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How Old Are You?
Some of us might hear from time to time that we are "Old Souls". I remember when I was told this for the first time. It sounded great, even without understanding the deep essence and meaning of it. That expression did not feel strange to me for one reason, I always felt old, even as a young child since the age of 7. I am probably touching upon many different people who share that same feeling from young age too! What is an "Old Soul" in the first place? And how really we can pinpoint them from the crowd? An "Old Soul" is still a human being. Don't get me wrong here!! The way I see it and from what I was told from my guides: "An Old Soul is a wiser, knowledgeable being that has already bypassed all the hurdles from lifetime to lifetime, in the essence of attaining their own growth. Old Souls bring with them and share their evolution on this plane, and other planes, for many centuries by bringing the knowledge, wisdom and compassion that brings peace and tranquility into their soul. In the same time they help other Souls to enhance and prosper for a better understanding of life. The way I can pinpoint an "Old Soul" in a way other than what my guides mentioned is from their eyes. You will see the depth and richness through them, regardless if they have had a hard time getting through experiences in this lifetime. Also in certain cases I can pinpoint them when I am working on a chart for someone by Numerology. An "Old Soul" can be in your child as well in any other person you encounter. Physical age has no significance here. Another way, you can see them is in the way they value life as a whole and only not their own life, regardless of their situation. The way I see it, as I have been told many times in different parts of the world during my travels as being an "Old Soul", is an "Old Soul" is special in many ways but not from an ego stand. They are as 'human' as everyone else, but they have deeper understanding of life and a wider vision. Even with all of that, it does not mean an "Old Soul" does not have to go through human experiences again, because they do. It can even be harder and might take them a lot longer to see their situation. The only reason is because they see things from a very high perspective of life, disregarding the more 'trivial' things and will likely value them as being of less importance. I have had that problem for such a long time and I have a heavy task to bring myself down to really face life value things for their real smaller value. What makes it even harder is my Karma in this lifetime '4'which is the physical 'earthly' part of life? I remember how I was as a child and how I was never attached to things. As a grown up, I believe that still stands to be the same. Somehow, and I might be wrong here, from what I can see in people and how they evaluate their "stuff" and worship those items as being the face value of their life. People will measure themselves and others for what they have as material belongings, rather than the true essence of who they are inside. That is one the main reason we can see and which proves that more and more people are not really happy internally. Well it seems that even with all of those objects we value, it is still not sufficient to bring to us all the happiness that we need in this lifetime. The focus and importance seems to be placed on what you have. But is that more important than caring for another human soul? I wonder sometimes! Let me define "Stuff" in my own understanding. Well "Stuff" is material objects that we keep buying in order to fulfill a gap or something missing in our life. We insist upon wandering from one shopping centre into another, in order to fill up that gap and we are not doing a great job of that after all. We go home and put our objects on display somewhere and look at them for a little while. A few visitors come and take a look at it and like it. A few weeks later it becomes yet another addition to your "stuff". Great! Then we go off shopping again, looking for something to fill that missing part in our self again. What fun it is the cycle of life! I guess there is a major difference between what we want to have and what's really needed in our life. Our buying habit is only a reflection of what we do not want to face in our life that is a problem. I have done this before in my life and I bet many of you are already still doing it. Let me define a Human Soul? A human soul is a human being that can feel, breath, sense, hear, and see as everyone else regardless of their color or religion, but have a soul that can bring all the knowledge, wisdom, compassion and understanding for a universal consciousness. Regardless if they are aware of their consciousness they are still there. There is a difference between our soul and our spirit. A human spirit is the character, or the characteristics of the essence of the soul manifested in a human body. So why do we tend to place so much value upon the wrong things in life and keep coming back lifetime after another in order to correct the mistakes of the previous one, and for what, some "stuff"? Or maybe we are too stubborn to face our reality and look deeper into problems. This seems to be a common problem for us humans, to let go of our pride. I believe we have set wrong values on these aspects of life and eventually, for what we think we value, you might find we do actually take these things for granted and do not sincerely value and appreciate having them. I used to work part-time at Radio Shack and Christmas time was my favorite time! Why? I would always see people looking really exhausted in running from one store into another one, to still see if they still carry that toy or game. You can see the madness and, at the same time, the frustration in their eyes. Christmas day then arrives and everyone opens their gifts some like it and some don't, so off they go again, running to the stores on Boxing Day to exchange those gifts. Why don't we give a gift certificate and have relaxed holidays? Isn't that simpler? In some instances you might say, it is the thought of the gift that counts, but our new generation are so hard to please! Isn't it easier to allow them to buy their own gift and have some of your own peace of mind with that? In any religion, what is a holiday for? I don't believe it is for giving and receiving gifts only. The importance of any holidays is the quality time that people share being gathered together and celebrating their holidays together in harmony and peace. What am I getting at? It is very simple. What we do and what we want in our life are not the same things and when we don't fulfill what we really want, we end up doing all the un-important things in life as an attempt to fulfill that gap. Think about it!!! How we change that? It is very simple but requires you yourself to be ready to change or to risk a change in your life in order for you to be happy and for you to fulfill your gap. I will go deeper into making changes in later articles and I hope you give an hour out of your busy time to yourself each day, an hour to your partner, and an hour a day to your children or an older person around you without having any complaints about yourself or your life. Value the people around you and treat them as human beings. Just learn to accept some peace and be content with what you already have. I will leave you in peace, happiness and healthy time? Copyright © Joseph Ghabi http://www.freespiritcentre.info About the Author: Joseph Ghabi is an author, lecturer, and healer. Joseph provides Intuitive Numerology Consultation, Healing Childhood Experiences Consultation and PhD Candidate living in Montreal Canada. At the age of eight Joseph discovered his clairvoyance. Joseph is natural medium. Joseph started the 'Free Spirit Centre' website at http://www.freespiritcentre.info A community centre devoted to personal growth, self help, soul growth, eating disorders, relationships, healing and human issues. You can find over 800 articles on the site. Joseph task is in bringing Souls back to realization of their own personal power and into alignment with their own soul purpose and path of evolution.
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