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It is my personal view that the reason we call things that we don't understand "miracles" is because we are trying to understand them within a very limited framework. This framework is that of our beliefs which have been based largely on scientific inquiry and also exclusively on the use of our intellect or rational mind. By giving the mind and our thoughts such an eminent position in our lives we have left out, in my view, the most important way of "knowing" and that is the knowledge that is conveyed through our emotional hearts (See "Intelligent Emotions"). The power that lives in the heart is the energy of Love. Some call this "Spirit". This, in my view, is the essence of the human being. How often do you read about the emotional heart, or love, or spirit in, for instance, psychotherapy or psychoanalytic textbooks? Almost never! It's like psychoanalysis and psychotherapies have taken the heart out of the human being. Another way of saying this is that psychotherapy, and other mind oriented therapies have taken the human being out of the human being. How can anyone help heal a human being when, as one is trying to do so, one is at the same time ignoring who they really are? It has been my experience that when you bring the energy of love, the energy of the heart, the spirit, and therefore the human essence, back into the physical body, simply by recognising who and where they truly are that's when the individual starts to reawaken a joy for living. That's when healing occurs spontaneously. That's when, what we call miracles, happen. But then it's no longer a miracle, it's really just about being fully alive and present in one's physical body. It is, in my view, only when this energy of love (or the spirit) can live fully, and in its full splendour, in that physical body, that any true healing can occur. You know this; I'm sure from your own personal experience. Don't you feel most alive, healthy, at peace, and wanting to be alive, when you are engaged in something that you truly love and which awakens your heart? For instance painting, listening to music, being creative, or being in nature? Psychosomatic illness, and any other illness, in my view is the result of the fact that the energy of the human heart, and therefore the human being who is represented by that energy is not fully in that physical body. What does it mean to not be fully within one's own body? Well it means that that person is not fully in charge of the operation of that body and the body is therefore one step away from dying. Imagine trying to drive your car while you are trying to open the door to get out. The car without the driver is only going to crash! The illness any person has is just a sign of that state of dying. Unless that person's essence is acknowledged and reawakened they will not heal, they will die instead. In other words it is necessary to put the driver back into the driver's seat! So it was with this new awareness that I gave up all of my traditional training in psychiatry and my professional medical practice (which included: psychoanalysis, psychopharmacology, interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, imagery work, psychosynthesis, and EMDR- "Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing") over several years ago. I gave up over 25 years of professional training and a very good income because it just wasn't working for me or my clients. In my view it also doesn't work for other therapists either but I think they prefer not to see this for themselves. I feel that they are too afraid to recognize the truth. It would mean them having to question everything they have learned and believe. This is not an easy task for those weak at heart. So they just go on pretending that what they are doing is helping someone. Imagine spending say 20 years trying to treat someone as some psychoanalysts do. Does this sound like an effective form of treatment to you? Well many psychoanalysts would say that that's the best that can be done. Well if I was one of their clients, and I was one once for 5 long years during my training, I would say that that is absolutely unacceptable. I now see "all" illness as "psychosomatic". I will try to explain what I mean. Generally the term "psychosomatic" is used to refer to an illness with physical symptoms in which no physical cause can be found. In my view I would expand the definition to: "psychosomatic" = all illnesses, whether or not a physical cause can be found. In other words, even illnesses with an apparent physical cause are, in my view, caused by our beliefs about that illness and by our emotionally traumatic life history. That life history is stored in what is called the energy field of that individual and it causes a disruption in the natural state of that field. When that field is in it's natural, and what I call its Divine Holographic Energy Field (DHEF) state, that individual is completely healthy, completely in that body and completely in charge of it. When the field is disrupted then the individual becomes ill. That is because the negative traumatic life history that is stored in the field of that individual disrupts the operation of the natural DHEF, (see "Do You Love Your Body?") thereby starts to take over the functioning of that physical body, and thereby forces out the Divine Being that was meant to be in charge of that body. When this happens that's when illness and death happens. In other words, one's life history of trauma, which is stored in the energy field of that individual forces the "spirit" or "essence" or "energy" of that person out of their own body. It essentially forces out the "energy of life" itself from the body. Bringing back the Divine Being and completely eliminating the negative life history from their energy field (which is totally possible now) is the only way, in my view, to help an individual stay in their body and spontaneously heal it. This is what a new tool called the Mind Resonance Process? is designed to do. As long as scientific enquiry ignores the divine it will never, in my view, achieve true healing or even true knowledge. One final word. The "Divine" is in all of us. In fact, it "is" us! It is Life itself! We don't need to rely on religion or an external god to help create the miracle. We can do that all by ourselves because we are that miracle. Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called "Spirituality And Science" (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.Business URL #1: http://www.telecoaching4u.com
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Why Isnt God Helping Me? Have you ever felt like throwing up your arms and saying "I quit! I just can't change! I thought when God came into my life things would get better, but they haven't." It doesn't matter if you're a new Christian or have been a Christian for a number of years, these feelings can creep in and set you up for confusion and frustration. Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 10 Matthew 3:7-10John Rebukes the Pharisees and Sadducees Is the Church a Friend to Survivors of Abuse? After 6 years, I left an abusive relationship with an X partner (we were NOT married) in October 2004. He had verbally, emotionally, psychologically, and sexually abused me since the birth of my daughter in October 2001. He also had abused my daughter physically, as well as in many of the same ways that he'd abused me, since she began crawling. He also neglected her. The True Self as the Hidden Man of the Heart The Apocalypse, or unveilling, is the name given to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. The Book of Daniel is an apocalypse. So is Isaiah. The entire bible is an unveiling of the consciousness of man evolving from the human(OT) to the divine(NT). Origin of Certain Thoughts (Part II) Continued from "Origin of Certain Thoughts, Part I" Being Being Interesting? (but unnecessary) At any given moment, there are 'things' occurring within the open space of awareness. Sometimes there are inner 'things' occurring; a fleeting thought, a welling up of an emotion, a physical sensation. Sometimes there are outer 'things' occurring; an interaction, a perception of an event, an experience of some sort. Let Go Of My EgGO--Pride Cometh Before A Fall! Years ago a commercial ran for eggo waffles. Itshowed two small children grabbing an eggo wafflepopping out of the toaster, yelling, "Let go of myeggo!!" We didn't see what transpired between thetwo, yet I have to believe one of two thingshappened; one of the children would have given inand let go or the waffle would have been torn into small pieces. How Psychic Are You? To find out how psychic you are, try answering the following questions. How Old Are You? Some of us might hear from time to time that we are "Old Souls". I remember when I was told this for the first time. It sounded great, even without understanding the deep essence and meaning of it. That expression did not feel strange to me for one reason, I always felt old, even as a young child since the age of 7. I am probably touching upon many different people who share that same feeling from young age too! The Flow Of Money The more we worry about money, and who's asking for it, and why their asking, and should they be asking, and should I be listening, and judging others, then judging their ideas and their work and their very existence....the more we condemn ourselves to a life of pain, worry and confusion. Most people do not realize they are doing this to themselves. Everyone on the planet, regardless of their calling is perfectly entitled to be paid for their time and expertise. Will Science Get Closer To God Than Religion Has? A subject of debate for thousands of years, spirituality will no doubt spark much debate for another thousand years. That is how it should be. Once spirituality becomes 100% defined by 100% of the human population, then uniformity and rigid boundaries take over. Should that ever occur, then there is no spirituality, for spirituality cannot be locked in a box and confined within its walls. Spiritual Clarity Who is the more spiritual person? The woman out on a Sunday morning excursion for coffee and a newspaper who swerves to avoid hitting a dog, or is it, the man who hits the dog in his haste to get to church on time? Who knows? My point is that going to church has absolutely nothing to do with being a good person. The Star of Bethlehem It was said that Caesar Augustus one night consulted his personal sibyl (fortuneteller) and asked her if a prince greater than he would ever be born. As she searched for an answer in her sacred books, the place was lit up by a meteor that flared in the dark sky. She put down her book and told him that he had just received his answer. Show Of Hands The human body is surely a miracle of God's creation. Each member has its unique function with none quite as active as the hands. Everything man has ever made or ever will make is made by hands. If I Were Satan: Medicine and Faith From Hell If you were Satan and your goal is to destroy as many lives as you could, what are the two institutions you could attack that would destroy more lives than wars and natural disasters combined? Living The Lords Prayer Luke 11:1 And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven... Our Father which art in heavenHallowed be Thy name.Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be doneOn Earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day, our daily breadAnd forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evilFor thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory,Forever, Amen.I have a special place in my life for this prayer. When I close my eyes in meditation I always begin with this prayer, and when I lay down to go to sleep I usually do the same. Jesus taught his disciples this prayer as a guide to getting in touch with our inner peace, and open the door to communication with God the Father and the Creator. I believe that we should be praying to our Creator all the time, every moment of our lives; it should be a common practice. The Lord's Prayer is short enough to be an affirmation that is easily applied at any time.I have used this prayer when I am afraid or unsure and one thing that always shines through is the Truth. That is what The Lord's Prayer is, how to be the Truth. In the dictionary Truth is also defined as "reality". The Lord's Prayer is a special prayer asking that we may recognize Reality/Truth and eventually be that Truth, just as Jesus was the Way, the Truth and the Life.My interpretation of The Lord's Prayer is not the only one, there are many others, but I am sharing mine with you in the hope that we can experience this prayer rather than just recite it. Our Father who art in Heaven... Where is Heaven? Jesus tells us that The Kingdom of Heaven is within us, and that special place is where we can go to connect with God our Creator. For me it is a wonderful place of peace and silence. Last summer I had a glorious experience; I spent ten days in my trailer parked in my mom's backyard. For those ten days I enjoyed listening to the birds and working in the garden. But most of all I learned how to enjoy the silence within. I discovered for myself how to go to this personal place and listen and feel the intense "peace". There was one moment that I will always remember, it was a feeling of such happiness, so much Joy that I could not contain it all; at that moment I felt the most joy I have ever felt in my life. God is within each and every one of us; He is the Light and the creative and loving urge in us that seeks expression. We only have to be still and know that God is in the silence within. Hallowed be Thy Name...The name of God is sacred. His "Name" is his Essence, it is in us - we are sons of God. What does that mean? That means that his Essence or Spirit is in our DNA, that is what makes us more special, and elevated above all other creatures. God created us in his image; he gave us his Name and that name is in our bodies, right down to the cellular level. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be doneOn Earth as it is in Heaven... God's Kingdom is within each and every one of us. His Will, as Thought (in Heaven), is manifest on Earth (physical form). This verse teaches us that what we think becomes manifest here in this world. With our thoughts we can either make or create. When we use His Will we create; and only creation is real. Jesus taught that sickness and poverty do not have to exist; we make these things and so they are not real; we need only recognize the Truth or reality and look away from the false appearances that this world shows us. It takes great faith to be able to do this, but Jesus assured us that if he could do it, so can we. This line in the prayer is an affirmation of reality. Give us this day, our daily bread..."...this day..." The only time that is real is NOW, there is no other time. The NOW is also Eternity. Eternity is defined as "no beginning, and no ending", "unchanging", and "forever". When you examine all these definitions you begin to see how each of these verses seem to have the same meaning ? Eternity, Truth, Reality, NOW... When we look for evidence of God we have only to look at the trees and the flowers, feel the wind in our hair, and the warmth of the sun on our face. God exists in the Now, and we will only find his presence here. The bread is our daily staple, it is a requirement. The Lord's Prayer is a daily requirement. And the requirement is experiencing the moment, the NOW, because that is all that we really have and that is where God is. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. It is so important to let go of the negative feelings that keep you separated from God. Connected to God we shine, and when we harbor darkness such as thoughts of resentment, anger, and jealousy, we are disconnected. Likewise, we should not worry about others opinions or judgments of us, these are the things that this verse tells us is important to remember. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil... "temptation" is not the urge to eat that whole chocolate cake, but rather it is asking our Father to help us to control our thought. It is our Thought that determines what we make or create in this world, and we have to be very careful what thoughts we focus on. We are continuously hearing our ego talk to us, and our ego has it's own agenda. For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory... So true, and so powerful a statement! Only in God do we have a kingdom, it is not here in the material world, it is in the Kingdom of Heaven which is within us. But don't think that the material world is not important! It is very important - we have a Divine Purpose for being here. Forever, Amen... Forever; eternity; NOW and always; Unchanging; No beginning and no ending. Amen means "it is done", "so be it". This is a very powerful word. To affirm that something is already done is to proclaim its power. Pray with reverence and meaning and you shall always be close to our Father. By using this special prayer that Jesus taught us we can learn to connect with the Universe and let our thoughts work for us instead of against us, because it has never been more true that our thoughts have the all the power of God's creation behind them. Amen. Its Not What You Know, Its What You Do Knowing what is right and what is wrong in your own inner consciousness is insufficient. It is not the knowing of truth that transforms a person; it is the doing of truth that has an impact on you and on the other people that you interact with. Dimensional Shifts "Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond the void, is not an empty nothingness; it is the womb of creation. -- Nature goes to the same place to create a galaxy of stars, a cluster of nebulas, a rain forest, a human body, or a thought... That place is Spirit." (6) God?s Presence When Troubles Come Life, no matter how we choose to look at it, is a constant battle. It is the beginning of a struggle that continues until we breathe our last breath. ![]() |
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