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Americans Need a Savior Not Another Guru
Mrs. Dixon the famous prognosticator and psychic to the stars talked for several hours as my friend sat in the audience and took notes. Although she didn't believe that Jeanne Dixon was a legitimate source of prophecy she wasn't listening as much to her predictions, as she was to her choice of words. She counted the personal pronouns Dixon used like, I, me, and mine. The list of pronouns was in the hundreds. She also listed the times Dixon used words like God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. That list consisted of about a dozen mentions. I remember that I was somewhat shocked by what I thought was a hyper critical assessment of Dixon's presentation. My friend was one of the mildest and most helpful persons I had ever known and this seemed so out of character for her. I've had over three decades to ponder her critique and ponder it I have. In fact, now I use this same kind of observation without giving it a second thought. I have listened to countless speakers and preachers since then and I noticed that some use all too many personal pronouns while others refer to God, Jesus Christ, the Apostles or the scripture in general. The other thing I noticed, is that I am always far more edified or inspired by the speakers who use the latter method. In the last ten years or so another type of preaching seems to have emerged. I call it the "you" gospel. Preachers plug the word you in some cases at a rate of a ten to one against words like God or Christ. Its how you feel, or what you accomplish, what you are learning or how you are succeeding. In a success worshipping culture like ours it works very well and preachers taking this approach are not lacking adherents or followers. Many have become more like gurus than preachers of the gospel. I have often wondered why they don't just forget the gospel entirely and move over into the motivational speakers' circuit. I can hardly fight off the temptation to borrow a familiar phrase that the late John F. Kennedy used. Modified for present use it would sound something like this. Ask not what God can do for you, but ask what you can do for your God. Oversimplified? I think not. The last time I read my bible it still said that we are bondservants to our Lord Jesus Christ. I still take this to mean we are serving him and not the other way around. The gospel is to be obeyed, not just used as sensitivity training. On a recent nationally syndicated TV newscast I listened to several people discussing the chances the believer has to stand up for their beliefs in this difficult place in time. Among them was my former Pastor, Dr. Richard Land who is heard daily on over 600 radio stations around the country. One of the guests speaking along with Richard was a well known U.S. senator. What he said in one breath was more poignant than anything I heard in any sermon for a long time. He said that this is a time of great opportunity for Christians throughout the US, not for proving what God can do for us. It is a time, he said, for us to prove to God that we are thankful for his salvation and ready to prove to him that we are his sons and daughters. Coming from a politician, and yet this statement should be engraved on the minds of every believer from Maine to California. Jesus said, So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. Mt 25:30 KJV How have we managed to twist this simple teaching to mean something almost the opposite of the way it was given? The preachers of the "you" gospel would have us to believe it should read?When God has done everything for us that He has promised to do, it will be very profitable for us. I thought the "me" generation was only for the eighties but perhaps it has spawned an entirely new generation that might be referred to as the "Me, Myself and I" generation. Oh, those pesky pronouns! Rev Bresciani has written many articles over the past thirty years in such periodicals as Guideposts and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote, Hook Line and Sinker or What has Your Church Been Teaching You, published by PublishAmerica of Baltimore MD. He also wrote a book recently released by Xulon Press entitled An American Prophet and His Message, Questions and Answers on the Second Coming of Christ. Rev Bresciani has his own website at http://americanprophet.org
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Psychic Angels Are you looking for a way to improve your accuracy as a psychic? Maybe you're just thinking it would be kind of cool if you could 'know' things before they happen. Call on the spirits to help you. It's not important what label you use to wrap your head around the concept - guardian angels, fairies, or spirit guides. You could even call on God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, or whomever it is that you think of when you connect to the spirit world. This isn't the place to debate who or what it is, just call on that force when you want help with tapping into your paranormal gifts. It could be a psychological trick that we're playing on ourselves by turning to a mysterious spiritual third party to help us with these things or it could be that the spirits are really helping us. Doesn't really matter does it? Either way, you'll be amazed at the results. Jesus wants A Few Good Men! Living A Life You Always Wanted! Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup) (marine cornel) YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH ?.Son, we live a worldthat has walls and those walls have to be guardedby men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt.Weinburg? I have more responsibility here than youcould possibly fathom. You curse the marines. Youhave that luxury. You have that luxury of notknowing what I know. And that my existence asgrotesque and incomprehensible to you, saveslives. I know down deep in places you don't wantto talk about, you don't want me on that wall, youneed me on that wall. We use words like HONOR,CODE, and LOYALTY. We use these words as the verybackbone of a life spent defending something. Youuse them as a punch line. I have neither the timenor the inclination to explain myself to a man whorises and sleeps under the blanket of the veryfreedom I provide. I prefer you to just say thankyou and go on your way. Otherwise, I suggest youpick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, Idon't give a crap what you think you are entitledto!" (end of scene) Perception of Freedom Sometimes we're already free but we don't realize it. We don't believe it or act like it? How To Meditate Using The Bible Like A Double-Edged Sword Imagine the Bible is a sharp and deadly double-edgedsword, and with it you are able to use the word of Godto fight wickedness by performing miracles like Jesusdid and delegated to us so we could do also. The CAB Approach to Spiritual Growth I have been thinking a lot about the spiritual growth process and I thought I would share. I think that what enlightenment really involves is accepting the light that already exists within each of us and in every one and every thing. Of course we have created many layers and blockages to prevent us from seeing the light and we have gotten attached to these layers which is why clearing can be so painful. Anyway the approach I am taking to spiritual growth boils down to three things: Commitment, attitude and balance. The 5 Elemental Codes: Seeing Your World Through the Eyes of Universal Understanding (Part 1) This article is the 1st part of an open response to a question that I encountered online a few years ago in one of the many Martial Arts Ninjutsu forums. The question (paraphrased) was: Ten Soul-Tending Principles for Women Feeling restless? Is part of you calling out for change, though you don't yet know what that looks like, or what you most need? Willing to Walk with Jesus? Can two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? - Amos 3:3 Afraid Of Reading The Bible? I Was! A magnificent source of life insurance and it's FREE. You can't fault that! You won't find me preaching to anyone about religion. That would be way above my simple comprehension. Can you find any written document, article, or book that you can read that gives you peace of mind, even years later? No, not even Harry Potter's adventures will do it. The Power of Ritual As humans, we are the species that operate with symbols. Other animals use familiar signs, landmarks and gestures given by us, or act purely on instinct. Like humans, they too have rituals of gathering food, procreation and even death rituals. Our normal day-to-day rituals include a shower, combing our hair, brushing teeth and preparing for work. The Power Of Prayer - Gush Katif Needs You Now You can't help but feel a sense of electricity in the air. History is unfolding, make that prophecy is being fulfilled, and will continue to be fulfilled daily from now until the coming of the Lord. The most exciting, and challenging times in human history are beginning to unfold with increased intensity each day. The Spirituality of Pigeons! I was walking down the street the other day, walking around the pigeons and saying "good morning" to them when it dawned on me just how precious they are to the lives of city slickers. A Meaningful Relationship That is Not Yukky Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth Your Guide to the Archangels An angel can be your best friend. Angels have been known respond to prayers that contain the phrase "Hey, somebody, anybody up there HELP!!!"but they come quickest when addressed politely by their Christian names. How I Met My Angel Today I was in rather a whimsical mood, and so instead of my usual "how to" article, I thought I'd create a fairy tale for the child within you to enjoy. If It Is The Lords Will I Will Live My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my youth. Some not. Wanted: Floodlight Of Treasure To Undo The Works Of Darkness! 'Jesus answered, are there not twelve hours in a day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, becaue he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him...'(John 11:9-10) Lance Armstrong had it Right-- Every Second Does Counts! I have been counseling people on weight loss, exercise efficiency and nutrition for over twenty years. Every time I go to the gym I observe people, their training tactics and their workout habits. Over the last few years I have noticed something about certain people in the gym that has been interesting. You would think more people would do this but they don't. What I have noticed is certain people have a habit or process they go through when they workout that most do not. What is interesting is, before I even realize that they do it, I can tell by the way their bodies look that they have this habit. They are leaner, healthier looking, and stronger than most. What Is A Power Song and Where Do I Get One? All Shamans have several power songs because the vibration of the notes in the voice and in the fourth chakra of the throat stimulate sympathetic vibrations in the universe to respond. Everything is connected. What you put out comes back to you. When a butterfly flutters his wings in Cost Rica the winds of Africa are stirred. And when a sound is offered, the universe responds. E=mc˛, Emotional & Physical Gravity The word "gravity" is a word coined by Sir Isaac Newton to describe an unseen force that attracts objects with mass to each other. As human beings living on planet earth we experience this force as one which constantly impedes us from floating away into the cosmos. ![]() |
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