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How to be Led by the Spirit of God
The Bible tells us that we need to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:12-14, Galatians 5:16-25). Therefore, it is necessary for us to discern the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to live successful lives. Getting to know God better is ultimately the key to hearing from, and being led by Him. 1. Spend time alone with Him in prayer and Bible reading. This should be a priority, not a chore that you grudgingly do if you happen to have some spare time. 2. During your time alone with God, don't expect to feel something. We are to live by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7), not by feelings. 3. Make sure that the Bible version you are using is easy for you to read, otherwise you will become discouraged very quickly. Your local Christian bookstore can show you several versions of the Bible and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. 4. Expect Him to speak to you. Sometimes you will get an immediate response, but most of the time you will need to wait for awhile and keep watching for the answer in whatever manner God chooses to speak to you. 5. Listen to your conscience and be quick to obey if you should lose your peace about something. If you ignore your conscience, you run the risk of your conscience becoming "corrupted" (Titus 1:15) and "seared as with a hot iron" (1 Timothy 4:2), and it will be more difficult to hear from God. The apostle Paul wrote about our consciences frequently. He said that he kept a clear conscience before God (Acts 23:1, 24:16, 1 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Timothy 1:3,) and he said that we should do the same (Romans 13:5, 1 Timothy 1:5, 19, 3:9) so that we don't shipwreck our faith. We can know that we are hearing from God by listening to our conscience. ~ "I speak the truth in Christ--I am not lying, my conscience confirms it in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 9:1). ~ "Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God" (2 Corinthians 1:12). ~ Our consciences "bear witness" to the truth (Romans 2:15), because the truth is "plain to our conscience" (2 Corinthians 5:11), and the "the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit" (Romans 8:16) to confirm the truth. If we learn to obey our conscience and let peace be our umpire, we will be able to let God lead our daily lives and assure ourselves of success and prosperity. Copyright 2005 Daniel N Brown Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get his FREE report, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter. http://www.SecretPlaceOnline.com
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Tarot Spreads: The Planetary Spread, for Insights into a Personality The Planetary Spread is an excellent layout to use when you want insight into a personality. Will Science Get Closer To God Than Religion Has? A subject of debate for thousands of years, spirituality will no doubt spark much debate for another thousand years. That is how it should be. Once spirituality becomes 100% defined by 100% of the human population, then uniformity and rigid boundaries take over. Should that ever occur, then there is no spirituality, for spirituality cannot be locked in a box and confined within its walls. The Healing Power Of Forgiveness Forgiveness breaks all bounds of repression and depression. It liberates the psyche from bondage to the past. Be Still - You?ve Got To Be Kidding? Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 Animal Spirits: Power Animals and Guides We shamans are a strange breed.....often we tend to isolate ourselves from those around us. However, this does not mean we don't have relationships..........in fact we often have too many to handle at any one time. You see, we are connecting to many levels of reality and inter-relating with all of them at the very same time. So while we are in a group of people....we are also talking to the spirit world and often the animal guides all at once. It's a difficult balancing act..to say the least. Often we must decide which is the most important communication at that point in time. Sometimes the animal spirit guides are giving us very critical data, so we choose to stay focused on that for the moment. Using Psalm 23 as Spiritual Affirmation INTRODUCTION Spiritual Healing: In The School of Christ Spiritual healing of the sick in Christ has many Christiansin a kind of spiritual vise. On the one hand they read aboutspiritual healing in their Bibles. On the other, they hear inpulpits that healing miracles have ceased and are not of today. The net effect is cause for confusion and even loss of faith.What is the truth about spiritual healing in today's Church? The Abundant Life! Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. -ROMANS 6:11 Traveling Out Of Body I can see the cops coming! They're a good thousand feet away. I can clearly make out their uniforms and swinging nightsticks. How can I be seeing this? Beyond Life The question of life after death is one that continues to intrigue and mystify. The theories of existence beyond life on the material plane are many and varied. Some believe there is nothing beyond the physical life, while others believe that we continue to survive as a spiritual beings. Most of us have been taught to believe that the way we live our lives on earth will determine whether we will live blissfully in heaven or suffer eternal damnation in hell. Yet we continue in our quest to determine whether life continues beyond the physical realm. There are those who believe that the answer lies in belief itself. Knowledge that life exists beyond this plane of existence would alleviate the fear of death and comfort those suffering the loss of a loved one. Pray Off Your Debts in 10 Days or Less - A Short Case Study Last Friday night, I met a Christian at a prayermeeting. He was rescued from war-torn Sudan and brought to the U.S. three years ago. He clearly loves to pray. He gushed facts. Are You Following Your Knows Or Your I Dont Knows? We have all heard the phrase, "follow your nose". This means to keep your direction straight and you will find the way you are going. If following the nose on our face gives us the proper direction, then doesn't it make perfect sense to follow our "knows"? When we "know" something, that means we have assurance of the outcome. Fatal Distractions There is so much going on in the world around us that it is easy for us to become distracted from keeping our focus on Christ and spiritual things. And our vision slips away from us when we turn to glance at the things of the world. The Trouble With Tarot Reading Anything can be used for divination; coins, tea leaves, cards, the flight of birds, the spilled entrails of captured enemies. The objects used are a focus for the psychic talent of the seer. Or rather a distractor, so that the everyday consciousness is pre-occupied, and something else can give its opinion. When I Lived in a Haunted House Now, I will recount in full what happened to me and my partner in a house we used to live in, before my first born was around. Just Learning To Cope I have been thinking about this all night. I am realizing that there are more and more people dealing with anxiety. I have my opinions in regards to anxiety and I have written my own story in dealing with that. I am thinking of starting a support network for individuals and families dealing with this. Anxiety is debilitating. Anxiety begins with a fear that ends up an obsession. I personally think that anxiety is the result of feeling out of control. You are at a point where your life and world has now become out of control. It is to much for a person to handle and that is where your fear begins. I am no doctor but I know from experience if you have not experienced this you will never understand and you could not possibly. That is why I would like to start a support network. If you are dealing with it you need to be able to access someone who has dealt with it and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and I do believe this to be the biggest relief. Anxiety can be a result of feeling alone, a fear that becomes an obsession. I think everyone who has been through this will understand that simple sentence. I am going to give you some examples of anxiety and hopefully some tips. The Blessing of Violence An interesting question arose within a poetry workshop I attended this week. Ultimate Truth:The Beginning You decide! We are often asked to make decisions. Decision is described as, the passing of judgment on an issue under consideration, the act of reaching a conclusion or making up one's mind, a conclusion or judgment reached or pronounced, hence a verdict. Masculine Energy versus Feminine Energy I have been reading a lot lately about the concepts of masculine and feminine energy. It all sort of goes along with the yin and yang definitions of masculine and feminine. I do not think I need to define the differences for you. The ideas I feel called to address today have more to do with the finger pointing and blame going on in the spiritual communities. Some religions believe in a masculine god and others in a feminine goddess. There is this snobbish assumption that only one is correct and that the other belief is foolish and misguided. Each believes that if everyone would subscribe to their particular vision of power, then all would be right with the world. Slow Leak In God's world, everything can be used as an anology to His Word. I'm using this small unassuming small leak in my tire as an example of how if it is let go, can cause a spiritual wreck. ![]() |
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