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Soul Provider
I had the intention of writing about Soul Mates but it occurred to me to write more about a Soul on its own beforehand. I believe we need to address what we mean by a Soul before we get into anything else. A Soul is a Divine entity that keeps moving from body to body for centuries increasing its personal growth and enlightenment by understanding different human issues that are important to that Soul. From learning about religions, ethnics, skin color, labeling, prejudice, hate, anger, betrayal, love, kindness, helping others, etc? A Soul keeps coming back to the same situation until it acquires all the necessary understanding required for it to move to a higher level of awareness and closer to its perfection. I've asked that question to my guides before. How does a Soul enter a body? What comes first? This has always fascinated me. Is the Soul in the womb of the mother during pregnancy or after? According to my guides, two Souls cannot be in one body at the same time, otherwise it is against the free will of the mother. The new body in the womb is still under work or construction and is nourished through the body of the mother. It has been built with all the genetic effects of the parents. The body is still an empty shell being prepared for the new Soul to be born. The way that Soul enters into that body is at the moment of delivery. The head always comes out first; on the top of the head you have the Crown Chakra that will be opened for that Soul to enter his or her Temple. It will take a split second before a cry comes out from that new born. When that Soul leaves this plane to get back into Spirit it will leave from the Root or Base Chakra at the base of the spine. I thought about it for a while and had to analyze it too. That makes it more interesting to me and finally the process did make lots of sense to me. Here I am not trying to force my belief on you. You can believe in whatever you feel is truth for that matter, which may also be possible? The higher the Soul becomes, the wiser it becomes. Such as, to be more open minded to different religions, ethnic groups, or skin colors, without any judgment, without any hate, without any prejudice. An old Soul does not judge another Soul because they drink, or use drugs, or even why they would be begging on the street. It is when we are ignorant in our understanding that we label people for the way they are. We are thinking we are better off than them, but in reality we are not. Just think about it! Instead of facing it and seeing why such a Soul is using drugs, or getting drunk, or whatever happen to that Soul that made him/ her to change course in their life we judge without having the facts. This is what will determine or distinguish an old Soul from a younger Soul. It is that wisdom and understanding of a higher outlook to life that allows you to see the bigger picture rather than looking at it from a smaller point of view or with a narrow mind. Now a Soul inhibits, through centuries in lifecycles, one after another for its growth in the body, the temple of the Soul. Once a human being understands and looks at another human being as a Soul, and that it is here for its growth and enlightenment, then prejudice will fade, as well as hate, and abuse. Remember the body or temple that our soul chose for this lifetime. If being black, Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, or even handicapped, it is a lesson where a Soul wants to get into the bigger picture of a particular situation. Probably in their next life that same Soul will chose the same or different circumstances for its growth. I remember a good friend of mine Valerie (my yoga teacher) told me a while back when I started on my path that I was a very old Soul. At that time it sounded big and great. I did not understand what she meant by it. The terminology sounded good but it was all new territory for me that I had not embarked on at that point. I was always aware of one thing ever since I was a kid - that I always felt old, or older than my age, and that nothing mattered to me. I always felt I did not need much to be happy. Some of you can probably relate to what I am talking about here. Now, I believe I understand what she meant by it. I am getting the bigger picture. Actual numeric age bears no relevance on the age of the Soul, and wisdom should never be measured by age. It is always better to listen and pay close attention to someone in our surrounding who is younger than us. We should never disregard them just because of their age. I mentioned labeling before and maybe some of you did not understand what I meant by that. I have had the opportunity to travel to many third world countries and learn about those people who live there while we are taking our life for granted. One of my experiences occurred while I was living and working in a country where people are labeled according to where they come from. I do not treat people differently whether they are a doctor or someone who washes dishes for a living. But when we label a worker or a dishwasher and treat them like they don't exist we degrade this human being while calling ourselves civilized. Affluent people or a person living on the street, are all the same. They are all Souls who are here to acquire certain experiences and knowledge. There is nothing wrong with either. It is not who you are, or what you do, that makes you a human being. Think about it carefully, because one day your own Soul might go for the experience of being a person who washes dishes. You will then come to really learn what it is to be humiliated by another human being. What can create Karma between people is the way we treat each other in one lifetime. Some definition or understandings: Guides are evangelic beings that work with us throughout our lifetime to help us and assist us to stay in tune and on our path. They are around us regardless if you believe in them or not. Chakra ? the human body contains seven major centres of energy which we call Chakras. Each Chakra holds a centre of energy located within our etheric body through which we receive, transmit and process life energies. The Crown Chakra ? located on the head. Its quality is unification of the higher self with the human personality and with the infinite spiritual progress, unity divine. The Root or Base Chakra ? located at the base of the spine (Coccy). Its quality is grounding the physical body, and stability. Copyright © Joseph Ghabi http://www.freespiritcentre.info About the Author: Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation and PhD Candidate living in Montreal Canada. At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. Joseph started the 'Free Spirit Centre' website at http://www.freespiritcentre.info - A community centre devoted to personal growth, self help, soul growth, eating disorders, relationships, healing and human issues. You can find over 800 articles on the site. Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.
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Am I W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.? Are you? Answering a Soul Call Is life challenging you to take a bigger leap? Are you restlesswith the status quo of your daily routine? Do you feel you areflying blind with an invisible co-pilot? God Is Waiting To Bless Me In the year 2000, I went on a mission trip to Guatemala with Wycliffe Bible Translators. It was a weeklong trip where we were able to see the results of the Bible translation work in Guatemala. Before going, my friends were telling me I was going to become a missionary. I kept telling them, "No, I'm not. I'm just going to go on mission trips during the summers when school's out and I don't have to teach." Pray Without Ceasing "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 16-18, NIV Globe Unity Most of us think of what a wonderful world this would be if only this or that. Well the Bible says that to follow the words of Jesus Christ and walk in his ways. Are we truly following his words or walking in his ways. Lets see what the Bible says about unity. Let's look at Psalms 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Since we are not in unity what can we do. Take a look at Romans 15:1 it says We who are strong ought to bear with the fallings of the weak and not please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me. For everything that was written in the past was written to teach, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Christian Love Actually, loving does not take any great effort on our part because it is not something we must put forth great effort to achieve. When God enters our heart, soul, and mind, love is spontaneously produced because He is love. It is a spiritual attainment. It is the result of a cause and the cause is this: God loved us first (1 John 4:19). Do Unto Others Marketing We've all heard the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Did you know that this little proverb is also found in all the world's major religions? From the New Testament we read, All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:1. Universal Meaning of Celtic Knotwork In the spring of 2003, I spent three weeks in the city of Chennai, formerly known as Madras, located in Southern India. Each morning, walking before the heat of the day, I was amazed to see intricate knot work patterns drawn out free hand with flour in front of the driveways and gates of homes. These artistic scrolls, I was told by an Indian friend, were offerings to local gods, and were part of a tradition that stretched back into the ancient past. Anam Cara - The Blessing In Corrogue it is frosty. 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Shaman, a Tungus (Siberian) word, meaning "to heat", refers collectively to those indigenous tribal members who responsibility for their tribe centered on healing through spiritual means. These individuals were our first philosophers, prophets, priests, mystics, counselors, psychologists and doctors. Through ceremony and prayer ritual, the shaman explored exalted states of consciousness and their ecstatic spiritual experiences were responsible for bringing forth the information and methods, which ultimately evolved, into our current religions and medical practices. Addiction and Confession ADDICTION: - There are numerous obsessions and addictions which prevent the soul from healing or achieving its potential. Father Leo Booth and John Bradshaw have written a book on religion as an addiction that I have quoted in many other books so I will present another side to the issue here. 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The commercials show people ecstatically announcing that they are full--thanks, of course, to the huge value meals now available at Taco Bell. ![]() |
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