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Christian Love
Actually, loving does not take any great effort on our part because it is not something we must put forth great effort to achieve. When God enters our heart, soul, and mind, love is spontaneously produced because He is love. It is a spiritual attainment. It is the result of a cause and the cause is this: God loved us first (1 John 4:19). This love is not produced by us. No one can love God until he knows that God loves him and we can only love God when we have perceived some reasons for doing so. Each person that has ever been saved never came to God as a lover of God, but as a sinner who had come to believe in God's love for him or her. Our love is connected with this "knowing." When we realize God's love for us, we become acutely aware of our unworthiness. The more we recognize our own helpless state, the more we understand God's love for us; a love so great that it embraces poor sinner. We love because God first loved us. God loves us. It is a fact affirmed and validated by the patriarchs, lawgivers, seers, prophets, apostles, teachers, deacons, evangelists. From Genesis to Revelation, a conglomeration of witnesses joined together to make this heavenly announcement: God loves us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died. But, we cannot claim we love God if we do not love one another; for it is in loving God that we are enabled to love one another, and in loving one another, our love for God is strengthened. Human love is a response to God's love. His love within us creates goodness and transforms the unlovable into the lovable. When this miracle occurs, we discover we love not only others, but ourselves. No greater claim can any of us make than that we love. Love is a characteristic of those who love God. Love is the great bond of fellowship which binds believers to one another, and to our Lord. We love all men-even our enemies. Like John, we do not claim to love as deeply as we desire to love; we do not claim to love as much as we expect to as we progress in the faith, but we do claim to love. There is no guessing, no speculation, no assumptions, and no inferences. We Christians stand side by side with John and thousands of others down through the generations to affirm what John declared. That somehow, even in this messed up world, even in times like these when man's inhumanity to man seem to have reached chaotic proportions, we love and we do it because God lives in us and God is love. This is God's eminent challenge to man and one of man's greatest trials. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.
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Being Being The Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics Over the past years, I have undergone a life-altering transition from living on autopilot to recreating my life as a spiritual calling and a force for good. One aspect of this transition has been the acknowledgement of what I call the "Foundational Laws of Spiritual Physics", detailed below. Basically, these laws state that any action that does not promote the overall betterment of mankind (or soul-kind, for that matter) is a waste of energy at best, and a horrifically destructive force at worst. Any person, life-path, or civilization that tries to deny these laws suffers the same fate as any material object that tries to deny the laws of material physics - it will be inherently unstable, unsupportable and destructive to itself (and probably to anything around it, as well). How To Make Your Dreams Come True You will become as great as your dominant aspiration...If you cherish a vision, a lofty ideal in your heart, you will realize it.~James Allen, As You Think Your Hidden Portal to Peace Want more peace and joy in your life? Daily stress getting to you? With terrorism, layoffs and pollution, can you feel safe and happy? Yes, you can-by tapping into a little known, and less-used, doorway to internal security. This entry is not really hidden as much as misplaced. As a culture, we've lost the use of this innate inner compass. Holy and Unholy Numbers Many of our great religions hold that numbers contain hidden meanings that in turn hold the mysteries of the universe and God within them. Ancient Hebrew mystics referred to this as Gematria. Numbers are also given corresponding associations to various deities, colours, plants, gemstones, and superstitions. Here are a brief list of associated correspondences and lore for the numbers 1 through 13. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 3 The Birth of Jesus Christ Spiritual Intelligence: How It Benefits A Person In one forum, one participant posted this query: Allowing Joy "Ask and it shall be given" is a phrase we have all heard. I believe instead, "Ask and find yourself worthy of receiving." Getting Results We desire to understand the world by giving names to the things we see, but these things are only the effects of something subtle.--- Lao Tsu When I Lived in a Haunted House Now, I will recount in full what happened to me and my partner in a house we used to live in, before my first born was around. He?s Jesus! For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. --HEBREWS 4:15 Dead Man Walking One of my favorite movies is "The Green Mile". A memorable scene was when the presumably guilty murderer was being brought into the jail and they announced his arrival as "the dead man walking." His sentence was already passed on him even before he was properly accused. As humans, we tend to judge others just by the way they look. Our carnal eyes can only see from the inside out, and are blind to seeing what's on the inside of us! In our own mind's eye, we are blameless, but woe to the other person who doesn't meet our perfect standards. It Seems We Have All Taken a POW Just for a moment think of what is stopping you from living your dream. Is it fear? Is it change? Most people in today's world have thought that at some point in their spirits evolution that money is the root of all evil. The correct way to look at that is that the love of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is a means to an end. Enjoy The Journey, As There Isnt A Destination Do you spend your time working towards that "one day when?."? One day, when I have enough money I will be happy. One day, when I have the house paid off, I will be able to relax and enjoy myself more. One day, when I get a better job???. These may all seem like good destinations and desires. But when we live in this way we are 'future living'. Waiting to live the life we have always wanted sometime in the future. Unfortunately the way our brains are wired can mean that we are as soon as we arrive at one destination it doesn't seem enough, somehow we are just not as satisfied as we thought we would be and we start going after the next goal. A Servants Heart Do you have a servant's heart? Has God blessed you with the insight to see the needs of others and reach out in compassion and understanding even when they, themselves, cannot reach out and ask for help? Be Filled With The Spirit! Be filled with the Spirit.? always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. -EPHESIANS 5:18, 20 How to be Led by the Spirit of God The Bible tells us that we need to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:12-14, Galatians 5:16-25). Therefore, it is necessary for us to discern the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to live successful lives. Communicationg Our Faith According to Internet Following are 17 questions that can be used as a start-up by your answering the 5 most important questions on this questionnaire according to your estimation. A Meaningful Relationship That is Not Yukky Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth The Mirror of Truth James 1:23-24 ![]() |
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