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How To Meditate Using The Bible Like A Double-Edged Sword

Imagine the Bible is a sharp and deadly double-edgedsword, and with it you are able to use the word of Godto fight wickedness by performing miracles like Jesusdid and delegated to us so we could do also.

Matthew 10:7-8 And as ye go, preach, saying, Thekingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleansethe lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely yehave received, freely give.

But remember it is highly unlikely that you'll be ableto inflict a heavy blow on the enemy with your swordlike Jesus did by performing miracles without firstmeditating on the word of God in the Bible.

Can you remember a time as a child when you dreamed ofsaving the princess by slaying the dragon with yourmighty sword? And ladies, have you ever dreamed ofbeing rescued by a valiant and brave knight in shinyarmor from a fire breathing dragon?

Meditating on the promises of God in the Bible is likebeing a fully armored knight who is always training tostay prepared so he can protect the village which isalways under attack by terrible fire breathingdragons.

If you meditate on the word of God, you'll alreadyknow what to do when you are tested on your faith, orin this case when your village is under attack.

Ephesians 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith,wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fierydarts of the wicked.

But you won't be able to build a shield to protect thevillage against temptation without first meditating onthe Word of God in the Bible.

According to Matthew Henry another reason the Bible islike a double-edged sword is because, "it subdues andmortifies evil desires and blasphemous thoughts asthey rise within; and answers unbelief and error asthey assault from without. A single text, wellunderstood, and rightly applied, at once destroys atemptation or an objection, and subdues the mostformidable adversary." (Eph 6:10-18).

When most of us hear the word meditate, we think aboutsome bald headed guy sitting in the middle of a roomwith his legs crossed, palms in the air, eyes closedwhile chanting some foreign language in order to getinner peace.

We also thought that meditating had absolutely nothingto do with Christianity.

But boy was I surprised to discover that all it takesto meditate is to reflect deeply on a subject or thinkintently about something for a long time. Now herecomes the good part.

Not only is meditating simply thinking, in which we doall the time, but by using this technique inconjunction with the promises of the Bible you canmake your way prosperous by increasing your faith inGod and in His Word.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, andhearing by the word of God.

The fact is, if you don't have enough faith in God'sword you won't be able to please Him enough to get allof His promises, rewards and blessings.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible toplease Him: for he that cometh to God must believethat He is, and that He is a rewarder of them thatdiligently seek Him.

What better way is there to diligently seek Him thanto meditate on His word?

All you have to do is start believing that you canmeditate on the promises from the Bible and that itwill be most beneficial to improving your life.

OK, if that's not enough to convince you; God alsopromised that you would have good success if youmeditate on His word.

Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart outof thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day andnight, that thou mayest observe to do according to allthat is written therein: for then thou shalt make thyway prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

In other words, if you want the best for you and yourfamily, then you will meditate on the promises fromthe Bible. If you call yourself wanting to do God'swill, have peace and joy in your life then yes youwill meditate on the promises from the Bible.

For example: Lets say you decide to meditate on whatSolomon found to be true threw out his years ofseeking the lord when he said, "In all thy waysacknowledge Him, and He shall direct thypaths".(Proverbs 3:6)

You meditate earnestly on that verse by concentratingand reciting it over and over in your mind and gettingthat promise deep in your heart by keeping it with youalways and referring to it from time to time. There'smore.

Now, let's say a couple months later your flesh feelsweak and the enemy tries to tempt you into doing asinful thing, something pleasurable like you use to doin the past.

Psalm 119:2 Blessed are they that keep histestimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

That's where your diligence in meditating on the wordof God comes in to help you resist that temptation.

You already know that the Lord will direct your pathif you acknowledge Him. So what do you do, iftemptation persists?

You simply get on your knees and call God out on Hispromise. You say, "Lord you said in your word inproverbs 3:6 that if I acknowledge you in all my waysyou will direct my paths. I believe your word and I'macknowledging you right now and asking you to give methe strength to resist this sin that has been temptingme lately...". Get the picture?

Remember the last time you gave into temptation, howhorrible you felt after you realized what a terriblemistake you've made? Well, all of those feelings canbe avoided in the future if you meditate on the wordof God in your Bible. And that's not all.

This same technique can be used on just about anyverse in the Bible and for any situation!

Say you need courage and strength to go on after afamily tragedy. Do you need a verse to meditate on?Try...

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christwhich strengtheneth me.

Doesn't It sound easy? Well it is, but the hard partis preparing your mind to do the actual meditating onGod's words and promises and believing that this iswhat God wants you to do so that He can bless you likeHe wants to.

Jesus said that the first and greatest commandment is,"thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and withall thy strength: this is the first commandment".(Mark 12:30).

Did you notice how Jesus said; with all your heart,all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength?

All four of these things are referring to the samething, for if we could pick just one that would bestdescribe the point Jesus was trying to make to us intoday's society, we would probably pick all our heart.

Although, if you are the technical type then you mightprefer to say all our mind.

But you won't be able to keep the greatest commandmentof God; to love God with all your heart or mind if youdon't want to meditate on the word of God in yourBible.

Which brings me back to the commandment; you willmeditate by reflecting deeply and thinking intently onthe promises from the Bible every where you go andkeep His word with you at all times for Jesus said,"It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, butby every word that proceedeth out of the mouth ofGod". (Matthew 4:4)

I would like for you to do good for yourselves becauseyou are my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Nowgo meditate on the promises from the Bible and wingood favor with God like I have done and will continueto do for the rest of my life.

David Hopkins is a "Christian Article Writer" whospecializes in helping people remember to glorifyGod in everything that they do, so they don't missout on any of His wonderful blessings.

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