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Meta-Rational Thought
We, the human species, stand on the threshold of a new era? ...The Age of Conscious Awareness. This threshold is, however, also a precipice on which we are poised and from which we cannot turn back. We must make a leap into the future, into the unknown. In order to survive that leap, we need to develop a new vision of who we are and how we fit into the rest of the universe. Humanity must undergo a transformation. We must decide to change the current image of seeing ourselves as creatures of circumstance into a new vision of seeing ourselves as creators. More distinctly, we must learn to become conscious, rather than unconscious, creators. In order for the human creature to become fully aware of its' own nature and creative potential, it must first come to understand the concept of consciousness. It is typical for most people to think of consciousness as something uniquely human-at least that state of mind referred to as self-consciousness. Some even go so far as to say that consciousness is a state that is caused by the human brain, an epiphenomenal result of brain mass, an electrochemical accident of biological evolution. Most people tend to believe that their own ability to be aware of their own consciousness is so unique and special that, in this world, and, perhaps, even in the entire universe, only Homo Sapiens is fully conscious or sentient. This is a critical error. The idea that only humans possess consciousness is a delusional deceit. Human consciousness is so enthralled with its' own discovery (ability to self-reference) that it interprets its' inability to perceive of all that which lies outside of its own perceptual abilities as evidence that consciousness is a unique activity of the human brain. The general conclusion is that consciousness is a product of mind and mind is a product of brain. Not only is that a critical philosophical error but it is also a spiritual dead end. The belief that consciousness is a product of mind prevents the individual, and our whole culture, from realizing its unity with all that is and from experiencing the state known as cosmic consciousness or transcendent consciousness. To decide that simply because something is outside of, or beyond, our normal perceptual abilities should be interpreted to mean that it is nonexistent, is the folly of fools. Human consciousness, or intellect, stares blindly at a 5 billion year-old star, which sustains not only itself, but also, all life on planet earth and perceives no conscious activity, and therefore, concludes that there is none. Modern humans also walk around on this planet, whose biosphere 'magically' enables their existence, along with the myriad of other life forms, without sensing and thus not believing in a planetary consciousness. We marvel at the complexity of matter, the behavior of our own cellular structures, and the vastness of the universe; but we decide that it is mechanistic, unconscious stuff simply obeying the laws of nature. We refuse to imagine that each and every part of the entire cosmos is conscious and acting in harmony with a creative pattern emanating from a common source-a universal consciousness. This universality of consciousness has been experienced by individuals for millennia, but has not been accepted in our modern worldview because it is non-rational. The rational approach says that what can be perceived and then validated through experience or experiment is real and all else is not. If an individual happens to have an experience of transcendence (or a glimpse of the universality of consciousness), it is either ignored by our culture or dismissed as a chemical incident of brain. It is either 'not real' or 'not really real'; that is to say, it is judged as being ethereal. Other ethereal things are sacredness and spirit. They, too, are not rational, not real. Those who have experienced the transcendent speak, almost poetically, of the spirit of things as being the true reality and assert, irrationally, that everything is sacred. In sum, they aver that the physical arises out of the metaphysical; the real emerges from the ethereal. This should not be a difficult concept even for the strictly rational mind to comprehend. We know that the cellular structure of our brain is determined by its molecular construction; molecules are predicated upon atomic combination; atoms constructed out of quantum particles; quantum particles defined by sub-quantum wavicles; sub-quantum stuff being constituted of light tied into knots-self-referencing light. The physical emerges from the metaphysical. The real from the ethereal. Brain cells emerge from light. Consciousness is in the light prior to it existing within brain cells or neural connections. What is it to self-reference? It is to be self-conscious, or conscious of being conscious. So, in order for light to self-reference with a purpose (i.e. the creation of matter), it must be filled with consciousness. It must have or be spirit. Things of the spirit are understood to be sacred. So this self-referencing, self-conscious light must be sacred. If all there is, is light, then all must be sacred. ALL. This is not a new perspective. Aboriginal cultures around the world held this view long before the 'age of reason' became our dominant mythos. Our current attitude is to dismiss this, our own historical wisdom, by labeling those beliefs as primitive, pagan, superstitious and ignorant. BUT, it is our current society's primitive conceptualization of consciousness that leads us to denigrate our environment by denying the sacredness of all things. It is our present pagan attitude that allows us to sacrifice entire species on the altar of material progress. It is our contemporary superstitious fear of our own natural surroundings that prevents us from recognizing our intimate connection to all things made manifest by this universal consciousness. It is our modern ignorance of this universality of consciousness that keeps us trapped in separation and fear. In order to learn to live in harmony with the rest of creation, and not leap to our own demise, like lemmings, off this precipice on which we stand, and in order to become enlightened creatures, we must learn to reconceptualize our understanding of consciousness. We must learn that consciousness is the non-physical source of the physical. It is what creates the tangible from the intangible. Consciousness does not arise from the physical (the brain); the physical arises from consciousness (the light). Consciousness expresses itself vibrationally, geometrically, mathematically, physically forming patterns out of the potentiality created through the process of self-referencing. Consciousness is the primal source that chooses to become matter by immersing itself in its own imagined creation through the sub-quantum dance patterns of light that spontaneously emerge to form quantum particles; then further complexify to form atoms, then molecules, then cells, then you. Every quark, every muon, every graviton, every electron, every photon and every neuron is consciousness. In order to step of the precipice into the unknown, into the void, and fly free into our creator potential, we must learn to become consciously aware creators (not just creatures) and then, intentionally, self-evolve or transmutate into becoming co-creators with universal consciousness. We need to learn, as individuals and as a culture, to become meta-rational. That is where our true potential, our potency lies. That is where our enlightenment lies. What is it to become enlightened? It is to know your self as light infused with consciousness. AND, to recognize that so too...is all else in creation... SACRED / LIGHT / CONSCIOUSNESS! © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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Life Gets Teejus, Don?t It? Those five words are from a song that I remember hearing a long time ago. It may even be the song's title. I dunno. For those of you who don't speak casual English, the word "teejus" can be translated to "tedious". Somehow it just doesn't have the same impact though. I think I'll just stick with teejus? Integrity and Spirituality The concept of integrity has arisen often in discussions of spirituality. What do we mean however when we invoke this concept in this context? What is the role of integrity in spirituality? How will we know it when we encounter it? More importantly what will be the consequence to us if we choose to remain ignorant of its crucial importance as a foundation stone to our spiritual enlightenment? Here I intend to address these questions and to give a fresh perspective on how to achieve what I will define as Spiritual Integrity. Be Still - You?ve Got To Be Kidding? Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 The Hand of God There I was living in a tiny bedroom in my parent's not-so-large, five room apartment. I had, as they say, "run out of options." My life was out of control, way out. Had it not been for mom and dad's willingness to let me stay with them, I would have been homeless living in Central Park or another one of New York City's fine parks. Years of rampant excess had brought me to my knees. Can People Really Change? MOST PEOPLE NEVER REALLY CHANGE Sure! Ill be a Millionaire! Discover Wealth and Prosperity with the Angels of Abundance I was in the bank's vault. The Brink's armored truck had just delivered several million dollars in small bills. Bags of money waited, stacked in a pile on the small counter. Methodically, I opened each and proofed the total it contained by counting the wads. I then took each wad, removed the wrapper and put the bills through the counting machine. When the machine finished, I hand counted it. The air was filled with the stuffy, musty smell of money. My hands were brown and oily from the invisible coat of dirt each bill carried. Enjoy The Journey, As There Isnt A Destination Do you spend your time working towards that "one day when?."? One day, when I have enough money I will be happy. One day, when I have the house paid off, I will be able to relax and enjoy myself more. One day, when I get a better job???. These may all seem like good destinations and desires. But when we live in this way we are 'future living'. Waiting to live the life we have always wanted sometime in the future. Unfortunately the way our brains are wired can mean that we are as soon as we arrive at one destination it doesn't seem enough, somehow we are just not as satisfied as we thought we would be and we start going after the next goal. 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Yet, it can be one of the most powerful weapons. James 3 has a lot to say about the tongue?I suggest that you read the entire chapter. (It's very short)?Anyway, verse 6 says; And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is a world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body? Whew, those are some strong words?but, wait, that's not all. Proverbs 18:21 tells us; Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it for death or life. It is scary to think that my mouth has that much power. God Loves You With the Love of God Do you ever feel that what you read in some Christian books is not really God's truth at all, but is merely the opinion of the writer, dressed up in the clothing of truth? Such books are merely imposters and are like the fig tree Jesus cursed-they look promising on the outside, but when you get up close, you find that they, like the fig tree, are barren, written for the glory of the writer and his or her ideas, not for the truth of God and his glory. 7 Ways to Stay Spiritually Balanced When we find spirituality, or it finds us, the experience feels surreal. We begin to feel like we're walking on a tightrope between two different worlds. We become ungrounded and loose touch with the physical side of life. When our spiritual mission becomes clear, it is even truer. Learning to breathe and to walk between these two experiences until they merge can be a tough balancing act. It's easy to choose and get lost in the new experience because it feels so good and so right. Regular aspects in the physical world seem less important and get set aside, many times incomplete. Universal Meaning of Celtic Knotwork In the spring of 2003, I spent three weeks in the city of Chennai, formerly known as Madras, located in Southern India. Each morning, walking before the heat of the day, I was amazed to see intricate knot work patterns drawn out free hand with flour in front of the driveways and gates of homes. These artistic scrolls, I was told by an Indian friend, were offerings to local gods, and were part of a tradition that stretched back into the ancient past. To Praise Him is to Love Him; to Love Him is to Obey His Commands Some say praising Jesus is just singing. Others say it a combination of many things. Let's see what the Bible say. In the book of Exdous 15:1-3 it says Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: I will sing to the Lord for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. Now look at Deuteronomy 32:1 it says Listen, O heavens, and I will speak; hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. They have acted corruptly toward him; to their shame they are no longer his children, but a warped and crooked generation. Is this the way you repay the Lord, O foolish and unwise people? Is he not your Father, your Creator, who made and formed you? Understanding the Gospel of Matthew and Why it Matters - Part 9 Matthew 3:4-6John Baptizes the People What The Bleep is All This Quantum Physics Stuff About? "Quantum Physics is the science of gods? Newtonian Physics is the science of the small minds of men." Wear the Message of Grace: A Work Weeks Devotions As the artist and designer for Ashbach Designs, I want more than for you to just wear a piece of pretty jewelry, I want you to wear each piece as a symbol of your faith. In keeping with this idea, I have created a work week's devotions to go with your jewelry, or another special faith symbol in your life. Each day, meditate on how you can use your jewelry to connect with others, share the message, and remind yourself where your true passion lies. Monday: Connect Colossians 2:2-3 "My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." The Power Of Prayer - Gush Katif Needs You Now You can't help but feel a sense of electricity in the air. History is unfolding, make that prophecy is being fulfilled, and will continue to be fulfilled daily from now until the coming of the Lord. The most exciting, and challenging times in human history are beginning to unfold with increased intensity each day. Conquer Your Fears I cringed lower into the seat of my grey metal desk, yearning for the faded yellow floor to swallow me into oblivion. A crimson heat spread from my forehead to my neck; my legs trembled uncontrollably. I struggled to bring my lurching stomach under control - vomiting all over my classmates was about the only thing that could worsen this nightmare. Christian Forums: The Heroic Battle Between the Forces of Good and the Demon of Anti-Access Saturday I was hangin' ten on my Dell when I ran across a Christian Forum. Not just any Christian forum, THE Christian Forum. How did I know? It said so: ChristianForum.com. ![]() |
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