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The Winds of Change
Humanity is entering a very critical time in its path of evolution. The winds of change began to blow over eighteen years ago at the event you call Harmonic Convergence but the only ones who felt this at first were those many call star-seeds or light workers. Today almost everyone on the planet is being swept up into them. The third dimension world of duality is beginning to be blown away so to speak. What does this mean? The tsunami and fires and floods and the changing weather conditions are one of Gaia's reaction to the winds of change. Mother Earth has been balancing negative energy from humanity for a long time and now the time has come for the planet to release this. The transition from the old to the new Earth can be smooth and effortless or harsher. You can make a difference here. Never doubt this. Everyone contributes to the energy on earth and the more anchored you are in the higher dimensions, the more you can help the planet to anchor itself there as well. As the winds of change pick up and intensify each day, the two thirds of the planet that is asleep is beginning to feel this energy and be jolted at times from their comfortable rest. The winds of change are there to help wake them up. Since many of them are very content with a rather torrid existence, this could become very intense for most people on the planet. Resisting the wind is always more exhausting than letting it take you where it wants to go. The winds of change are also a wakeup call for light workers because it signals the final years of polarity and duality consciousness on this planet. You all incarnated on school earth to help balance and stabilize the energies and to assist humanity to make this shift. View the winds of change as the alarm for your internal clocks. This is such a very special time for all of you and for all of creation. Earth is the center for so much love and attention from the higher dimensions. It is rare that so much energy centers around such a small part of creation. The possibilities are splendid and amazing. Light workers who have not released the final remnants of duality consciousness will be challenged to do so. You cannot help others to wake up if parts of you are still asleep. For many of you, the areas where you are stuck in duality will become more intense. The highs will be higher and the lows will be lower and the cycles will move very fast. The energy has shifted so much each year since 2000 and this will just continue to increase. You are all building up the necessary momentum required not only for a planetary ascension but to help everyone and all aspects of creation on this planet to ascend or transcend to their next level. It is so beautiful. When you experience the highs and the lows, know that you can live differently. You can choose to operate now from the realms beyond polarity and duality consciousness. You can choose to live from a stable, tranquil point of power well above the crashing waves of duality. It is time for light workers to let go of duality and to withdraw your energy from the third dimensional world that you all are so comfortable with. Stretch yourselves and be open to a grand redefining of who you really are. If you are experiencing the highs and lows of duality ? look beneath and try to understand what the emotional charge is that is triggering the event and release it. Do a ceremony or ritual and state the intent to clear this emotional trigger from your consciousness. Since the emotional charges you have left are the most challenging ones, it may take you many attempts to totally clear them. Take a hard look at any area in your life where there are winners and losers ? the United States stock market is a prime example. Consider taking the plunge and investing in yourself rather than in stocks. Many of the messages around financial planning and third dimension financial common sense are truly rooted in fear and reinforce scarcity consciousness. Truly the winds of change will have great fun and potentially could wreak great havoc with the investment community. The winds of change embody the essence of potentiality. And so often old structures and forms and belief systems need to be torn down before the new ones can spring up. Anything that is not sourced in love will be blown away by the winds of change. This is why this is such a challenging time on all levels for your religions and businesses and government institutions. Many of you incarnated to create the new organizations and forms and structures that are sourced in love. Many people are attached to the old forms so this transition from the old to the new will be very challenging for them as well. There is so much fear of change in your society even when everyone knows on many levels that the old forms no longer serve the higher good for humanity. Look at the drama you encounter in your life. You are the healers and teachers and leaders on this world. In the past empathy was an useful tool to help you relate to others and to identify with them. But now you are called stand firm in your own power and above the fray of duality. To stand behind the short wall as one of your more prominent channels has said. The drama in your life reflects an energetic commitment or emotional charge to the third dimension world. It is time to let go of this. How can you help others to transcend duality if you are still entangled in it? This information is being transmitted from what could be called the space of truth in the sixth dimension. It is not channeled from other beings or ascended masters. You all have access to this space ? use it. Unify with your soul/higher self/spirit and ask to connect with the truth space. Check in and see what is there for you. Trust that your soul knows this space very well. Surrender to this greater part of you with its vaster, more universal awareness. The meditation at the end can assist you in this. In the past channeling has been an excellent source of information and assistance for you. But many of you have graduated from these types of lessons and it is time to move forward. Do not be attached to anything that you experienced in the past. Accept that it helped you get where you are now and move forward. The tools that you now can create for yourselves are much more powerful than anything that you created in the past. Claim your own power and seek your own guidance. For you are gods just as the great masters have always taught you. You have access to the same source of universal intelligence that your guides and teachers do. It is time for you to connect with this on your own. Begin your day by connecting to the truth space. And when the winds of change pick up in your daily life, find out where you are sucked into the duality game, identify the underlying emotional charge, release this with ceremony and connect with the truth space. Try this for a week and see how different your life will become. The truth space will transform every aspect of your life if you are open to this and connect to it on a regular basis. The more you touch and live from the truth space, the more unaffected you will be by the winds of change. Living with the winds of change is a lot like surfing in the ocean. Surfers know that if they enter the wave at a certain magical moment that they will be in the flow and have an ecstatic experience. If they are not aligned to the magical moment, they could be dashed into the rocks and beat up by the surf and experience much less bliss. Light workers are blessed with a similar opportunity ? if you ride the winds of change magically they will propel you to where you want to go without you having to do anything. But if you are not ready, the winds of change will throw you out and back into the world of duality. You can resist the wind but this will only make it grow stronger and drain you of your life force energy. In any area where you experience an energy drain, look for the underlying emotional charge or energetic commitment to duality and release it. You all have been challenged to release, release, release. The greatness within you is waiting for the dross to be cleared before it emerges. Release, release, release? You will be amazed by what unfolds. Truly it will be like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into the butterfly. However you all will have to make the leap of faith, the plunge into total surrender to Spirit and trust in the process. It will be very hard for most of you to see other people buffeted by the winds of change. Please get over this. You cannot save other people; they can only save themselves. The rescuer/victim/observer game is one of the most popular forms of duality consciousness on this planet. Please do not play this game or go there. What can you do? The first thing you can do is to disentangle yourself from duality consciousness ? become an energetic role model for others. Become an impeccable, passionate role model for others. This is why you incarnated on this planet in this precious moment. The second thing you can do is to be there for people. Center yourself in the eternal NOW moment for your family and friends and coworkers, connect with the truth space and see what is there that you can share with others. Please try not to edit what you get ? the answers and insights may be very different than what you expect. You can't do the inner work for them but you can help them to look at their patterns more dispassionately. Know that you are all loved very much. The winds of change are a gift to help you to make the jump from 3D drama to bliss. They can propel you to where you want to go fast or send you packing back to step one. Happy surfing! _________________________________________________________________ Bill Austin is a spiritual healer and teacher based in St Petersburg FL. He has assisted hundreds of people around the world in gaining the clarity they need to realize more of their full potential. To find out more about his healing practice, please check out his web site at http://www.HealingHolograms.com Bill Austin is also the author of Transform YOUR Relationship with Money: A Step-by-Step Guide for Financial Empowerment. For more information, please check out his web site located at http://TransformYourRelationshipWithMoney.com
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It determines where we will spend eternity. Connect with Spirit Spirit - All Around Us, All of Us, Every One of Us Jesus: The Greatest Scapegoat It seems more people today are using the Christian god concept as a medication, a solution to all problems, and/or a drug that eases the most difficult of conflicts. The need for a god has never been more prominent than it is today. I was searching some things online earlier and found several sites dedicated to teens and Christ, and it seems that most of these sites were working within the ideology of "If you're hurting, let God help." Christening and Baptism Favor Ideas Baptism and christening ceremonies are an important event that signifies the start of a child's spiritual life. As a common courtesy to guests who attend these ceremonies, the parents of the child or the host of the event often obtain party favors as a gift. Here are some themes and ideas that are appropriate for these occasions: What Are You Leaving On The Table Of Life? Our Creator is an infinitely loving and generous provider - and yet most of us have trouble asking for help or for those things that are rightly ours to request. We insist on doing it all alone and then wonder why things go so far downhill so fast. Of course, some of us have been taught that it is not right to ask for things, or that we can ask for things, for others or for the common good, not for ourselves. But why should this be the case? Nearly every spiritual and religious canon teaches that we have only to ask and we shall receive, that our Creator is our provider and that we are rich beyond imagining in all things because or our relationship to God. No, I see no issue with asking for what we need (or want) as part of our divine birthright - accepting, of course, that our answer could be "No," for any number of reasons that we are not in a position to see or understand. 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We have to allow ourselves to be in situations that can bring us in different direction in our lives. So then, how would you describe yourself? ![]() |
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