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Who Has The Greatest Job In The World?
I have, in my opinion, the world's perfect job. Just look at the evidence. I love people and I love God. I love talking to people about God and I love talking to God about people. Therefore, if you put these two together, I am doing what I love doing: the greatest job in the world. I must confess, however, this was not always the case. When I wore a younger man's suit, I had different ideas about what would be the greatest job in the world for me. Nowhere on that short list did being a pastor appear. God, sometimes, displays a marvelous sense of humor in selecting people for his service. I am the supreme example. The apostle Paul writes, "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;" (1 Corinthians 1:27 KJV.) As a young person, I thought only one job would be the greatest job in the world. In my mind, I aspired to this fabulous career often fantasizing about how great it would be to spend all my time in this job. The greatest job in the world to me at that time was being a Snow Cone Man. Nothing compared, in my estimation, to the Snow Cone Man. I was not alone in my aspirations. Most of my pals at the time harbored similar vocational goals. No person in our lives at the time was as exciting as the Snow Cone Man. The SCM came down our street three times a week, without fail, much to our delight. This, of course, was during our summer vacation when we were out of school and had plenty of time on our hands. Perhaps, in our small town, with nothing to really interest or excite us, the Snow Cone Man was the one thing we had to look forward to. Regardless, we believed he had the greatest job in the world. For one, he rode the coolest motorcycle vehicle I have ever seen - a three-wheel motorcycle, with a large compartment on the back, containing all the snow cone accoutrements. I don't know if it was the motorcycle or the cargo that fascinated us. Your guess is probably the right one. Also, he wore a nifty white suit with a fabulous hat. At the time, I would have given anything for a hat like his. It was often the topic of our discussion when he left us to our snow cone treats. One thing was sure, everybody loved him. He sold those snow cones for 5 cents each. What a bargain. The icy treat was a paper cone piled high with crushed ice and then flavored with your choice of strawberry, raspberry, lemon, lime syrup, but my all-time favorite was root beer. On a hot day in August, there was nothing cooler than a root beer snow cone from the SCM. Moreover, the best part of it was, it only cost a nickel. Of course, a nickel was sometimes hard to come by. I well remember one day when I didn't have a nickel. I don't remember the reason, but I was being punished for some naughtiness on my part, and my mother would not give me the coveted nickel. Time came for the Snow Cone Man to come down our street and he stopped right in front of our house. Like a snowstorm in Vermont, kids descended upon him from all over the place to get their daily snow cone. I looked on, through teary eyes, regretting whatever I did to deprive myself of one of the greatest pleasures in life. One by one, the kids melted away as they got their snow cones and soon he was all alone. I just hated to see him go. He was ready to start his motorcycle when he looked up and saw me sitting on the porch. "Hey, Jimmy, don't you want a snow cone today?" "Hain't got no nickel," I sobbed. "Come on down," he called back. "You can use one of my nickels today." Leaping off the porch and smearing tears from my face, I went to him for my snow cone. When I got there he pressed a nickel into my trembling hand and asked, "Now, which flavor do you want? Don't tell me. Root beer, right?" Root beer was more than all right for me. As I exchanged his nickel for my root beer snow cone, I could not speak for fear the effort would distract from the smile, which had taken my face by storm. It was the best root beer snow cone I ever had. Watching him drive away, I thought to myself, that's the greatest job in the world. More than 40 years separate me from that childhood memory. Looking back, I smile when I realize I have, today, the greatest job in the world. What could be greater than helping people receive from God what they can't afford. God's marvelous grace is for all who, for one reason or another, do not have the needed "nickel." Upon further reflection, a verse from the Old Testament came to mind. "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Isaiah 55:1 KJV.) No matter how much money a person thinks he or she has, they are always one nickel short of God's grace. Reverend Snyder is currently ministering at the "Family of GodFellowship" in Ocala, Florida. More of his articles are availablefor reprint at his website: http://www.godspenman.com/ Rev. Snyder is available as a guest speaker. He writes a weeklycolumn and is the author of "You Can Always Tell a Pastor; But Not Very Much " available at: http://www.jamessnyderministries.com/
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Master of Horoscope - Walter Mercado Celebrities and common people all over the world are known for looking forward astrology masters, spiritual leaders, gurus, and gifted teachers to focus on their pathways in life and carreers. Extravagant psychic and master of the horoscope Walter Mercado is a Puerto Rican astrologer to whom everyone in Latin America and in the United States follows and listens as if the world depends on his predictions. Surviving Separation: A Cinderella Story I want to tell you a love story. It's actually about a girl named Cinderella. I'm sure you're familiar with the fairy tale but I'm going to tell you the TRUE story. The 5 Elemental Codes: Seeing Your World Through the Eyes of Universal Understanding (Part 1) This article is the 1st part of an open response to a question that I encountered online a few years ago in one of the many Martial Arts Ninjutsu forums. The question (paraphrased) was: Spirituality: Impersonating Jed McKenna "No man is a prophet in his own country." Your Hidden Portal to Peace Want more peace and joy in your life? Daily stress getting to you? With terrorism, layoffs and pollution, can you feel safe and happy? Yes, you can-by tapping into a little known, and less-used, doorway to internal security. This entry is not really hidden as much as misplaced. As a culture, we've lost the use of this innate inner compass. Going Where God Leads You I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~ Mother Teresa Can People Really Change? MOST PEOPLE NEVER REALLY CHANGE God Can See Your Heart Today is the day that I'm getting back into exercise. I sprained my ankle last week and although I've been swimming and rode the stationary bike, today was the day that I decided to go for a 1 hour walk. Do You Really Want to Know the Truth? Back in 1992, Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise co-starred in a movie entitled A Few Good Men. The high point of the film, in my view, was a classic, heated exchange between their characters, during which Kaffee (the military attorney played by Cruise) says: "I want the truth," and Col. Jessup (Nicholson) responds: "You can't handle the truth." Power of God Makes Life Easier When the storms in your life are raging, just believe, "the power of God makes life easier." Additionally, the real key to dealing with problems that challenge us daily while seeking peace, is found in the wisdom of God's Word. He plays a vital role in every aspect of our character, and life's journey requires help that only God can provide. Astrology What kind of foolishness is astrology? You read about Sun Signs in the paper and you can see almost every sign says something ambiguous or relevant in some general way. Surely no real science or serious people ever believed such foolishness. Yet all your heroes from the past were believers! Even Ronald Reagan and others of today order their lives according to astrological implications. I don't and never have, but that is because I have studied the field in great depth. It isn't just astrology that is at work or through which the forces interact with all life on the planet. The palm, the foot and the head or facial make-up can be read to see what effect may have determined some of how a person will approach life. The hand has all the astrological knowledge available 'right in the palm of your' as they say. The mount of the Moon and the girdle of Venus (should you be so lucky to have one) are there along with Saturnine and Mercurious deflected energy. Path to Healing Some wounds are embedded so deeply that no amount of professional expertise can cure, much less heal. A famous Yale surgeon says that as a surgeon, he cuts into the body, but he can not order the wound to heal. Ultimately, it is through our efforts that healing can occur.The path to healing is a personal choice. It is a path where you choose to piece together the fragmentsand make it" whole" again. It paves the way to self-discovery, to open the door to your inner selfand experience inner harmony. And ultimately, come tomeet the child within that has longed for your love ,care and attention. The child within that is forgotten,pushed to the background, lurks in the shadows, but patiently waits to be acknowledged.WHAT NEEDS HEALING?Childhood trauma:The imprints of childhood experience is a powerfulforce. An expectant mother who lives through a stressful situation during pregnancy share the burden with the unborn child. Years ago,domestic matters were never discussed openly, especially issues about abuse, violence,neglect , abandonment and other related matters. Today, society is more aware of the potential or actual existence of abuse and violence in the home. Tragic that the innermost and safest sanctuary societydepends upon can be the most dangerous.These are issues that take its toll on the young victims. They growup with wounds, carry them around like a heavy load on their shoulders.Some never get over their trauma,it turns up at the most unexpected moment to haunt them;yet, there are those who are lucky enough to confrontit and use it to propel themselves to a healthier mind,body and spirit, successful relationships and life itself.When love is a venom:How many hearts have known pain all in the name of love. It invades lives from all walks of life, social status, add to that race or creed.No one wants to suffer pain, but it does happen. Healing a broken heart, picking upthe pieces of broken hopes and dreams, suffer the betrayal ,endure shattered self-image, re-live the haunting nightmares, the violation of one's innermost being,soul and spirit...it can take a lifetime to heal.The most traumatic of all is the violation that comes from those who are supposed to provide a nurturing environment to those who are entrusted to their care.All in the guise of love.GriefThe loss of a loved one can be most devastating. Sometimes one did not have a chance to bid their last farewell. It was all too sudden.Or one passes away after a lingering illness, with the relief that the suffering is over comes the grief of the loss. At one point and time in one's life, grief is a reality.GuiltWrong turns, wrong choices, wrong decisions-we all take wrong turns, make wrong decisions and choices.This is a human trait, even the saintliest of the saints has experienced this. We stumble, we fall, but many of us manage to get up and get on with life.The losses incurred at times may be life-threatening, or at the costof financial comfort and security or worst, relationshipsare threatened, lost ,sadly but innocently or unconsciously someone else has to bear consequences and the sacrifice.Wearing guilt on your sleeves, in your heart, in your beinginvites negative vibrations and digs you deeper into the mire.Take a look at those sad eyes,the window of the soul ,and you'll know. However,this is not a dead-end!Unfulfilled dreams and hopesLive your dream,ride on the wings of hope- this willnot always work out. One day you wake up and realize your dream never materialized and now you languish over the many years you spent trying to pursue that dream! All this while, time, opportunities and life passed you by .Hope can lead to disappointment- realize this. When all hopes are dashed , what have you got?PATH TO HEALING:Healing is a complex matter. Who has never felt the pains of suffering, be it physical, mental, emotional, material and spiritualEven our dear Mother Earth is in desperate need of healing from the abuse inflicted upon her through man's recklessness,negligence and lack of respect.There are avenues open to healing. One may choose to spend time with a professional, seek comfort from related groups,from family, but always, healing has to startwith oneself, from within that deep well of strength .It takes determination to face up to your dilemma,but, ultimately,it is most rewarding to regain your personalpower, self-confidence, learn to love yourself and enjoythat inner peace and calm.It is important to acknowledgethe pain, to recognize the cause, to be able to integrate the fragmented pieces and be willing to take it to the next step to be "whole"again.Then, you will be able to share love and peace with the world once again.Healing extends beyond the physical state- when the painis so deep, the spirit, the soul also bear the pain. It comes in hauntingly in the dark of the night , it fills a once loving heart with venom, it could ravage a once healthy mind and body. Beneath a once beautiful and graceful soul is the mask of vengeance.Venom for venom.BLOCKS TO HEALINGSometimes, the path to healing is full of potholes. Indeed, the path is covered with blocks, where healingcan not be accomplished,it's almost out of reach.Impediments on the path:denial, apathy, self-absorption and self-indulgence,addiction, putting up walls and barriers, busy-bee syndrome, compartmentalizing, isolation,withdrawal from society, cynicism, loss of faith, trust and compassion,self-pity, poor ?me syndrome, anger, fear of gettinghurt again, martyr complex, neurosis or psychosis, aggressive/ oppressive behaviour, confrontational attitudeguilt complex, resignation, loss of motivation.Sometimes, we hurt those we love most deeply, likewise, we bear the pain they cause. Time is a great healer, but don't take the painfully slow route and miss out on what the world holds for you.Let life flow for you and with you.E N D . Dimensional Shifts "Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond the void, is not an empty nothingness; it is the womb of creation. -- Nature goes to the same place to create a galaxy of stars, a cluster of nebulas, a rain forest, a human body, or a thought... That place is Spirit." (6) Anam Chara - Telling Your Story We as human beings travelled in small bands for hundreds of thousands of years. Do You Need An Answer About Life? I was originally brought up Catholic, at the insistence of my parents. I quickly lost interest after going through my confirmation and began doing my own thing. After many years of drinking and partying, I got very bored and thought, "Is this ALL there is to life?!?!" I thought, "If there really IS any truth to a 'life after death', I should at least TRY to find the answer." I started to do some research on science and religion to see if I could come up with any TRUTH about the "meaning of life". Genetically Predisposed to Faith Have you ever wondered how much faith you really have? If you are like me there have been times in your life when you question how much faith you have: times when you doubt your ability to cope with personal difficulties, and times when the threat of terrorism or natural disasters feels overwhelming. This is the time to strip away your inhibitions and use your imagination to find more faith. Real Spirituality My fiancee' and I frequent a restaurant in L.A. called Real Food Daily. The concept behind the name is that their food -- which is unprocessed, abundantly nutritious, and lovingly prepared -- is more authentic, more "real," than most other food. This claim is at once silly and wise. Silly because philosophers have argued about the true nature of "reality" for centuries. Wise because it's an admissible philosophy that the closer something is to its source, the more "real" it is. Are You Building Your Own Cistern? You're looking at one star in the middle of a dark sky... 7 Ways to Stay Spiritually Balanced When we find spirituality, or it finds us, the experience feels surreal. We begin to feel like we're walking on a tightrope between two different worlds. We become ungrounded and loose touch with the physical side of life. When our spiritual mission becomes clear, it is even truer. Learning to breathe and to walk between these two experiences until they merge can be a tough balancing act. It's easy to choose and get lost in the new experience because it feels so good and so right. Regular aspects in the physical world seem less important and get set aside, many times incomplete. Anam Cara - Life as a Box of Paints Lonely Song ![]() |
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