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Is The Person You Think About The Most Missing Gods Point?

Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said unto him, "Thou shalt lovethe Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thysoul, and with all thy mind." "This is the first andgreat commandment." "And the second is like unto it,Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Question, how can you keep the greatest twocommandments of God listed in the scriptures above ifyou're always thinking about yourself?

The answer is you can't!

According to these verses you should be thinking abouthow to please and serve God all of the time and thisincludes splitting the time you think about pleasingyourself with thinking about and pleasing other people,which is also the second greatest commandment.

Some "Christians" have fallen for the idea thatwhen the Bible says that the second greatestcommandment is, "Love your neighbor as yourself.", itmeans that before you can keep this commandment, youmust learn to love yourself.

This is not so, the real intent of the Scripture, then,is that, since you already love yourself, your love foryour neighbor should be at least equal to this.

Imagine if you spent less time thinking about what youwill eat, how you will pay bills, what you will put on,and things of this nature.

You would then have more time to think about servingGod and helping others in conjunction with the tasksyou already do for yourself everyday.

Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thoughtfor your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shalldrink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Isnot the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

The Bible also teaches that one should keep a humbleopinion of himself. In Romans 12:3, Paul wrote, "Do notthink of yourself more highly than you ought." and inPhilippians 2:3, " lowliness of mind, let eachesteem others better than himself."

God obviously doesn't like proud boasters and peoplewho seek to build themselves up at the expense of others.

Therefore when you do good things for other people do not do it out of pressure or for you own personal gain but without thinking about yourself point out the goodqualities of that person instead of comparing theirqualities to yours.

Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife orvainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteemothers better than themselves.

Jesus said "deny yourself" in which I take to mean denyyourself of the pleasures of this world that are sin inorder to live Holy.

It could also mean to refuse to believe in or acceptyour own ability to live a good life without Jesus andto give everything to God to take care of, which wouldbe the appropriate way to live.

Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, "Ifany man will come after me, let him deny himself, andtake up his cross, and follow me.

In conclusion if you want to be on the side of God bynot being selfish its important to keep your mind offof your problems (Ph. 4:8-9). Equally consider theneeds of others with your own needs (Mt.22:39) Take no thought for your life. (Mt. 6:25) Esteem others betterthan yourself. (Ph. 2:3) And to deny yourself by not giving in to the pleasures of sin. (Mt.16:24).

David Hopkins is a "Christian Article Writer" whospecializes in helping people remember to glorifyGod in everything that they do, so they don't missout on any of His wonderful blessings.

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