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Master of Horoscope - Walter Mercado
Celebrities and common people all over the world are known for looking forward astrology masters, spiritual leaders, gurus, and gifted teachers to focus on their pathways in life and carreers. Extravagant psychic and master of the horoscope Walter Mercado is a Puerto Rican astrologer to whom everyone in Latin America and in the United States follows and listens as if the world depends on his predictions. Born under the sign of Pisces, and with his singular charisma and unique style, psychic Walter Mercado has motivated and enlightened millions of people with his astrological and accurate advice for more than 25 years. Characterized by his positivism and spirituality, Walter guides his admirers to reach a higher consciousness and the realization of their dreams via a better understanding of the psyche and consciousness. As a youngster in his homeland, Puerto Rico, he was named Walter of Miracles, "the child who could see into people's pasts and futures, who knew the causes of their illnesses and the way to their cures." But now, seated on a throne, psychic Walter Mercado speaks with a Grand Divo tone and gestures as if he's prophesying the Armageddon, though all he's really doing is reading horoscopes. Walter Mercado's psychic gift was given from the moment he was born in 1933; in the 1960's, he moved to India where he learned about astrology and how to elaborate horoscopes, but his mystery was revealed in 1975 by a spirit guide. The master of the horoscope wrote in his review about that moment, "an asexual being of light told me that it was my mission to use my powers to help guide others through this very difficult time in which we live." The Latino psychic has a solid reputation as an authority in astrology chart and horoscope and most of his fame comes thanks to his astrology TV shows which started in Puerto Rico to jump for a wide Latin American market years after. During the late 1980s, he moved to Miami, Florida, where he started to publish and to reveal the daily horoscope to the American public and people abroad. With his charisma and credibility, Walter Mercado reaches millions via mass communication media. His TV shows on astrology include El Show de Walter Mercado (The Walter Mercado Show), Walter y Las Estrellas (Walter and the Stars), a daily horoscope segment on Univision's news show Primer Impacto as well as his other shows, and Walter Mercado y Los Signos del Amor (Walter Mercado and the Signs of Love) as his horoscope columns displayed in several publications in the U.S. and Latin America related to the mysticism in the East.To honor the new millennium, the Latino astrologer wrote Beyond the Horizon: Visions of the New Millennium, which reiterates the common New Age thoughts. Beyond the Horizon takes as its premise the belief that we're now in a painful transitional period between the Ages of Pisces and Aquarius. While the Age of Pisces was marked by selfishness and war, the Age of Aquarius will bring peace, honesty, the development of new psychic abilities and even contact with beings on other planets. About his book and the New Age's Age of Aquarium, he wrote "The Aquarian Age will be a time for men and women to come together as one, to think of themselves as human beings, not as men or women," Mercado writes. "It is a time of integration, a time to join both of those energies within us--the yin and the yang." The Latino astrologer's trademarks are his wildly colored capes, designer suits and sharp wit. He often involves world situations, politics, The Bible, and numerous other themes in his predictions. Nowadays, Mercado writes the horoscope for a several Spanish newspapers, TV shows and publication. Alma De la Cruz, a staff mystic employed by http://www.psychicrealm.com, has a profound personal history where she has unabashedly delved deep into the heart of occult mysteries for an extensive period of her life. Her name literally means "Soul of the Cross" in Spanish. Currently she is working publishing a manuscript that delves into the mysteries of Hispanic new age beliefs incorporating old insights with new spiritual methodologies.Check out her bi weekly metaphysical column: http://www.newagenotebook.com where she takes a new twist, incorporating Latin shamanistic philosophies with leading edge occult beliefs.
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Candle Burning to Petition the Male Saints Last NAN I explained how to petition the female Saints with special requests. This time around I'll provide some instruction on how to ask to be put in the cosmic care of the Male Saints . These are very ancient pagan rituals, which have been popularized by the Christian Church. The basic methodology is to put your request under the appropriately coloured candle on the suggested day of the week along with an image of the Saint (which you can often find on the Internet) and/or a symbol or emblem that represents the Saint. The Purpose of Life, Told by an Agnostic Talked to an interesting person today at a coffee shop, after about 10 minutes or so told me he was an atheist. Which is interesting and lends it self as to why we were having this particular conversation about "THE MEANING OF LIFE". If It Is The Lords Will I Will Live My thoughts can get a little edgy at night. Possibly even deep. Reflecting on almost a half century of life. Some of it better than I would have imagined in my youth. Some not. How Long, O Lord? A Meditation on Habakkuk In Habakkuk, the prophet cries out in a lament complaint twice, only to hear back from God a very unassuring response: Wait for me to answer. 5 Paper Management Tips for Christians My favorite scripture is Roman's 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Loving Kindness - A Meditation The practice of meditating on loving-kindness may be over two thousand years old. Although it may feel a bit mechanical at first, many who have used it experience greater feelings of compassion and love towards both themselves and others. Here's how you do it: What Makes You A Saint Don't be confused that a saint is a religious leader sort of person who has a particular way of dressing and a lonely life-style. Instead, a saint is a person who leads a simple disciplined life with a motto of "Service Above Self". He is a person who has crossed the barrier that bars from being spiritual. So, if you want to become a saint then you have to work towards crossing the threshold that will lead you into spirituality. Lost is a Spiritual Problem Lost, but you don't know where you're going. Special Washes Attract and hold your family at home with some unique spiritual & New Age special washes inherited from the Hoodoo practice which combines elements of African and European magical, religious, and witchcraft traditions and a little bit of the Native American use of herbal and botanical wisdom. Near Death Experiences: Is there a Logical Explanation? In an edition of Reader's Digest, I stumbled upon a compelling article, "After Life," by Anita Bartholomew. The article takes an intricate look into the controversial world of "after life" or "near death experiences." I found myself being hurled into the riveting article like a child in a candy store. In Ms. Bartholomew's revealing summary, van Lommel (a British researcher) made an interesting statement, "You can compare the brain to a TV set. The TV program is not in your TV set." Thus, where lies the consciousness? Choosing Peace, One Shift at a Time It doesn't matter what magazine or newspaper you pick up these days, there it is! the evidence of violence; the killing of innocent people, the terror of aggression and destruction. How do we, as caring, compassionate, conscious people maintain our inner peace in the face of war? Is it responsible to turn from the glaring headlines, close our eyes, go within to connect with that place of inner peace? What if those headlines have stirred up our visceral fear reactions and we are disturbed and angry? When outer circumstances create worry, helplessness and judgment how do we shift our inner attention so that we send peaceful thoughts, rather than more anger and hatred? Heroes and Heroines - Contemplating Conscious Evolution The myths of man have been with us throughout time. Since the earliest of cave drawings to modern books and film, the myths of man have been the creators of man, providing both meaning and symbolism to his / her life. How To Fall With Style - The Art Of Sin Adam had it right when he covered himself with fig leaves. It's not that he thought it would cover his sin. He knew this was impossible. But he suddenly recognized his own weakness, and he doesn't try to battle it. Instead, he covers it. Out of sight, out of mind. But when God asks him why, he comes clean, accepts his punishment, and and continues to cover himself. Now that's how we're suppose to do it. Inner-Tubing With God: Understanding Gods Ways It is so obvious that God works and thinks on atotally different level than we do. I have spentmost of my life in my left logical side of mybrain trying to figure out God, people, events andreason. Only to be left frustrated, irritated andemotionally dehydrated. The Power of Gods Love Can Change Your Life Do you want victory in your life? Do you have problems with addiction, relationships, depression? Do you sometimes doubt that you will ever overcome? Miracles It is my personal view that the reason we call things that we don't understand "miracles" is because we are trying to understand them within a very limited framework. This framework is that of our beliefs which have been based largely on scientific inquiry and also exclusively on the use of our intellect or rational mind. A Man Called Jesus (Channelled) Angels Amoung US - We Reap What We Sow! John Eldredge writes in his book Waking the Dead,"God what do you have for my heart today?" Hecontinues by saying, "you may be stunned by whathe guides you into. A Medical Intuitive Look at Past Life Wounding In my work as a Medical Intuitive, I come across many instances where a client's past lives are impacting their current physical and emotional health. Kachina Doll To a shaman a kachina isn't really a doll or a child's toy. Also, it isn't a collector's piece of art or a decoration. However, it is often used that way, and that's ok too. There is a place for that approach in our lives. They do make a powerful addition to any home's decor, and make a great conversation piece. So, if you are a history buff, especially American history, a kachina collection is most appropiate. Kachinas origionally came from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the American Southwest. If you enjoy sacred art, like I do, add a kachina to your collection. ![]() |
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