a ministry service with all the work we currently do and all the responsibilities we have? Such a choice seems to be reserved for those with no families, no need to work (or a willingness to live in abject poverty for their cause) and none of the other demands on their time that most people have. I was agonizing over the same problems when the following question popped into my head: The True Self as the Hidden Man of the Heart The Apocalypse, or unveilling, is the name given to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. The Book of Daniel is an apocalypse. So is Isaiah. The entire bible is an unveiling of the consciousness of man evolving from the human(OT) to the divine(NT). From Spiritual Cry Baby to Bold Seeker of Truth Ever notice how people dread discussing the truth about life? Their fear usually comes out as, "I never talk about that" or "Some things we're not supposed to know." They quickly cut off any probing of who they are and why they're here. How strange that people who are brave in everyday affairs tend to cringe and cower when asked to think about the reasons and powers behind their existence! Yet, what could be more urgent than to face your own reality? Humanity's spiritual jitters often stem from centuries of reliance on designated spokesmen who are said to be anointed or divinely appointed, or inspired, or trained in theology and who we are not allowed to question. Adding to our plight are society's cruel traditions of rewarding mass conformity and mocking original thinkers. This is a new day. Everyone has the right to know the secrets of the universe. Best of all is the stunning news that every person is capable of knowing the most awesome truths and the most loving principles. That includes you. To make the leap from spiritual cry baby to bold seeker of truth requires self examination. In quiet moments you must ask yourself what you really believe. Be willing to tolerate question marks in your search till you find answers that are perfect for you even if it takes years and years. Plunge your mind into the finest ideas ever put on paper. Or spoken to you directly or through various communication media .Or overheard in conversations among strangers. Make it your business to become familiar with the noblest thoughts of any age, any writer or speaker and any culture. No finer hobby could be found than to gather the wisdom of the world around you. There are tons of literature just waiting to be tapped-philosophy, religion, psychology, self-growth, self-realization, higher awareness, to name just a few. Wisdom comes in many flavors, so to speak-poetry, essays, scriptures, drama, comedy, satire. Start with short sayings and work your way up if you can't tackle the big stuff yet. Test all spiritual concepts to see if they work for you. Let's say you've heard of something called the Inner Kingdom. Find out all you can about it, but more importantly make up your mind that if such a glorious kingdom exists, you intend to find it and claim it as your own. Sure, this is scary. Of course, you'll be tempted to give up along the way. You may have to keep on crying to get through it all. Be a tough critic of all you find no matter the glowing reputation or fame of the speaker. Be prepared to discover that popular ideas are wrong more often than right. Teach yourself to know the difference between myth and proof. Inch along, with tiny tasks and timid steps. Finally, turn your search into success. You don't want to be a self-help junkie reading your life away and never lifting your own heart and soul. After investigation comes a time of grace, when you rise above books and arguments. You respect all worthy ideas, learned or lowly, and see how uneducated words of insight ascend to the same literary heaven with equal standing as the thoughts and teachings of spiritual celebrities. You make peace with conflicting scholars, scientists and saviors. Standing atop the knowledge of the ages you add your own voice to the crowd with new words that are your contribution to the eternal quest. What's the payoff? Is it worth all the trouble? After all to succeed means you probably have to spend long periods of time alone to ponder the great issues of life. You have to deal with destiny one-on-one with nobody to hold your hand or go in your place. Truth is the payoff and that may or may not pay the bills or eliminate your worries. Truth is its own fantastic reward. You will know that when you find it. Don't be surprised if you shout, "Hallelujah." Lectio Divina -- Reading the Bible for Spiritual Growth Lectio divina is a very useful and practical discipline for spiritual growth. Rooted in ancient monasticism, the practice is a fourfold cycle: Reading, Meditation, Prayer, and Contemplation. In fact, the term itself means "sacred reading." Natural Talent Before Donna was born she took with her a dollar, Peter took with him a pen and Harry brought along a hammer. These were the only significant things that these people brought with them into their physical lives from birth. The Problem with Anger As Christians, we know we need God in every aspect of our lives do we not? We need God to work on us because some of us are so spiritually immature that it is hard to distinguish Christians from non-Christians. Thus, God commands us to do certain things for our own sake ? not His. God wants to teach us how to move beyond ourselves to others. God knows we cannot make it to His kingdom until we learn how to sacrifice our needs, our wants, and our desires, for the good of someone else. In other words, until we learn how to love one another, even the unlovable. And, we can never love until we get rid of the anger. Be Still Psalm 46:10"Be still, and know that I am God; The Winds of Change Humanity is entering a very critical time in its path of evolution. The winds of change began to blow over eighteen years ago at the event you call Harmonic Convergence but the only ones who felt this at first were those many call star-seeds or light workers. Today almost everyone on the planet is being swept up into them. The third dimension world of duality is beginning to be blown away so to speak. Drop the Negations What really binds us to any negative emotional state in which we find ourselves suffering is this: choice. A Crash Course in Tarot #3: Card Spreads Most Tarot decks consist of 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana, and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana consist of four "suits", just like a deck of regular playing cards. Formula for Spiritual Growth The formula for spiritual growth is given briefly in 2 Peter 1:5-7. Make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance; and perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. Motivated By All The Wrong Reasons Sometimes trying to be spiritual holds us back from actually living the spiritual life we want. In our quest to live such spiritual and good lives, we often avoid the stuff that makes us seem unspiritual, even if that very stuff can move us toward our own spiritual growth. Unfinished Woman I'm at that place in life many refer to as "the dark night of the soul". My husband and I just finished and moved into our dream home. It was a life long dream come true for me. I thought my life would never be complete without it. Now here I am, one year later and I am going through the classic "what's next" question. I am bored and tremendously unchallenged by my career. And try as I might, I cannot think of another thing that interest or pulls me. I journal, I meditate, I read, I research and I analyze and still no answers come. I feel like I am going around and around the same old rut, the same old song. Why can I not find my passion? What is the matter with me? ![]() |
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