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The Mirror of Truth
James 1:23-24 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like? Standing, gazing ahead So vivid, and so clear Blisters reeking of disease run down my cheeks A wave of disgust runs through my body I can no longer tolerate this hideous being The repugnant picture begins to fade from my memory? I mask my doubt with a simple grin This poem was inspired as I was reading through the book of James one day. I am amazed at how I have grown to live with my flaws. As a Christian, the tendency to accept the gift of grace without realizing the cost of our transgressions is hard to avoid. We forget that we are filled with flaws, sins, eeking of disease in the eyes of the Lord...and all this has been covered!! We forget the state which we were in, full of illness and death. Thank God that He will not leave us miserable...He loves us enough to pull us out of our blood and wash us clean. But let us not forget the scent, look, and feel of our sin, as we strive to put it aside...continually surrendering our lives to the Lord. Debra Rashid is employed as a counselor at a local hospital, working with at risk youth. She has a passion for the urban community and volunteers much of her time working with inner city youth and families. She hopes her writings will be a source of encouragement and motivation to those who read them.
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Why There Are Four Gospels The first gospel written by Matthew,who is Levi, is the first archtype of Christ in you as the fulness of the Godhead. Americans Need a Savior Not Another Guru Mrs. Dixon the famous prognosticator and psychic to the stars talked for several hours as my friend sat in the audience and took notes. Although she didn't believe that Jeanne Dixon was a legitimate source of prophecy she wasn't listening as much to her predictions, as she was to her choice of words. She counted the personal pronouns Dixon used like, I, me, and mine. The list of pronouns was in the hundreds. She also listed the times Dixon used words like God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. That list consisted of about a dozen mentions. I remember that I was somewhat shocked by what I thought was a hyper critical assessment of Dixon's presentation. My friend was one of the mildest and most helpful persons I had ever known and this seemed so out of character for her. AD33Today: A Search in Modern America We, a group of ordinary people who believe in Jesus Christ, choose to leave behind our modern American lifestyles for one year to seek God's face, presence and love with all our hearts; as one body, praying to be bound together in love and to be led by the Holy Spirit. We will battle the elements of the southern Rocky Mountains as we attempt to simulate the lifestyle of the first century disciples as they were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria because of intense persecution. Leaving most everything they owned, they were forced to begin their lives again, but this time as communities of those trusting in Jesus Christ, filled with the Spirit. 3 Little Prayers That Strengthen Relationships My mentor, a brilliant Ph.D, with a powerful marriage counseling ministry recently shared 2shocking statistics with me: Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 6 Matthew 2:16-18 The Many Waters, Lauretta Lueck The Many Waters explores the universe and sifts through the ancient sands to find the truth about our creation. Careful examination of writings like The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Sacred Books of The Jews, Pistis Sophia, and the King James Version of the Bible, with special emphasis on The Book of Genesis, reveals what once was thought fantasy and myth may actually be truth. The author approaches these ancient texts from a scientific angle to bring together two opposing ideas, science and God. Be Still - You?ve Got To Be Kidding? Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 Connect With the Moon Phases to Manifest Your Desires Connecting with the Moon phases, the Full and New Moon phases in particular, is something anyone can do very easily. It is all about energy (isn't everything?) and directing the energies in a positive way. In other words, there isn't anything "woo-woo" about using the Full and New Moon energies, in case certain images of running around naked and chanting in the moonlight are coming to mind! As many of us already know, we as humans, the animals and our planet Earth are highly influenced by the Moon in various ways. Halloween Rites For some of us, EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN!!! If you want to be unusual dress up as a nurse, secretary, grocery clerk or bank teller this year. Gypsy, vampires and shaman wanna-bes are everywhere already! Religion or Spirituality There is a natural tendency to asociate spirituality with religion, but they are very different. That I did not know before I researched and wrote "Spiritual Clarity." Religion is an organized system of beliefs in and the worship of God or gods. Spirituality is finding your own authentic self. Each individual needs to find their own way to spirituality and if that includes religion, so be it. Some people will be perfectly content to just believe as they are told, others will need more. Nothing is wrong with either path. How to Hear from God We want to hear from God so that we may be led to pursue the right things. Unfortunately, there are always three voices in every ones head at any given time; God's voice, the devil's voice, and the voice of our own flesh. So, how are we to be sure to hear from God with all the noise going on? Building The Body of Christ As a walked across the gym floor with perspiration coming from my brow, my wife, Denise said "honey, you're a bodybuilder". I looked at her with amazement was my wife just getting it. I had been building this body for more than twenty years. Then again she said, "You're a bodybuilder", it was then that I got the revelation she was speaking of the body of Christ. She was saying what Paul was inspired to say in Ephesians 4:12 "to prepare God's people for works of service, so the body of Christ may be built up." Since that day neither of our lives will be the same. Remote Viewing and the Body-Mind Connection One of the biggest myths to evolve in the growing annals of new age lore is that psychic ability is the sole province of the mind. Our language reflects it in terms like "mental telepathy" and "mind reading". When we think of ESP (extra sensory perception), we generally think "beyond the senses". But what usually passes for extraordinary mental ability to see distant in time and space actually has an important physical component. The Winds of Change Humanity is entering a very critical time in its path of evolution. The winds of change began to blow over eighteen years ago at the event you call Harmonic Convergence but the only ones who felt this at first were those many call star-seeds or light workers. Today almost everyone on the planet is being swept up into them. The third dimension world of duality is beginning to be blown away so to speak. Do Not Believe In God God poetry is one of my favorite genres, although I have to confess to being an atheist. Why does an atheist write about God? Because the idea of God is an important one. And the experience of "God" can be life changing - more so than mere belief. That is the point of this first poem. Who Are You Really? You are a spiritual being. You recognize something in you that is greater than the experience you may be living. Trust that part of who you are. Jesus wants A Few Good Men! Living A Life You Always Wanted! Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup) (marine cornel) YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH ?.Son, we live a worldthat has walls and those walls have to be guardedby men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt.Weinburg? I have more responsibility here than youcould possibly fathom. You curse the marines. Youhave that luxury. You have that luxury of notknowing what I know. And that my existence asgrotesque and incomprehensible to you, saveslives. I know down deep in places you don't wantto talk about, you don't want me on that wall, youneed me on that wall. We use words like HONOR,CODE, and LOYALTY. We use these words as the verybackbone of a life spent defending something. Youuse them as a punch line. I have neither the timenor the inclination to explain myself to a man whorises and sleeps under the blanket of the veryfreedom I provide. I prefer you to just say thankyou and go on your way. Otherwise, I suggest youpick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, Idon't give a crap what you think you are entitledto!" (end of scene) Games to Play With Tarot Cards The lighter side of Tarot deals with games played using this deck of uniquely peculiar cards. These range from the highly complex to those a four-year-old can play. "Zarcana," a complicated game encompassing battles, voyages, life, death, love, loss, and more can be played indefinitely ? or until one player in a winning position decides to declare the game finished. Another game appeals to the younger set because of its much simpler rules. Each player is dealt a card and whatever image is on the card, the player must enact a semblance. This can be quite humorous and fun for younger children. Imagine the delight when a player is dealt The Fool! Strangers In This World Christians all over the world will all be tempted in different ways. One problem we all will face is being tempted to conform to the world. Everyday we face the demands of jobs, raising children, and days with too much to do in too little time. Stress starts building up and it gets more difficult to make the right decisions. John 15:19 says 'If you belonged to the world, the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own. But because you are not of the world (no longer one with it), but I have chosen (selected) you out of the world, the world hates (detests) you.' Diversity Not Assimilation Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth. (Channelled) ![]() |
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