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Where Are You, God?
Do you ever have one of those days when you wonder if God is really there? Does he really exist? If he does, then why can't you see Him or even sense His presence? Why do you feel so desolate, so alone? I was in that place a few days ago. I stood at my window facing south on a cold winter's day. The hardwood trees were bare of leaves and I could see a portion of the graveled road that meandered around hills and valleys to get to our house on top of the ridge. The road seemed to disappear into nothingness as it curved upward into a dense thicket of evergreens where it would cross over the creek and continue up the hill to where I live. I adjusted my eyes to look down the ridge directly under the window, straining to see through the tree trunks and undergrowth to catch a glimpse of the roadway I knew was there. From my vantage point at the window in my house atop the hill, I could see for miles across the distance. But I couldn't see any trace of the roadbed that was about 50 yards below my window because so there was so many bushes and trees in my view. Although I heard the roar of rushing water of the creek that struggled to contain the fullness of two weeks of rainfall, I could not see the waters tumbling over the rocks and slapping against the pilings of the covered bridge that spanned the creek at the bottom of the hill. But I knew the road and the creek were there. The fact that I could not see them did not change the actuality of their existence. I traveled the road every day. I knew it. I knew the exact spot in the creek where our dog, Peppy, loved to splash and play. I couldn't see them but I didn't doubt their existence for a moment. It was then that I heard that sweet, inner voice speak to me, "Just because you can't see me, feel me, touch me does not change the actuality of my existence. For, lo .." "? I am with you always, even to the end of the age." I whispered the comforting passage from the Bible, joining my voice with the inner voce that spoke gently to my heart. I smiled as I turned away from the window that day as peace bathed my weary mind like a gentle rainfall on dry, parched earth. I was not alone. I realized that God is as "real" as the dirt road and the babbling brook. I just couldn't see him because of all the other stuff - the dense undergrowth - in my life. But He was there all the time. Peace, Peace, wonderful peace Linda S. Van Fleet is an author of inspirational articles and short stories. She is the webmaster of I Believe in Angels, Do You? and Apple City Inspirations ©2005 Linda S. Van Fleet
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The Gods Of Our Planet Earth Remember me! It's me! Joseph here in touch with you again! Okay, so you don't remember! That's fine then, so let me refresh your mind a bit. When we were in spirit, we had the same discussion you know and I told you, "Hopefully you will remember me when I approach you on this plane." However, I now realize that I had forgotten to mention how I would approach you. Smoke I always thought Ecclesiastes was like Proverbs. That's probably because of the "to every time there is a season. . ." passage. So when a friend of mine read Ecclesiastes from "The Message," I wasn't prepared for her reaction. Is Your Pursuit of Money Robbing You Of Complete Fulfillment? Do you think it's acceptable for people to makemillions of dollars selling us and our kids on theidea that pre-marital sex, adultery, idolatry,sorcery, hatred, selfish ambitions, drunkenness andthings of this sort are O.K.? Why Dont I Get What I Want? The smart 'spiritual' answer is 'you always get what you want'. But that isn't very helpful, because if you can't pay the power bill and you want to be warm, there's clearly a conflict, and you can justifiably say 'I'm not getting what I want. The Power of Ritual As humans, we are the species that operate with symbols. Other animals use familiar signs, landmarks and gestures given by us, or act purely on instinct. Like humans, they too have rituals of gathering food, procreation and even death rituals. Our normal day-to-day rituals include a shower, combing our hair, brushing teeth and preparing for work. Humility, Not Pride: Keeping Ice Off Your Bow Tony was a professinoal salt-water fisherman. He explained how he cruised out to sea each morning, coming back each evening with his catch. Why Isnt God Helping Me? Have you ever felt like throwing up your arms and saying "I quit! I just can't change! I thought when God came into my life things would get better, but they haven't." It doesn't matter if you're a new Christian or have been a Christian for a number of years, these feelings can creep in and set you up for confusion and frustration. Do People See Visions Anymore? Unless God has changed the way he does things it would seem that he has kept the lines open to men and women as usual. Should there be any doubt let me tell you a true story of a sequence of events in my own life. No one had more trouble believing these events than me; in fact I wouldn't tell even my closest friends for over a year. Now I think so very differently. Simple It was my intention to explain the word "simple," and by the time I put the thoughts into words it became more difficult. I am sometimes at odds with others when I say that something is simple, and I must remind them that I did not say easy, there is a big distinction between the two terms. The Divine Holographic Energy Field What is the true nature of any illness? Research in Energy Medicine is showing more and more that it is the result of a disruption in the Human Bio-field. This is the energy and information field that informs and orchestrates the functioning of one's Being at every level i.e. thinking, emotional, physical, spiritual etc. Standing in the Gap I'm weary of saying No to my children. Not just the everyday No's. Don't hit your brother and No, you cannot have 5 pieces of candy. I am weary of the No I am continually saying to our culture. The world is bound and determined to take away my children's innocence. They want my children to grow up way too fast. They want my little girl to dress like an adult. They want my little boy to know things he is way too young to know. I'm weary of saying you can't go to that movie, because it is not appropriate for your age. No, you can't wear what everyone else is wearing, because it is not appropriate. The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when my son walked in while I was watching the news. He asked me, "Mommy is it true that men can marry men and women can marry women?" "Mom, if two women marry can they have a baby?" My son is 6. I don't want to be discussing sexuality with him much less homosexuality. So, I told him that no men can't marry men and women can't marry women (for now anyway) and that women with women cannot have a baby. (Don't get me started on explaining how they can). I should not be having these discussions with my children, but I'm being forced too. What happened to childhood innocence? A Crash Course In Tarot For Newbies #1 - All About the Cards The Tarot is not just a divinatory tool, but it can also be utilized in the appropriately trained hands as a tool for providing counsel and advice with which we can navigate life. It is an antique form of divination that predates popular psychology, but has been shown to have archetypal energies that work well from a Jungian perspective. Tarot becomes a book of wisdom offering you a living parable or myth that reflects your life journey in the hands of the right Diviner. It describes a journey that mirrors your path in life. Usually the story is a direct description of what is going to happen in a particular window of time although talented readers can tell you much more than that from looking at the symbols in the cards! One of the main purposes of the use of the cards is to construct a future narrative so that you can make decisions to change your fate. Interesting? (but unnecessary) At any given moment, there are 'things' occurring within the open space of awareness. Sometimes there are inner 'things' occurring; a fleeting thought, a welling up of an emotion, a physical sensation. Sometimes there are outer 'things' occurring; an interaction, a perception of an event, an experience of some sort. Meta-Rational Thought We, the human species, stand on the threshold of a new era? Undercover Investigation It is important and necessary that we regularly spend time in purposeful self-examination. We need to take the time to examine our rationales, our pretenses, our masquerades, our motives, our justifications, and our reasoning. Kundalini and Enlightenment We all hear of the concept of the "Enlightened Master", and I do believe they exist. God Is Waiting To Bless Me In the year 2000, I went on a mission trip to Guatemala with Wycliffe Bible Translators. It was a weeklong trip where we were able to see the results of the Bible translation work in Guatemala. Before going, my friends were telling me I was going to become a missionary. I kept telling them, "No, I'm not. I'm just going to go on mission trips during the summers when school's out and I don't have to teach." Pioneering Insanity "They're crazy!" That's what they're saying about us. The majority of the people in America at this time in history do not channel spirits, do not converse with angels or aliens, do not astral project, do not know about any kind of higher vibration, and do not talk about Starseeds, Indigo Children, nor Lightworkers. They don't know anything about ancient secrets being coded into crystals nor about the healing effects of various stones. The only animals they talk to are their pets and they don't actually listen for any kind of a response. They don't talk to dead people. They have no idea what kind of a higher purpose or mission they might have been sent here to do. They have no idea what it is to have a voice from above speak to you and ask you to step out of the normal way of things to do some sort of holy spiritual work that will help guide or save humanity. They just go about their lives having no idea what it is to walk in our shoes. They call us crazy and sometimes it's difficult not to agree with them. A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #2: All About Tarot Decks If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, your first challenge is to choose a deck from the 8,000 or so published brands of fortune telling cards on the market. What works for one person often doesn't for another. Some people are comfortable reading several decks and others just identify with one deck. In my experience you will find that over time, you will grow in and out of several decks. You may also find that the deck that you prefer to use to read yourself is not the deck that you prefer to use read others. Discovery of the Soul Imagine yourself marooned on a vast deserted island. You have been there for years, struggling just to survive, living within the most basic surroundings, gathering food, using only your hands and makeshift tools to scratch out an existence. Most of your days are fully taken up with satisfying the basic needs of life. You find some comfort in talking to some of the local creatures and birds that you have befriended. Having proved to yourself that you can survive with just the bare essentials you resign yourself to the fact that you will never be rescued. Anger turns to quiet desperation, then to acceptance as you carry on with your life. ![]() |
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