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Jesus wants A Few Good Men! Living A Life You Always Wanted!

Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup) (marine cornel) YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH ?.Son, we live a worldthat has walls and those walls have to be guardedby men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt.Weinburg? I have more responsibility here than youcould possibly fathom. You curse the marines. Youhave that luxury. You have that luxury of notknowing what I know. And that my existence asgrotesque and incomprehensible to you, saveslives. I know down deep in places you don't wantto talk about, you don't want me on that wall, youneed me on that wall. We use words like HONOR,CODE, and LOYALTY. We use these words as the verybackbone of a life spent defending something. Youuse them as a punch line. I have neither the timenor the inclination to explain myself to a man whorises and sleeps under the blanket of the veryfreedom I provide. I prefer you to just say thankyou and go on your way. Otherwise, I suggest youpick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, Idon't give a crap what you think you are entitledto!" (end of scene)

You will not be able to find more honorable, loyaland mentally strong people on this earth than aUnited States Marine. Their very COR values ofwhy they exist stands on a firm foundation of;Honor, Loyalty and Strength. If you want anyoneon your side and on top of that wall it would be aMarine. No matter what the mission it's themarines that are the first ones in and the lastones to leave. If you happen to ask any marine whythey do what they do? All of them would say, "It'snot about politics, pride, or pillage." They wouldsay, "It's about the man standing beside me everyday in battle. They are the ones I do it for."

Years ago we lived in a world with fewer choices,not as many worries and words spoken with moreencouragement and meaning behind them. And withthat came Honor in what we had, Truth in the wordswe used and Loyalty to the ones we loved. Todaywe live in a world full of businesses, stress ofunbearable proportions, and words sugar coated inorder to please everyone including "Barney" thedog. Today we live in a world where pride in ourvalues, love for our creator, and words of lovefor others are all but spoken behind closed doors.

"A few good men that's all. A few good people whowill honor me when the good times roll. A fewthat will stand on that wall for truth conveyedthrough biblical code. And just give me a few thatwill be loyal to the end through times ofadversity." That is what Jesus says and wants fromus today.

You will not be able to find a more honorable,loyal and mentally strong person in the entireuniverse than in Jesus Christ. His very COREvalues of why we exist stands on a firm foundationof; Honor and love to his father, code in thetruth of his word, and loyalty to us in hispromises of his returning. If you want anyone onyour side and on top of that wall it would be aman whom has already given his life and that isJesus Christ. No matter what each one of ourmission's are in life or what war we are fightingwith the devil, it's Jesus who is the first one byour side and the last one to leave. And I bet ifyou asked Jesus today why did he do it? Why didyou lay down your life for us, he would say thesame, "It's not about politics, pride or pillage,it's about love for those standing on that wallfor me. It's about love for those speaking thetruth on my behalf and it's for those loyal to meto the very end. That's why I did it, I did it forlove.

Today, God is saying to all of us "All I want area few good men." Is Jesus speaking to your hearttoday? This week you may do battle; you may notbe given credit for something you deserve, thedevil may place doubt in your mind about gods wordor someone close to you betrays or is disloyal toyou. Stand tall on top of that wall, be willing tospeak the truth in Love and be willing to go theextra mile out of loyalty. It will be then youwill hear him say in heaven well done good afaithful soldier.

Never forget we are at war not only with terrorismbut with the devil. He wants our hearts and minds.However, let us remind him to that we have Jesuson the wall for us, we have Jesus on our side tofight each battle we face. This week may bring youa battle or two but just remember our battle hasalready been fought for us through the blood shedon Calvary.

Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here!

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